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Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan Vol 16, No 1 (2021): JUNI 2021
Publisher : Balai Besar Riset Sosial Eonomi Kelautan dan Perikanan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.15578/jsekp.v16i1.8138


Pendekatan sistem untuk mengidentifikasi permasalahan dalam mengoptimalkan usaha budi daya rumput laut sangat penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kondisi perekonomian pembudi daya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis sistem usaha budi daya rumput laut di Perairan Teluk Kulisusu Kabupaten Buton Utara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode survei dan wawancara, sebanyak 50 responden dan dilakukan di bulan Juli 2016. Model sistem dinamik yang dilakukan dibangun dan dikembangkan berdasarkan pada data–data empiris sistem teknologi budi daya yang ada, faktor-faktor ekologis perairan, faktor-faktor ekonomi dan sosial, serta faktor kelembagaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa potensi peningkatan produksi masih dapat dilakukan dengan mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan areal seluas 6.952 ha dengan tingkat kesesuaian lahannya; sesuai sebesar 2.030 ha, cukup sesuai sebesar 3.818 ha dan tidak sesuai sebesar 1.105 ha. Optimalisasi dilakukan dengan menambah jumlah bentangan tali serta penambahan bobot bibit tebar pada setiap jalur penanaman. Hasil analisis kebutuhan, formulasi masalah, identifikasi kerangka permasalahan sistem, dapat dilaksanakan secara berkelanjutan dengan memperhatikan beberapa aspek yaitu 1) Ekologi. 2) Ekonomi. 3) Sosial budaya. 4) Teknologi dan 5) Kelembagaan. Kelima aspek dengan beberapa hal dari setiap aspek harus dioptimalkan agar pengembangan budi daya rumput laut dapat berjalan secara optimal dan kontinu. Rekomendasi dari hasil yang diperoleh sebaiknya perlu pengupayaan pelaksanaan kajian spesifik kuantifikasi nilai ekonomi total sumber daya dan optimalisasi kebijakan rumput laut. Tittle: Optimization of Seaweed Farming Development (Kappaphycus alvarezii) In The Waters of Kulisusu Bay of North Buton Regency, Southeast SulawesiA systems approach to identify problems in optimizing seaweed cultivation is very important to improve the economic conditions of farmers. This study aims to analyze the seaweed farming system in the waters of Kulisusu Bay, North Buton Regency. The research method used was survey and interview methods, as many as 50 respondents and was conducted in July 2016. The dynamic system model that was carried out was built and developed based on empirical data on existing cultivation technology systems, aquatic ecological factors, economic factors. and social, as well as institutional factors. The results showed that the potential for increased production could still be done by optimizing the utilization of an area of 6,952 ha with a land suitability level; in accordance with 2,030 ha, quite appropriate for 3,818 ha and not suitable for 1,105 ha. Optimization is carried out by increasing the number of rope stretches and increasing the weight of the seedlings in each planting path. The results of needs analysis, problem formulation, identification of system problem frameworks can be carried out in a sustainable manner by taking into account several aspects, namely 1) Ecology. 2) Economy. 3) Socio-culture. 4) Technology and 5) Institutional. The five aspects with several things from each aspect must be optimized so that the development of seaweed cultivation can run optimally and continuously. Recommendations from the results obtained should make efforts to carry out specific studies on the quantification of the total economic value of the resource and the optimization of seaweed policies.