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International Journal of Linguistics and Discourse Analytics Vol 2 No 1 (2020): IJOLIDA Vol.2 No.1, September 2020
Publisher : Denpasar Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52232/ijolida.v2i1.25


All languages have possessive or genitive form. However, possessive in every language differs from one language to another. Lamaholot Language of Lamalera Dialect has four forms of possessive which are often used in communicating. The use of these four forms depends on the speaker and the situation of speech. Morfonological change Phonological and morphological change occur Morphonological changes occur as a result of morphological processes. This morphonological phenomenon occurs in all forms of possessive both pronomina possessive and adjective possessive. Semantically the possessive meaning of the pronoun states ownership and intensity. Data were collected by observation. The analysis is performed using an inductive-deductive or deductive-inductive reasoning
Aplicative Construction in Lamalera Dialect of Lamaholot Language Yosef Demon; I Wayan Pastika; Ketut Artawa; I Nyoman Udayana
e-Journal of Linguistics Vol 11 No 2 (2017): eJL-July
Publisher : Doctoral Studies Program of Linguistics of Udayana University Postgraduate Program

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (482.366 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/eJL.2017.v11.i02.p05


The applicative construction is limited as (i) the creation of a new argument of inner objects and (ii) the advancement of a peripheral constituent (locative, instrumental, benefactive, and source) occupying the position of the core argument (object). Thus, applicative constructs include the creation of new objects and the advancement of peripheral arguments occupying the core argument. Each language has a strategy in getting around the applicative construction. Agglutinative languages for example, deal with morphological applicative construction. Unlike Lamalera dialect of Lamaholot language(LDLL) which is not an agglutinative language. Lamalera dialect of Lamaholot language has a morphophonogical strategy such as sound alternation or internal modification and syntactic strategy of word order. Both LDLL applicative construction strategies will be presented in this article.
RETORIKA: Jurnal Ilmu Bahasa Vol. 3 No. 2 (2017): Oktober 2017
Publisher : Magister of Linguistic, Postgraduated Program, Universitas Warmadewa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (466.111 KB) | DOI: 10.22225/jr.3.2.338.240-246


Abstract Left dislocation construction, fronting construction and topicalization construction are universal linguistic alternations. Nevertheless these three constructions have characteristics that are very different from one language to another. This distinction depends on the language system of every language. This research data is obtained from the result of conversation between speakers of Lamaholot dialect of Lamalera. The result of data analysis proves that LDLL has three alternative constructions. The use of real language in everyday communication, this alternative construction ear has a gradative usage frequency. Left dislocation construction has the lowest usage frequency while the construction of precision and topicalization construction is significant. However, the construction of forging and parsing differed from one to another. Left dislocation construction is the advancement of peripheral arguments while topicalization construction is the construction of core argument prediction. The construction of topicalization is a passive-like construction (derivative construction). Keywords: Left dislocation construction, fronting construction and topicalization construction
Various Mappings of Verb 'Seeing' in Lio Language Yosef Demon Bataona
Lingual: Journal of Language and Culture Vol 2 No 2 (2016)
Publisher : English Department, Faculty of Humanities, Udayana University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24843/LJLC.2016.v02.i02.p06


Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) is based on the theory of semantic. Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) use semantic as a detailed analysis of lexem. Detail analysis lexem is done to avoid the ambiguity of interpretation. Analysis on Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) is used to identify the natural meaning of a Bahasa Lamaholot Dialek Lamaleras verb. Natural Semantic Metalanguage (NSM) is used because (1) Contact interlanguages, (2) mobilisation of the native speaker and (3) The competence of the bilingualism of the native speaker. This is an activity to documentate the fitures of the natural meaning of Lamaholot language of Lamaleras Dialect verb, especially verb that state ‘catch the fish’, such as ‘leo, pasa, tufa, bitu, v?to, tivang, v?da, nuang, puk?t, tuba, dop?, blik?, sajo, h?p?k, tiv? kep, baong.
Lingue : Jurnal Bahasa, Budaya, dan Sastra Vol 3, No 2 (2021): Kajian Linguistik
Publisher : LP2M IAIN Ambon

