Asmanidar Asmanidar
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

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POTRET TAMADDUN ISLAM DI NEGERI “TIRAI BAMBU” (Mulai dari Masa Dinasti Tang hingga Republik Rakyat China) Asmanidar Asmanidar
Islam Futura Vol 14, No 2 (2015): Jurnal Ilmiah Islam Futura
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/jiif.v14i2.329


China is a very unique country, has a very old civilization and culture in the world. Under the glory and the strength “Great Wall”, China emperium kept a million secreet about Islamic history and civilization which started from Tang Dinasty, Sung Dinasty, Yuan Dinasty, Ming Dinasty up to Manchu Dinasty (Ching Dinasty). Actually, Islam in China, In the erliest days, brought through two ways by Arabian and Parsian traders, namely silk road and sea road. Even both of those ways had it’s own difficulties. One of the famous moslem who spreading and introducing Islam in that area that was Sa’ad bin Abi Waqas through “Silk Road” at least on 4th or 5th centuries based on several trusted resources. Sa’ad had a special respect from Yung Wei as a China emperor from Tang Dinasty at that time. Since then, gradually Islam stepped in foot in this area even dinasty to dinasty has been changed till China became Republic, and the Communist regime reigned China. However, the spirit of moslem minority in China was never faded out upto now. The Islamic preaching which was brought by brilliant and pious traders (Arabs and Parsians) in 1.400 years ago, truely left the greatest influences, not only perceptions but also values of moslem society in China nowdays. Whether realize or not, the Chinese people have already adopted many knowledges from Islamic people from time to time.
KEDUDUKAN PEREMPUAN DALAM SEJARAH (The Women's Position in Ancient Greece, Athens) (Sekitar Tahun 1050-700 SM) Asmanidar Asmanidar
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v1i2.786


Greece, As a famous country which had the highest culture and civilization as well as produced many scientists and philosofers from diffrent kind of knowledges. Yet, The Ancient Greece never really focused on women’s position and their duties. Greece that has two big states,namely Sparta and Athena which also had produced diffrent cultures and civilizations. Sparta was very absolute state while Athena with a very democratic state. Even so, the women’s position in Athena was worse than in Sparta. The women in Athena, theywere no more than to fulfil sexual disires to men, as sex accomudation, exploitation, sexsual harrasment and slaves. The women’s position at that time, sure there was no choice in expressing their capacity in public spaces. They just focused themselves on kitchen, well, and bedroom. There was no space for them in creating Gender Balance in their family,society and state. Basically, there was three positions of women in that era, as whores,slaves, and wives. If they wanted to move from those limited spaces, they should be a hetairai (an intelectual whore). As a Hetairai, of course she had a very special place, integrity and appreciation from the society as well as philosofers such as Socrates. As a professional hetairai, no need pretty only but also inteligent to have the same skill as philosofers. If she just being a common whore, her position was almost the same as a local slave. While as a wife, her role was giving birth, keeping their house and loyal to her husband.
TRADISI MEUJEUNGKI (Keterlibatan Perempuan dalam Pelestarian Nilai-Nilai Sosial dan Budaya di Kabupaten Pidie) Asmanidar Asmanidar
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v4i1.4484


Objek penelitian ini berlokasi di Aceh Pidie yaitu di gampong Gajah Kecamatan Mutiara Barat. Jeungki adalah suatu alat prosesing utama yang digunakan masyakarat untuk menumbuk hasil pertanian dan perkebunan dan juga bumbu-bumbu masakan lainnya.Adapun landasan konseptual terhadap kajian ini menggunakan sistem Cultural Resource Management(CRM)antara lain Untuk mengetahui tradisi meujeungki di dalam masyarakat, keterlibatan perempuan dalam pelestarian nilai-nilai sosial budaya masyarakat dan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai soaial budaya yang dapat dilestarikan serta relevansinya dengan kondisi saat ini melalui tradisi meujengki di Gampong Gajah, Kecamatan Mutiara Barat ini.Adapun Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, serta analisi data, guna mendapatkan hasil penelitian serta nilai-nilai penting pada objek penelitian. Melalui teori dan metode penelitian tersebut dapat ditemukan hasil bahwa keberadaan jeungki sebagai alat prosessing tradisional masih sangat penting di daerah ini, bahkan bisa dikatakan sebagai “primadona” (masih sangat diperlukan). Meujeungki dominan dilakukan oleh kaum perempuan, sementara kaum lelaki jarang melakukannya bahkan bisa dikatakan tidak ada. Ini lebih disebabkan karena beban psikologis dan menganggap ini pekerjaan rumahan, serta tidak perlu mengeluarkan tenaga yang berat menurut persepsi mereka, sehingga pekerjaan ini dilimpahkan kepada perempuan. Kemudian melalui tradisi meujeungki ini juga dapat terbentuk tatanan nilai dalam masyarakat seperti nilai silaturrahmi, keakraban, gotong-royong antar sesama. Di samping itu yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah nilai ekonomi dan pendidikan yang sangat bermanfaat untuk generasi yang akan datang. Dan yang terakhir adalah tardisi meujeungki ini sangat kuat relevansinya dengan kondisi saat ini, di mana hasil olahan jeungki lebih baik kualitasnya (tanpa bahan pengawet) dan lebih orisinil dibandingkan dengan hasil olahan mesin dan bahan-bahan yang dijual di pasar. Khusus untuk penyedap rasa semuanya mengandung MSG. Dan ini tentu saja sangat berbahaya dari segi kesehatan.
Pergeseran Budaya Permainan Anak di Aceh ( Suatu Tinjauan Sosiologis Antropologis) Asmanidar Asmanidar
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v3i2.3445


