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Wacana Keulamaan Perempuan Dalam Teks Ikrar Kebon Jambu Rengkaningtias, Ayu Usada
Musawa Jurnal Studi Gender dan Islam Vol. 17 No. 1 (2018)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University & The Asia Foundation

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/musawa.1.171.32-50


Berbagai macam praktik marginalisasi dan diskriminasi lekat dengan perempuan dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Salah satunya adalah dalam bidang keilmuan agama. Gelar ulama seolah hanya milik laki­laki semata. Seolah status, label dan segala hal yang melekat pada “ulama” tidak bisa diraih kaum perempuan. Sebagaimana tindakan marginalisasi yang membutuhkan perjuangan meraih kesetaraan dan keadilan gender (gender equality), Kongres Ulama Perempuan Indonesia (KUPI) pun terlaksana pada 27 April 2017 di Cirebon, Jawa Barat. Sejumlah gagasan dan ide terlahir dari gebrakan pertama kalinya bagi perempuan dalam bidang keilmuan agama Islam. Salah satu hasil KUPI adalah adanya Ikrar Kebon Jambu Tentang Keulamaan Perempuan. Teks tersebut menarik dikaji dan diketahui dengan pesan ideologi feminis yang dihadirkan kepada khalayak untuk melawan ideologi dominan yang tentang label ulama yang lebih identik dengan laki­laki. Lalu, bagaimana pola strategi ideologi feminis ini dilancarkan dalam teks Ikrar Kebon Jambu tersebut sangatlah menarik untuk diketahui. Penelitian ini berfokus pada menjawab per­ tanyaan­pertanyaan tersebut. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam tulisan ini adalah analisis wacana kritis model Sara Mills. Hasilnya, melalui instrumen posisi subyek­obyek, KUPI hendak menghadirkan sosok perempuan sebagai subyek yang juga cakap dan layak menekuni keilmuan Islam, yang selanjutnya disebut ulama perempuan. Sementara dari instrumen posisi pembaca, KUPI hendak mencari dukungan dan melawan ideologi dominan tanpa mencari musuh, termasuk laki­laki. Bahkan, pesan feminis yang dihadirkan dalam teks ikrar justru menuntut kesetaraan ulama perempuan dan ulama laki­laki tanpa menganggap laki­laki musuh ataupun rival. Namun, ulama laki­laki dihadirkan sebagai partner dalam pengembangan keilmuan Islam dan bersama­ sama mewujudkan tugas ulama. Teks tersebut menggunakan pola strategi wacana dengan kekuatan tiga ideologi di masyarakat, yakni ideologi feminis, Islam dan nasionalis.[Various practices of marginalization and discrimination are closely related to women in various aspects of life. One of them is in the field of religious knowledge. The title of the ulema seems to belong only to men. As seem like the status, label, and all things attached to “ulema” cannot be achieved by women. As a marginalization that requires the struggle for gender equality and equity, the Indonesian Ulema Women’s Congress (KUPI) was held on 27 April 2017 in Cirebon, West Java. Some ideas arise from the first breakthrough for women in the Islamic religious knowledge sector. One of the results of KUPI is the existence of the Kebon Jambu Pledge about Ulema women. The text is interestingly studied because of it brings feminist ideology to counter dominant ideology, about the ulema label that is more identical to men. Then, how the pattern of feminist ideology strategy is launched in the text of the Kebon Jambu Pledge text is very interesting to know. This study focuses on answering these questions. The research method used in this paper is a critical discourse analysis of the Sara Mills model. As a result, through the instrument of the subjects ­ object position, KUPI wants to introduce a female figure as a subject who is also proficient and worthy to pursue Islamic knowledge, then referred to as women ulema. While from the reader’s perspective, KUPI seeks support to against the dominant ideology without seeking enemies, including men. In fact, the feminist message presented in the text of the pledge actually demands equality between female ulema and male ulema, without considering male ulema as rivals. However, male ulema is presented as partners in the development of Islamic knowledge and together carries out the task of the ulema. The text uses a discourse strategy pattern with the power of three ideologies in society, namely feminist, Islamic and nationalist ideologies.]
Marwah: Jurnal Perempuan, Agama dan Jender Vol 18, No 1 (2019): Marwah
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24014/marwah.v18i1.6426


Media sosial memiliki kekuatan dalam mengonstruksi wacana, termasuk dalam menciptakan sebuah diskursus keislaman dan gender. Salah satu media sosial yang populer bagi anak muda adalah instagram, yang selain berfungsi sebagai hiburan, juga menjadi arena pertarungan wacana keislaman dan gender. Tema-tema yang dekat dengan masyarakat generasi muda pengguna media sosial, diantaranya adalah tentang rumah tangga dan pernikahan. Salah satu konten-konten menyebarkan diskursus keislaman dan perempuan adalah #quotemuslimah. Penggunaan tagar memiliki kekuatan untuk berbagi, membentuk komunitas-komunitas, hiburan, bahkan mobilisasi. Tulisan ini menjawab bagaimana konstruksi keluarga Islami, relasi suami dan istri, serta konstruksi gender yang diwacanakan melalui #quotemuslimah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif, dengan pendekatan gender. Hasilnya, diketahui bahwa sebaran konten berbagai akun yang menggunakan (tagar) #quotemuslimah ini menutup diskursus-diskursus Islam yang demokratis. Quote-quote tersebut justru berpotensi menciptakan keluarga yang otoriter dan sangat patriarkis.
Jurnalisme Damai (Peace Journalism) dalam Kerukunan Antarumat Beragama (Analisis Framing terhadap Isu Rohingnya) Ayu Usada Rengkaningtias
Jurnal Kajian Islam Interdisipliner Vol 2, No 2 (2017)
Publisher : Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University Yogyakarta, Indonesia.

