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Evaluation on the Temperature and Calcination Time During Sol-gel Coating of TiO2 on Iron Foam substrate Raden Dadan Ramdan; Luqman Haris; Hendra Hermawan; Bambang Sunendar
Mesin Vol. 26 No. 1 (2017)
Publisher : Mesin

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/MESIN.2017.26.1.1


Iron foam is iron based material which is widely applied due to its unique properties. However since corrosion is also a problem for this material, coating with innert material is required in enhancing its applications. In the present research, TiO2 coating is performed on iron foam suface by sol-gel dipping method. Focus is given on the study of the effect of calcinations temperature and time on the coating characteristics. TiCl4 is used as the precursor with concentration of 0.3 M, added with 1M HCl solution and chitosan soluation with concentration of 1%. Calcination is performed at temperature of 400, 500 dan 600oC and calcinations time of 1 and 3 hours inside controlled gas furnace using nitrogen atmosphere. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) characterization data shows that TiO2 particles form on the iron foam substrate. SEM characterization on the sample heated at 400oC and heating time of 1 hour shows the formation of nano particle titania (0.06 μm) which is homogeneously distributed with less agglomeration than others and considered as the best sample in the present research. As the temperature and time of calcinations increase, more inhomogeneous particle distribution and bigger particles form.
Perbandingan Tensile Strength, Tear Strength, dan Reproduction Of Detail Bahan Cetak Alginat Sintesis dengan Variasi Jumlah Nanoselulosa dan Metakaolin Terhadap Jeltrate® Rizka Amalina; Dahlia Sutanto; Bambang Sunendar
SONDE (Sound of Dentistry) Vol. 3 No. 1 (2018): SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (886.438 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/sod.v3i1.1773


Bahan cetak gigi terutama alginat digunakan hampir pada semua cabang kedokteran gigi yang berfungsi menghasilkan suatu bentuk cetakan dari hubungan gigi dan jaringan rongga mulut (jaringan keras dan jaringan lunak) untuk mendapat cetakan negatif atau model dari jaringan mulut.Bahan cetak alginat harus memenuhi sifat biologis dan mekanis yang ideal.Kelebihan yang dimiliki alginat yang ada sekarang telah mencakup hampir seluruh sifat idealnya, namun alginat memiliki beberapa kekurangan seperti tensile strength, tear strength, dan reproduction of detail yang kurang baik. Kekurangan sifat mekanis alginat diketahui dapat ditingkatkan dengan filler dengan jumlah yang tepat. Mengetahui perbedaan antara hasil uji tensile strength, tear strength, dan reproduction of detail dari bahan cetak alginat sintesis dengan variasi jumlah filler nanoselulosa dan metakaolin terhadap jeltrate®. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian eksperimental laboratoris murni dengan teknik pengambilan sampel purposive sampling dengan kelompok uji terbagi menjadi 4 kelompok. Uji statistik yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah ANOVA. Ini adalah diperoleh p-value sebesar< 0,05 yang menunjukan bahwa terdapat perbedaan antara hasil uji tensile strength, tear strength, dan reproduction of detail dengan variasi jumlah filler nanoselulosa dan metakaolin terhadap jeltrate®. Penelitian adalah terdapat perbedaan antara hasil uji tensile strength, tear strength, dan reproduction of detail dari bahan cetak alginat sintesis dengan variasi jumlah filler nanoselulosa dan metakaolin terhadap jeltrate®.
Efek Penambahan Nanoselulosa Terhadap Compressive strength Bone cement Berbasis Kalsium Fosfat Cindy Chakornnipit Fadly; Angela Evelyna; Bambang Sunendar
SONDE (Sound of Dentistry) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2018): SONDE (Sound of Dentistry)
Publisher : Maranatha Christian University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (270.686 KB) | DOI: 10.28932/sod.v3i2.1786


Bone cement kalsium fosfat merupakan generasi terbaru material pengganti tulang. Semen ini menghasilkan hidroksiapatit yang memiliki struktur kimia dan morfologi komponen dasar yang menyerupai tulang sehingga bone cement dapat digunakan untuk memfiksasi implan gigi immediate loading dental implan yang memiliki beberapa keuntungan. Namun sifat mekanisnya rendah sehingga perlu ditambah filler agar sifat mekanisnya meningkat Penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental laboratorium dan dilakukan untuk membuat bone cement dengan alginat sebagai matriks yang ditambahkan nanoselulosa kristalin dan kalsium fosfat hidroksiapatit sebagai filler. Filler nanoselulosa kristalin disintesis dengan hidrolisis asam kemudian dikarakterisasi menggunakan TEM dan XRD. Pengujian sifat mekanis yang dilakukan yaitu uji tekan kompresi. Analisis dilakukan dengan ANOVA one way, dilanjutkan dengan Post Hoc Tuckey. Hasil uji tekan kompresi memperlihatkan kompresi tertinggi pada kelompok V (nanoselulosa 2%) sebesar 8,161 Mpa. Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah penambahan filler nanoselulosa kristalin pada bone cement berbasis kalsium fosfat meningkatkan compressive strength.
Jurnal Teknologi Bahan dan Barang Teknik Vol 3, No 2 (2013)
Publisher : Center for Material and Technical Product

