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Midwifery Care On by. R Age 16 Days With Spit on Pratama Clinic Arrabih Pekanbaru 2019: Midwifery Care On by. R Age 16 Days With Spit on Pratama Clinic Arrabih Pekanbaru 2019 Widya Sari Intan
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 2 No. 1 (2020): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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-Spit up is the return of milk that has been swallowed when or some time after drinking milk without contraction of the stomach wall. Spit up is a normal condition and is usually experienced by infants aged 0-6 months. The cause of the spit up is when the baby's breastfeeding technique is incorrect or after breastfeeding is not buried. The purpose of this care is to reduce the frequency of spit up in infants. The method used to reduce the frequency of spit up in infants is to improve breastfeeding techniques and burp the baby after breastfeeding. After Midwifery care for infants aged 0-6 months for four visits, the results Obtained are the frequency of spit-up experienced by babies aged 16 days has been reduced at the last visit. The conclusion with giving care about how to burp the baby and breastfeeding techniques that are good and right can be to reduce the frequency of spit up in infants. It is recommended to Midwifery care providers to be Able to hold counseling techniques on how to breastfeed properly and burp the baby after breastfeeding, so mothers who have babies aged 0-6 months are more calm in responding to the baby when experiencing spit up and pay more attention to good breastfeeding techniques and correct and burping the baby after breastfeeding.
Effect of Vitamin E Against Levels Malondyaldehyde (Mda) and Estrogen Hormone Levels Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Females Who Exposed to Cigarette Smoke Widya Sari Intan
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 2 No. 2 (2020): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Indonesia is one of the countries with the greatest prevalence of smokers in the world. Exposure to cigarette smoke can lead to the physiological impact for women that can inhibit estrogen synthesis in the ovaries and increase levels of Malondyaldehyde (MDA). The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of vitamin E against MDA and estrogen rat (Rattus norvegicus) females were exposed to smoke. This research is an experimental design Post-Test Only Control Group. The total sample consisted of 30 rats females were divided into 5 groups: negative control group without treatment, the positive control group were given exposure to cigarette smoke 1 cigarettes / day and 3 treatment groups P1, P2 and P3 with vitamin E doses of multilevel: 100, 200 and 400 mg / kg / day and exposure to tobacco smoke 1 cigarettes / day. Research carried out for 21 days at Animal house and in the Biomedical Laboratory Faculty of Medicine, University of Andalas Padang. MDA and estrogen hormone levels were measured using ELISA method. Test of significance with One Way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons types. The results showed significant differences (p <0.05) MDA levels between the negative control group (0.53 ± 0.04) positive control group (0.67 ± 0.07). In the estrogen levels also differed significantly (p <0.05) between the negative control group (0.27 ± 0.04) with P2 group (0.38 ± 0.07). In conclusion, there is no effect of vitamin E against MDA both in the negative control group and positive control group.
The Effectiveness of Pregnant Exercise Against Anxiety Levels in Promigravida Pregnant Women at Pratama Deliana Clinic Pekanbaru Rina Yulviana; Intan Widya Sari
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Pregnancy exercise is one of the recommended sports for pregnant women to do because it aims to prepare a pregnant woman mentally and physically. Disorders during pregnancy that usually occur are poor sleep quality, high levels of maternal anxiety, low back pain, increased urinary frequency and leg cramps.Experienced anxiety pregnant women are about pregnancy, childbirth, and its role as a mother. Pregnant women will also transmit their emotional physical effects to the fetus. If the anxiety increases, it will affect the fetus. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pregnancy exercise on the level of anxiety in pregnant women. This type of research is Quasi experimental. The population in this study were pregnant women at the Pratama Deliana Clinic Pekanbaru. The results showed that pregnancy exercise was effective in reducing anxiety levels in pregnant women with a p-value of 0.002 (<0.05). It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the level of anxiety of pregnant women between before doing pregnancy exercise and after doing pregnancy exercise in pregnant women. It is recommended that the clinic be able to do promotions about pregnancy exercise through banners, leaflets,
The Effectiveness of Loving Massage on Sleep Quality in Third Trimester Pregnant Women at Pmb Deliana, Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru City in 2020 Intan Widya Sari; Rina Yulviana
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Pregnancy is a period of crisis in a woman's life process. The period in which changes occur in all body systems, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, hormonal, gastrointestinal, and musculoskletal systems. Pregnant women during pregnancy experience physical and psychological changes that can cause discomfort from the 1st to 3rd trimesters.One of them is the enlargement of the uterus, it will affect the fulfillment of sleep rest because of difficulty in determining a comfortable position, besides hormonal changes can cause psychological changes in pregnant women making it difficult to meet and maintain sleep. Sleep is an important factor in overall health. Improving sleep quality can be done in many ways, which among them are pharmacological and non-pharmacological techniques. Pharmacological method is a therapy commonly given to sleep disorder sufferers which functions to reduce anxiety, stress and give calm. But not for pregnant women, because it has the potential to increase the risk to the fetus and its impact on fetal growth and development. Therefore, choosing to use a non-pharmacological method is more appropriate, because its use has less side effects compared to pharmacological methods. One of the non-pharmacological techniques that can be given to overcome sleep difficulties in pregnant women includes relaxation techniques such as loving massage, yoga, progressive muscle relaxation, massage, music therapy, meditation, swimming, deep breathing techniques and walking.
The Effectiveness of Loving Massage on Sleep Quality in Third Trimester Pregnant Women at PMB Deliana, Marpoyan Damai District, Pekanbaru City Intan Widya Sari; Rina Yulviana
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Pregnancy is a period of crisis in a woman's life process. The period when changes occur in all body systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, hormonal, gastrointestinal, and musculoskletal systems. Pregnant women during pregnancy experience physical and psychological changes that can cause discomfort from the first to third trimesters, one of which is sleep disturbances. One of the non-pharmacological techniques that can be given to overcome sleep difficulties in pregnant women includes relaxation techniques such as loving massage. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of loving massage on sleep quality in third trimester pregnant women. The type of research carried out was a Quasi experimental which was carried out on 03-17 October 2020 which was conducted at PMB Deliana Pekanbaru City. The population and samples used were all pregnant women who visited in October 2020. The results obtained a value of p = 0.000, so it was concluded that there was an effect of Loving Massage on the sleep quality of pregnant women in the third trimester (p <0.000). It is hoped that the next research will be able to carry out different interventions to deal with discomfort in pregnant women.
The Effectiveness of Pregnant Exercise on Anxiety Levels in Promigravida Pregnant Women at Pratama Deliana Clinic Pekanbaru Rina Yulviana; Intan Widya Sari
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 3 No. 1 (2021): Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Pregnancy exercise is one of the recommended sports for pregnant women to do because it aims to prepare a pregnant woman mentally and physically. Disorders during pregnancy that usually occur are poor sleep quality, high levels of maternal anxiety, low back pain, increased urinary frequency and leg cramps. Anxiety experienced by pregnant women is about pregnancy, childbirth, and its role as a mother. Pregnant women will also transmit their emotional physical effects to the fetus. If the anxiety increases, it will affect the fetus. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pregnancy exercise on the level of anxiety in pregnant women. This type of research is Quasi experimental. The population in this study were pregnant women at the Pratama Deliana Clinic Pekanbaru. The results showed that pregnancy exercise was effective in reducing anxiety levels in pregnant women with a p-value of 0.002 (<0.05). It can be concluded that there is a significant difference in the level of anxiety of pregnant women between before doing pregnancy exercise and after doing pregnancy exercise in pregnant women. It is recommended that the clinic be able to carry out promotions about pregnancy exercise through banners, leaflets, banners and WA class groups for pregnant women.
The Effectiveness of Pregnancy Exercises on Sleep Quality in Third Trimester Pregnant Women at the Pratama Arabih Clinic Pekanbaru Intan Widya Sari; Rina Yulviana
Journal of Midwifery and Nursing Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): May: Health Science
Publisher : Institute Of Computer Science (IOCS)

