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Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 1 No. 2 (2019): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Nursing documentation that done is still incomplete, especially in evaluation notes and nurses notes. Incomplete patient file will have an impact on the quality of hospital services and legal ethical issues the purpose of this study is to obtain factors of documentation of the completeness of nursing care that done by staff nurse in the emergency room of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. This type of research is quantitative, with observational analytic cross sectional approached. Sampling numberwas total of population about 31 staff nurse. Data analysed by used chi-squer test with Fisher's Exact Test alternative test at significante level (? <0.05). The results of the research on the level of good knowledge with the complete documentation category 91.3%, the level of poor knowledge category of incomplete 75.0%. and high workload with a complete documentation category about 40.0%, low workload with a complete documentation category about 9.5%. knowledge with the completeness of nursing care as a result of Fisher’s Exact Test alternative test results obtained P-value 0.015 (p <0.05), and workload with complete documentation of the results of Fisher’s Exact Test alternative test obtained P-value 0.002 (p <0.05). conclusion there is a relationship between workload, knowledge with the completeness of nursing care. Suggestions for the hospital to evaluate the workload efforts experienced by nurses in the emergency room so that documentation of nursing care conld be qualified for patient services.
Hubungan Self Care Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Melitus Di Ruang Garuda Rsu Anutapura Palu: Hubungan Self Care Dengan Kualitas Hidup Pasien Diabetes Melitus Di Ruang Garuda Rsu Anutapura Palu Hastuti Hastuti; Afrina Januarista; Nelky Suriawanto
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 1 No. 3 (2019): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Diabetic mellitus is the disease signed by increasing of blood sugar level and could hot be cured instantly whereas need self care. Self care is individual planning action in controlling the disease to improve the health and life quality. The aims of this research to analys the corellation between self care and life quality of diabetic mellitus patient in Garuda Ward of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. This is quantitative research it used analyses design with cross sectional approaching. Data taken by using questionniare of summary of self care (SDSCA) and diabetic quality of life (DQOL) and sample taken by total sampling technique. Population number was 30 respondents and used univariat and bivariat analyses with chi-square test. Result found that more respondents have good self care (70%) with good quality of life (73.3%) and chi-square test result that p value = 0.003 (p value< 0.05) it means statistically having corellation between self care with quality of life. Conclusion that having corellation between self care with quality of life diabetic mellitus patient in Garuda Ward of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. Patient Diabetic mellitus expeeted cold improve the self care atittude in incerasing quality of life, health state and prevent the further complication. Keywords: self care, quality of life, Diabetic mellitus
Jurnal Ners Widya Nusantara Palu (Ners Journal of Widya Nusantara Palu) Vol 4, No 1 (2019): April
Publisher : STIKes Widya Nusantara Palu

