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Jurnal Otoranpur Vol. 3 No. Mei (2022): Jurnal Otoranpur
Publisher : Pustaka Poltekad

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.54317/oto.v3iMei.235


Perang modern saat ini telah bergantung pada informasi, peralatan tempur (tank) berperan penting selama masa perang, terlepas dari dimensi laras tank pemeliharaan setelah penembakan masih manual, dilakukan perhitungan dan pemilihan jenis pompa pada perencanaan sistem pembangkit tekanan pompa diperlukan untuk mengalirkan fluida. Metode perhitungan didasarkan pada tahapan perhitungan diameter pipa dan kecepatan fluida, kehilangan karena gesekan dalam pipa. Dari hasil perhitungan yang di lakukan di peroleh hasil diameter pipa 3 mm, head total pompa 1,8840 m, dipilih pompa sentrifugal, daya listrik 436 Watt, factor keamanan adalah 1,2, daya pompa serta kapasitas atau debit pompa dipilih pompa type 2HM5, dengan spesifikasi daya 0,6 HP, daya listrik 550 Watt, 220V/AC 50 Hz, 1 phase, jenis motor capasitor lowara type 2HM5. Kata kunci : Pompa, pipa, leopard.
Kaji teoritis EMS (Engine Management System) dengan variasi temperatur air pendingin dan beban kerja pada kondisi stasioner pada kendaraan Toyota Avanza Angga Wahyu Pramayudha; Gunarko Gunarko; Ardyanto Darmanto; F A Widiharsa
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 9, No 2 (2020): Jurnal Turbo Desember 2020
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v9i2.1180


EMS is a control system on the engine to regulate the proper mixing of air and fuel, accurate ignition timing, and control of other systems on the engine, according to the conditions and workload of the vehicle. The EMS component consists of sensors, ECU, and actuator. Engine control is fully regulated by the ECU. After getting data from the sensor, the ECU sensor will signal the actuator to control the engine, so that the work of the engine can be controlled according to the conditions of the engine. The effect of the cooling water temperature sensor is very large at stationary (Idle Speed Control/ISC). This research method is carried out by varying the temperature of cooling water (Engine Coolant Temperature/ECT) to get the mass of gasoline, air mass, air fuel ratio, engine speed, ignition angle, and gasoline consumption at each ISC load. The results of the research and data processing show that gasoline consumption will decrease every time the cooling water temperature increases. The AC (Air Conditioner) load ranges from 1,123 x 10-2 to 2,164 x 10-2 kg/hour, the power steering load ranges from 6,311 x 10-3 to 9,482 x 10-3 kg/hour, the electrical load ranges from 6,608 x 10-3 to 7,876 x 10-3 kg/hour and without load ranges from 6,024 x 10-3 to 7,920 x 10-3kg/hour. From these data it can be concluded that the effect of the ECT sensor is very large on engine performance at stationary rotation (ISC).Keywords: Sensor, ECU, Actuator.
RANCANG BANGUN RODA TANPA UDARA (AIRLESS TYRE) UNTUK BEBAN MAKSIMAL KENDARAAN 40.000 N Agus Mulyono; Ardyanto Darmanto; Gunarko Gunarko; Harnyoto Harnyoto; Farid Hendro Wibowo
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (382.838 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v7i2.813


        Tyres without air / Airless Tyre do not have Tyres like most Tyres. Airless Tyre or airless Tyre designed to have a hexagonal / beehive spoke profile where this design will receive the same style as Tyres with air. Design of this airless Tyre using polyol and isocyanate material for flexible spoke wheel material, while the tread material uses natural rubber material added additive reinforcement.Before the spoke printing process is carried out a simulation to determine the strength of the material and the design that was designed, after which a mechanical test of rubber material was carried out to determine the physical strength of the material. After that, the printing process and the overall assembly are carried out and tested on the vehicle. Keywords:  Airless Tyre, Honey comb design,  Poliol and natural rubber.
RANCANG BANGUN SISTEM HIDROLIK PADA MERIAM ARTILERI PERTAHANAN UDARA (57 MM) RETROFIT Gunawan Pakki; Kusnadi Kusnadi; Ardyanto Darmanto; Gunarko Gunarko; Aristha Aristha
TURBO [Tulisan Riset Berbasis Online] Vol 7, No 2 (2018): Desember 2018
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1288.619 KB) | DOI: 10.24127/trb.v7i2.816


