Taadi Taadi
Jurusan Keperawatan Gigi Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Journal of Oral Health Care Vol. 1 No. 1 (2014): Maret
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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Latar Belakang : Sampai saat ini berbagai upaya untuk mengatasi masalahkesehatan gigi dan mulut terutama karies gigi belum menunjukkan hasil yang nyata.Salah satu strategi UKGS untuk meningkatkan derajad kesehatan gigi khususnyadalam upaya mencegah terjadinya karies gigi dengan cara pemolesan Sodium Fluordengan teknik Topical Application. Kendala yang sering dijumpai di lapangan adalahsulitnya menjalin hubungan kerja sama dengan pasien anak-anak sekolah karenapadatnya jadwal kegiatan belajar mengajar, akibatnya adalah dalam penangananTopikal Aplikasi Fluor tidak dapat dilaksanakan dengan sempurna yaitu satu kalikunjungan ke klinik Gigi poltekkes Depkes Yogyakarta. Tujuan penelitian ini inginmengetahui pengaruh aplikasi fluor (NaF) satu kali kunjungan di Klinik Gigi PoltekkesDepkes Yogyakarta terhadap penghambatan karies pada pasien gigi anak.Tujuan Penelitian : Untuk mengetahui daya guna topikal aplikasi NaF dengan satukali kunjungan di klinik gigi Poltekkes Depkes Yogyakarta terhadap penghambatankaries pada pasien anak.Metode : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian retrospective (case control), untukmengetahui pengaruh dari topikal aplikasi yang diberikan pada anak-anak terhadapperkembangan jumlah karies gigi apabila dibandingkan dengan anak-anak yang tidakdiberikan topikal aplikasi pada saat kunjungan yang sama. Teknik analisis data padapenelitian ini menggunakan statistic non parametric dengan uji Chi Square.Hasil Penelitian : Menunjukkan bahwa Chi Square sebesar 1,193 dengan p>0,05,sehingga tidak ada pengaruh bermakna pemberian topikal aplikasi fluor (NaF) satukali kunjungan dalam menghambat karies anak.Kesimpulan : Karies gigi pada anak-anak tidak dapat dicegah dengan perawatantopikal aplikasi fluor (NaF) satu kali kunjungan. Anak umur 11 tahun mengalamipeningkatan kejadian karies tertinggi, sedangkan pada umur 7 tahun kejadian kariesgigi pada titik terendah.
Tingkat Pengetahuan Tentang Karang Gigi Karang Taruna Dusun Sengir Sumberharjo Prambanan Sleman Noor Annisa Ekawati; Taadi Taadi; Marjana Marjana
Journal of Oral Health Care Vol. 5 No. 2 (2017): September
Publisher : Poltekkes Kemenkes Yogyakarta

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The one causes of the problem appearing in society dental and oral health are knowledge factor in the purity of dental and oral. The knowledge class is some indications that were gotten by the human through sensory and will appear when human used the sensory or the mind. The aim of the research is to know the knowledge level about calculus at a youth organization in Sengir Sumberharjo Prambanan Sleman. The data collection method used questioner with 25 questions. The data collection of this research used saturated sample technic. The research result that had been done was mostly of youth organization member had the good knowledge about calculus as much as 85%, the knowledge level of calculus in youth organization based on the age is about the age between 14-19, 20-25, 26-30 is disposed to have good knowledge level. The knowledge level of calculus in youth organization based on the gender was, the male had good knowledge 52%. The knowledge level of calculus in youth organization based on the last education was the education stage of SLTA (Senior High School) had the knowledge level as much as 30%. The knowledge level of calculus in youth organization based on the job was, the student had a good knowledge of 47,5%. Based on the research of result can be concluded that the knowledge level of calculus at a youth organization in Sengir Sumberharjo Prambanan Sleman includes in the good category.
Pengaruh Media Jadwal Pelajaran Terhadap Skor Plak Siswa Sekolah Dasar Samigaluh Kulon Progo Taadi Taadi; Almujadi Almujadi
Jurnal Teknologi Kesehatan (Journal of Health Technology) Vol. 12 No. 2 (2016): September

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Oral health education is one way to improve oral health. Counseling must be made interesting, attractive, and without prejudice to the contents. Learning media is anything that can be used to stimulate the mind, feelings of care and skill. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of timetable media on respondents' plaque scores. This research uses a quasi-experimental design (quasi-experimental) research that aims to determine the effect of timetable media on elementary school students' plaque scores, by analyzing differences in plaque scores of students before and after being given the timetable media. This study uses a quasi experiment with the design of non-Equivalent Control Group, which is a method that is carried out to compare the results of similar intervention controls but do not have to be completely the same. It was done by giving pre-test and post-test in the experimental group and control group. The subjects were elementary school students at grades 3, 4 and 5. The samples were obtained by saturation sampling technique. The treatment of the studies was distributing timetable media which has been conducted plaque score examination (pre-test). The research subjects' plaque score will be examined for the second time (post-test) after 3 months. The data were analyzed by using different test plaque scores before and after treatment. The results showed there was a difference between the mean of knowledge before and after the intervention of 1.2. Statistical tests result showed there was a significant difference at p = 0.001 in confidence level of p = 0.005. There was a difference between the mean score of the plaque before and after the intervention amounted to 30.08 statistical test results showed there was a significant difference at p = 0.001 in confidence level of p = 0.005. In conclusion, there is an effect of timetable media to increase knowledge. There is an influence of timetable media for students to decrease plaque score significantly.