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ABSTRAK Penyakit skabies telah ditemukan hampir pada semua negara di seluruh dunia dengan angka prevalensi yang bervariasi yaitu sekitar 300 juta kasus pertahunya. Tingginya prevalensi skabies terkait dengan personal hygiene yang kurang. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah dianalisisnya faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan kejadian skabies di PT IMIP Kabupaten Morowali. Jenis penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan case control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua karyawan yang menderita skabies sebagai kelompok kasus dan sebagai kontrol adalah karyawan yang tidak menderita skabies di PT IMIP Kabupaten Morowali yaitu berjumlah 780 orang. Besar sampelnya adalah sebagian populasi yaitu 62 sampel. Hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan menggunakan analisis univariat dan bivariat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dari 62 responden, baik kelompok kasus maupun kelompok kontrol yang memiliki personal hygiene baik berjumlah 74.2%, kondisi air yang memenuhi syarat kesehatan berjumlah 91.9%, responden yang memiliki kepadatan hunian kamar sesuai berjumlah 69.4% dan responden yang memiliki pengetahuan baik berjumlah 79,0% serta kejadian skabies masing-masing 50% mengalami penyakit skabies dan 50% tidak mengalami penyakit skabies. Hasil uji Chi-Square personal hygiene, kepadatan hunian dan pengetahuan didapatkan nilai p=0,001 (? 0,05), ini berarti secara statistik ada hubungan yang bermakna antara personal hygiene, Kondisi air dan pengetahuan dengan kejadian kejadian skabies. Hasil uji Chi-Square kondisi air didapatkan nilai p=0,053 (> 0,05), ini berarti secara statistik tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kondisi air dengan kejadian kejadian skabies. Saran bagi PT IMIP Kabupaten Morowali untuk lebih meningkatkan sosialisasi kepada karyawan PT IMIP Kabupaten Morowali tentang pentingnya menjaga kesehatan terutama dalam mencegah penyakit kulit termasuk skabies. ABSTRACT Scabies has been found in almost all countries around the world with varying prevalence rates of around 300 million cases per year. The high prevalence of scabies is associated with less personal hygiene. The purpose of this research was to analyze the factors associated with scabies at PT IMIP in Morowali Regency. The type of this research was quantitative with case control approach. The population in this research was all employees who suffered from scabies as a case group and as control group was employees who did not suffer from scabies at PT IMIP in Morowali Regency, amounting to 780 people. The sample was a portion of the population, 62 samples. The results of the research were analyzed using univariate and bivariate analysis. The results show that of 62 respondents, both the case and the control group that have good personal hygiene amounted to 74.2%, water conditions that meet the health requirements amounted to 91.9%, respondents who have the appropriate room occupancy density amounted to 69.4% and respondents who have good knowledge amounted to 79.0% and the incidence of scabies each 50% have scabies and 50% did not have scabies. Chi-Square test results of personal hygiene, occupancy density and knowledge obtained p value= 0.001 (?0.05), this means that statistically, there is a significant relationship between personal hygiene, occupancy density and knowledge with scabies. Chi-Square test results of water conditions obtained p value= 0.053 (>0.05), this means that statistically, there is no significant relationship between water conditions with scabies. Suggestions for PT IMIP in Morowali Regency to further enhance socialization to employees of PT IMIP in Morowali Regency about the importance of maintaining health, especially in preventing skin diseases including scabies.
Factors That Influence the Documentation of the Completeness of Nursing Care by the Implementing Nurse in the Emergency Room at Anutapura General Hospital, Palu. Dwi Fatmawati; Ismawati Ismawati; Nelky Suriawanto
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 1, October (2018): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (690.367 KB)


The Nursing documentation that done is still incomplete, especially in evaluation notes and nurses notes. Incomplete patient file will have an impact on the quality of hospital services and legal ethical issues the purpose of this study is to obtain factors of documentation of the completeness of nursing care that done by staff nurse in the emergency room of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. This type of research is quantitative, with observational analytic cross sectional approached. Sampling numberwas total of population about 31 staff nurse. Data analysed by used chi-squer test with Fisher's Exact Test alternative test at significante level (ɑ <0.05). The results of the research on the level of good knowledge with the complete documentation category 91.3%, the level of poor knowledge category of incomplete 75.0%. and high workload with a complete documentation category about 40.0%, low workload with a complete documentation category about 9.5%. knowledge with the completeness of nursing care as a result of Fisher’s Exact Test alternative test results obtained P-value 0.015 (p <0.05), and workload with complete documentation of the results of Fisher’s Exact Test alternative test obtained P-value 0.002 (p <0.05). conclusion there is a relationship between workload, knowledge with the completeness of nursing care. Suggestions for the hospital to evaluate the workload efforts experienced by nurses in the emergency room so that documentation of nursing care conld be qualified for patient services.
Relationship between Self Care and Quality of Life for Pregnant Women with Diabetes Mellitus Patients Hastuti Hastuti; Afrina Januarista; Nelky Suriawanto
Science Midwifery Vol 7 No 1, October (2018): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (479.282 KB)