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33477/lingue.v3i2.2128


 ABSTRAKTulisan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran tentang nilai aqidah dan akhlak yang terdapat dalam novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah karya Taufiqurrahman Al- Azizy. Novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah Karya Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy menggambarkan tentang seorang anak perempuan yang ingin menempuh jalan suci seperti ibunda Mariam dan Rabiahtul al-Adawiah karena dia ingin mengabdikan dirinya hanya untuk beribadah kepada Allah SWT, tetapi keinginannya untuk berjuang sang ayah dalam menemukan kebenaran dalam melihat pilihan hidupnya itu. Nilai aqidah dan akhlak yang dipegang teguh oleh para tokoh yang cerita cerita. Dari paparan tersebut, maka rumusan masalah yang diangkat adalah 1) aqidah dalam novel3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah karya Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy? 2) Nilai akhlak dalam novel 3 Wali 1Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah karya Taufiqurrahman Al- Azizy? Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menemukan dan mendeskripsikan nilai aqidah dan akhlak dalam novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah karya Taufiqurrahman Al- Azizy.Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif. Data dalam penelitian ini adalah data primer dan sumber data yang diperoleh yakni Novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah karya Taufiqurrahman Al-Azizy. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah teknik baca, teknik catat dan teknik penandaan. Teknik analisis data yakni menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah menemukan metode kepustakaan. Adapun teori yang digunakan sebagai referensi dalam penelitian ini adalah teori.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa nilai aqidah dan akhlak yang terkandung dalam novel 3 Wali 1 Bidadari Lelaki Pilihan Abah karya Taufiqurrahman Al- Azizy adalah sebagai berikut: 1) Nilai Aqidah meliputi: a) Iman kepada Allah, b) Iman kepada Rasul, c) Iman kepada Kitab Allah, d) Iman kepada Hari Akhir, e) Iman kepada Kada dan Kadar. 2) Nilai Akhlak meliputi: a) Sabar, b) Ikhlas, c) Jujur, d) Suka Menolong, e) Amanah, f) Bekerja Keras, g) Rendah Hati.
Ri'e Hikun Liman Wanan Communication Media with Rera Wulan Tana Ekan Yosef Demon; Veronika Genua
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): RIELS Journal, June
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v1i1.34


The traditional people's belief in God as the Supreme Cause of the universe can be expressed in various ways. The methods used are the inner representation of traditional society of the existence of a God who created the heavens and the earth. The Lamaholot people refer to God as Rera Wulan Tana Ekan 'Creator of Heaven and Earth' in a cultural perspective. Rera Wulan Tana Ekan in the perspective of Lamaholot culture is the Highest Being who is believed to have perfect abilities such as creating, maintaining, maintaining, even destroying. These particularities of Rera Wulan Tana Ekan are the basis for the importance of intense communication between humans and Rera Wulan Tana Ekan God’. Ri'e Hikun Liman Wanan ‘right hand corner of the house’ is a medium of human communication with Rera Wulan Tana Ekan ‘God’.
Acquiring Indonesian for 3-5 Year Olds in the Children Study Group of Wolosoko Village, Wolowaru District, Ende Regency Yosef Demon; Veronika Genua
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): RIELS Journal, June
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v2i2.258


