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Preparation of Information Media About Isotonic Exercise For The Elderly Leyangan Ungaran Village Syaifudin, Achmad; Nurhayati, Susi
Health Notions Vol 1 No 4 (2017): October-December 2017
Publisher : Humanistic Network for Science and Technology (Address: Cemara street 25, Ds/Kec Sukorejo, Ponorogo, East Java, Indonesia 63453)

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Arthritis diseases that contribute to joint stiffness, pain and limitations of movement ranks second largest after hypertension in elderly in Indonesia based on data Ministry of Health RI in 2016. Data Puskesmas in Leyangan Ungaran Village there are 140 elderly who become built Posyandu Lansia Leyangan working area Puskesmas Leyangan . Approximately 70% of these numbers have degenerative disease problems such as stiffness in the joints and joint pain. The purpose of this study was to identify the complaints in the joints especially the elderly knee, so that will be developed information media by providing isotonic exercise appropriate and conducted intervention in elderly with complaints on the knee joint. The method used in the first stage is cluster random sampling technique of 103 elderly, second stage with purposive sampling technique at 15 elderly given intervention of isotonic movement exercise. Data were collected using questionnaire, measurement of motion range using Goniometer measured pre and post intervention, isotonic information and training media, isotonic exercise kits exercise equipment (isotonic exercise kits). Then tested by paired test t with result of difference of range of motion on right knee (p value 0.02) big difference 4.67. There is a difference of motion range on left knee (p value 0.02) big difference of 8.00.
Hubungan Tingkat Stress Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Pada Masinis PT Kereta Api Indonesia Di UPT Crew Semarang Poncol Annas, Taufiq; Nurhayati, Susi
Jurnal Smart Keperawatan Vol 3, No 1 (2016): Juni 2016
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan (STIKes) Karya Husada Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34310/jskp.v3i1.459


Tingkat  stres kerja berlebihan  dapat berdampak  negatif  terhadap  prestasi  kerja karyawan  PT. KAI yang pada akhirnya dapat merugikan perusahaan. Apalagi jika stres kerja tersebut berada dalam taraf tinggi tentu akan  memberikan  dampak  negatif.  Tujuan  penelitian  ini adalah  mengetahui  hubungan  antara  stress kerja dengan kepuasan kerja pada masinis PT Kereta Api Indonesia di UPT Crew Semarang Poncol. Jenis  penelitian  adalah  korelasi  dengan  pendekatan  cross  sectional.  Populasi  dalam  penelitian  ini adalah seluruh masinis PT Kereta Api Indonesia UPT Crew Semarang Poncol sejumlah 223 orang. Teknik sampling yang digunakan adalah accidental sampling dengan jumlah 143 orang. Hasil  penelitian  didapatkan  bahwa  tingkat  stres kerja yang dialami  oleh responden  sebagian  besar adalah tinggi yaitu sebanyak  67,1%. Kepuasan  kerja responden  sebagian  besar dalam kategori  tidak puas yaitu sebanyak 78 orang (54,5%). Ada hubungan antara tingkat stress dengan kepuasan kerja pada masinis PT Kereta Api Indonesia di UPT Crew Semarang Poncol.Berdasarkan  hasil tersebut  PTKAI diharapkan dapat menambah jumlah masinis dengan pola shift kerja yang longgar sehingga masinis memiliki waktu isirahat yang cukup untuk mengurangi stress akibat jadwal kerja yang padat. Kata kunci : Stres Kerja, Kepuasan Kerja. STRESS LEVEL RELATIONSHIP WITH JOB SATISFACTIONAT INDONESIAN PT TRAIN ENGINEERING AT UPT CREW SEMARANG PONCOL Excessive work stress levels can have a negative impact on employee performance at PT. KAI which in the end can harm the company. Moreover, if the work stress is at a high level, it will certainly have a negative impact. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between job stress and job satisfaction at PT Kereta Api Indonesia machinists at UPT Crew Semarang Poncol. This type of research is correlation with cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all engineers of PT Kereta Api Indonesia UPT Crew Semarang Poncol totaling 223 people. The sampling technique used is accidental sampling with a total of 143 people. The results showed that the level of work stress experienced by most of the respondents was high as much as 67.1%. Most of the respondents' job satisfaction was in the dissatisfied category as many as 78 people (54.5%). There is a relationship between stress levels and job satisfaction at PT Kereta Api Indonesia's machinists at UPT Crew Semarang Poncol. Based on these results PTKAI is expected to increase the number of drivers with a loose work shift pattern so that the machinists have sufficient rest time to reduce stress due to a busy work schedule. . Keywords: Job Stress, Job Satisfaction.
Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Vol 5 No 2 (2014): Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Volume 5 Nomor 2 Desember 2014
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (240.444 KB) | DOI: 10.21009/jmp.v5i2.1978


