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Publisher : Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (452.001 KB) | DOI: 10.31602/al-kalam.v4i1.830


This study aims to, prove significant influence motivation partially on employee performance, proving significant effect partially to the Work Environment Employee Performance, and prove the significant influence of Motivation and Work Environment simultaneously against South PT.Tanjung Employee Performance Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan.Methods of analysis using multiple linear regression equation .Populasi in this study were all fixed karwayan South PT.Tanjung Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan .Sampel research as much as 67 .Pengujian partially Variables Influence Motivation (X1) the Employee Performance is equal to 17,182, thus, the hypothesis that motivation berpengauh positive and significant impact on Employee Performance South PT.Tanjung Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan proved acceptable. Working Environment Variables Influence (X2) to the environment variable t value is equal to 9,785, thus partially the environment has a significant impact on employee performance South PT.Tanjung Jaya Makmur South Kalimantan proved acceptable. Effect of Motivation and Work Environment Variables simultaneously towards employee performance with the result of 178,391 F count larger than F table 3,140, thus simultaneously Motivation and Work Environment positive and significant impact on Employee Performance PT. South Tanjung Jaya Makmur South Kalimantan proved acceptable.Keywords: Motivation, Work Environment and Employee Performance.
Pengaruh Modal Sendiri dan Volume Usaha terhadap Sisa Hasil Usaha (SHU) pada Koperasi Karyawan Siti Khadijah RS Islam Banjarmasin Bustani Bustani; Firdaus Firdaus
Jurnal Maksipreneur Vol 10, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Proklamasi 45 Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30588/jmp.v10i1.647


This study aims to examine the effect of members’ equity and business volume partially and simultaneously on the net profit as the remaining business results (SHU) of the Siti Khadijah Employee Cooperative in Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital. The object of this research is the Siti Khadijah Employee Cooperative at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital, South Kalimantan. The data needed in this study is secondary data, namely cooperative members’ equity, business volume, and the SHU in the period of 2010-2018. This type of research is explanatory research. The secondary data was collected through research object documentation. Next, the data were analyzed using multiple linear regression, classic assumption tests, partial and simultaneous tests, and coefficient of determination. The results of this study indicate that the members’ equity and the cooperative business volume partially and simultaneously have a positive and significant effect on the SHU. This finding adds insights to academic research on the influence of the members’ equity and cooperative business volume to the SHU of the Siti Khadijah Employee Cooperative at the Banjarmasin Islamic Hospital.
PENGARUH DISIPLIN DAN LINGKUNGAN KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA KARYAWAN (Studi pada PT. Tanjung Selatan Makmur Jaya Kalimantan Selatan) Herlina Lusiana; Firdaus Firdaus
AL-ULUM : Jurnal Ilmu Sosial dan Humaniora Vol 4, No 1 (2018): Edisi April
Publisher : Universitas Islam Kalimantan Muhammad Arsyad Al Banjari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (527.566 KB) | DOI: 10.31602/alsh.v4i1.1463


This research aims to: (1) tested the influence of the discipline of work partially on performance of employees; (2) to test the influence of partially working environment on performance of employees; (3) test the influence of the discipline of work and work environment on performance of employees simultaneously.This research was conducted on the PT Tanjung Selatan Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan. There are 71 respondents that have been selected as the sample slovin formula and using the technique of random sampling. Research method using the methods of survey and the type of quantitative research. While the nature of this research including research eksplanatory. Data retrieval method using questionnaires, while data analysis techniques using multiple linear regression and hypothesis testing using IBM SPSS program Version 24.The results showed that the discipline of work (X1) has a partial influence on performance of employees at PT Tanjung Selatan Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan, the working environment (X2) has a partial influence on performance of employees on PT Tanjung Selatan Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan, and discipline work (X1) and the work environment (X2) features simultaneously influence on performance of employees at PT Tanjung Selatan Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan. From the results of the determination coefficient (R2) of 73% change in the performance of the employees of PT Tanjung Selatan Makmur Jaya South Kalimantan affected by variable discipline of work and work environment. While the rest of IE 27% affected other factors. Keywords: discipline work, the work environment, performance.
At-Tadbir : jurnal ilmiah manajemen Vol 4, No 1 (2020): At-Tadbir : jurnal ilmiah manajemen
Publisher : Islamic University of Kalimantan MAB Banjarmasin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (409.422 KB) | DOI: 10.31602/atd.v4i1.1874


