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Optimizing Manage Mobile Application Projects With Limited Resources in P.T. XYZ Oktavianus, Oktavianus; Firman, Aries F
The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration Vol 1, No 4 (2012)
Publisher : The Indonesian Journal of Business Administration

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XYZ Company was established in1999 and since 2003 focuses on mobile and internet technology. Their vision is to become a leading provider for mobile-service-platform and value-added service solutions and its mission is to helps brands, content providers, portals and media companies to enable themselves and their contents to be “mobile ready”. Their experiences combined with extensive R&D make them able to provide their clients a head start in their new media and mobile business initiatives. They are also cooperating with prominent vendor like EA and Disney as a reseller of mobile content for Indonesia market. Currently they have around 70 employees that divided into 3 divisions: Content Division (selling mobile content), Solution Division (help clients to find solutions using mobile technology) and R & D division (research against latest mobile technology). Mobile application industry growing very fast in line with high demand of smartphone, and now mobile applications also become one of company’s marketing tool. This condition can be maximized by XYZ Company through partnering with advertising agency that makes them flooded with many mobile application projects that makes them facing “good problem” related with limited mobile programmers. In other hands they are facing “real problem” in content division, the total revenue dropped significantly up to 65% due to government policy meanwhile company avoid to do lay-off and hope the revenue from this division will raise again. In normal situation, this good problem can be solved by in-house with hire new programmers (if the project related with company’s core competence) or outsourcing (if the project not too related with company’s core competence), but adding with dropped revenue from content division makes this problem become more complex. This final project purposes is to find out which one better in-house or outsourcing a project and whether any other alternatives that fit with XYZ Company’s current condition. In order to find the solutions, data collected through direct interview to related parties and accredited media such as newspaper and website. The results from data analysis show additional problems where between programmer quite difficult to share knowledge and also several programmers resigned and move to other companies due to high competition. Through project management, knowledge management and business strategy theory approach, this final project recommend that company has to do improvement in project management through establish project management office, and implement good knowledge management system to easier sharing knowledge between programmers. In addition of that, company also has to able to increase their programmers’ commitment by developing their skill with training and education to improve their competencies and find a way to make content division’s revenue rise again. This recommendation need to be supported and socialize well to all stake holders. Keywords: outsourcing, project management, project management office.
Interaksi Mamak dan Kamanakan Sebagai Sumber Penciptaan Karya Tari Buek Arek Karang Taguah Cufara, Dwindy Putri; Oktavianus, Oktavianus; Gusmanto, Rico
TAMUMATRA Vol 4, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Hamzanwadi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29408/tmmt.v4i1.4745


The social phenomenon between mamak and kamanakan in Minangkabau is the source of the creation of the dance title Buek Arek Karang Taguah. Looking at the current phenomenon, there is a dissociative interaction that causes the waning of tolerance and harmony between mamak and kamanakan. The purpose of the creation of this art is to create a work of dance art originating from the phenomenon between mamak and kamanakan which is viewed from social values and to reveal the condition of closeness between mamak and kamankan which has been reduced through dance movements. This work is done using a literary theme which is actualized in three ideas, namely; (1) expressing the relationship between mamak and kamanakan as indak bapamatang fields, (2) expressions of dissociative interactions as the cause of the breakdown of tolerance and harmony between mamak and kamanakan, (3) expressions of the relationship between mamak and kamanakan that should be in the value of cooperation. The manufacturing methods used include research, concept surgery, exploration, movement arrangement, and evaluation. The creation of this work provides knowledge about the importance of harmony between mamak and kamanakan. 
FOKUS : Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa, Staf Pengajar dan Alumni Universitas Kapuas Sintang. Vol 20, No 1 (2022): FOKUS : Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa, Staf Pengajar dan Alumni Universitas
Publisher : Universitas Kapuas Sintang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51826/fokus.v20i1.575


