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Masalah-Masalah Hukum Vol 49, No 4 (2020): MASALAH-MASALAH HUKUM
Publisher : Faculty of Law, Universitas Diponegoro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/mmh.49.4.2020.359-368


Masyarakat Gayo merupakan salah satu suku yang berada di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dimana masyarakatnya masih memegang teguh hukum adat. Tindak pidana perzinaan dalam masyarakat adat Gayo merupakan perbuatan sumang (tabu) dan sangat ‘aib. Sanksi yang dijatuhkan kepada seseorang karena terlibat dengan perbuatan zina dan perkawinan satu kampung adalah sanksi adat “Jeret Naru” (Kuburan Panjang) yang berarti pelakunya dianggap hilang, terbuang, dari kampung asalnya. Jenis penelitian ini yuridis empiris dengan memadukan sumber data primer dan data sekunder yang selanjutnya dianalisis secara deskriktif kualitatif. Hasil penelitian eksistensi sanksi adat Jeret Naru pada masyarakat Gayo di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah yaitu di Kampung Linge dan Kampung Asir-Asir masih tetap dipertahankan. Kedua, Kedudukan sanksi adat Jeret Naru perspektif hukum pidana tidak bertentangan dan keberadaan sanksi adat Jeret Naru dapat mengisi kekosongan hukum yang tiada bandingannya di dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana.
Efektivitas Penyelesaian Tindak Pidana Ringan Melalui Lembaga Adat (Sarak Opat) Achmad Surya; Suhartini Suhartini
Jurnal Hukum IUS QUIA IUSTUM Vol. 26 No. 1: JANUARI 2019
Publisher : Fakultas Hukum Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/iustum.vol26.iss1.art5


Thisstudy aims firstly to observe the effectiveness of minor criminal acts settlement through Sarak Opat in Central Aceh District. Second, it is to find out what constraints being faced by Sarak Opat are in settling the minor criminal acts in Central Aceh District. The method used in this study was empirical legal research or sociological legal research. The types and sources of data used in this study included library research and field  research.  The  data  analysis  technique  was  conducted  through  a  descriptivequalitative  method  by analysing the data obtained from the primary and secondary data sources. This was then continued with a thorough discussion and a conclusion, based on the discussion, was drawn in response to the problems studied. The results of the research showed first that it was still ineffective now that the people becoming the victims of criminal acts more believed in the police as the law enforcement officials rather than the settlement through the traditional institution of Sarak Opat. Second,the constraints faced by Sarak Opat in the settlement of minor crimes in Central Aceh Regency, included 1). The lack of understanding of the traditional institution of  Sarak  Opat;  2).  Customary  sanctions  not  giving  any  deterrent  effects  on  the  perpetrator;  3).  No documented  dispute  settlement  by  traditional  institution  Sarak  Opat;  4).  Lack  of  coordination  between traditional institution Sarak Opat and Police Department.
Strategi Komunikasi Penyidik Kepolisian Resor Aceh Tengah Dalam Proses Interogasi Tersangka Tindak Pidana Pembakaran Rumah Julmahdi Julmahdi; Achmad Surya; Viana Safrida Harahap
Telangke:Jurnal Telangke Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Januari : Jurnal Telangke Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Gajah Putih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.4 KB) | DOI: 10.55542/jiksohum.v4i1.140