The purpose of this research is to comprehensively understand about the effect of perceived organizational support and affective commitment to public junior high school teacher’s organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) in District of Cakung, East Jakarta. The research methodology was survey which was selected by simple random sampling technique. Analysis and interpretation of the data indicate that (1) perceived organizational support has a positive direct effect in OCB, (2) Affective commitment has a positive direct effect in OCB, (3) perceived organizational support has a positive direct effect in affective comitment.
Pengaruh Pijat Refleksi Terhadap Tekanan Darah Pada Penderita Hipertensi Di Klinik Sehat Hasta Therapetika Tugurejo Semarang Ahmad Zunaidi; Susi Nurhayati; Tut Wuri Prihatin
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Peningkatan angka kejadian hipertensi di dunia pada tahun 2000 lebih dari 25%, dan dua pertiga hipertensi ada di negara berkembang. Penderita hipertensi di Indonesia tahun 2011 diperkirakan 15 juta orang tetapi hanya 4% yang merupakan hipertensi terkontrol. Prevalensi 6-15% pada orang dewasa, 50% diantaranya tidak menyadari sebagai penderita hipertensi sehingga mereka  cenderung untuk menjadi hipertensi berat. Penderita hipertensi di Klinik Sehat Hasta Therapetika kasus gejala stroke 30%, hipertensi 30%, pegal – pegal atau sulit bergerak 20%, dan penyakit lain – lain 20%. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain quasi experiment pendekatan pre-post test design with control group dengan sampel 20 orang sebagai kelompok perlakuan diberikan pijat refleksi  dan 20 orang sebagai kelompok kontrol dengan memberikan perlakuan massage kaki. Hasil tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan terapi pijat refleksi pada kelompok perlakuan dengan nilai tekanan darah sistole p value 0.000 dan diastol   p value 0.000,   nilai tekanan darah sebelum dan sesudah dilakukan terapi massage kaki pada kelompok kontrol dengan nilai tekanan darah sistole p Value 0.000 dan diastole p value 0.000,  perbedaan antara terapi pijat refleksi dan massage kaki terhadap penurunan tekanan darah pada responden dengan nilai tekanan darah sistole p value 0.033 dan diastol p value 0.017. Terapi pijat refleksi sebagai salah satu terapi komplementer mampu di aplikasikan perawat dalam menurunkan tekanan darah pada penderita hipertensi.
PROSIDING SEMINAR NASIONAL & INTERNASIONAL 2015: Prosiding Bidang MIPA dan Kesehatan The 2nd University Research Colloquium
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

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Dengue Fever is the transmitted diseases that is caused by Dengue Virus, it is speared by Aedes Aegypty that is signed by immediately fever for 2-7 days without unclear symptoms. The symptoms of Dengue Fever are weak, anxious, painful abdomen, bleeding under the skin(petechiae), echymosis. In Central Java, there were 4.121 cases and found 182 deaths. In Semarang especially Tlogosari Kulon District, in 2014, this cases reached 101 cases and from January – February 201, there are 20 cases. So, it is a serious problem and Semarang is included in Endemic Zone of Dengue Fever. This Research was aimed to increase the understanding of Health Practitioners dealing with the Dengue Fever handling Management at Tlogosari Kulon Health District Centre Semarang. This research used quantitative design with quasy experiment with one group experiment, data analyis used univariate, bivariate with Paired t-test. The sampling technique used total sampling as many as 50 respondents. The result showed there is a significant difference of Dengue Fever understanding before and after the intervension with p value (0,000) or equivalent with 1,178. It is expected that health practisioners must apply the early prevention of Dengue Fever in their environment.Keywords: Dengue Fever, Health Practisioners, Health Education