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/jkii.v2i2.1084


Dalam perkembangannya, terdapat konsep jurnalisme gaya baru yang bersifat lebih mengutamakan upaya penyelesaian konflik. Konsep jurnalisme ini disebut dengan jurnalisme damai (peace journalism) yang diperkenalkan oleh Johan Galtung, seorang profesor Studi Perdamaian yang juga Direktur Transcend Peace and Development Network pada 1970-an. Jurnalisme ini adalah praktik jurnalistik yang bersandar pada pertanyaan kritis yang melihat pada entitas kemanusiaan suatu isu. Jurnalisme genre ini lebih fokus mencari perdamaian, resolusi, rekonstruksi dan rekonsiliasi dalam memandang konflik. Konflik Rohingya bisa saja meluas. Hal itu dapat didorong dengan isu-isu suku, agama, ras dan antargolongan (SARA). Bisa saja konflik di Myanmar tersebut dapat “menular” jika dibawa ke ranah SARA-dalam hal ini agama Islam dan Budha-, termasuk di Indonesia. Media massa memiliki peran signi# kan mempengaruhi masyarakat luas dalam memandang suatu konflik. Maka, dalam menyikapi isu konflik, diperlukan pembingkaian khusus oleh media massa. Genre jurnalisme damai diharapkan dapat membawa pesan damai. Bukan justru “mengompori” masyarakat dengan dalih persatuan/persaudaraan agama atau kelompok tertentu. Jika isu yang kemudian di-blow up oleh media sebagai pemicu konflik Rohingya adalah agama, maka konflik baru bisa jadi akan bertambah buruk atau bahkan meluas. Concern tulisan ini adalah untuk mengkaji bagaimana framing dalammemberitakan isu Rohingya menggunakan model analisis Murray Edelman. Dalam model analisis ini digunakan tiga instrumen penelitian yakni kategorisasi, rubrikasi, dan ideologi. Hasilnya, memiliki framing bahwa Rohingya dilihat sebagai tragedi/krisis kemanusiaan. sama sekali tidak melihat isu Rohingya sebagai konflik agama antara Islam dan Budha atau tidak ada kaitannya dengan isu agama., berdasarkan analisis model diatas membingkai konflik Rohingya sebagai sebuah krisis kemanusiaan. Rohingya bukan hanya konflik antar agama. Namun, juga konflik yang harus diselesaikan bersama sebagai seorang manusia. Disinilah media massa dengan genre jurnalisme damai berperan penting dalam menjaga kerukunan antarumat beragama.[In its development, there is a new style of journalism concept that is more prioritized to resolve the conflict. The concept of journalism is called peace journalism, introduced by Johan Galtung, a professor of Peace Studies who was also the Director of the Transcend Peace and Development Network in the 1970s. This journalism is a journalistic practice relying on critical questions that look at the humanity entity of an issue. Journalism of this genre is more focused on seeking peace, resolution, reconstruction, and reconciliation in view of the conflict e Rohingya conflict can be widespread. It can be encouraged by the issues of tribe, religion, race, and interaction (SARA). It could be that the conflict in Myanmar can be “contagious” if brought to the realm of SARA - in this case, Islam and Buddhism - including in Indonesia. The mass media have a sign with a cant role in influencing society the general public in view of a conflict. Thus, in addressing the issue of conflict, special framing by the mass media is required. The genre of peaceful journalism is expected to bring a message of peace. Not just “provoke” the community under the pretext of unity/ brotherhood religion or a particular group. If the issue is then blow-up by the media as a trigger for Rohingya conflicts religion, then the new conflict may get worse or even wider. The concern of this paper is to examine how framing in reports Rohingya issue using analysis model Murray Edelman. In this analysis, the model used three research instruments, namely categorization, rubrication, and categorization and ideology. As a result, is framing the Rohingya seen as a tragedy or humanitarian crisis. does not see the Rohingya issue as a religious conflict between Islam and Buddhism or has nothing to do with religious issues., based on the above model analysis framed the Rohingya conflict]  
Perempuan Dalam Pandangan Media: Labelisasi Perempuan Sebagai “Agent Of Problem” Pada Koran Merapi Ayu Usada Rengkaningtias
Communication Vol 9, No 1 (2018): COMMUNICATION
Publisher : Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi - Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (550.396 KB) | DOI: 10.36080/comm.v9i1.615


