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SELAPARANG: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Berkemajuan Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Maret
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31764/jpmb.v6i1.7907


ABSTRAKNelayan Skip merupakan kelompok nelayan di Skip Rahayu Kelurahan Bumi Waras, berjumlah tujuh orang yang ingin meningkatkan taraf hidup melalui pemanfaatan potensi di perairannya dengan budidaya kerang hijau. Metode budidaya awalnya adalah metode rakit, namun saat terjadi gelombang tinggimenyebabkan rakit hancur dan hilang diterjang gelombang laut.Tujuan pendampingan Nelayan Skip adalah membantu untuk mencarikan solusi dengan mempelajari keterampilan dan pengetahuan dari nelayan Umbul Asem yang sudah terbukti berhasil sejak 2018 dengan budidaya kerang hijau metode tali rentang (longline) yang memanfaatkan barang bekas seperti tali kapal, waring (net), potongan styrofoam dan botol air mineral sebagai pelampungnya, dan terbukti metode ini tahan gelombang tinggi, tidak rusak maupun hilang saat tsunami Selat Sunda 2018 terjadi.Tahapan kegiatan berupaperencanaan dan penentuan target capaian, kunjungan dan studi banding di Umbul Asem, pengamatan, praktik pembuatan dan pemasangan longline, evaluasi dan keberlanjutan program. Hasil dari kegiatan ini dimana mitra menjadi lebih paham, pengetahuan dan keterampilannya meningkat. Keunggulan menggunakan metode tali rentang (longline) dengan bahan bekas selain lebih murah juga terbukti tahan terhadap gelombang air laut yang tinggi. Mitra diharapkan terus mengembangkan budidaya kerang hijau mengingat demanddan harga produk ini cukup besar di pasaran, agar kelak kemandirian kelompok Nelayan Skip secara ekonomi dan sosial terwujud. Kata kunci: kerang hijau; nelayan skip; tali rentang ABSTRACTSkip fishermen in Skip Rahayu, Bumi Waras Village, with seven people who want to improve their living through taking potential advantage of their waters by farming green mussels. The initial raft farming method was destroyed and lost by high waves occurred. The purpose of this program is to find solutions by learning the skills and knowledge of the Umbul Asem fishermen who have proven successful since 2018 using the longline farming method that utilizes second hand goods (boat ropes, nets, pieces of styrofoam and mineral water bottles), and it is proven that is survive to high waves, not damaged or lost when the 2018 Sunda Strait tsunami happened. The activity stages are planning and determining targets, visits and comparative studies, observations, longline manufacturing and installation practices, evaluation and program sustainability. The result is that Skip fishermen knowledge and skills increase. However the advantage of using that longline is cheaper, it is also proven to be resistant to high sea waves. Skip fishermen are expected to continue developing it that the demand and price for this product is large in the market, so that in the future the economic and social independence of the Skip Fishermen group will be realized. Keywords: green mussels; longline; skip fishermen
Jurnal Media Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): JM-PKM
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (990.679 KB) | DOI: 10.37090/jmpkm.v1i1.572


ABSTRACT Covid-19 has affected tourism, the tourism industry has declined and some have even stopped operating. Not long after, there was the application of the new normal with the term new normal. The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy issued guidelines for health protocols for tourism which can be applied in the midst of a pandemic. By providing a place for washing hands, measuring temperature, maintaining distance, providing disinfectant, using masks in accordance with health regulations. Tour providers should also be able to clean tourist sites at all times. With the established health protocol regulations, there will be an impact for tourists so that they can travel and feel interested, comfortable, and calm when visiting tourist attractions. This Community Service aims to invite the public to be able to implement health protocols when traveling. By looking at the readiness of the sakura hill tourism industry in the new normal, directing visitors to wash their hands, use hand sanitizer, maintain distance, provide direction and remind about the importance of obeying health protocols, and provide masks to visitors and staff to prevent the spread of the covid-19 By providing education and understanding like this, people are more orderly in traveling.
Pelatihan Pembuatan Eco-Enzyme dari Sampah Buah dan Sayur di Kelompok Wanita Tani (KWT) Kota Bandar Lampung Riana Septiani; Susanti Sundari; Putri Endah Suwarni; Indah Purnama Sari; M.Reza Pahlevi; Thabita Carolina; Heru Suharyono
Jurnal Suara Pengabdian 45 Vol. 2 No. 3 (2023): September: Jurnal Suara Pengabdian 45
Publisher : LPPM Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/pengabdian45.v2i3.1055