Pelaksanaan aktivitas menjadi landasan dalam pencapaian tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, untuk mencapai tujuan itu semua komponen harus memiliki fungsi dengan baiksehingga diperlukan pembagian tugas yang jelas dan memudahkan pelaksanaan tugas sesuaifungsi masing-masing yang tergambar dalam struktur organisasi. Struktur organisasimencerminkan adanya pemberdayaan yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan pendampingan daridinas koperasi usaha kecil dan menengah, tujuannya meningkatkan keterampilan danperekonomian masyarakat, sehingga diperlukan pembinaan melalui musyawarah menyampaikaninformasi dan hasil-hasil yang dapat diterapkan sehingga menjadi efektif dan efisien sesuaidengan harapan masyarakat dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat maupun daya belimasyarakat terutama pada masa pandemi covid-19 seperti sekarang ini. Perencanaan melibatkanperwakilan masyarakat serta tokoh-tokoh masyarakat dalam merumuskan perencanaan untukdi usulkan dalam musrenbangdes (Musyawarah Pembangunan desa) dengan demikianperencanaan dimulai dari bawah sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat artinya bukan hanyasekedar perencanaan tetapi mengutamakan tindakan nyata berdasarkan pembagian tugas yangjelas dan dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik sehingga dapat berjalan sesuai yang telahdirencanakan. Dalam usaha meningkatkan pembangunan yang berkesinambungan, menyeluruh,terpadu dan terarah maka penyelenggaraan pembangunan tersebut haruslah dapatmengakomodir kebutuhan pembangunan, baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah sampai padatingkat wilayah administratif pemerintahan Kecamatan. Salah satu fungsi pemerintah yangutama adalah menyelenggarakan pelayanan umum sebagai wujud dari tugas umumpemerintahan untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Birokrasi merupakan instrumenpemerintah untuk mewujudkan pelayanan publik yang efisien, efektif, berkeadilan, transparandan akuntabel.
STUDY OF KARONESE AFFIXATION IN FORMING VERB Oktavianus Oktavianus; Zainuddin Zainuddin
LINGUISTICA Vol 1, No 2 (2012)
Publisher : State University of Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24114/jalu.v1i2.685


ABSTRACT This study deals with affixation of Karo Language in forming verb. The objectives of this study are to describe the morphological process of affixation in forming verbin Karo language as well as to describe the function and the grammatical meanings of affixation in forming verb in Karo language. The method of research is library research by reading some books related to this study. The instruments of collection data used tape recorder. The technique of analysis data is documentary technique namely identifying the data, classifying the data and finding the dominant type of affixation in Karo language. The findings showed that there are four kinds of Karonese affixation in forming verb namely: (1). Prefix occurs 51 (48%). (2). Infixes occurs 3 (2%), (3). Suffixes occurs 43 (30%) and (4). Confixes occurs 18 (10%) and the total occorences is 119. So the dominant type of affixation found in Karonese in forming verb is Prefix occurs 51(48%). The function of affixation in Karo language are derivational and inflectional, derivational is change the meaning after attached by affix to the stem for example: {er-} + lajang → /erlajang/, /lajang/ means ‘alone’, prefix {er-} is inserted, it becomes /erlajang/ means ‘going’ and inflectional is does not change the meanings after attached by affix to the stem for example: ayak + {-i}  → /ayaki/ , /ayak/ means ‘running’, suffix {-i} inserted, it becomes /ayaki/ means “running” . The grammatical meanings of affixation in Karo language in forming verb are process and activity for example /ersada/ ‘gathered’  meaning of affix {er-} is as process and /erjuma/ ‘ farming’ meaning of affix {er-} is as activity .
Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Sistem Informasi Vol 9, No 1 (2021): JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER DAN SISTEM INFORMASI
Publisher : Fakultas Teknologi Informasi Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jiksi.v9i1.11589