As a state law enforcement tool, the National Police plays an important and strategic role. It is important because the function of law enforcement is usually initiated by the Police as a part of other law enforcement elements, such as prosecutors and judges. The communication strategy is a series of activities which includes planning a series of activities designed with different techniques and approaches, making it easier to uncover criminal cases. Observing these problems, it is clear that the communication strategy is very urgent to be mastered by every police investigator personnel of the Central Aceh resort in uncovering a criminal act and can determine the suspect in accordance with the applicable laws and regulations. The purpose of the study was to determine the investigator's communication strategy in the interrogation process of the suspect in the crime of burning a house, and to find out what factors hindered the investigator's communication strategy in the interrogation process of the suspect in the crime of burning a house. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, namely research that has descriptive results in the form of words and writings from informants studied by researchers, while the approach used in this study is a descriptive approach where researchers look for facts, phenomena about the communication strategy of district resort police investigators. Aceh is in the process of interrogating a suspect in the crime of burning a house. Sources of data used are primary data obtained directly in the field and secondary data obtained from literature or library materials. The results of the study show that the communication strategy used by investigators in the interrogation process of the suspect in the crime of burning a house is in accordance with the SOP that has been set, and the interrogation communication strategy used is persuasive communication and interpersonal communication. Persuasive communication is carried out using clear, firm and straightforward language. In addition to persuasive communication techniques, interpersonal communication techniques are also an option for investigators when interrogating suspects, because they treat suspects humanely by respecting their human values. The inhibiting factor of the investigator's communication strategy in the interrogation process of the suspect in the crime of burning a house, the information from the suspect which is always different, even seems to be changing and answering questions from investigators is often convoluted and the suspect does not want to answer questions from investigators, making it difficult for investigators to obtain information from investigators. suspect or perpetrator of a crime.
Strategi Komunikasi Persuasif Penyidik Tindak Pidana Umum Kepolisian Resor Aceh Tengah Dalam Menginterogasi Para Saksi Win Kotawarmi; Achmad Surya; Husni Fachri
Telangke:Jurnal Telangke Ilmu Komunikasi Vol 4 No 1 (2022): Januari : Jurnal Telangke Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : Universitas Gajah Putih

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (268.598 KB) | DOI: 10.55542/jiksohum.v4i1.141


The police in handling criminal cases are certainly faced with a choice between legal certainty with justice and expediency. The existence of witnesses in a criminal justice process starting from the stage of investigation, prosecution to trial in court in order to provide information in order to reveal the facts of the occurrence of a crime. The importance of communication is a part that cannot be replaced in writing or otherwise, because communication has functions that include, to inform, namely to provide information given by witnesses to investigators for the completeness of the investigation. The purpose of the study was to determine the persuasive communication strategy of members of the Central Aceh District Police in interrogating witnesses, and to find out what factors hindered the persuasive communication of members of the Central Aceh District Police in interrogating witnesses. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, namely research that has descriptive results in the form of words and writings from informants studied by researchers, while the approach used in this study is a descriptive approach where researchers look for facts, phenomena about the communication strategy of district resort police investigators. Aceh is in the process of interrogating a suspect in the crime of burning a house. Sources of data used are primary data obtained directly in the field and secondary data obtained from literature or library materials. The results showed that the communication strategy used by the investigator in the witness interrogation process was in accordance with the established SOP, and the interrogation communication strategy used was persuasive communication and interpersonal communication. Persuasive communication is carried out using clear, firm and straightforward language. In addition to persuasive communication techniques, interpersonal communication techniques are also an option for investigators when interrogating witnesses humanely by respecting human values. The factors that hinder persuasive communication by members of the Aceh Resort Police are in interrogating the witnesses, the statements from witnesses are always different, even seem to change and answering questions from investigators is often convoluted making it difficult for investigators to get information from witnesses, and witnesses are not present in the process of examining witnesses at the investigation stage.
Penegakan Hukum Terhadap Pertambangan Galian C Tanpa Izin Di Kabupaten Bener Meriah Achmad Surya
RESAM Jurnal Hukum Vol 5, No 2 (2019): RESAM Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : RESAM Jurnal Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1696.519 KB) | DOI: 10.32661/resam.v5i2.30


Perbuatan penambangan tanpa izin pada hakikatnya telah memenuhi unsur yang dapat diancam dengan hukum pidana, namun kenyataannnya kegiatan pertambangan pasir tanpa izin masih marak terjadi di Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Tujuan penelitian ini, untuk mengetahui penegakan hukum terhadap pertambangan galian C tanpa izin di Kabupaten Bener Meriah dan untuk mengetahui kendala penegakan hukum terhadap pertambangan galian C tanpa izin di Kabupaten Bener Meriah. Jenis penelitian ini yuridis empiris yang bersifat deskriptif analisis. Sumber data digunakan dalam penelitian ini data primer dan data sekunder. Hasil penelitian penegakan hukum terhadap pertambangan galian C tanpa izin di Kabupaten Bener Meriah kurang maksimal dan tidak adanya sanksi yang diberikan terhadap kegiatan pertambangan galian C tanpa izin. Kendala dalam penegakan hukum terhadap pertambangan tanpa izin, kurangnya kesadaran hukum masyarakat dan kurangnya koordinasi antara pihak Kepolisian dengan Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Kabupaten Bener Meriah.
Perlindungan Konsumen Terhadap Kemasan Produk Kopi Yang Tidak Mencantumkan Masa Kadaluwarsa Miranda Ulva Rembune; Achmad Surya
RESAM Jurnal Hukum Vol 6, No 1 (2020): RESAM Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : RESAM Jurnal Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32661/resam.v6i1.38


AbstrakTujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perlindungan konsumen terhadap kemasan produk kopi yang tidak mencantumkan masa kadaluwarsa, dan akibat hukum terhadap kemasan produk kopi yang tidak mencantumkan masa kadaluwarsa bagi penjual. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian yuridis empiris. Penelitian yuridis empiris merupakan penelitian lapangan (penelitian terhadap dua primer) yaitu suatu penelitian meneliti peraturan-peraturan hukum yang kemudian di gabungkan dengan data dan prilaku yang hidup ditengah-tengah masyarakat. Hasil penelitian perlindungan konsumen terhadap kemasan produk kopi gayo yang tidak mencantumkan masa kadaluwarsa, akan ditarik dari dinas terkait dan apabila terjadi kerugian terhadap konsumen yang mengkonsumsi kemasan kopi tersebut. Akibat hukum apabila kemasan produk kopi gayo yang tidak mencantumkan masa kadaluwarsa, pelaku usaha bersedia membayar ganti rugi akibat tindakan yang dilakukannya.AbstracThe purpose of this study was to determine consumer protection for coffee product packaging that did not include an expiry period, and the legal consequences for coffee product packaging that did not include an expiration period for sellers. This type of research uses empirical juridical research. Empirical juridical research is field research (research on two primers), namely a study examining legal regulations which are then combined with data and behaviors that live in the midst of society. The results of consumer protection research on packaging of Gayo coffee products that do not include an expiry period, will be withdrawn from the relevant department and if there is a loss to consumers who consume the coffee packaging. Legal consequences if the packaging of Gayo coffee products does not include an expiry period, the business actor is willing to pay compensation for the actions taken.
Problematika Penyidik Dalam Penetapan Tersangka Tindak Pidana Korupsi Dana Desa Di Kabupaten Aceh Tengah Achmad Surya
RESAM Jurnal Hukum Vol 4, No 1 (2018): RESAM Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : RESAM Jurnal Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1596.484 KB) | DOI: 10.32661/resam.v4i1.5


ABSTRAKTindak pidana korupsi sangat merugikan keuangan negara atau perekonomian negara dan menghambat pembangunan nasional, sehingga harus diberantas dalam rangka mewujudkan masyarakat adil dan makmur berdasarkan Pancasila dan Undang-Undang Dasar 1945. Sepanjang tahun 2016-2017 enam Reje Kampung yang dilaporkan oleh masyarakat melakukan tindak pidana korupsi penggunaan dana desa, namun sampai saat ini penyidik belum menetapkan tersangka tindak pidana korupsi dana desa. Jenis Penelitian ini adalah penelitian yuridis empiris, penelitian ini dilakukan pada Kepolisian Resort Kabupaten Aceh Tengah. Sumber data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yakni data primer dan data sekunder, teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan cara wawancara dan studi dokumen. Problematika kepolisian sebagai penyidik tindak pidana korupsi dalam penetapan tersangka tindak pidana korupsi dana kampung/desa, yaitu : Pertama, saksi tidak kooperatif dalam kesediaan hadir meskipun telah dipanggil secara patut dan resmi, Kedua, penyidik tindak pidana korupsi terlebih dahulu harus memiliki bukti nilai kerugian negara dari Inspektorat Kabupaten Aceh Tengah dan Badan Pemeriksaan Keuangan (BPK), yang memerlukan waktu sangat lama hingga lebih dari 2 (dua) bulan.Kata Kunci : Problematika, Penyidik, Tindak Pidana Korupsi, Penetapan Tersangka ABSTRACTCorruption is very detrimental to the state finance or state economy and hamper national development, so it must be eradicated in order to realize a just and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the Constitution of 1945. Throughout 2016-2017 year six Reje Kampung reported by people guilty of corruption use village funds, but so far investigators have not set a corruption suspect the village fund. This type of study is juridical empirical research, the study was conducted at the Police Central Aceh district. The data used in this research is primary data and secondary data, engineering data collection was done by interview and document study. Problems of police as investigators of corruption in the determination of criminal suspects corruption of village, namely: First, the witness was not cooperative in the willingness to attend despite having been properly called, officially, Secondly, corruption investigators must first have evidence of the value of state losses from the Inspectorate of Central Aceh District and the Audit Agency (BPK), which takes a very long time to more than 2 (two) months.Keywords : Problematic, Investigator, Corruption, Determination suspect
Dialogue : Jurnal Ilmu Administrasi Publik Vol 4, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Magister Administrasi Publik, FISIP

