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ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika Vol 7, No 1 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.037 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/orbita.v7i1.3822


ABSTRAKPandemi Covid-19 telah memberikan dampak yang signifikan dalam dunia pendidikan. Dampak pandemi Covid-19 ini menuntut peserta didik maupun pendidik untuk dapat beradaptasi dalam melakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh. Pada prosesnya, pembelajaran jarak jauh masih dianggap kurang efisien dalam pelaksanaannya terutama pada proses transfer materi ajar. Akibatnya banyak peserta didik yang mengabaikan pembelajaran. Salah satu upaya mengatasi permasalahan tersebut adalah dengan dilakukan pemilihan model dan metode pembelajaran yang sesuai dengan kondisi saat ini, sehingga perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan perlu dilakukan pengembangan sebelum digunakan. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Research and Development (R&D) dengan model 4D yang terdiri dari empat tahapan yaitu Define, Design, Develop, dan Disseminate. Perangkat yang dikembangkan pada penelitian ini adalah silabus, RPP, LKPD, dan instrumen tes kemampuan generik sains. Kevalidan perangkat yang dikembangkan diperoleh berdasarkan validitas dari enam validator yaitu tiga validator ahli dan tiga validator praktisi, kemudian kevalidan perangkat dianalisis dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Selanjutnya, keefisienan perangkat ditentukan dari respon peserta didik dan respon guru. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan, diperoleh nilai rata-rata validitas diatas 3.26 dengan kategori sangat baik. Pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan berdasarkan respon peserta didik menunjukkan bahwa peserta didik kurang puas sehingga pembelajaran daring yang dilakukan kurang efisien hal tersebut dikarenakan adanya beberapa kendala salah satunya adalah keterbatasan kuota internet peserta didik. Maka dapat disimpulkan perangkat pembelajaran fisika model berbasis masalah pada materi elastisitas valid tetapi kurang efisien untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran daring. Kata kunci: perangkat pembelajaran, pembelajaran berbasis masalah, generik sains. ABSTRACTThe Covid-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the world of education. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic requires students and educators to be able to adapt in doing distance learning. In the process, distance learning is still considered inefficient in its implementation, especially in the process of transferring teaching materials. As a result, many students ignore learning. One of the efforts to overcome this problem is by selecting a learning model and method that is in accordance with the current conditions, so that the learning tools used need to be developed before use. This study uses a Research and Development (R&D) type of research with a 4D model consisting of four stages, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. The tools developed in this study were the syllabus, lesson plans, student worksheet, and generic science proficiency test instruments. The validity of the developed device was obtained based on the validity of six validators, namely three expert validators and three practitioner validators, then the validity of the devices was analyzed using a Likert scale. Furthermore, the efficiency of the device is determined from the responses of students and teacher responses. Based on the results of the research that has been done, the average value of validity is above 3.26 with the very good category. Online learning that is carried out based on the responses of students shows that students are not satisfied so that online learning is not efficient because there are several obstacles, one of which is the limited internet quota of students. So it can be concluded that problem-based model physics learning tools on elasticity material are valid but less efficient for use in online learning. Keywords: learning tools, problem-based learning, generic science.
ORBITA: Jurnal Kajian, Inovasi dan Aplikasi Pendidikan Fisika Vol 9, No 1 (2023): Mei
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/orbita.v9i1.14621


