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Jurnal Bahana Kesehatan Masyarakat (Bahana of Journal Public Health) Vol 13 No 4 (2016): Jurnal Poltekkes Jambi
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Jambi

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Primary school age children which is the forerunner of the nation's future should receive specialattention, and its potential needs to be developed continuously since the early stage. Nutritional problemsat elementary school children, both the prevalence of malnutrition and over nutrition is still quite high.Physical fitness in school children is also low, but is vital to the child's ability to carry out any physical activity that have an impact on improving performance.The type of research is non-experimental (observational) analytical with cross sectional approach.. Subjects were grade 4-6 SDN Jatirasa III Bekasi. The research was conducted in October s / d inDecember 2014. Data analysis cover; univariate, bivariate with Sommer's test, multivariate logistic regression analysis multinomial.The results showed physical activity respondents mostly mild (52.2%), 65.4% of respondentshave a good nutritional status. None of the respondents have the habit of smoking. Most respondents(78.7%) physical fitness were excellent and good. Both physical activity and nutritional status have contributed to the physical fitness, but physical activity was the most dominant variable with an OR of 3.9,while the nutritional status of only 1.5.
Korelasi Persepsi terhadap Kebutuhan Fisioterapi Antenatal untuk Mengatasi Masalah Muskuloskeletal Ibu Hamil Roikhatul Jannah; Dwi Agustina; Windya Puspa Faradisa
Quality : Jurnal Kesehatan Vol. 13 No. 1 (2019): Quality : Jurnal Kesehatan
Publisher : Politeknik Kesehatan Kemenkes RI Jakarta I

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (477.894 KB) | DOI: 10.36082/qjk.v13i1.55


The changes of hormone and anatomy results in musculoskeletal problem in pregnant women. Physiotherapy plays important role during pregnancy. However, in Indonesia, the number of attendants to antenatal physiotherapy was limited. This was thought to be associated to the perception of pregnant women toward the need of services. The present study aims to determine the factors related to pregnant women’s perception towards need of antenatal physiotherapy services in Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung. Target population of this cross sectional study was all pregnant women in Puskesmas Kecamatan Cipayung among 103 participants who purposively selected were interview. Analysis data using univariate and bivariate analysis (Chi Square test). The majoririty of education level, working status, and income level were respectivelly senior high school (61.2%), unemployee (82.5%), and Rp2.500.000-3.500.000 (37.9%). Furthermore, most of respondents complain on musculoskeletal disorder especially low back pain, namelly (63.1%) while their lack of knowledge on physiotherapy was 70.9%, and perception towards the need of antenatal physiotherapy service with indicator “no need�? was counted 52,4%. p value between perception toward need of antenatal physiotherapy with education, income, knowledge level and working status were p=0.041, p=0.001, p=0.000, and p=0.314. Results reveal that education level, income level, and knowledge were significant factors affecting pregnant women’s perception towards antenatal physiotherapy services meanwhile working status was not significant.It is recommended to promote physiotherapy services for better play role on women health improvement.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan Vol 4 No 2 (2017): Maret
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (929.464 KB) | DOI: 10.32668/jitek.v4i2.52


The prevalence of obesity is tend to increase both in the world and in Indonesia, and a higher prevalence in women. Obesity is a risk factor of various degenerative diseases such as coronary heart disease and stroke, musculoskeletal disorders, especially osteoarthritis, diabetes mellitus and cancer. One exercise that is appropriate for treating obesity is Pilates exercise which is a muscle contraction exercises that are low impact. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of Pilates Exercise on obese level 1 women's body mass index. The type of research was experimental with pre-experimental research design. The experiment was conducted in late April-May 2016 in Bumi Dirgantara Permai. The number of sample was 15 obese level 1women. Pilates exercises was given for one hour three times a week for 5 weeks. Analysis of the data include univariate and bivariate with the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test for checking normality data and Paired t-test for testing IMT different before and after intervention. Results: The mean BMI before intervention was 25.74 kg / m2 and after the intervention of 26.44 kg / m2. The reduction in BMI of 0.7 kg / m2, with test results p value of 0.0001 indicated the difference in IMT before and after the intervention were significant. Conclusion:To maintain the IMT and improve posture, Pilates Exercise should be done regularly.
Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kesehatan Vol 3 No 2 (2016): Maret
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (132.954 KB)