Diabetic mellitus is the disease signed by increasing of blood sugar levels and could be immediately be cured instantly but need self care. Self care is individual planning action in controlling the disease to improve the health and life quality. The aims of this research to analyze the correlation between self care and life quality of diabetes mellitus patients in Garuda Ward of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. This is quantitative research it used analysis design with cross sectional approaching. Data is taken by using questions of summary of self care (SDSCA) and diabetes quality of life (DQOL) and samples taken by total sampling technique. The population number was 30 respondents and used univariate and bivariate analyzes with chi-square tests. Result found that more respondents have good self care (70%) with good quality of life (73. 3%) and chi-square test result that p value = 0.003 (p value <0.05) it means statistically having corellation between self care and quality of life. Conclusion that having a correlation between self care with quality of life diabetes mellitus patient in Garuda Ward of Anutapura General Hospital Palu. Patient diabetes mellitus expeeted cold improve the self care at the age of incerasing quality of life, health state and prevent the further complication.
Pemberdayaan Usaha Garam Rakyat Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Garam Menggunakan Teknik Geomembran LDPE di Kelurahan Talise Kota Palu Nelky Suriawanto; Nurhayati; Wendy Muhammad Fadhli; M. Syahril; Nivita Nanda Gabrela
ABDIKAN: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Bidang Sains dan Teknologi Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Februari 2022
Publisher : Yayasan Literasi Sains Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (525.803 KB) | DOI: 10.55123/abdikan.v1i1.102


Salt is an important commodity that is widely used from consumption to industry. Talise Village is the only salt-producing village in Palu City because the area is mostly located on the coast of Palu Bay. LDPE (Low Density Polyethylene) geomembrane technology is an empowerment program focused on increasing the production and quality of salt products and improving welfare by increasing the income of salt farmers. The purpose of this activity is to apply LDPE geomembrane technology to salt farmer groups in Talise in producing and improving the quality of SNI-standard salt as consumption salt and increasing awareness of salt farmers to use technology in managing their salt ponds. The method used is the stages of socialization, pre-production and production. The results of this activity program, namely the use of LDPE geomembrane technology on crystal tables, have increased the quantity and quality of salt for salt farmers in Talise Village, Mantikulore District, Palu City, Central Sulawesi. In addition, crop yields have increased threefold and harvest time is 3 to 4 days faster than conventional methods.
Demonstrasi Penyaringan Air Sederhana Dusun II Balane Kabupaten Sigi Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah Nelky Suriawanto; Andrian Bima Wicaksono; Imroatur Rosidah; Jeaquine Viola Brilliancy; Septiana Septiana; Nur Ainun Farkhia; Nur Anisya B. Baharu; Vebiyola Kalangi; Novianti Novianti; Sefti Rani Devi; Rosanti Rosanti; Yesrilani Mangompa; Isra Musriani; Siskavianti Siskavianti; Muh Ishak Ds; Nurhaina Salinggan
SIPISSANGNGI: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol 2, No 1 (2022): Sipissangngi Volume 2, Nomor 1, Maret 2022
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitan dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Universitas Al Asyariah Mandar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (411.613 KB) | DOI: 10.35329/sipissangngi.v2i1.2812


Berbicara mengenai air bersih tentunya sangat berkaitan erat dengan kehidupan manusia. Masyarakat Dusun II Balane menggunakan air yang bersumber dari sungai untuk kebutuhan air bersih mereka, yang dimana  kondisi fisik air akan menjadi keruh disaat musim penghujan.Tujuan kegiatan ini yaitu agar masyarakat mengetahui dan dapat mengaplikasikan pembuatan penyaringan air sederhana secara mandiri. Dengan menggunakan metode pengabdian masyarakat, kegiatan demostrasi ini dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan media spanduk dan peralatan demonstrasi pengolahan air sederhana dengan sasaran masyarakat dusun II Balane. Hasil demonstrasi tentang penyaringan  air sederhana di Dusun II Balane berjalan dengan lancar. Tahap demi tahap pelaksanaan  dilaksanakan sesuai dengan rencana dengan harapan masyarakat dapat mengaplikasikan pembuatan penyaringan air sederhana secara mandiri.