ABSTRAKPada dasarnya praktikum fisika dapat menggunakan berbagai macam media. Praktikum fisika bertujuan untuk mempermudah peserta didik dalam memahami konsep materi yang dipelajarinya. Adapun alat praktikum yang digunakan juga perlu didukung dengan kebutuhan peserta ddik serta zaman yang berkembang saat ini. Sehingga pendidik perlu berinovasi untuk dapat mengembangkan alat praktikum fisika. Salah satu upaya yang dapat dilakukan adalah dengan memanfaatkan kemajuan teknologi saat ini, yang dimana dapat dikembangkan alat praktikum fisika dengan software Delphi yang berbasis sensor ultrasonik. Pengembangan alat dilakukan dengan tujuan agar peserta didik lebih mudah memahami konsep GLBB khususnya bentuk grafik dari pergerakan benda pada bidang tertentu, dalam hal ini adalah bidang miring. Dimana Delphi yang digunakan bertujuan menampilkan olah grafik hasil percobaan sedangkan sensor ultrasonik berfungsi untuk menangkap jarak dan kecepatan benda pada lintasan. Adapun berdasarkan hasil percobaan didapatkan bahwa, alat yang dikembangkan ini telah sesuai dengan konsep GLBB yang dimana jarak benda akan bertambah seiring dengan bertambahnya waktu, begitu pula dengan kecepatan benda. Kata kunci: alat praktikum; sensor ultrasonik; aplikasi delphi ABSTRACTBasically, physics laboratory can use various media. Physics laboratory aims to facilitate students in understanding the material concepts they learn. The laboratory equipment used also needs to be supported by the needs of students and the current era. Therefore, educators need to innovate to develop physics laboratory equipment. One of the efforts that can be done is by utilizing the current technological advancements, where physics laboratory equipment can be developed with Delphi software based on ultrasonic sensors. The development of this equipment is intended to make it easier for students to understand the concept of uniformly accelerated linear motion, especially the graphical representation of object movement on a particular plane, in this case, a tilted plane. Delphi is used to display the experimental result graphics while the ultrasonic sensor is used to capture the distance and speed of objects on the trajectory. Based on the experimental results, it is found that this developed equipment is in accordance with the concept of uniformly accelerated linear motion where the distance of the object will increase as time passes, as well as the object's speed. Keywords: practicum tools; ultrasonic sensors; delphi applications
Making a Simple Prism as an Alternative Physics Practicum Tools Via Monica Devi; Aris Doyan; Kosim Kosim
AMPLITUDO : Journal of Science and Technology Inovation Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): February
Publisher : Balai Publikasi Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56566/amplitudo.v2i1.20


Refraction of light occurs due to the difference in the speed of light in the two mediums where the speed of light in a dense medium is smaller than the speed of light in a less dense medium. One of the refraction phenomena also occurs in prism glass. Prisms help scatter incoming light from monochromatic light sources. To prove this, refraction experiments can be carried out using a prism. Where the prism used is made manually using used glass made of acrylic. The prism that is made is then filled with water on the inside and a test is carried out to determine the refraction and the value of the angle of deviation. Based on the results obtained, the refraction of the prism glass made in where a beam of light that passes through the prism is deflected from its original direction, while the angle of deviation of the rays is proportional to the angle of incidence
The Effectiveness of Developing Science Learning Devices with the Integrated PBL Model of the STEM Approach in Improving Students' Problem-Solving Ability and Self-Efficacy Via Monica Devi; Susilawati; Kosim
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA Vol 10 No 5 (2024): May
Publisher : Postgraduate, University of Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v10i5.4352


Natural science learning is a process of discovery, therefore science learning includes systematic exploration activities, which means not only mastering systematic accumulation but also the process of discovery. It's helps aid participants in solving problems. However, the phenomena encountered show that students' problem-solving abilities are still quite low. The low problem-solving ability is also influenced by students' self-efficacy. Therefore, it is necessary to innovate the development of science learning tools using appropriate models. One model that can be use is the integrated PBL model with the STEM approach. The development carried out aims to increase students' problem-solving abilities and self-efficacy. This type of research is R&D research with the ADDIE development model. Study findings indicate that students' problem-solving abilities have increased by 0.81 in the high category and their self-efficacy has increased by 0.30 in the medium category. These findings are based on the acquisition of the N-gain value. Consequently, it is beneficial to increase students' problem-solving skills and self-efficacy to design science learning resources that incorporate the PBL model and the STEM approach.