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Implementasi Metode Profile Matching dan Multi Factor Evaluation Process (MFEP) Dalam Seleksi Pencari Kerja Heru Purwanto; Arfhan Prasetyo; Rachmat Suryadithya
Computer Science (CO-SCIENCE) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Juli 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/coscience.v1i2.463


An effective job seekers selection process at the company is needed to assist an organization's decision making. The purpose of this paper is to create a system and development of a decision-making system in the human resources (HR) section to find it easier to determine whether job seekers are accepted or not. The multi factor evaluation process (MFEP) is a very effective approach in dealing with decision problems and Profile matching is a multi-criteria selection method, where the determination of aspects and criteria (name of school, appropriate department, GPA value meets, year of graduation, relevant courses, work experience in the appropriate field, projects that have been handled, salary suitability, domicile, honest, responsible and discipline, cooperation, communicative and self-confidence). The advantage of the profile matching method is the provision of standard values from the main and supporting criteria, making it easier for system users to determine the available options. MPEF needs to define the education value factor, target value and attitude value. The final calculation results provide information referring to the same name. Profile Matching method in the first order with a value of 4.62, the second order of 4.59 and the third order of 4.52. The first order MFEP method = 0.513, the second order = 0.510 and the third order = 0.502. This decision support system not only makes it easier to determine the assessment of job seekers but also provides an alternative sequence of candidates who have the potential to be considered by companies or organizations
Jurnal Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer Vol 5, No 1 (2019): Jurnal Teknologi Informatika dan Komputer
Publisher : Universitas Mohammad Husni Thamrin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37012/jtik.v5i1.248


Sering kali pemilihan kandidat karyawan yang akandi promosikan untuk jabatan tertentu pada suatuperusahaan sebetulnya tidak cocok untuk mengisijabatan tersebut, karena sebelumnya tidak ditentukanterlebih dahulu GAP antara kompetensi individu dankompetensi jabatan yang dapat mengarahkankaryawan ke jabatan yang sesuai dengan kompetensidasar yang dimiliki. Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmembantu PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), TbkKCU Pecenongan dalam proses seleksi promosijabatan dari kandidat Costumer Service Officer(CSO) untuk menempati posisi jabatan Personalbanking Officer (PBO) dengan menggunakan metodeProfile Matching. Metode ini dilakukan dengantahapan, menentukan aspek dan sub aspek penilaian,menentukan nilai target dari masing-masing subaspek, menentukan GAP kompetensi dari selisihantara nilai aspek dan nilai target, melakukanpembobotan nilai GAP, mengkelompokan aspekmenjadi 2 kelompok yaitu core factor dan secondaryfactor, melakukan perhitungan nilai total berdasarkanpresentasi dari core factor dan secondary factor, hasilakhir setelah melakukan penilaian dengan metodeprofile matching pada sistem promosi jabatan dengancara memilih kandidat dari costumer service officer(CSO) PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero), TbkKantor Cabang Utama Pecenongan untuk menempatiposisi jabatan Personal Banking Officer (PBO)terlihat perbedaan nilai yang lebih baik dariperhitungan sebelumnya yang masih dilakukandengan sederhana tanpa ada pemberian nilai target,pemetaan nilai bobot GAP dan nilai factor yakniCore Factor dan Secondary Factor yang dilanjutkandengan hitung rangking.
Implementasi Data Transaksi Usaha Dagang Menggunakan Aplikasi Akuntansi Untuk Memudahkan Penyajian Laporan Wulandari Nurfika; Arfhan Prasetyo; Kasmanto Miharja
JAIS - Journal of Accounting Information System Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Juni 2021
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/jais.v1i01.878


Pada perkembangan zaman yang semakin meroket, peranan teknologi tentunya memiliki pengaruh besar dalam lini kehidupan masyarakat, khususnya bagi perusahaan dalam bidang keuangan. Pentingnya suatu pencatatan transaksi keuangan bagi perusahaan agar dapat mengontrol seluruh transaksi dan aktivitas yang terjadi didalam sebuah perusahaan. Komputer menjadi alat bantu teknologi yang memudahkan kinerja suatu perusahaan. Begitu pula dalam pencatatan transaksi diperlukannya sistem komputerisasi untuk memudahkan perusahaan dalam melakukan pencatatan serta kebutuhan dalam menyajikan suatu laporan keuangan yang cepat dan akurat. Dalam melakukan pencatatan transaksi keuangan pada Toko Bangunan dilakukan secara manual sehingga pembuatan laporan yang dihasilkan membutuhkan waktu yang cukup lama dan besar kemungkinan akan adanya kesalahan dari informasi yang dihasilkan karena kurangnya ketelitian manusia. Oleh karena itu pencatatan transaksi Toko Bangunan diterapkan kedalam sistem informasi akuntansi yang telah terkomputerisasi, salah satu software akuntansi yang dapat digunakan adalah software Myob Accounting V.17. Dengan software akuntansi tersebut dapat mempermudah aktivitas perusahaan dalam melakukan pencatatan transaksi keuangan serta mempermudah dalam menyajikan sebuah laporan keuangan yang akurat secara efketif dan efisien.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Akuntansi Dengan Metode Waterfall Untuk Memudahkan Laporan Pada Koperasi Warung Kita Pamijahan Bogor Jamal Andrian Perdana; Muhammad Anjaswani; Arfhan Prasetyo; Kusmayanti Solecha
JAIS - Journal of Accounting Information System Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : LPPM Universitas Bina Sarana Informatika

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31294/jais.v2i01.1265


In today's era of globalization, information technology is advancing rapidly. As for computers, which are equipment created to facilitate human work, when achieving progress both in the manufacture of hardware and software. Warung Kita Cooperative really needs an information system that supports and provides satisfactory service to customers. For this reason, the author tries to make a Final Project regarding the system of selling goods at the Warung Kita Pamijahan Bogor Cooperative which has not yet been computerized. At the time the Warung Kita Cooperative was engaged in the sale of goods. The existing system at the Warung Kita Cooperative is still done manually, starting from recording goods, making sales notes, to storing other data related to the sales process to making reports, making it possible during the process an error occurred in the recording, less the accuracy of the reports made and the delay in finding the required data. The design of this information system is the best solution to solve the problems that exist in this company, and with a computerized system, an effective and efficient activity can be achieved in supporting activities in this company. The computerized system is better than the manual system to run more effectively and efficiently and the current sales system is more conducive than the previous system
Jurnal Riset Informatika Vol. 3 No. 3 (2021): June 2021 Edition
Publisher : Kresnamedia Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34288/jri.v3i3.85


Ordering products from home-based trading businesses have not utilized data mining algorithms that can help analyze transaction data to optimize product order transactions and also manage inventory on raw materials from products by reducing a lot of leftover raw materials and products that are not purchased by customers. To avoid the occurrence of a lot of raw material leftovers from products that are not in demand and to find out which types of products are in demand by customers, then the apriori algorithm is needed. The purpose of this research is that the owner can carry out good and efficient management of the availability of raw materials from the product so that the raw materials can be processed into products, which must be adjusted to the number of products ordered by customers so that there is no accumulation of raw materials from fewer transactions. The results obtained from this research are if a customer orders product H, then he will order product L with a support value of 42% and 83% confidence, if a customer orders product L then he will order product G with a support value of 67% and a confidence of 90% -100%, and if a customer orders product H, he will order product G with a support value of 42% and 100% confidence. From the rules of this association, it can be concluded that this business owner can determine the management of raw materials by prioritizing the materials used to make products from L, H, and G so that the purchase and use of raw materials for these products are more manageable and efficient.