Meriam 57 mm Retrofit merupakan salah satu alat utama sistem persenjataan (alutsista) yang dimiliki satuan Batalyon Arhanudse untuk menghalau serangan udara. Pada pergeseran meriam dari pangkalan menuju ke medan latihan/tempur atau sebaliknya, perlu dilakukan perubahan sikap angkut pada meriam terlebih dahulu. Perubahan sikap tempur ke sikap angkut pada meriam masih menggunakan pompa manual, yaitu mengayunkan tuas pompa manual untuk mengalirkan minyak hidrolik dari tangki ke silinder bogie. Piston di dalam silinder bogie akan naik sehingga terjadilah perubahan dari sikap tempur ke sikap angkut. Penggunaan pompa manual ini kurang efektif karena selain menguras tenaga, waktu pemompaan juga relatif lama ± 1 menit. Berdasarkan hal tersebut diatas, telah dirancang sistem hidrolik untuk perubahan sikap angkut pada meriam tersebut yang terdiri dari gear pump, hydraulic hose, katup-katup, inverter, motor listrik AC. Dengan memanfaatkan sumber listrik dari baterai meriam yang diubah dari arus DC menjadi arus AC oleh inverter sehingga menggerakkan motor listrik. Ketika motor listrik dihidupkan gear pump ikut berputar karena satu poros dengannya. Gear pump akan menghisap minyak dari tangki dan memompanya kedalam silinder bogie melalui hydraulic hose dan katup-katup yang terpasang. Sehingga terjadilah perubahaan sikap angkut yang lebih efesien tenaga dan waktu. Kata kunci : meriam, silinder bogie, gear pump, motor listrik.
Analisa Kerugian Head Akibat Perluasan Dan Penyempitan Penampang Pada Sambungan 90o Ahmad Yani; Ratnawati; Ardyanto Darmanto
Jurnal Teknik Juara Aktif Global Optimis Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): June
Publisher : STTI Bontang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1786.505 KB) | DOI: 10.53620/jtg.v1i1.10


PVC pipe (polyvinyl chloride), galvanized, and stainless steel are types of pipes that are widely used, especially for delivering clean water to people's homes or in the industrialized world. This research was conducted by collecting data such as: flow rate (Q), pressure height (h), pipe flow velocity (v), time (s), and head loss (H), data were collected and calculated to determine pressure loss, effect variations in discharge changes and loss coefficients. From the experimental results, it was found that for the narrowing of the cross section at a discharge of 25 liters / second the value of the head loss was greater, which was located in the galvanic pipe, namely 0.09568, then followed by a discharge of 20 liters / second the value was 0.06454 and a discharge of 15 ltr / second the value was 0 , 03723. While the smallest value in panampang narrowing lies in PVC pipe, at a discharge of 25 ltr / second the value is 0.05957, at a discharge of 20 ltr / second the value is 0.03989 and at a discharge of 15 ltr / second the value is 0.02303. Likewise in the expansion of the cross-section, the greatest value lies in the galvanized pipe. For a debit of 25 ltr / second the value obtained is 0.03526, a debit of 20 ltr / second the value is 0.02355, a debit of 15 ltr / second the value is 0.01352. While the smallest value is located on the stainless steel pipe, the value is 0.02688 for the flow rate of 25 liters / second, the value for 20 liters / second is 0.01811, the value for 15 liters / second is 0.01044.
Pengaruh bahan baku sampah sayuran dan buah terhadap produksi biogas menggunakan starter Effective Mikroorganisme 4 Dwi Irawan; Wahyudi Saipulloh; Ardyanto Darmanto
ARMATUR : Artikel Teknik Mesin & Manufaktur Vol 3 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Armatur
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24127/armatur.v3i2.2865


Vegetable and fruit waste in traditional markets is very abundant, consisting of several waste materials left over from the sorting process for sale such as kale, cabbage, spinach, mustard greens, sweet potato leaves, cassava leaves and broccoli. Then fruit waste such as oranges, salak, melons, watermelons, and mangoes also adorn the market. In fact, the rest of the vegetables and fruits that are only used as waste can be used as materials to be processed to produce alternative energy, namely biogas. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of vegetable and fruit waste raw materials with the addition of effective microorganisms (EM4) on the production and pressure of the biogas produced. The research was carried out with variations of raw materials for vegetable and fruit waste with a ratio of 50%; 50%, 60% ; 40%, and 60% ; 40%. The results in comparison 1 obtained a mass of 0.03169 kg with a pressure of 14751 N/m2, while in the second comparison, better results were obtained, the resulting pressure was 2552, 62 N/m2 and the mass obtained was 0.0323956 kg, then in the third comparison, the resulting pressure is 11635.66 N/m2 with a mass obtained of 0.315107 kg.