The effect of the Korean Culture for the past few years has been increasing whereas the culture has been a part of the people’s daily lives especially for the youth. Unlike the Latin alphabet, the Hangul alphabet has the characteristics resembling strokes that’re written in blocks that make a syllable. Therefore, on this occasion a system will be made to recognize Hangul as an alternative for learning Hangul. The application design uses pre-processing such as grayscaling, thresholding, dilation and contouring. The data collected in this design uses as much as 3.960 images of the Hangul Alphabet. After GAN is used to generate images as well as Data Augmentation, the dataset reaches a total of 5.303 images which are separated into training set and testing set. The testing is done 2 times whereas the first test is tested on single letters and reached 55,58% accuracy. The second test is done with the letters that got segmented by the application which consists of 1-4 syllables whereas it reached 55,7-60% accuracy. 
Publikasi Informasi Pertanian Vol 18, No 1 (2022): JURNAL PIPER
Publisher : Universitas Kapuas Sintang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51826/piper.v18i1.625


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis pohon yang terdapat pada kawasanriparian sungai Belitang Desa Ijuk Kecamatan Belitang Hulu Kabupaten Sekadau. Hasil penelitian inidiharapkan dapat menambah informasi dan ilmu pengetahuan terutama mengenai jenis-jenis pohonriparian yang terdapat di sungai Belitang Desa Ijuk Kecamatan Belitang Hulu Kabupaten Sekadauserta sebagai upaya untuk menjaga kelestariannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode jalur. Jalurdibuat mengikuti arah sungai (tidak memotong kontur), dibuat pada kiri dan kanan badan sungai denganpanjang jalur 1.000 m dan lebar 50 m dari tepi sungai, dengan luas total pengamatan adalah 10 Ha.Eksplorasi dilakukan pada jalur pengamatan guna menginventarisir seluruh pohon yang terdapat dilokasi penelitian. Hasil penelitian Pada sungai Belitang desa Ijuk ditemukan 12 jenis pohon riparian,yaitu Ara (Ficus sp), Beringin (Ficus benjamina), Bungur (Lagerstroemia speciosa), Jambu Monyet(Bellucia axenanthera), Kanis (Garcinia xanthochymus), Kelangkek (Litsea sp), Kelansuak(Nephelium sp), Mangga (Mangifera indica L), Pinang (Areca catechu L), Rambutan (Nepheliumlappaceum L), Sangkal (Shorea sp ) dan Tegelam (Shorea seminis). Pohon riparian yang terdapatpada lokasi penelitian mempunyai nilai ekologis sangat tinggi dalam mempertahankan keseimbanganekosistem setempat, dan mempunyai nilai ekonomis baik kayu maupun buah. Mengingat pohon-pohonriparian yang terdapat pada sungai Belitang desa Ijuk memiliki nilai ekologis dan ekonomis yang tinggi,maka diperlukan upaya nyata oleh pemerintah melalui instansi terkait dengan masyarakat untuk menjagakelestarian fungsi kawasan dan keanekaragaman jenis pohonnya.
Jurnal MEKANIKAL Vol 8, No 1 (2017): Jurnal Mekanikal Januari 2017
Publisher : Jurnal MEKANIKAL

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (969.216 KB)


