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The Effect Of “The Venn Diagram” As A Cooperative Learning Strategy to Improve Reading Comprehension in Legal Description Texts During the Covid-19 Pandemic Period: As a Simple Quasy Experimental Approach With A Non Equivalent Control Group in English Spesific Purpose Design For the Sariah Faculty of Constitutional Law Ferri Susanto
Edu-Ling: Journal of English Education and Linguistics Vol. 5 No. 1 (2021): December
Publisher : English Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/edu-ling.v5i1.2524


The research was to find the simple effect of a graphic organizer which is one of the cooperative learning strategies by using Venn diagrams to improve reading comprehension of descriptive texts in English class for Law IAIN Bengkulu. The Venn Diagram has a positive effect on students. The research is Quays experimental with a non-equivalent control group design in English Specific Purpose for Law. The populations were second-semester students of the Faculty of Law. They are class A consisting of 16 students as an experimental class (international class) and class B consisting of 16 students (international class) as a control class. The totality sample is used, the researcher took the sixth step, namely; first, students were given Pre-Test for both classes to determine the experimental and the control class. Second, giving treatment for three meetings in the experimental and control classes. Third, the researcher conducted a Post-Test, in the experimental and control classes to determine the effect of the Venn Diagram. Fourth, the researcher analyzed the test using the assessment criteria. Fifth, the researcher used the t-test formula to determine the significance of the use of it from the experimental class. Sixth discusses conclusions based on the data. The results indicate that Venn Diagrams can improve students' understanding of reading descriptive texts. It can be seen after being calculated by the T-test formula that the T-Count is higher than the T-table (2.25 > 2.0423) and the average value of the two classes increased by about 9.68 points for the experimental class and 2.19 points for the control class that it has a positive effect on students' law. Furthermore, suggested that the Venn diagram is applied by students for reading comprehension.
Cybernetic Tthinking: Serealist and Wholist style as an English Grammar Pproblem Ssolving Learning Pperspective during a pandemic Ferri Susanto; Ali Khan; Changjiang Deng; Kaufmann Cardinal
Al-Hijr: Journal of Adulearn World Vol. 1 No. 4 (2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al-Hikmah Pariangan Batusangkar, West Sumatra, Indonesia

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This study aims to describe the way of thinking of cybernetics students with Serialist and wholist thinking styles to solve English grammar problems. The study used a qualitative approach, so the data collection techniques used questionnaires and instruments in the form of tests of English grammar questions and interviews. Implementation of research at the Faculty of English Tarbiyah in the second semester of Fatmawati Sukarno State Islamic University Bengkulu in the 2020/202 academic year. The research sample used a purposive sampling technique, namely two students with a serialist thinking style and two students with a holistic thinking style. The results showed that the question information received by Serialist and wholist thinking style students entered the five senses directly through the senses of sight and hearing. The process of attention occurs after the questions are read and understood so that perceptions arise as concepts that are needed from long-term memory to solve problems. At the time of reunion, serialist thinking style students are very risky to improvise. While students with a wholist thinking style, the concepts needed in short-term memory are not stored properly by long-term memory, so these students often experience mistakes and forget when doing retrieval; as a result, these students are more likely to generalize excessively. These two thinking styles are expected to be able to become perspectives on the development of thinking styles in the teaching and learning process during the current pandemic.
Social Dimension of Taboo Language as Knowledge Power Analysis for Identifying Transferable Saying English Taboo in Internet Sinarman Jaya; Ferri Susanto
Nusantara Education Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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The research tries to describe how is the deepest knowledge about taboo, especially for social dimensions on the Internet; of course, it is as knowledge power Analysis for identifying transferable saying English Taboo in the internet and attempts to identify categories of  English taboo words and to know them which the most dominant used by tweeps on their twitter. This research used an analysis of the document method systems. The populations of this research were 48 people. The samples of the research were 12 people. This research used simple random for sampling techniques. This research instrument was cheklist, which consists of five categories of taboo words based on Eschholz...The data were collected and analyzed by observing the time line of the twitter, copied or printed screen status that containt taboo words, classified taboo words based on Eschholz theory and categorized the functions of taboo words based on Lancker (1987). The research results showed that tweeps used 34 taboo words on their twitter in 105 statuses. The frequency of  taboo words on the twitter were 178 times. The taboo words that tweeps used the most dominant on their twitter was “fuck”. In this research, there were five categories of taboo words used by tweeps on their twitter based on Eschholz sex and anatomy was the most dominant categories of taboo words. The tweeps used taboo words to show their anger, frustation, joy, and surprise.  
Respondent Judgment Analysis on the Weighted Value of Political, Economic, Social and Defense Factors in Indonesia to Face the Development of the Industrial Revolution 5.0 and the Global World Ferri Susanto; Syukri Hamzah
Nusantara Education Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Nusantara Education
Publisher : PT. Islamic Research Publisher

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This research focuses on assessing the weight of political, economic, social and defense and security factors which continuously develop dynamically along with the development of the global world which continues to experience revolutionary changes starting from the industrial revolution 4.0 to the present towards the industrial revolution 5.0. The purpose of this study was to measure the weight of the importance of several objects that had been observed based on the judgment of 6 respondents who were competent in their field. Simple data calculation, namely the weighting method which is also known as the Analytical Hierarchy Process method or often referred to as the weighting method which is a combination of qualitative and quantitative meaning that this method will later use comparisons. By identifying the factors that need to be analyzed, making comparisons of the respondent's factor values, assessing each factor with the principle of the higher the value or weight, making a matrix for each respondent, then compiling the average matrix by adding up each factor's opinion of the respondents then dividing by the number responders and normalize. Weighting on each factor. Based on the results of the calculation of the weighting assessment in this study, namely Political factors obtained by 25.84%, Economic by 23.97%, Social by 24.35% and Defense and Security by 25.83%. Political factors have the highest weighting assessment, namely 25.84% so that it can be concluded that political factors have the greatest impact and are at the same time factors that must be considered in Indonesia at this time. The percentage results for political, social, economic and defense weighting are the basis of strength that must be integrated and synergized with each other so that they are able to face the global changes in the industrial revolution from 4.0 to industrial revolution 5.0, society known as 4C, namely: creativity, critical thinking, communication, and collaboration.
Generative Learning Strategy is a Solution for Teaching Writing Skill Ferri Susanto
International Journal of Social Learning (IJSL) Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023): December
Publisher : Indonesian Journal Publisher in cooperation with Indonesian Social Studies Association (APRIPSI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47134/ijsl.v4i1.187


The purpose of this research was to determine the implementation of the Generative Learning strategy model as a solution for teaching text writing skills in English and to develop meaning construction, associations between stimulus and knowledge, beliefs and experiences in the new normal in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. This research discussedd the application of the Generative Learning Strategy Model which also aims to improve the ability to write texts for second semester students of the 2021/2022 academic year. This research was classroom action research that used 2 cycles. The research subjects consisted of 35 students, 25 female students and 10 male students. The instruments were developed by valid questionaires with significan 0,000 < 0,005 and reliability ststistic at the cronbach’s Alpha 0,782 > 0,73 so the data were realiable. For supporting these data, this reaserach also used observation sheets, interviews and documentations. This research was carried out in two cycles which included planning, action, observation and reflection. Based on the written test, there was a better improvement from pre-assessment 68.60, cycle I 72.60 increased to 79.92 cycle II. The increase obtained from testing is 4.54 points. This shows that the Generative Learning Model strategy can improve the ability to write texts.