Hairil Ifansyah
Program Studi Ilmu Tanah, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

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Soil pH and Solubility of Aluminum, Iron, and Phosphorus in Ultisols: the Roles of Humic Acid Hairil Ifansyah
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 18, No 3: September 2013

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2013.v18i3.203-208


Soil reaction (pH), aluminum (Al), iron (Fe) and phosphorus (P) are the parameters which presences in soil are related to each other. The role of each parameter on the grow than development of plants is very significant. Liming and organic mater amendment are some efforts that are frequently performed to increase the pH and P solubility and suppress the solubility of Al and Fe in the soil. Humic acid is one of the organic fractions which is presumed has roles and is closely related to the changes in soil chemical properties as mentioned above. Information about the role of humic acid on the soil pH, the solubility of Al, Fe, and P, especially in upland acidic Ultisols is still limited.  This study aims to: provide empirical data on the roles of various humic acids to soil pH and the solubility of Al, Fe, and P, specifically in upland acidic Ultisols.  The study was a laboratory experiment with a single factor which set by using a completely randomized block design and conducted in two sets of experiments. The first experiment is intended to study the roles of various humic acids derived from several sources (commercial humic acid, humic acids extracted from composted chicken manure, humic acids extracted from composted cow manure and humic acids extracted from composted goat manure) to the soil pH and solubility of Al, Fe, and P. The second experiment was aimed to see the patterns of relationships between application of humic acid (sold commercially) on pH and solubility of Al, Fe, and P. The results showed that humic acid was able to increase the soil pH, solubility of phosphorus, and suppressed the solubility of iron and aluminum with linear patterns of relationships. In increasing the pH, solubility of phosphorus, and suppressing the solubility of iron and aluminum in the soil, humic acid that is sold commercially, at the same amount of C-organics, has greater roles than those derived from organic matter of compost extracts and from organic matter of compost.Key words: Aluminum, Humic acid, iron, pH, phosphorus[How to Cite: Ifansyah H. 2013. Soil pH and Solubility of Aluminum, Iron, and Phosphorus in Ultisols: the Roles of Humic Acid. JTrop Soils 18 (3): 203-208. Doi: 10.5400/jts.2013.18.3.203][Permalink/DOI:]REFERENCESAgbenin JO.  2003.  Extractable iron and alumunium effects on phosphate sorbtion  in a Savanna Alfisol.  Soil Sci Soc Am J 67: 589-595Andrian RDP. 1990.  Hubungan Antara Susunan Asam Humat dan Asam Fulfat serta Kemasaman Total Bahan Organik Tanah dengan pH Tanah. Aluminium dan N Tersedia. [Skripsi]. FakultasPertanian Universitas Lambung Mangkurat.  Banjarbaru.Antelo J, F Arce, M Avena,  S Fiol, R Lopez and F. Macias.  2007.  Adsorption of humic acid at the surface of goethite and its competitipe interaction with phosphate.  Geoderma 138: 12-17.Arifin F, B Radjagukguk and BH Purwanto.  2009.  Phosphate and ferrous solubility on acid sulphate soils treated with rice straw. J Trop Soils 14: 119-125Balai Penelitian Tanah. 2005.  Petunjuk Teknis Analisis Kimia Tanah. Tanaman Air. Dan Pupuk.  Balai Penelitian Tanah Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian Departemen Pertanian.  Bogor. 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Pengaruh Aplikasi Kotoran Walet dan Urea Terhadap Berat Kering dan Serapan Nitrogen Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) pada Lahan Pasang Surut Annisa Yuliani Dewi; Afiah Hayati; Hairil Ifansyah
Agroekotek View Vol 3, No 3 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/agtview.v3i3.2194


The purpose of this study was determine whether the application of swallow manure is able to replace the role of urea fertilizer in dry weight and nitrogen uptake of mustard plants on tidal land and to find out whether there is an interaction between manure and urea in dry weight and nitrogen uptake of mustard plants in tidal land . The study was carried out on Jalan Pemuda Km 9.5 Desa Teluk Palingit (Pelundu), Kec. Pulau Petak Kab. Kapuas. The research will start in May 2019 - October 2019. The research design uses Completely Randomized Design (CRD) factorial 2 factors. Factor I: Swallow manure (W) consisting of 4 levels of treatment, namely W0 = control, W0.5 = 0.5 tons ha-1, W1 = 1 ton ha-1, W2 = 2 tons ha-1, and factor II: urea (U) fertilizer consists of U0  = 0 kg ha-1, U25  = 25 kg ha-1, U50  = 50 kg ha-1, U100  = 100 kg ha-1. Each treatment was repeated 3 times, so as to get 48 experimental units. Application of swallow manure 1 tons ha1 can replace the role of urea fertilizer with a dose of 50 kg ha-1 and 100 kg ha-1 in increasing the dry weight and nitrogen uptake of mustard plants in tidal land, and the combination of swallow manure with a dose of 1 tons ha-1 and 50 kg ha-1 urea fertilizer  can increase the dry weight and nitrogen uptake of mustard plants on tidal land. 
Application of Biocom-Phosphate Solubilizing Fungi and Coal Fly-Ash to Increase P-Availability of Peat Soil in Kalimantan Gusti Irya Ichriani; Hairil Ifansyah; Agus Maulana; Ema Rizki Fauwziah; Muhammad Syifa; Bambang Supriyono Lautt; Adi Jaya; Hastin Ernawati Nur Chusnul Chotimah; Wiranda Pasaribu
JOURNAL OF TROPICAL SOILS Vol 27, No 3: September 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5400/jts.2022.v27i3.111-119


