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Konseling Realitas untuk Mengatasi Siblings Rivalry Anak Usia Dini Aprilia Dewi Suciati; Yanuari Srianturi
Journal of Education and Counseling (JECO) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2021)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

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This article aims to determine the sibling rivalry in early childhood in the concept of a reality counseling approach and the results of previous relevant research on sibling rivalry. Sibling rivalry is a form of competition between siblings, between brothers and sisters to win the attention and affection of parents. Every child has a unique personality and has different needs. This literature review discusses sibling rivalry behavior that occurs in early childhood in the concept of theory and reality counseling. WDEP is a stage of reality counseling where the counselor helps the counselee to describe what the counselee wants, the behavior that the counselee should do, evaluate himself, and plan what the counselee wants so that it can help reduce the behavior of siblings rivalry in early childhood. This research employed descriptive qualitative method using a literature review. The results of this research of literature indicate that the application of reality counseling can reduce sibling rivalry behavior in early childhood.
Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Psikologis Gen-Z Pasca Pandemi Melalui Positive Self Talk Yanuari Srianturi
Al-Ihath: Jurnal Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Januari
Publisher : Program Studi Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1359.924 KB) | DOI: 10.53915/jbki.v2i1.323


Penelitian ini menganalisa tentang penerapan positif self talk untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan psikologis Gen-Z di masa pasca pandemi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan kajian studi literatur dengan mengeksplorasi dan mengkaji literatur diantaranya e-book, artikel, buku, jurnal serta hasil survey kasus yang terjadi di masyarakat. Pembahasan kajian ini dilatarbelakangi adanya pandemi covid-19 yang menimbulkan ketakutan hingga distress psikologis pada remaja Gen-Z. Gen-Z merupakan remaja pada rentang usia 11-25 tahun. Bagi Gen-Z isu dampak pandemi terhadap kesehatan mental ternyata lebih signifikan. Selain memberi dampak buruk bagi kesehatan fisik, covid-19 juga memberi dampak buruk bagi psikologis seperti kecemasan, stres, depresi dan gangguan psikologis lainnya. Dibutuhkan intervensi khusus untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup pasca pandemi. Terdapat teknik dalam bimbingan dan konseling yang efektif mengatasi masalah tersebut yaitu teknik positive self-talk. Positif self talk yakni percakapan diri sendiri secara eksternal atau internal yang dilakukan untuk memberikan instruksi dan penguatatan diri dalam menghadapi masalah. Teknik ini salah satu kontruksi dari cognitive restructuring yang fokus pada afirmasi positif untuk merubah pemikiran irasional menjadi rasional. Teknik ini merupakan salah satu bentuk terapi kognitif (restrukturisasi kognitif) yang berfokus pada afirmasi positif untuk mengubah pikiran irasional seseorang (baik verbal maupun non-verbal) menjadi pikiran rasional sehingga dapat meningkatkan keterampilan mental, membantu mengendalikan hidup agar lebih bermakna.
The Influence of Experiential Learning in Field Trip on Career Maturity of Students Yanuari Srianturi; Yunita Dwi Setyoningsih
Journal of Education and Counseling (JECO) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Ma'soem University

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The aim of the research to determine the relationship between experiential learning through field trip with career maturity of vocational school student. The research uses quantitative correlation method. The population of research are 10th students of SMK Teuku Umar Semarang consist of 197 students and the sample consist of 120 students with simple random sampling. Data collection method used is the psychological scale and questionnaire.Validity and reliability test use product moment formula and alpha formula. Data were analyzed using descriptive techniques percentage and product moment correlation. Based on the descriptive analysis of the percentage and the product moment correlation indicates that (1) experiential learning in the field trip the students in the high category (2) career maturity of students included in the high criteria, (3) there is correlation between experiential learning through field trip with career maturity of students. Obtained correlation coefficient (rxy) > r table (0,517 > 0,176) with significance = 0,000 and coefficient of determination (R2) or R Square 0,267 = 26,7%. In experiential learning it does not only emphasize thinking processes but also brings together affective and psychomotor experiences through active student learning events.