The changable of the Acehness kids playing is a social and cultural change from time to time. It might be been seen from the anthusiastic of society in fulfilling the toys to the kids from traditional playing such as gaseng, geunteut, cato, me-eun karet, me-eun chee, me-eun jambo-jamboan, dan patok lele to modern playing such as play station, laptop/computer, tablet, smartphone, game online etc. Here, we can compere that the traditional tools or toys playing are generally very simple, easy to find and no need to waste of money to get it, unically, it could be created by the player himself/herself. Otherwise, the modern toys playing, the kids have to spend much money to find it.This situation has a littel bit trouble to the parents who don’t have much money, while the kids need it as their friends had. We realize that both traditional and modern playing have positif and negatif effects to the kids themselves. The changables sometime are very slow motion, even so, these are very influence toward the kids mentality in the future.
Abrahamic Religions: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama Vol 1, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Prodi Studi Agama-Agama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.09 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/arj.v1i1.9488


Social change after following suluk is a result that must be achieved by the salik. The change in question is a change in attitude for the better in everyday life after following suluk. This article also aims to find out how to internalize the value of suluk on salik in life and social changes in society, and in this case it is reviewed from one of the theories put forward by Peter Berger. by referring to three aspects, namely externalization, objectification and internalization. This article is a study using qualitative and descriptive approaches, in which informants are obtained by using purposive sampling method. To analyze this paper, the author certainly still uses a social construction theory in which changes in society do not happen by themselves but there are certain patterns that encourage and influence them. Based on the results of what the author has done, both in the form of initial assessments and also interviews with several salik, namely to achieve internalization of the values of suluk in salik who have participated in suluk both in Lueng Ie dayah and Tgk, Zulfan, must have an objectivation externalization stage. only then at the internalization stage. In salik who have participated in suluk, not all of them are able to absorb the values that are applied to suluk worship activities significantly, this is due to the influence of interaction patterns and the process of assimilation with the outside environment that is still happening, so that these values have not been applied comprehensively in the form of changes. attitudes and behavior in social life, and this is of course not as easy as turning the palm of the hand. The salik must strive with all their might so that the very high values of suluk worship can be slowly applied in life in the hope of becoming an example for themselves and their environment.
Abrahamic Religions: Jurnal Studi Agama-Agama Vol 2, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Prodi Studi Agama-Agama

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/arj.v2i1.12199


Dalail Khairat is one type of art that is very Islamic in Acehnese society, which consists of teachings and guidance that can set a person towards goodness and virtue or a medium of communication between a servant who prays and expresses his love for the Prophet. This research was conducted using a qualitative method that produces descriptive data with a phenomenological approach. The focus is on Dalail Khairat: Meaning and Poetry in Rejecting Wahhabism in Aceh. The method of data collection was done through observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation. The study of Dalail Khairat: Meaning and Poetry in Rejecting Wahhabism in Aceh shows that Dalail Khairat contains many meanings that can be learned from Dalail Khairat's poem about life in society, as well as can have a positive impact on things that exist in society. One of the aspects of the life of the Acehnese people is to create an atmosphere of intimacy, away from community members from its influence on current social phenomena, and Dalail Khairat can be preserved throughout the ages so that Acehnese regeneration knows about Dalail Khairat and can also know what is being played in the art of Dalail Khairat. In addition, Dalail Khairat also contains values such as family values, unity values, deliberation values, educational values (educative) and cultural values.
Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture Vol 2 No 1 (2021): Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture
Publisher : The Department of Islamic History and Culture in cooperation with the Center for Research and Community Service, Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (394.62 KB) | DOI: 10.22373/ijihc.v2i1.763