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sifat mekanis baja karbon ASTM A 106 setelah mengalami proses pengelasan GTAW dengan menggunakan variasi arus 90 A, 110 A dan 130 A. Penelitian ini menggunakan bahan baja paduan rendah, bahan diberi perlakuan pengelasan dengan variasi arus 90 A, 110 A dan 130 A dengan menggunakan las GTAW DC polaritas balik dengan elektroda atau logam pengisi ER 70S-6. Jenis kampuh yang digunakan adalah kampuh V dengan sudut 30ᴼ. Spesimen dilakukan pengujian tarik, impak, kekerasan dan foto struktur mikro. Penelitian ini dilakukan di PT Poso Energy untuk pengelasannya dan pengujiannya dilakukan dilaboratorium pengujian bahan Jurusan Teknik Mesin Universitas Tadulako. Kekuatan tarik sambungan las tertinggi terjadi pada kelompok spesimen arus 90 A yaitu 573,61 MPa yang mengalami kenaikan sebesar 11,99 MPa atau sebesar 2,13 % dari kelompok spesimen 110 A dan sebesar 18,01 MPa atau sebesar 3,24 % dari arus 130 A, dan mengalami penurunan dari raw material yaitu sebesar 20,22 MPa atau sebesar 3,52 %. Regangan tarik tertinggi pada kelompok variasi arus terjadi pada kelompok spesimen arus 90 A yaitu 23,04 % dan terenda pada kelompok arus 130 A yang mengalami penurunan sebesar 2,92 %. Untuk elastisitas nilai tertinggi pada kelompok variasi arus 130 A sebesar 3895,21 MPa. Ketangguhan pada daerah las tertinggi pada kelompok spesimen arus 90 A yaitu sebesar 578068,3 Joule/m², hal ini mengalami kenaikan sebesar 59,76 % dari raw material. Kelompok arus 110 A dan 130 A mengalami kenaikan terhadap raw material yaitu masing-masing sebesar 44,10 % dan 34,00 %. Tingkat kekerasan tertinggi terjadi pada daerah logam las sebesar 151,55 kg/mm² dari variasi arus 90 A , disusul variasi arus 110 A sebesar 147,67 kg/mm² dan tingkat kekerasan paling rendah terdapat pada vaiasi arus 130 A sebesar 125,33 kg/mm² yaitu pada daerah HAZ. Struktur mikro yang terbentuk adalah ferit dan perlit, ferit cenderung lebih halus dan mempunyai kekuatan dan keuletan yang cukup sedangkan perlit lebih kasar dan mempunyai sifat yang keras dan kurang ulet. Hasil pengujian metalografi yang mengalami proses pengelasan variasi arus memperlihatkan bentuk struktur butir perlit dan ferrit yang hampir seimbang.Kata Kunci : Arus, GTAW, baja karbon ASTM A 106, sifat mekanis. 
Two Varieties Test Of Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea L.) Growth and Production After Application Of Phytomic Microfertilizers On Lowland Lands Akhmad Sopian; Cris Yan Tomy; Hamidah Hamidah; Oktavianus Oktavianus
Jurnal Agroqua: Media Informasi Agronomi dan Budidaya Perairan Vol 20 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Agroqua
Publisher : University of Prof. Dr. Hazairin, SH

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32663/ja.v20i2.3000


The prospect of cauliflower or in its foreign language cauliflower in east Kalimantan is very promising. The supply of cauliflower at this time is very dependent on outside the East Kalimantan region, namely Java and Sulawesi. The efforts made to meet the needs are to increase production by improving intensive cultivation techniques. The productivity of cauliflower plants can be increased by providing micronutrients and using suitable varieties. The study aims to determine the effect of mikro fitomic and variety nutrients on the growth and production of cauliflower plants. This study was compiled in a Randomized Group Design (RAK) with a 4 x 2 factorial trial with 4 repeats. The first factor is the concentration of mikro fitomic fertilizer (F), which consists of 4 levels: F0: control, F1: 1.5 ml/litre of water, F2: 2.5 ml/litre, F3: 3.5 ml/litre water. The second factor is the variety, which consists of 4 levels V2: PM 126 variety. Fitomic micro fertilizer has significantly affected the growth and production of Brassica oleracea. The crop/plant weight of 884.38 grams was achieved at the optimal concentration of micro-fitomik fertilizer 3.5 ml/litre of water. The Brassica oleracea variety had a significantly affected diameter, plant/plant weight, and plant/plot weight. Plant production/hectare of the PM 126 variety was higher than the production of the Orient variety. The interaction between the concentrations of micro-fitomic fertilizers and the two types of varieties was not significantly different in growth and production. Recommendations for the application of micro-fitomic to B.oleracea plants are applied at a concentration of 3.5 ml/litre of water. PM126 and Orient varieties are suitable for cultivation in the lowlands of East Kalimantan.
SASARAN SILEK JUNGUIK SATI DALAM LANGKAH AMPEK NAGARI BATU TABA KABUPATEN TANAH DATAR Yan Stevenson; Auliana Mukhti Maghfirah; Oktavianus Oktavianus; Ernawita Ernawita
Garak Jo Garik : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni Vol 1, No 2 (2023): Garak Jo Garik : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni
Publisher : Garak Jo Garik : Jurnal Pengkajian dan Penciptaan Seni

