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SELAPARANG Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 4, No 1 (2020): November
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (130.626 KB) | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v4i1.3223


ABSTRAKBayi dapat tumbuh dan berkembang dengan baik jika kebutuhan dasarnya terpenuhi, yaitu  asah, asih dan asuh. Kebutuhan asah adalah kebutuhan akan stimulasi dini. Pemberian stimulasi dini yang sesuai akan memungkinkan terbentuknya etika, kepribadian yang baik, kecerdasan, kemandirian, keterampilan dan produktivitas yang baik. Efektifitas pijat bayi memberikan manfaat pada perkembangan motorik sangat baik pada anak usia 8-28 hari dibandingkan dengan anak yang tidak diberikan stimulasi pijat bayi (Rizki, 2017). Melalui pemijatan peredaran darah akan lancar, Salah satu zat penting yang dibawa adalah oksigen. Terpenuhinya oksigen diotak secara cukup membuat konsentrasi dan kesiagaan bayi semakin baik(Sembiring, 2017). Solusi permasalahan yang ditawarkan yaitu “Sentuhan Kasih Ibu” Upaya Stimulasi Tumbuh Kembang anak dengan Pijat Bayi yang dilakukan Pada Anak Usia 0-3 Tahun di Desa Selebung Ketangga di Kecamatan Keruak Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Tujuan pengabdian ini memberikan informasi bagi masyarakat terutama orang tua mengenai manfaat setiap langkah dari pijat bayi. Tim PKMS akan memberikan pelatihan langsung kepada ibu yang akan dipraktikkan oleh narasumber yang berpengalaman, memiliki bidang ilmu yang sesuai dan telah mendapatkan pelatihan pijat bayi sebelumnya, sehingga setiap informasi diberikan oleh orang yang tepat. Setelah diberikan pelatihan pijat bayi tersebut, diharapkan ibu dapat mempraktikan sendiri pijat bayi di rumah.Jumlah responden yang mengikuti kegiatan ini sebanyak 32 balita. Hasil pengadian didapatkan terbanyak responden 12-24 sebanyak 19 balita (59,4%). Hasil pre test didapatkan 23 responden memiliki pengetahuan kurang dan post test sebagian besar pengetahuan cukup sebanyak 18 responden. Hasil follow up kemampuan pijat bayi didapatkan 24 reponden mampu melakukan pijat bayi dengan benar. Kata kunci: stimulasi tumbuh kembang; bayi; pijat bayi. ABSTRACTBabies can grow and develop well if their basic needs, which are teasers, love and foster. The need for sharpening is the need for early stimulation. Providing first inspiration appropriate will enable the formation of ethics, a good personality, intelligence, independence, skills and good productivity. The effectiveness of baby massage provides benefits to motor development is very good in children aged 8-28 days compared with children who do not give stimulation of baby massage (Rizki, 2017). Through massage, the blood circulation will be smooth. One of them the essential substance carried is oxygen. Fulfilment of oxygen in the brain is sufficient to make the baby's concentration and alertness are getting better (Sembiring, 2017). The solution to the problem offered is the "Touch of Mother's Love" Efforts to Stimulate Child Development with Infant Massage which was carried out on children aged 0-3 years in Selebung Ketangga Village in Keruak District East Lombok Regency. The purpose of this service is to provide information for the community, especially parents, regarding the benefits of every step of baby massage. The Stimulus Community Service Team (PKMS) will provide training directly to the mother who will be practised by experienced speakers who have fields science according to the training and baby massage before, so every information given by the right person. After being given the baby massage training, it is hoped that the mother can practicing baby massage at home on their own. The number of respondents who participated in this activity was 32 toddler. The results obtained were the most respondents 12-24 as many as 19 toddlers (59.4%). Pre results test found 23 respondents have less knowledge and most of the post-test sufficient knowledge of 18 respondents. The follow-up results of the infant massage ability were obtained 24 respondents are able to massage the baby properly. Keywords: growth and development stimulation; baby; baby massage.
Pregnancy Young Age with Anemia, Chronic Energy Lack, and Body Index in Mataram City Catur Esty Pamungkas; Siti Mardiyah WD; Aulia Amini; Dwi Kartika Cahyaningtyas; Evi Diliana Rospia
Jurnal Kebidanan Vol 11, No 2 (2022): JURNAL KEBIDANAN
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26714/jk.11.2.2022.179-194


Background: The prevalence of early marriages in West Nusa Tenggara Province in 2010 was 44%, data in West Nusa Tenggara reached 31.32%, ranking 15th out of 34 provinces (BPS, 2017).  Based on the results of 2018, basic health research found three dominant factors that became the focus of BMI, SEZ and anaemia.  PMT in 2018 is 25.2% of all pregnant women.  The proportion of anaemia of pregnant women in Indonesia increased from 2013 by 37.1% to 48.9% in 2018, the age group of pregnant women the majority of anaemia in pregnant women at the age of 15-24 years was 84.6%, the highest proportion of energy chronic deficiency risk in the age group of 15-19 years which is 33.88%, so based on these data the researcher felt the need to do this research. Objective: This study aims to determine the effect of adolescent pregnancy with the incidence of anaemia, SEZ, and BMI in the city of Mataram. Method: This study used an observational design with a cross-sectional design and a sample size of 69 with pregnant women in the city of Mataram, using consecutive sampling techniques.  The statistical test analysis used was bivariate with Chi-Square and multivariate using logistic regression test with a significance level of 5% and 95% confidence interval. Results: The study found no significant relationship between adolescent pregnancy with the incidence of CED and BMI, found a substantial correlation between teenage pregnancy with the prevalence of anaemia.  Multivariate analysis results found a significant association between adolescent pregnancy and the prevalence of anaemia by controlling parity with a value (OR = 4.27; 95% CI: 1,209-15.13).