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14710/dialogue.v4i1.13609


Through the Qanun of Central Aceh Regency Number 6 of 2013, the Ketapang Nusantara Integrated City Area (KTM) was established in Linge District, Central Aceh Regency. Beef cattle fattening farm program in 2013. This study aims to evaluate the cattle fattening program in Ketapang Nusantara. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The informants of this research include the Head of the Dians Animal Husbandry, Central Aceh Regency, Cattle Cattle Group in Linge District, Central Aceh Regency, the community and related stakeholders. The results showed that the cattle fattening program could be said to be ineffective as a whole because the fulfillment of meat needs was still in the district of Central Aceh, while the objective of the program was based on regulations, namely meeting the needs of beef in the Special Province of Aceh. Besides that, some of the obstacles faced are natural factors, not being able to provide pasture to meet the quantity of animal feed, because some areas have land contours that are dominant with rocks. Behavior factors of human resources, lack of innovation and creativity of breeders in managing their farms. As well as the Organizational Commitment Factor, the weak commitment of the Department of Agriculture in coordinating and collaborating with related parties. The recommendations formulated include the need for partnerships with academics, improved coordination with agencies related to the cattle fattening program, and there needs to be a search for more supportive livestock locations.
Effectiveness of the Implementation of Additional Criminal Execution Replacement Money in Corruption Crimes Achmad Surya; Firdaus Diezo
RESAM Jurnal Hukum Vol 8, No 2 (2022): RESAM Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : RESAM Jurnal Hukum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32661/resam.v8i2.63


In the process of recovering state financial losses, the Prosecutor's Office has an obligation to return state finances due to corruption. The purpose of this study is to examine the implementation of the additional criminal execution of substitute money and its obstacles by the Central Aceh District Attorney against corruption cases. This type of research is empirical normative research by analyzing primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques used are direct interviews with informants and document studies. Furthermore, the collected data is processed by qualitative analysis. The execution of additional criminal compensation by the Central Aceh District Prosecutor's Office has been carried out well and effectively. Obstacles to the Central Aceh District Attorney's Office in carrying out additional criminal executions of replacement money, namely: First, the difficulty of tracing the assets of the suspect/defendant in an effort to recover state financial losses. Second, convicts of criminal acts of corruption prefer to undergo a subsidiary sentence of imprisonment/corporate law rather than paying replacement money.
Communication Strategy Of Police Investigators In Central Aceh Resort In Handling Children In Contact With Law Achmad Surya; Viana Safrida Harahap; Hasiun Budi; Kaidah
LEGAL BRIEF Vol. 11 No. 4 (2022): October: Law Science and Field
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.208 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/legal.v11i4.436


Handling children in conflict with the law, finding various problems that hinder the interrogation process faced by investigators, namely those given by children are often convoluted, making it easier for investigators to collect evidence. The purpose of the study was to determine the communication strategy of the Central Aceh Resort Police investigators in dealing with children's cases, and to determine the factors that hindered the investigation strategy in children's cases. This research is a type of qualitative descriptive research, using a descriptive approach. Sources of data used are primary data and secondary data. The results of the study show that children's communication strategies in dealing with children's cases are carried out by persuasive communication techniques using clear, firm and straightforward language. Interpersonal communication techniques are also an option for investigators when interrogating children humanely by respecting human values. Factors that hinder investigators' communication strategies in dealing with children's cases, namely: First, the statements from children are always different, one of the most memorable events and answers to questions from investigators are often convoluted. Second, the child's lack of ability to understand the language used by the investigator during the interrogation process.