Fitra Syawal Harahap
Program Studi Agroteknologi, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Labuhanbatu

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KONSERVASI KAWASAN PESISIR DI DESA PULAU KAMPAI KECAMATAN PANGKALAN SUSU KABUPATEN LANGKAT MELALUI PENANAMAN POHON MANGROVE Fitra Syawal Harahap; Hilwa Walida; Badrul Ainy Dalimunthe; Asnan Siregar; Rini Susanti; Ida Zulfida; Laila Nazirah; Abdul Rauf; Zuriani Ritonga; Rahmawaty Rahmawaty; Ida Rumia Manurung
MINDA BAHARU Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Minda Baharu
Publisher : Universitas Riau Kepulauan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33373/jmb.v5i1.2881


Dalam penanggulangan dan pencegahan kerusakan ekosistem hutan dan lahan pertanian, keterlibatan para pihak sangat diperlukan, baik dari sejak perencanaan hingga implementasi kegiatan. Keterlibatan masyarakat dalam merealisasikan teknologi pemanfaatan lahan pada setiap kegiatan sosial-ekonominya sangat penting dengan prinsip dasar pada perbaikan kapasitas penyerapan (infiltrasi) dan kapasistas penyimpanan tanah terhadap air (memperbesar daya jerap dan daya simpan tanah terhadap air). Teknologi pemanfaatan lahan, seperti penanaman pohon, manajemen tanah dan pemupukan merupakan rentetan teknologi pengelolaan DAS yang penting dan memerlukan keterlibatan semua pihak, termasuk masyarakat. Adapun metode kegiatan yang diterapkan dalam kegiatan ini menggunakan metode, ceramah, diskusi, simulasi, dan penyuluhan. Sasaran dari kegiatan ini yaitu kelompok tani pulau kampai, Anak-anak sekolah, dan masyarakat sekitar pantai. Berbekal informasi inilah, kegiatan Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat dilakukan untuk lebih memberikan wawasan pada masyarakat di Desa Pulau Kampai tentang pemgelolaan hutan mangrove melalui penanaman pohon-pohon mangrove dan manajemen tanah dan pemupukan. Dari hasil kegiatan tersebut, penanaman pohon mangrove berjalan dengan lancar sesuai dengan yang direncanakan, hal ini terlihat jumlah pohon mangrove yang 500 batang 1 bulan setelah selesai kegiatan terlihat tumbuh dengan baik. Disamping itu juga masyarakat terlihat sangat antusias dalam menjaga lingkungan setelah kegiatan selesai.
Analysis of Peat Soil Chemical Properties in Oil Palm Plantation in Simpang Kanan Village, Rokan Hilir Regency vivi indah sari; Badrul Ainy Dalimunthe; Fitra Syawal Harahap; Hilwa Walida
JURNAL AGRONOMI TANAMAN TROPIKA (JUATIKA) Vol 4 No 2 (2022): Volume 4 No. 2 Tahun 2022, Jurnal Agronomi Tanaman Tropika (JUATIKA)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36378/juatika.v4i2.1939


This ecosystem change results in changes in chemical, physical, and biological characteristics and properties. The fertility level of peatlands can be determined through an analysis of the chemical properties of the soil. Therefore, the analysis of the chemical properties of the soil, including the analysis of the main nutrient content, was carried out from November 2021 to January 2022 in Simpang Kanan Village, Simpang Kanan District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province. Farmers in Simpang Kanan Village use marginal land, that is peat soil to develop oil palm farming. This research was conducted using the free grid method at the semi-detailed survey level. The implementation of taking soil samples from 3 sample points with a distance of 100 meters in the field using a random method scattered at predetermined points. Farmers in Simpang Kanan Village use marginal peat soil to cultivate oil palm plantations. So far, no analysis of the chemical properties of peat soil has been carried out. Application of fertilizers and cultivation is only based on knowledge from the internet or from previous generations. Therefore, it is important to study the analysis of the chemical properties of soil from peatlands used for oil palm plantations. The results of research on the chemical properties of peatlands in Simpang Kanan Village, Simpang Kanan District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province showed that the peat soil planted with oil palm in Simpang Kanan Village had a pH of around 4.89, C-organic 6.07%, N-Total 1 ,67 mg/L , P-Total 34.08 mg/L , K-Total 11.54 mg/L. Thus, the chemical properties of the soil in oil palm plantations in Simpang Kanan Village, Simpang Kanan District, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau Province. Still good, to increase fertility for oil palm cultivation, it can be done by increasing the pH in the soil so that it maximizes oil palm development and can be used as a recommendation for oil palm fertilization.
Pemberian Pupuk Urea dan Pupuk Kandang Lembu Terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produksi Tanaman Sawi Hijau (Brassica Juncea L.) Fitra Syawal Harahap; Febri Khoiri Sagala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/agroplasma.v9i1.2696