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Pregnancy is a critical period in the life of a woman. A period in which changes occur in all body systems, including cardiovascular, respiratory, hormonal, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal systems. Pregnant women during pregnancy experience physical and psychological changes that can cause discomfort starting from the first to third trimesters, one of which is sleep disturbances. Sleep disturbances in third trimester pregnant women are caused bydiscomfort, growing stomach, back pain, frequent urination, fetal movement, fatigue, leg cramps, difficulty initiating sleep, and physiological changes. Sleep disturbances result in decreased sleep quality. Pregnancy exercise is an alternative that can break the cycle of anxiety and increase the comfort of pregnant women while sleeping or to reduce the complaints of pregnant women which result in a decrease in the duration of sleep for pregnant women. The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of pregnancy exercise on sleep quality in third trimester pregnant women. The type of research carried out is a quasi-experimental which was carried out on 03-24 September 2020 which was carried out at the Arrabih Pratama Clinic, Pekanbaru City. The population and samples used were all pregnant women who visited in September 2020. The results obtained p value = 0.000, so it was concluded that there was an effect of pregnancy exercise on the sleep quality of third trimester pregnant women (p <0.000). It is hoped that the next research will be able to carry out different interventions to overcome discomfort in pregnant women.
Pemakaian Bekung Untuk Mengatasi Nyeri Persalinan di PMB Dince Safrina S.ST, MKM Tahun 2021 Del Niza; Intan Widya Sari
Jurnal Kebidanan Terkini (Current Midwifery Journal) Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Kebidanan Terkini
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Hang Tuah Pekanbaru

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (97.958 KB) | DOI: 10.25311/jkt/Vol1.Iss2.699


