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Kemampuan komunikasi matematis tulis siswa Samin dalam memecahkan masalah geometri Setyo Riyadi; Kurnia Noviartati; Zainal Abidin
Ethnomathematics Journal Vol 2, No 1 (2021): March
Publisher : Universitas negeri Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (347.786 KB) | DOI: 10.21831/ej.v2i1.36192


Keterampilan komunikasi matematis merupakan salah satu tujuan pembelajaran matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mendeskripsikan kemampuan komunikasi matematis siswa Samin dalam menyelesaikan masalah geometri. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek penelitian adalah anggota masyarakat adat Samin yang duduk di kelas VII SMPN 1 Margomulyo. Tahapan penelitian meliputi persiapan, pengumpulan data, analisis data, dan pembuatan laporan. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan adalah Tes Kemampuan Matematika (TKM), Tes Kemampuan Komunikasi Matematika (TKKM), dan Pedoman Wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa keterampilan komunikasi matematika tertulis siswa dalam menulis ide matematika (penggunaan model matematika, rumus atau simbol) dengan jelas dan tepat untuk menyelesaikan suatu masalah tergolong rendah, Keterampilan komunikasi matematis tertulis siswa dalam menulis alasan jawaban yang diberikan adalah relatif rendah, keterampilan komunikasi matematika tertulis siswa dalam menulis ulang gagasan orang lain dengan menggunakan bahasanya sendiri tergolong sedang, dan keterampilan komunikasi matematika tertulis siswa dalam mengungkapkan kembali ide orang lain diklasifikasikan rendah.Written mathematical communication skills of Samin students in solving geometric problemsAbstractMathematical communication skills are one of the goals of mathematics learning. The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical communication ability of Samin students in solving geometric problems. The type of this research was a descriptive study with a qualitative approach. The research subjects were members of the Samin indigenous people who were in Class VII at SMPN 1 Margomulyo. The stages of the research included preparation, data collection, data analysis, and report making. The research instruments used were the Mathematics Ability Test (TKM), the Mathematical Communication Ability Test (TKKM), and Interview Guidelines. The results show that the students 'written mathematical communication skills in writing mathematical ideas (the use of mathematical models, formulas, or symbols) clearly and precisely to solve a problem were classified as low. The students' written mathematical communication skills in writing the reasons for the answers given were relatively low, students' written mathematical communication skills in re-writing others' ideas using their own language were moderate, and students' written mathematical communication skills in re-expressing other people's ideas were classified as low.
Pengaruh Penggunaan Teks Berwarna terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Ditinjau dari Gaya Belajar Aditya Juliant; Zainal Abidin; Kurnia Noviartati
MAJAMATH: Jurnal Matematika dan Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 3 No. 1 (2020): Vol. 3 No. 1 Maret 2020
Publisher : Prodi Pendidikan matematika Universitas Islam Majapahit (UNIM), Mojokerto, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36815/majamath.v3i1.592


The aim of this study determined (1) the effect of using color text towards the learning outcome on the topic matrices operation and (2) the comparison of mean using color text of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning style. This research is an experiment research with Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. Test and questionnaire are used as instrument in this research. The test is used to investigate the learning outcome before and after treatment. Questionnaire is used to investigate the learning styles level and anxiety in learning by using color text. The technique of data analysis applied is t-test and One Way Anova. The result of this research showed that there is an effect of using color text in the learning outcome on the topic matrices operation. Analysis of t-test shows that is 2,46 with significant level of 5% and is 2,01. The result showed (t-value is bigger than t-table). In conclusion, there is an effect of using color text in the learning outcome on the topic matrices operation. For knowing comparison mean visual, auditory, and kinesthetetic is used One-Way ANOVA test, showed that is 0,109 and is 5,143. The result showed that (f_value is bigger than f_table). In the conclusion, learning outcome in 3 students with different learning styles from the experiment class do not significantly different regarding to the comparison mean value.
Investasi Digital Sebagai Solusi Mengurangi Perilaku Konsumtif Milenial Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ahmad Rosyid Nur Ismail; Kurnia Noviartati; Syahril Syahril; Achmad Rizalul Fikri
CAPITAL: Jurnal Ekonomi dan Manajemen Vol 4, No 2 (2021)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (203.621 KB) | DOI: 10.25273/capital.v4i2.8742