The application of urea and cow manure on ultisol soil for mustard greens (Brassica Juncea L) aims to determine the treatment of cattle fertilizer on increasing leaf area, root volume and plant fresh weight. as well as the interaction of giving oxen fertilizer (t/ha) and urea fertilizer to mustard greens. This research was conducted in N4 Village with a height of 18 meters above sea level in Labuhanbatu Regency from December 2020 to March 2021. The study will be conducted with a factorial group design. The first factor is the provision of factorial Randomized Block Design (RAK) which consists of 2 factors, the first factor is Ox manure (K) which consists of 3 levels and the second factor is the provision of Urea fertilizer which consists of 2 dose levels, so that 6 treatment combinations are obtained. - 4 replicates each, resulting in 24 plots. Each plot consisted of 25 plants and 5 plants were taken as samples. Parameters observed were plant height (cm), number of leaves (strands), leaf area (cm2), root volume (ml) and plant fresh weight (g). The data obtained from the results of the study were statistically analyzed by means of variance and continued with the Duncan's New Multiple Range Test (DNMRT) at a level of 5%. The results of the study. urea dose of 100 kg/ha was able to produce an increase in leaf area, root volume and plant fresh weight. As well as the interaction of the application of ox-fertilizer (t/ha) and urea fertilizer gave a significant effect on the parameters of leaf area, root volume and plant fresh weight.
Persiapan Olah Tanah di Lahan Praktek Universitas Labuhanbatu pada Jenis Cacing Tanah di Beberapa Vegetasi Tanaman Fitra Syawal Harahap; Azis Cibro; Iman Arman; Fauzi Ahmad Syawaluddin; Abdul Rauf

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36987/agroplasma.v10i1.3616


First tillage is the process of rearranging lumps of soil and the structure of the soil into crumbs, which allows for faster water infiltration, sufficient air exchange, and the control of weeds. Tillage work is preparation for planting.The role that earthworms play as a fertilizer for the soil as a whole, particularly their capacity to enhance soil properties like nutrient availability, organic matter decomposition, mineral weathering, and others in order to boost soil productivity.The purpose of this study was to determine the earthworm population level in Lalang, No Vegetation, Corn Districts using a variety of land preparation and weed management strategies.From July to October 2022, Labuhanbatu University hosted three local plant vegetation studies: Lalang, No Vegetation, and Maize.The quadratic method and hand sorting were used to observe earthworms, plot plots were made with a 30 x 30 cm frame, and soil samples were taken.each frame as deep as 20 cm, and then placed in the container.After sampling begins between 8:00 and 11:00 WIB, the soil is sorted for earthworms.After being collected and cleaned, the earthworms were counted, placed in a sample bottle, and preserved with 70% alcohol. The earthworm samples were then taken to the Animal Systematic Laboratory to be identified and the number of individuals of each type found was counted.The morphology of 70% alcohol-preserved earthworms was examined under a microscope to first group them by type and then to identify them.Analysis of the Data The population density, relative density, frequency of presence, and composition of the earthworms as well as the number of individuals of each type that were obtained were all taken into consideration.There are two families of earthworm species in the Corn District: Glossoscoleadae (Pontoscolex and Megascolex species) and Megascolecidae (Megascolex species), according to the findings of research and identification carried out on land preparation for planting corn, weeds, and land without vegetation. There is only one Megascolecidae family-Megascolex speciesin the Lalang District, and there is only one Megascolecidae familyPeryonix specieswithout vegetation. Keywords:Labuhanbatu University, various kinds of vegetation, land management, and earth worms 
Estimation Of Soil Erodibility On Different Land Covers In Urung Kompas Village, South Rantau District, Labuhanbatu Regency Wan Yuli Ferdiansyah; Fitra Syawal Harahap; Hilwa Walida; Ika Ayu Putri Septiyani
International Journal of Science and Environment (IJSE) Vol. 3 No. 3 (2023): August 2023
Publisher : CV. Inara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51601/ijse.v3i3.73


There will be widespread damage to the land as a result of land degradation, particularly to forest land. Changes in land use from extremely durable vegetation to escalated agrarian land make the dirt all the more handily disintegrated. One of the deciding variables of disintegration is soil disintegration and soil cover vegetation. Soil erodiability is the typical measure of soil lost every year per unit of the file, while the land cover is helpful for safeguarding the dirt from the danger of harm by disintegration and further developing soil conditions. The exploration was done from October 2022 to June 2023. In January 2013, field sampling was carried out. The technique utilized in this study was the review strategy and the purposive examining technique. Choose three points of observation. Then, in the laboratory, data analysis and field observation. Assessment of soil erodibility is completed by taking soil tests, deciding soil structure, soil porousness in the field, and deciding soil surface and natural matter for examination in the research center. Distinguishing proof of disintegration by taking documentation of kinds of disintegration that alludes to references and realities tracked down in the field. To decide the worth of erodibility (soil aversion to disintegration) utilizing a nomograph (soil erosibility). Results of the Study Soil erodibility on oil palm land in the Urung Kompas Village was low to medium, ranging from 0.17 to 0.26. The research site on oil palm land in the Urung Kompas subdistrict has five types of erosion: trench erosion, splash erosion, sheet erosion, furrow erosion, and landslides.