Organic waste is still a problem that needs to be resolved. Piles of organic waste can cause the emergence of methane gas (CH4), giving rise to an unpleasant odor and can even potentially cause disease. The aim of this community service is to provide understanding, knowledge and skills to the community regarding how to utilize household organic waste in the form of fruit and vegetable waste into eco-enzymes by fermentation. eco-enzyme is a multi-purpose liquid that can be used to purify waste water, as a household cleaning product, as a detergent, as a pest control product, to remove pesticide residues, and also as an organic fertilizer for plants. The method used is Participatory Action Research (PAR) where the service team is integrated into the community and works with the community to increase the knowledge and abilities of the people who are members of the Women Farming Group (KWT) in understanding and changing the community to become better, more empowered and knowledgeable. The results of this activity were able to increase the understanding, knowledge and skills of Women Farmer Groups in 4 Districts of Bandar Lampung city both conceptually and practically, and have the awareness not to just throw away organic waste, but to use it because it not only protects the environment but also provides benefits to the community. This activity was considered successful and sustainable for future programs.
Modifikasi Hammer Mill Sample Divider Untuk Penyederhanaan Fungsi Dengan Desain Ulang Pada PT. BV Bernardus Valentcio Gonsalves; Burhan Nudin; Putri Endah Suwarni; Susanti Sundari
Industrika : Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri Vol. 7 No. 3 (2023): Industrika: Jurnal Ilmiah Teknik Industri
Publisher : Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tulang Bawang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37090/indstrk.v7i3.1116


This study was conducted at PT. BV whose activities are in the coal mining sector, where there is a sample preparation process which aims to minimize the presence of impurities that will interfere with the coal analysis process. In the process there are two important tools used, namely the Hammer Mill and the Rotary Sample Divider. If we look at the use of these two separate tools, they are not efficient in terms of time, space and human resources, as a result the sample results are not optimal. So it is necessary to redesign the Hammer Mill machine and the Rotary Sample Divider machine by combining the two machines in one design, so that their function is simpler and more efficient, and also produces homogeneity in the coal samples to be analyzed. It is hoped that by combining the 2 tools used into one, we can overcome the lack of efficiency in sample preparation and get maximum results. The analysis used to identify problems uses a fishbone diagram to support identification, exploration, and depicts in detail all the causes related to this problem. The result of the redesign is a modified Hammer Mill Sample Divider that is more efficient and produces homogeneous coal samples to be analyzed. Apart from that, testing data on the sample preparation process using a modified Hammer Mill Sample Divider machine showed that the total testing time for 10 samples was obtained with an average time of 12.55 minutes, a maximum time limit of 14.02 minutes and a minimum time of 10.8 minutes and with the re-design of the Hammer Mill Sample Divider can minimize costs, use of human resources and time.. Keywords: Coal, Efficient, Hammer mill, Re-desain, Rotary sample divider, Sample preparation
Menanamkan Budaya K3 Sejak Dini : Program Edukasi Untuk Siswa Sekolah Dasar Indah Purnama Sari; Susanti Sundari; Putri Endah Suwarni
Jurnal Suara Pengabdian 45 Vol. 3 No. 2 (2024): Juni Jurnal Suara Pengabdian 45
Publisher : LPPM Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56444/pengabdian45.v3i2.1626


Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk memperkenalkan K3 dalam bentuk edukasi agar dapat membantu siswa mengidentifikasi bahaya di lingkungan sekolah, mengembangkan kebiasaan yang baik tentang keselamatan dan kesehatan, membantu anak-anak memahami pentingnya menjaga keselamatan dan kesehatan diri sendiri dan orang lain, membantu untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup siswa dengan mengurangi risiko kecelakaan dan cedera, serta meningkatkan kesehatan, dan juga meningkatkan kesejahteraan. Metode pendekatan yang digunakan dalam kegiatan pengabdian meliputi sosialisasi, diskusi dan tanya-jawab, dilanjutkan dengan pemasangan display. Dari hasil evaluasi melalui pre-test dan post-test terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan dan pemahaman siswa sebesar 92% setelah kegiatan, juga terdapat display tentang K3 di lokasi sekolah sebagai pengingat dan pemberi petunjuk. Kegiatan berlangsung lancar dan sesuai dengan target dan tujuan.