Nyeri punggung adalah gejala pasca partum jangka panjang yang sering terjadi. Hal ini disebabkan adanya keteganggan postural pada sistem muskulosketal akibat posisi saat persalinan. Asuhan ini di lakukan untuk mengatasi nyeri punggung melalu pemakaian bekung secara meyeluruh dan berkesenambungan melalui pendekatan manajamen kebidanan dan mendokumentasikan asuhan yang telah diberikan.Metode yang digunakan adalah studi kasus pada Asuhan kebidanan pada ibu nifas. Asuhan diberikan kepada ibu nifas dilaksanakan pada tanggal 22-29 April 2021 di PMB Dince Safrina SST, M.K.M Di Kota Pekanbaru, Hasil dari asuhan yang diberikan yakni di dapatkan adanya pengurangan intesitas nyeri punggung dari intesitas skala 4 pada kunjugan pertama, intesitas skala nyeri 2 pada kunjungan kedua, dan tidak terdapat nyeri pada kunjungan ketiga. Kesimpulan selatah melakukan pemakaain bekung maka di sarankan perlu adanya edukasi pemakaaian bekung maka terjadi secara normal. Disarankan perlu adanya edukasi pemakaian bekung kepdaa ibu nifas sebelum pulang kerumah dari tata cara pakai sampai berapa jam pemakaian bekung, serta adanya poster atau banner yang terkait dengan pemakkan bekung di PMB Dince Safrina SST, M.K.M Kata Kunci : Ibu Nifas, Nyeri Punggung, Pemakaian Bekung
Effect of Vitamin E Against Levels Malondyaldehyde (MDA) and Estrogen Hormone Levels Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Females Who Exposed to Cigarette Smoke. Widya Sari Intan
Science Midwifery Vol 8 No 2, April (2020): Science Midwifery
Publisher : Institute of Computer Science (IOCS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (737.954 KB)


Indonesia is one of the countries with the greatest prevalence of smokers in the world. Exposure to cigarette smoke can lead to the physiological impact for women that can inhibit estrogen synthesis in the ovaries and increase levels of Malondyaldehyde (MDA). The purpose of this study to analyze the effect of vitamin E against MDA and estrogen rat (Rattus norvegicus) females were exposed to smoke. This research is an experimental design Post-Test Only Control Group. The total sample consisted of 30 rats females were divided into 5 groups: negative control group without treatment, the positive control group were given exposure to cigarette smoke 1 cigarettes / day and 3 treatment groups P1, P2 and P3 with vitamin E doses of multilevel: 100, 200 and 400 mg / kg / day and exposure to tobacco smoke 1 cigarettes / day. Research carried out for 21 days at Animal house and in the Biomedical Laboratory Faculty of Medicine, University of Andalas Padang. MDA and estrogen hormone levels were measured using ELISA method. Test of significance with One Way ANOVA followed by Bonferroni Multiple Comparisons types. The results showed significant differences (p <0.05) MDA levels between the negative control group (0.53 ± 0.04) positive control group (0.67 ± 0.07). In the estrogen levels also differed significantly (p <0.05) between the negative control group (0.27 ± 0.04) with P2 group (0.38 ± 0.07). In conclusion, there is no effect of vitamin E against MDA both in the negative control group and positive control group.
Jurnal Komunikasi Kesehatan Vol 11 No 1 (2020): Jurnal Komunikasi Kesehatan
Publisher : Lembaga Riset Pengabdian Masyarakat dan Publikasi Ilmiah Institut Teknologi Bhakti Putra Bangsa Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56772/jkk.v11i1.162


Latar belakang studi kasus : Anemia kehamilan adalah jika kadar hemoglobin dibawah 11 g/dl pada trimester pertama dan ketiga atau jika kadar hemoglobin kurang dari 10,5 g/dl pada trimester kedua. Gejala anemia yaitu pusing, penglihatan kabur, pucat pada konjungtiva, mudah pingsan, dan secara klinik dapat dilihat dari tubuh ibu yang mengalami malnutrisi. Menurut (Melorys and Galuh, 2017) menyebutkan bahwa AKI di Indonesia sebesar 359 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup. Angka tersebut masih jauh dari target Millenium Development Goals (MDG’s) 2015 sebesar 102 per 100.000 kelahiran hidup.Tujuan studi kasus : Untuk mampu melakukan pengkajian dengan pendekatan manajemen kebidanan serta pendokumentasian asuhan, dan memberikan alternatif pemecahan masalah pada ibu hamil dengan anemia ringan.Metode studi kasus : Studi kasus ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Studi kasus dilakukan di Puskesmas Harapan Raya Pekanbaru pada ibu hamil dengananemia ringan pada tanggal 02-09 Juli 2019. Adapun teknik pengumpulan data melalui wawancara, observasi, pemeriksaan fisik, dan pemeriksaan penunjang. Laporan kasus dan bahasan : Hasil asuhan kebidanan yang telah dilakukan terhadap Ny. R G4P3A0 UK 28 minggu 5 hari dengan anemia ringan.Simpulan : Dari asuhan kebidanan yang telah dilakukan terhadap Ny. R G4P3A0 UK 28 minggu 5 hari dengan anemia ringan dengan pemberian tablet Fe dan pemantauan Hb selama 7 hari dan kadar Hb ibu menjadi kembali normal.Saran : untuk puskesmas diharapakan lebih memantau kesehatan ibu hamil seperti mendeteksi faktor resiko ibu hamil salah satunya faktor usia.