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Mimbar Agribisnis: Jurnal Pemikiran Masyarakat Ilmiah Berwawasan Agribisnis Vol 8, No 1 (2022): Januari 2022
Publisher : Universitas Galuh

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25157/ma.v8i1.6846


The government's program on food security needs to get support through the application of appropriate technology in the agricultural sector. Hydroponics is an agricultural vegetable cultivation technology that needs to be developed in an effort to increase vegetable production and encourage the development of agribusiness entrepreneurship. The purpose of this research is the development of hydroponic plant cultivation technology through the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) system and the Wick system. The method used is a qualitative method in the form of an applicative application of hydroponic cultivation. The results of the research are in the form of installation designs and hydroponic cultivation techniques that can be developed into teaching materials and new entrepreneurs in the field of agriculture.
Strategi Pengembangan Usaha Tani Sayuran di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara Nurcayah Nurcayah
Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Sosial Humaniora (JIMSH) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Februari 2020, Jurnal Ilmu Manajemen Sosial Humaniora (JIMSH)
Publisher : LP3M Universitas Muhammadiyah Kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51454/jimsh.v2i1.26


Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meneliti strategi pengembangan tanaman usaha tani sayuran di Sulawesi Tenggara dalam rangka meningkatkan produktivitas dan nilai tambah bagi petani. Permasalahan utama dalam usaha tani sayuran di Provinsi Sulawesi Tenggara adalah produktivitas rendah, pengetahuan budidaya dan penanganan pasca panen yang masih tradisional, akses pemasaran kurang berkembang dan hal ini. Hasil analisis SWOT pada pengembangan usaha tani sayuran memperoleh empat strategi yang perlu dilakukan dan, yaitu: 1) strategi agresif (S-O), memaksimalkan potensi/kekuatan untuk meraih peluang dengan kebijakan pemerintah melalui pembinaan bagi petani terkait teknik budidaya, pemanfaatan teknologi produksi dan pasca panen serta peluasan pangsa pasar dan penyediaan sarana dan prasaran produksi; 2) strategi (S–T), memaksimalkan potensi/kekuatan untuk mengurangi ancaman yang ada dengan melakukan kegiatan usaha tani yang ramah lingkungan dengan meminimunkan input kimia; 3) strategi (W–O), meminimalkan kelemahan/hambatan untuk meraih peluang semaksimal mungkin melalui peningkatan produksi serta pemanfaatan lahan secara maksimal serta peningkatan kualitas produk sesuai keunggulan masing-masing daerah Kabupaten/Kota; serta 4) strategi (W–T), meminimalkan kelemahan dan hambatan untuk mengatasi ancaman dengan meningkatkan efisiensi biaya produksi dan memperluas informasi pasar.
Analisis Perbedaan Pendapatan Usaha Tani Jagung Kuning dengan Usahatani Kacang Tanah di Desa Mokupa Kabupaten Kolaka Iksanudin Iksanudin; Muhammad Nur; Nurcayah Nurcayah
Agrisurya Vol 1 No 1 (2022): Agrisurya, Juni 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (255.654 KB) | DOI: 10.51454/agrisurya.v1i1.106


The income difference between yellow corn farming and peanut farming. This research is aimed to know the difference of income between yellow corn farming and peanut farming in Mokupa Village, Lambandia Sub-district, Kolaka District. The population of this study is all farmers who cultivate yellow corn and peanut in Mokupa Village, Lambandia Subdistrict with sample determination technique done by census. To know the difference of income between yellow corn farming and farming of peanut used earn income analysis and income comparison analysis. The result of research indicate that there is between yellow corn farming and peanut farming. In each growing season, the average income of yellow corn farmers is Rp. 7.546.993 while peanut farmers Rp. 7.526.147 based on t test analysis showed that with 95% confidence level t count = 0.03 and ttabel 1.693, so H0 rejected and statistically there is difference of income of yellow corn farming with peanut farming.
R Contribution of Cocoa Farming to Farming Income in Tinete Village, Aere District, East Kolaka Regency Randi Ashari; Nurcayah Nurcayah; Syamsinar Syamsinar
Agrisurya Vol 2 No 1 (2023): Agrisurya, June 2023
Publisher : Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah kendari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51454/agrisurya.v2i1.262


Cocoa is a plantation crop that has export potential and is a livelihood for farmers in Tinete Village, Aere District. This study aims to determine the contribution of cocoa farming to farmers' income in Tinete Village, Aere District, East Kolaka Regency. The population in this study amounted to 106 cocoa farmers. by using the Slovin method obtained 32 samples. Data analysis in this study uses a quantitative-descriptive approach. To determine the income of cocoa farming using the income formula (Pd = TR-TC), with the Contribution formula: K = Pd/Prt x 100% The results of the study obtained that the average income from cocoa farming was Rp. 42,884,303, and the total average farmer's income is Rp. 8,251,917. The contribution of cocoa farming to the total income of farmers in Tinete Village, Aere District, East Kolaka Regency, based on the results of the author's calculations, obtained a contribution of 83.86%. Cocoa farming contributes very high because the contribution is above 50%. The amount of farmers' income depends on the area of ​​land and the availability of production infrastructure