This study aims: (1) To test organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention at PT Decorindo Inti Alam Wood South Kalimantan; (2) To test job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention at PT Decorindo Inti Alam Wood South Kalimantan; (3) To test organizational commitment and job satisfaction simultaneously affect turnover intention at PT Decorindo Inti Alam Wood, South Kalimantan. This research was conducted at PT Decorindo Inti Alam Wood, South Kalimantan. There were 78 respondents who were selected as samples using the Slovin formula and random sampling techniques. The research method uses survey methods and types of quantitative research. While the nature of this research includes explanatory research. The data collection method uses a questionnaire, while the data analysis technique uses multiple linear regression analysis, hypothesis testing and coefficient of determination using the IBM Version 24 SPSS program. The results of the study are: (1) Organizational commitment has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention at PT Decorindo Inti Alam Wood in South Kalimantan, as evidenced by the significance of 0,000 <0.05 so the first hypothesis (H1) is accepted; (2) Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on turnover intention at PT Decorindo Inti Alam Wood in South Kalimantan, as evidenced by the significance of 0,000 <0.05 so the second hypothesis (H2) is accepted; (3) Organizational commitment and job satisfaction have a simultaneous effect on turnover intention at PT Decorindo Inti Alam Wood in South Kalimantan, as evidenced by the significance of 0,000 <0.05 so the third hypothesis (H3) is accepted. Keywords: organizational commitment; job satisfaction; turnover intention.
Strategi Daya Saing Pada MIS Nurul Wahidah Padangin Kalimantan Selatan Harlis Setiyowati; Firdaus Firdaus; Gazali Rahman
Al-Madrasah: Jurnal Pendidikan Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Al-Madrasah Vol. 6, No. 4 (Oktober 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Al-Qur'an (SIQ) Amuntai Kalimantan Selatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35931/am.v6i4.1085


Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Swasta (MIS) Nurul Wahidah Padangin merupakan lembaga pendidikan yang dinaungi oleh Kementrian Agama. Pendidikan dasar memegang peranan penting dalam membentuk kepribadian siswa. Penelitian  bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi strategi dalam meningkatkan daya saing. Jenis penelitian  menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif melalui wawancara dengan informan yaitu Kepala Sekolah,Guru, Orang Tua Siswa dan Masyarakat sekitar. Hasil dari penelitian bahwa Pihak Sekolah menggunakan startegi melalui sistem pendidikan Islam dalam berbagai aspek, seperti membekali mata pelajaran yang selaras dengan kurikulum, juga kurikulum khusus untuk memperkuat karakter seperti rutinitas sholat dhuha dan sholat dhuhur berjamaah, seni membaca Quran dan tahfidz Quran. Selain menjadi satu-satunya lembaga pendidikan Islam di desa Padangin sehingga menjadikan brand image. Kegiatan pembelajaran dan kegiatan ekstra kurikuler dirancang sesuai dengan harapan orangtua, masyarakat dan komite madrasah. Kepercayaan orangtua terhadap Madrasah sebagai Lembaga Pendidikan berpengaruh terhadap tingginya animo masyarakat. Sarannya perlu penguatan Pendidikan Bela Negara pada peran mata pelajaran Kewarganegaraan dalam membangun karakter peserta didik. 
Inovasi Biji Karet Sebagai Produk Souvenir dan Panganan Keripik Dalam Upaya Pemberdayaan Masyarakat di Desa Wisata Aranio Purboyo Purboyo; Farida Yulianti; Teguh Wicaksono; Aida Vitria; Abdurrahim Abdurrahim; Firdaus Firdaus
Nanggroe: Jurnal Pengabdian Cendikia Vol 2, No 9 (2023): Desember
Publisher : Yayasan Daarul Huda Kruengmane

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10325885


Desa Aranio banyak terdapat kebun karet sehingga limbah biji karet sangat banyak dan mudah didapat, namun sayang belum ada penduduk desa yang memanfaatkan limbah biji karet tersebut.Tujuan dari Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat ini adalah untuk memberdayakan masyarakat Desa Aranio melalui sosialisasi dan pelatihan memanfaatkan biji karet untuk dijadikan souvenir dan produk panganan keripik. Olahan biji karet ini dapat menjadi salah satu sarana untuk meningkatan perekonomian warga Desa Aranio, dimana hasil olahan biji karet berupa keripik dan souvenir dapat di jual di daerah wisata Sungai Kambang desa Aranio. Metode yang dilaksanakan adalah berupa sosialisasi, ceramah, diskusi, tanya jawab dan pelatihan pemanfaatan biji karet sebagai produk suvenir dan panganan keripik. Mitra pengabdian adalah ibu-ibu yang ada di desa Aranio. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah dapat memberikan solusi atas permasalahan masyarakat desa Aranio dengan  sosialisasi dan pelatihan pemanfaatan biji karet menjadi produk yang bermanfaat dan memberikan nilai tambah sehingga masyarakat pada akhirnya mempunyai keterampilan bagaimana mengolah biji karet yang dapat dijadikan sebagai sovenir dan panganan keripik yang dapat di konsumsi sendiri atau alternatif tambahan penghasilan.