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (390.656 KB) | DOI: 10.37209/jtbbt.v3i2.39


Pada penelitian ini dilakukan sintesis nanopartikel TiO2 menggunakan metode sol-gel dengan pelarut air. Pada proses sintesis ditambahkan kitosan dengan konsentrasi 0; 2,5; 5; dan 10% v/v. TiO2hasil sintesis kemudian dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan SEM, XRD, dan BET  untuk mengetahui morfologi,  struktur kristal, dan karakteristik pori. Selain itu keempat variasi TiO2diaplikasikan sebagai foto elektroda DSSC. Karakterisasi DSSC dilakukan dengan menggunakan solar simulator AM 1,5 untuk mengetahui karakteristik I-V DSSC. Hasil karakterisasi menunjukkan penambahan kitosan pada konsentrasi rendah (2,5% v/v) mengurangi fasa anatase pada kristal  TiO2dan cenderung memperbesar ukuran kristalit. Penambahan kitosan melebihi 5% meningkatkan fasa anatase dan memperkecil ukuran kristalit. Konsentrasi kitosan 2,5% memperkecil luas permukaan spesifik partikel dan volume total pori. Peningkatan konsentrasi kitosan memberi hasil sebaliknya. Performa DSSC terbaik didapat pada TiO2 dengan konsentrasi kitosan 2,5% saat sintesis, dengan Voc = 0,58 V, Jsc = 0,74 mA/cm , dan η = 0,51%.Kata kunci: titanium dioksida, Dye Sensitized Solar Cell, kitosan
Mechanical And Microstructural Assessment Of Synthetic Aluminosilicate Based Geopolymer Dental Material Andrie Harmaji; Oqy Diadara Putri; Bambang Sunendar
Jurnal Kimia Fullerene Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Fullerene Journal of Chemistry
Publisher : Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37033/fjc.v7i2.425


Orthodontic treatment with fixed brackets was performed to transmit the pressure from the wire to the periodontal tissues to produce tooth movement. Ceramic material can be used not only to improve the aestheticness but also maintains good mechanical properties. This study aims to determine the mechanical properties and morphological of synthetic aluminosilicate based geopolymer for aesthetic orthodontic brackets applications made by synthesizing alumina (Al2O3), silica (SiO2), and magnesia (MgO) from sol-gel method. Geopolymer nanocomposite was made by activating synthetic precursor with alkali solutions consists of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) solution which has molarity variations of 8M (GP-8M) and 14M (GP-14M). The test results using an X-Ray Diffractometer (XRD) showed that the crystalline phase of (Mg,Si)Al2O4 spinel was successfully presented in the synthesized nanocomposite. The average hardness test results using the Vickers hardness tester for Geopolymer Nanocomposite with 8M and 14M alkali activator were 259.15 and 298.90 VHN, respectively. The results of the surface morphological characterization using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) of the samples showed the porosity of GP-14M was smaller than GP-8M, which explains the hardness test value difference. This shows Geopolymer is a potential material for orthodontic brackets manufacture.
Impact of Reduced Activator Concentration and Curing Method on Compressive Strength of Metakaolin/Fly Ash-based Geopolymer Mortar Andrie Harmaji; Alexander Syahlendra Haimir; Bambang Sunendar
Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri Vol. 14 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Balai Besar Standardisasi dan Pelayanan Jasa Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21771/jrtppi.2023.v14.no1.p19-28


The demand for cement is increasing each year, but the manufacture of 1 tonne of cement produces an equal number of carbondioxide (CO2) gas which is directly related to the increase in global warming. Therefore, we need a substitute material, namely geopolymer. This material has relatively superior properties compared to cement. However, one of the drawbacks of geopolymers is that the production costs are relatively more expensive compared to the manufacture of pre-cast cement because it requires chemical solutions such as sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium silicate (Na2SiO3) to activate the precursor. This research was conducted to replace a specific ratio of alkali activator with water to reduce the use of alkaline hydroxide solutions and sodium silicate while reducing production costs. The experiment was carried out by replacing the activator solution with water at a certain amount with a different curing method. Mechanical properties, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy characterization were used to analyze the effect of additional water in geopolymer. The compressive test result shows that the maximum water content that can replace the activator solution is 20% by activator mass for fly ash-based geopolymers and 30% by activator mass for metakaolin-based geopolymers, with sealed and bare curing conditions before the compressive strength was decreased sharply. Substitution of 10% water in fly ash-based geopolymer increases the compressive strength to 17.20 MPa. Compressive test results and characterization showed that the optimal curing condition for fly ash-based geopolymer was sealed curing and bare curing for metakaolin-based geopolymer. The strength increase is due to O-C-O bonds representing sodium carbonate (Na2CO3), which affects the compressive strength of fly ash-based and metakaolin-based geopolymers.