This study aims to objectively find and describe the acquisition of Indonesian for children aged 3-5 years in the Wolosoko Village Children Study Group, Wolowaru District, Ende Regency (abbreviated as WVCSG). This paper elaborates on the acquisition and the factors that influence the acquisition of Indonesian for children aged 3-5 years at the WVCSG. This research uses a qualitative approach. An approach that emphasizes the originality of the data natural, the researcher acts as a key instrument, the data is collected using the technique of engaging, face-to-face, record and documentation. The data were analyzed using an inductive reasoning model. The theoretical basis of this paper uses Psycholinguistic theory. The results of the study prove that phonologically, children aged 3-5 years are not able to pronounce the sounds [r], [ng], [ny], [y] and [k] perfectly, while children aged 5 years are already able to pronounce these two sounds. perfectly. Morphologically, children aged 3-5 years are able to use basic words and rephrases, while children aged 5 years are able to use three word forms (basic words, rephrases and affix words). Syntactically, children aged 3-5 are able to communicate using 2-3 words while children aged 5 years are able to use 2-5 words in communicating.
Inflexive Marker and Morphophonological Processes in the Lamalera Dialect of Lamaholot Language (LDLL) Yosef Demon; Veronika Genua
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): RIELS Journal, September
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v2i3.306


Inflection is a universal linguistic phenomenon. The phenomenon of inflection occurs in every language according to each language system. The language system of each language greatly determines the peculiarities of the language inflection. Inflection in a language that is agglutinative is different from that in a language that has a synthetic, tonal and isolating system. The treatment of each language is different for this case of inflection. Lamalera Dialect of Lamaholot Language (LDLL) also shows inflection. Inflection in LDLL is different from inflection in other languages ​​because of the language system, especially the LDLL sound system. LDLL is not characterized by agglutinative, nor synthetic, tonal nor isolating morphology. What is the strategy for inflection in LDLL? The result of the study shows that in LDLL, inflection is expressed clitically on the verb. These clitics are cross-referenced by the verbs. There are two types of cross-reference clitics, namely cross-referencing proclitics and enclitics. Proclitic cross-referencing applies to both transitive and intransitive root verbs. This form of cross-referencing pronouns is both proclitic and enclitic, and morphophonological changes actually occur. This process cannot be avoided because morphophonological processes actually occur due to merging of the morpheme with another morpheme. In this case the clitic is considered as bound morpheme.
Morphophonemics in the Lamalera Dialect of Lamaholot Yosef Demon
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): RIELS Journal, March
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v3i1.414


Every language has differences and similarities in its linguistic systems. This is based on the assumption that the languages used by humans around the world come from one common ancestor. However, there are phenomena which are peculiar to each language. Morphophonemic alternation is a universal phenomenon. This means that all languages have this phenomenon. However, there are interesting peculiarities, for example, the morphophonemic alternations in agglutinative languages differ from isolating languages, tonal languages and inflecting languages. Lamaholot language is is not agglutinative, nor is it anlative (?) nor is it tonal. As a language characterized by neither agglutination, isolation nor tone, Lamaholot language has interesting morphophonemic phenomena to study. There is an elision or elimination of sounds, there is the addition or insertion of sounds, there is the preservation of sounds and certain sounds that are altered due to the addition of other sounds. This uniqueness occurs because Lamaholot Language does not have verb affixes as a strategy for morphophonemic change.
Character Identification in a Breastless Novel by Betty Sitorus Yosef Demon; Sehandi Yohanes
Randwick International of Education and Linguistics Science Journal Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): RIELS Journal, March
Publisher : RIRAI Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47175/rielsj.v4i1.619


Factual social phenomena related to life and human life are a source of inspiration that never runs dry for a writer of literary works. The Novel Breastless by Betty Sitorus is a work of fiction based on the fact that cancer sufferers are suffering. This study seeks to reveal how the main character in the novel Breastless by Betty Sitorus fights cancer? Thus the purpose of this study is to identify the main character in the novel Breastless Betty Sitorus' work against cancer. The approach used is a qualitative approach the research method used is the library method and is enhanced by reading, note-taking and underlining techniques. The theory used is the theory of Literary Psychology. The results of this study prove that the main character in the novel Breastless Betty Sitorus' works include a number of characters such as shock, anxiety, fear, compassion, patience, optimism, alertness, belief in traditional medicine, confidence, and positive thinking.