ABSTRACTMass media has a big role in constructing discourse, including creating the labeling and embedding a person's character/personality. In fact, the mass media does not yet have gender sensitivity in reporting issues concerning women. Even, the labels of women as the cause of the problem (agent of problem) reconstructed mass media through messages that appear in the form of news texts. Merapi, in this study is one of the media that still do not have gender sensitivity and gender equality. The text represents women as a secondary person after men. This paper has a concern on how the Merapi Koran represents the female figure as an agent of problem (women as the cause of the problem), from their reporting issue in the edition 9-10 November 2017. The analysis was conducted using critical discourse analysis (CDA) method, Sara Mills model with two research instruments, the position of the subject-object and the position of the author-reader. As a result, Merapi represents women as weak, powerless, causes of problems and worthy of take the blame of the problem. Merapi also makes the position of women increasingly marginalized by embedding label as agent of problem.Keywords: women, mass media, Merapi, marginalization, CDAABSTRAKMedia massa memiliki peran yang besar dalam mengonstruksi wacana, termasu k menciptakan labelisasi dan penyematan karakter/sosok seseorang. Pada kenyataannya, media massa belum memiliki sensitivitas gender dalam memberitakan isu-isu yang menyangkut perempuan. Label berupa perempuan sebagai penyebab masalah (agent of problem) direkonstruksikan media massa melalui pesan yang muncul dalam bentuk teks-teks berita. Merapi, dalam penelitian ini merupakan salah satu media yang masih belum memiliki sensitivitas gender dan keadilan gender. Berita di Merapi merepresentasikan perempuan sebagai secondary person (makhluk nomor dua) setelah laki-laki. Tulisan ini memiliki concern pada bagaimana Koran Merapi merepresentasikan sosok perempuan sebagai agent of problem (penyebab masalah), dalam pemberitaannya edisi 9-10 November 2017. Analisis dilakukan menggunakan metode critical discourse analysis (CDA), model Sara Mills dengan dua instrumen penelitian, yakni posisi subjek-objek dan posisi penulis-pembaca. Hasilnya, Merapi merepresentasikan perempuan sebagai makhluk lemah, tidak berdaya, penyebab masalah, dan patut disalahkan atas terjadinya masalah. Merapi juga menjadikan posisi perempuan semakin termarginalisasi dengan penyematan label agent of problem.Kata kunci: perempuan, media massa, Merapi, marginalisasi, CDA
Avant Garde Vol 5, No 2 (2017): AVANT GARDE
Publisher : Fakultas Komunikasi & Desain Kreatif - Universitas Budi Luhur

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36080/avg.v5i2.640


The influence of the Prophet Muhammad as the bearer of the Islamic message is known plural. It is also about his prophetic and apostolic. The thing that is rarely discussed is Muhammad's position as a political communicator. In this case Muhammad is certainly an actor in the process of political communication in Medina. History calls the long journey of forming the Medina State under the reign of Muhammad starting from zero to become an area that was calculated at that time. It is not excessive for Muhammad to be called as a political actor in the establishment of Medina as well as political communicator in the government of Medina.  In political communication, it is mentioned that political actors can form a public opinion, which then becomes consensus and mutually agreed. Thus, Muhammad has fulfilled that element in his leadership over Medina. In the process of political communication, there are important elements such as political communicators, messages delivered, and targets to the political communication effect that made Muhammad in Medina. The interesting thing for studied is Muhammad's political communication strategy. Where is as a political communicator, Muhammad was able to unite the heterogeneity and pluralism of the community who then agreed and want to be under his leadership in Medina. This paper is a literature study with an analytical descriptive approach as a way of describing and explaining historical facts relating to the role of Muhammad as a political communicator. From the results of the research, it was found that Muhammad had a brilliant political communication strategy. These strategies are: 1) The credibility of political communicators; 2) Create culture together and the elimination of racism as a political message; 3) Medina Charter as a target of political communication; 4) The practice of negotiation in political communication; 5) Selection of appropriate media in political communication. The entire political communication strategy of Muhammad can be seen from the elements of political communication. The author mentions that the Prophet Muhammad as the leader of Medina at that time has a communication strategy that goes far beyond the existing contemporary theory.
Effective school organizational communication management: Descriptive study at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Yogyakarta Ayu Usada Rengkaningtias; Siswantoyo Siswantoyo
Informasi Vol 52, No 2 (2022): Informasi
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21831/informasi.v52i2.56747


Organizational communication management determines the effectiveness of an educational institution. Good communication in educational organizations will make a school more effective. Conversely, without good organizational communication management, miscommunication often occurs. This article aims to analyze and describe organizational communication management at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Yogyakarta as one of the leading schools in the city of Yogyakarta. This study used descriptive qualitative method. The results of the study show that for superior schools, communication within the organization is vital in school management. As a top school, the management of MAN 1 Yogyakarta carries out various ways to improve achievement through organizational communication management. One of them is by creating a healthy flow of information for all components of the school. Leaders also innovate in the form of a special team that acts as a communication "bridge" that specifically handles and improves school performance. MAN 1 devotes all efforts to continuously improve school performance. This is because MAN 1 management assesses that achievement is a very important indicator of the quality and effectiveness of an educational institution.