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26887/gjg.v1i2.3772


This research aims to understand the preservation of the "langkah ampek" tradition and the method of character formation among the younger generation in the Batu Taba Nagari, Tanah Datar District, and its impact on the development of silek (a traditional martial art) today. The research method used in this study is qualitative research with a descriptive analysis approach, where all the data collected in the field are compiled, described, and analyzed according to the discussed issues. The cultural theory by Jacobus Ranjabar is employed to analyze this research. In line with the research object, the results reveal that pencak silat (martial arts) has its own unique style and characteristics in both offensive and defensive techniques. The rapid development of culture and technology has had an impact on the development of silat in the archipelago, leading to a decline in the interest of the younger generation in the development of this cultural art form, resulting in a gradual erosion of the culture over time. The local richness of various silat styles in Minangkabau, which are owned by the three regions (Luhak), namely Luhak nan Tuo/Tanah Datar, Luhak Agam, and Luhak 50 Koto, is one of the cultural treasures. The phenomenon of the development of traditional silek is concerning due to the decreasing interest of the younger generation. However, in the Batu Taba Nagari, Tanah Datar District, there is a considerable enthusiasm for silek, which is well-received by the local community. The target of Junguik Sati plays a role in shaping the character of the younger generation through the Langkah Ampek pattern.
FOKUS : Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa, Staf Pengajar dan Alumni Universitas Kapuas Sintang. Vol 20 No 1 (2022): FOKUS : Publikasi Ilmiah untuk Mahasiswa, Staf Pengajar dan Alumni Universitas K
Publisher : Universitas Kapuas Sintang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51826/fokus.v20i1.575


Pelaksanaan aktivitas menjadi landasan dalam pencapaian tujuan yang telah ditetapkan, untuk mencapai tujuan itu semua komponen harus memiliki fungsi dengan baiksehingga diperlukan pembagian tugas yang jelas dan memudahkan pelaksanaan tugas sesuaifungsi masing-masing yang tergambar dalam struktur organisasi. Struktur organisasimencerminkan adanya pemberdayaan yang dilakukan berkaitan dengan pendampingan daridinas koperasi usaha kecil dan menengah, tujuannya meningkatkan keterampilan danperekonomian masyarakat, sehingga diperlukan pembinaan melalui musyawarah menyampaikaninformasi dan hasil-hasil yang dapat diterapkan sehingga menjadi efektif dan efisien sesuaidengan harapan masyarakat dapat meningkatkan perekonomian masyarakat maupun daya belimasyarakat terutama pada masa pandemi covid-19 seperti sekarang ini. Perencanaan melibatkanperwakilan masyarakat serta tokoh-tokoh masyarakat dalam merumuskan perencanaan untukdi usulkan dalam musrenbangdes (Musyawarah Pembangunan desa) dengan demikianperencanaan dimulai dari bawah sesuai dengan kebutuhan masyarakat artinya bukan hanyasekedar perencanaan tetapi mengutamakan tindakan nyata berdasarkan pembagian tugas yangjelas dan dapat dilaksanakan dengan baik sehingga dapat berjalan sesuai yang telahdirencanakan. Dalam usaha meningkatkan pembangunan yang berkesinambungan, menyeluruh,terpadu dan terarah maka penyelenggaraan pembangunan tersebut haruslah dapatmengakomodir kebutuhan pembangunan, baik di tingkat pusat maupun daerah sampai padatingkat wilayah administratif pemerintahan Kecamatan. Salah satu fungsi pemerintah yangutama adalah menyelenggarakan pelayanan umum sebagai wujud dari tugas umumpemerintahan untuk mewujudkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Birokrasi merupakan instrumenpemerintah untuk mewujudkan pelayanan publik yang efisien, efektif, berkeadilan, transparandan akuntabel.