The peatlands have the potential to support food security efforts. However, there is have constraints on soil fertility, especially the P nutrients availability. The biotechnology approach, the application of ameliorant (biochar-compost carrier medium (biocom)) enriched with phosphate solubilizing fungi (PSF) and coal fly ash (CFA), was expected to increase the P-availability in peat soils. The research aimed to study the application of biocom enriched with PSF and CFA to increase soil P-availability and plant P-uptake. The study was conducted using peat soil media with the formulation of CFA and biocom enriched with PSF and CFA as treatments. The treatment effect was observed through soil P available and plant P uptake of maize. The results showed PSF application was inconsistent in improving P available in peat soils in Kalimantan. In Central Kalimantan, Biocom + PSF was able to increase P available in peat soils by up to 406.18% (A. oryzae-Tb7) and 353.44% (N. fischeri-Tm8). However, in South Kalimantan P available in peat soil was only 8.04% (A. oryzae-Tb7) and 12.86% (N. fischeri-Tm8). The CFA+ (biocom+PSF) formulation increased P available in Central Kalimantan peat soils, but it was different from South Kalimantan peat soils. The application of biocom+PSF and CFA has not been able to increase the P uptake of maize plant in peatlands of South Kalimantan.
Peranan Ampas Kopi Terhadap Pertumbuhan Tanaman Sawi (Brassica juncea L.) dan Sifat Kimia Tanah Ultisol Muhammad Taufani Asadullah Rahman; Hairil Ifansyah; Jumar Jumar
Agroekotek View Vol 4, No 3 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/agtview.v4i3.3011


Coffee grounds waste is abundant and its role in plant growth is not widely known.  Therefore, this study applies coffee grounds to Ultisols to find out its role in increasing the growth of mustard greens (Brassica juncea L.) and also improving the chemical properties of Ultisols. This study used a completely randomized design method (CRD) with a single factor of coffee grounds, namely K0 (without coffee grounds), K1 (1 ton ha-1), K2 (1,5 ton ha-1), K3 (2 ton ha-1), K4 (2,5 ton ha-1), K5 (3 ton ha-1), K6 (3,5 ton ha-1), K7 (4 ton ha-1), K8 (4,5 ton ha-1) and K9 (5 ton ha-1).  The parameters observed were pH, exchangeable-Al, N-NH4+, N-NO3- and plant dry weight, then the data analyzed using correlation and regression tests.  The results showed that giving coffee grounds with different doses of up to 5 ton ha-1 did not provide a significant relationship pattern on alteration of pH, exchangeable-Al, N-NH4+, N-NO3- in soil, also in plant dry weight.
Karakteristik Tanah Gambut Transisi dan Gambut Pedalaman Kalimantan Selatan pada Tingkat Perombakan Hemik Nurul Huda; Zuraida Titin Mariana; Hairil Ifansyah
Acta Solum Vol 1 No 1 (2022): November 2022
Publisher : Department of Soil, Faculty of Agriculture, Lambung Mangkurat University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/actasolum.v1i1.1385


Peat soil has various characteristics due to differences in peat-forming materials, formation processes, and environmental conditions. In South Kalimantan, the environment of peat formation is more dominant in the form of transition peat and inland peat. This study aims to determine the characteristics of transition peat soil and inland peat, including soil pH, total acidity, carboxylic functional groups (-COOH) and OH-phenolic functional groups, in South Kalimantan at the level of hemic reshuffle. This study used a purposive sampling method with regard to the decompotion degree of peat, i.e., hemic (half baked). The soil used comes from transitional peat (Sub-district of North Ulin/LUU and West Ulin Platform/LUB) and inland peat (Banjang District, Hulu Sungai Utara/HSU) and Kandangan Subdistrict, Hulu Sungai Selatan/HSS). The results showed that soil acidity in transitional peat (LUU and LUB) was higher than inland peat (HSU and HSS) as indicated by the pH value of transitional peat soil with a range of 4.25 and a total acidity concentration of 234.16 cmol kg-1 for transitional peat, while the carboxylic groups (-COOH) concentration in transition peat (LUU and LUB) and inland peat (HSU and HSS) showed almost the same concentration of 94.91 cmol kg-1 in transitional peat (LUU and LUB) and 92.83 cmol kg-1 in inland peat (HSU and HSS). The concentration of OH-phenolic groups in transitional peat (LUU and LUB) is higher than inland peat (HSU and HSS), which is indicated by the transitional peat OH-phenolic (LUU and LUB) groups concentration of 139.25 cmol kg-1.