Background: The increasing number of elderly people needs special attention particularly to improve the quality of their lives. Elderly gymnastic at Posyandu is one of the government's efforts to achieve a healthy old age. Elderly gymnastics affect the increase in musculoskeletal fitness, associated with increased general health status, reducing the risk of chronic disease and disability. Objective: To identify the influencing factors of elderly gymnastics participation at Posyandu. Methodology: Descriptive analytical observational with cross sectional approach. Research conducted at the Elderly Posyandu in Puskesmas Jatiwarna Bekasi working area on August - November 2015. Data analysis included univariate, bivariate with Chi Square, multivariate with binary logistic regression enter method. Results: Most elderly (59%) participated elderly gymnastics regularly. Variable Posyandu distance <0.5-1 km was the most dominant variables contributed to the OR at 11 times greater than those who lived within < 0,5km from posyandu. Conclusion: To attract elderly participate gymnastics elderly regularly, the elderly gymnastic activities should be carried out as close as possible to the residence of the elderly
Hubungan Pengetahuan, Sikap, dan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Tindakan Cuci Tangan Untuk Pencegahan Covid-19 Pada Mahasiswa Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III Erna Sariana; Dwi Agustina
Jurnal Untuk Masyarakat Sehat (JUKMAS) Vol 5, No 2 (2021): Jurnal Untuk Masyarakat Sehat (JUKMAS)
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Respati Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52643/jukmas.v5i2.1463


ABSTRAKPendahuluan: WHO sudah menetapkan Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) sebagai pandemi. Meluasnya penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia mengakibatkan berbagai upaya pencegahan digalakkan, salah satunya melalui tindakan cuci tangan. Dari beberapa penelitian ilmiah menunjukkan bahwa tindakan cuci tangan menggunakan pembersih, dinilai sangat penting kaitannya dengan upaya pencegahan penyakit covid-19. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan tingkat pengetahuan, sikap, dan dukungan keluarga dengan tindakan cuci tangan dalam upaya pencegahan penyakit Covid-19 pada mahasiswa Program Studi Sarjana Terapan Fisioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Jakarta III. Metodologi: Jenis penelitian adalah deskriptif dengan desain cross sectional (potong lintang). Sampel adalah sebagian mahasiswa Sarjana Terapan Fisioterapi yaitu 120 orang, yang dipilih dengan metode proporsional random sampling. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Juli – September 2020. Data dikumpulkan menggunakan kuesioner melalui G-Form. Analisa data terdiri dari univariat, bivariat (uji Kai Kuadrat), dan multivariat (uji Regresi Logistik). Hasil penelitian: sebagian besar tindakan cuci tangan responden termasuk kategori baik (65,0%), responden memiliki pengetahuan tinggi (59,2%), sikap positif (57,5%), dan dukungan keluarga baik (56,7%). Hasil analisis bivariat, seluruh variabel memiliki hubungan bermakna dengan tindakan cuci tangan, yaitu pengetahuan (p = 0,013 dan OR = 2,827, sikap (p = 0,029 dan OR = 2,519), dan dukungan keluarga (p = 0,0001 dan OR = 7,649). Hasil analisis multivariat, faktor dominan paling tinggi yang mempengaruhi tindakan cuci tangan adalah pengetahuan (OR = 2,969). Saran: agar pihak kampus dapat memberikan pendidikan kesehatan, pemasangan pesan kesehatan di lingkungan kampus tentang pentingnya pencegahan Covid-19, menyediakan sarana cuci tangan yang mendukung. AbstractIntroduction: WHO has established COVID-19 as a pandemic. The widespread spread of Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) in Indonesia has led to various prevention efforts, one of which is through hand washing. From several scientific studies showing that the act of washing hands using a cleanser, is considered very important relation to efforts to prevent diseases that can be transmitted through hand media, such as covid-19 disease. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of the level of knowledge, attitudes, and family support with handwashing in the prevention of Covid-19 disease in students of the D-IV Physiotherapy Study Program at the Ministry of Health Jakarta III. Metodology: This type of research is descriptive with cross sectional design. Samples are 120 D-IV Physiotherapy students, who will be selected by proportional random sampling method. The research will be conducted in July - September 2020. Data were collected using a questionnaire given through the G-Form. Data analysis consisted of univariate, bivariate, and multivariate. The results of the study: most of the respondents washing their hands was in the good category (65.0%), the respondents had high knowledge (59.2%), positive attitudes (57.5%), and good family support (56.7%). The results of the bivariate analysis, all variables had a significant relationship with the act of washing hands in students, namely knowledge (p = 0.013 and OR = 2.827, attitude (p = 0.029 and OR = 2.519), and family support (p = 0.0001 and OR = 7,649) The result of multivariate analysis, the most dominant factor affecting the act of washing hands is knowledge (OR = 2.969). Suggestions: so that the campus can provide health education, post health messages in the campus environment about the importance of preventing Covid-19, provide washing facilities supportive hand.