This research aims to identify changes in people's consumptive behavior, especially the millennial generation during the Covid-19 pandemic and digital investment as a solution to reduce consumptive behavior. This research is qualitative research using a narrative review writing technique. The data collection technique used in this research is documentation from secondary data sources. Researchers download secondary data from the internet in the form of journals, research articles, government agency reports, survey results, and books. The collected data were then analyzed using an interactive analysis model with the stages of analysis including data collection, data reduction, data presentation, drawing conclusions, or data verification. The results of this study indicate that changes in consumptive behavior in the Covid-19 pandemic can be seen based on four things, namely: consumptive purposes, differences  in factors that affect consumptive behavior, media, and transaction tools. Meanwhile, solutions to reduce consumptive behavior based on factors owned by investment and consumptive behavior create millennials.
Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika Vol 5, No 3 (2018): Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika
Publisher : Jurnal Pembelajaran Matematika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (497.322 KB)


Abstract: Conventional learning can be considered as one factor that causes low learning motivation of students in Junior High School (SMP). Learning with a pleasant atmosphere can stimulate students’ motivation and encourage them to construct knowledge. Quantum teaching is offered as a solution to engage with the problem. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of quantum teaching learning of TANDUR type viewed from students’ learning motivation. This is pre-experimental research with one-group pretest-posttest design. The instrument is motivational questionnaire. The subjects of this study are all students at VII A of Private Junior High School (SMP) in Surabaya as an experimental class. The results show that there is a significant difference on students’ learning motivation who follow TANDUR type of quantum teaching learning model. It is proved by the results of pretest and posttest data analysis using t test. The value of  is 5.09 then it is compared to value of , namely 2.05 with significant level of  and . Based on this, it can be concluded that quantum teaching learning model of TANDUR type has a positive influence on students’ learning motivation because .Keywords: Learning Motivation, Quantum Teaching Learning.
Representasi Matematis Siswa Bergaya Kognitif Visualizer-Verbalizer dalam Menyelesaikan Soal Matematika TIMSS M. Syahid; Kurnia Noviartati
Jurnal Gantang Vol 4 No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (830.931 KB) | DOI: 10.31629/jg.v4i1.934


This study aims to describe students' mathematical representations in a cognitive style of visualizers in solving TIMSS problems. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. In this study consisted of 4 students where 2 of them were students with low and high cognitive style visualizers, and 2 others were students with low and high cognitive verbalizer styles. The instruments in this study were the researchers themselves and assisted with cognitive style questionnaire sheets, TIMSS test sheets, and interview guidelines. Data collection techniques used were in the form of cognitive style tests, TIMSS test questions, and student interviews. The technical data analysis used is data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study are that mathematical representations with cognitive visualizer style are able to work on the questions in the form of images or illustrations well through the stages set by the researcher, namely; the interest in the question according to its cognitive style, understanding the problem more than the student who has a positive verbalizer style, uses a better solution to approach the perfection of the answer. Students' mathematical representations in the cognitive verbalizer style are able to work on questions presented with story or narrative questions that are easier to understand and able to describe well and are able to represent in mathematical languages.
Pedagogy: Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Pedagogy : Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika
Publisher : Universitas Cokroaminoto Palopo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30605/pedagogy.v8i2.2798


Setiap mahasiswa calon guru memiliki karakteristik yang khas dalam berkomunikasi. Karakteristik komunikasi matematis terdiri dari keterampilan komunikasi tertulis dan lisan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan secara komprehensif karakteristik kemampuan komunikasi matematis calon guru, baik lisan maupun tulisan. Subyek penelitian ini adalah tiga orang mahasiswa jurusan pendidikan matematika. Mereka diminta untuk menyelesaikan tugas menjelaskan topik matematika untuk sekolah menengah pertama. Selama pembelajaran dilakukan perekaman video untuk mendapatkan data yang menggambarkan kemampuan komunikasi matematis calon guru. Selain itu, keterampilan komunikasi matematis tertulis dikumpulkan dari persiapan mengajar calon guru termasuk slide power point dan catatan di papan tulis. Analisis data menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan komunikasi matematis lisan dicirikan oleh keakuratan, kelengkapan, kesistematisan, dan kelancaran. Selanjutnya, keterampilan komunikasi tertulis terdiri dari keakuratan, kelengkapan, dan bagaimana komunikasi dibangun secara sistematis. Keterampilan komunikasi matematis baik lisan maupun tulisan memiliki tiga karakteristik yang identik, yaitu: aspek keakuratan, kesistematisan, dan kelengkapan. Sedangkan ciri kelancaran hanya terjadi pada komunikasi lisan. Penelitian ini juga memberikan satu temuan bahwa kualitas karakteristik komunikasi matematis lisan maupun tulisan berbeda-beda untuk setiap calon guru.