This article is entitled "The Existence of Rencong Making as a Cultural Product in Aceh (A Study in Baet Raya, Sukamakmur District, Aceh Besar Regency)". Rencong is a typical traditional weapon that has become an icon of Aceh region, as it is called Tanoh Rencong (The Land of Rencong). In Aceh Besar, rencong is traditionally produced by the community. One of the rencong production areas is in Baet Raya, Sukamakmur District. The problems to be studied are how the existence of rencong making in Baet Raya, what are the obstacles faced by craftsmen in Baet Raya and how the community and Aceh Besar district government respond to the rencong making in Baet Raya. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis. Data was collected through observation, interviews and documentation. The selection of informants was completed by purposive sampling. From the results of the research, it is known that the existence of rencong making in Baet Raya continues to decline each year, as it could be seen from the decreasing number of teumpeun and rencong craftsmen. This is due to the many constraints in the production process such as lack of capital, high raw material prices, lack of public interest in rencong and it is difficult to take it out by plane if it is not decorated in a frame while the craftsmen could not afford with enough capital. The people of Baet Raya are grateful for the activity of rencong making because, in addition to increasing income, it preserves cultural products. On the other hand, there are also those who regret it as many youth decide to work in teumpeun instead of continuing their education to a higher level. The effort made by the community in preserving rencong making in Baet Raya is by teaching the young generation the skills of making rencong from the early age, while the form of conservation from the government is to exhibit the rencong at every important event such as the Aceh Cultural Week (PKA). However, the craftsmen admit that they have never received assistance from the government any more, especially since Covid-19 and it affects all rencong-making activities in Baet Raya. Therefore, government support is needed for the continuity of the existence of rencong making in Baet Raya.
Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture Vol 3 No 1 (2022): Indonesian Journal of Islamic History and Culture
Publisher : The Department of Islamic History and Culture in cooperation with the Center for Islamic History and Culture in Aceh and Malay World Studies (PUSAKA), Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh, Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/ijihc.v3i1.1642


This study aims to examine the extent of Dutch intervention in destroying Aceh's sovereignty, and what efforts were attempted by Sultan Muhammad Daud Syah in restoring the sovereignty after his exile. The methods used are heuristics, critical interpretation, and historiography. The results showed that the Dutch violated the laws of war by kidnapping the two consorts and their children so that the Sultan would surrender. The contribution of Sultan Muhammad Daud Syah in his exile to restore Aceh's sovereignty was to provide financial support and hold communication with the fighters in the interior. In addition, he also asked for reinforcements from foreign powers (Japan) to expel the Dutch colonialists in Aceh.
History of Babul Mukarramah and The White Robe Movement in the New Order Era Asmanidar Asmanidar; Khairil Fazal
JUSPI (Jurnal Sejarah Peradaban Islam) Vol 6, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : UIN Sumatera Utara Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30829/juspi.v6i1.11447


The White Robe Movement, a very brave heroic movement of santri dayah, was pioneered by aceh's charismatic ulama, Teungku Bantaqiah a leader of the Salafist dayah (Babul Mukarramah), Beutong Ateuh region. The purpose of this movement is to prevent various kinds of rampant toxicity in Aceh during the New Order era. This movement was inspired by the process of studying in depth the practice of Sufism and the order taught in Babul Mukarramah's father, namely the muqarabah and mujahadah methods. This method has been able to seep into the souls of the students who are applied through jihad in the way of Allah Almighty. This study aims to explain the history of Babul Mukarramah and The White Robe Movement. Data collection is carried out in four ways, namely by observation, literature studies, document studies, and interviews. The methods used are historical methods and qualitative approaches. The results of data analysis showed that The White Robe Movement only developed around 1987, besides it was named because of the vision and mission. The movement, led directly by Teungku Bantaqiah, is just a group of students who want to convey their aspirations regarding the government's policy of insurgent Aceh and leaving the Acehnese people in a backwardness and downturn.
Internalisasi Nilai Tarekat pada Santri Dayah: Studi di Dayah Darul Aman Aceh Besar dan Dayah Budi Mesja Lamno Jaya Asmanidar Asmanidar; Khairil Fazal
Jurnal Sosiologi USK (Media Pemikiran & Aplikasi) Vol 17, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Sociology Department Of Syiah Kuala University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jsu.v17i1.32606


This article aims to describe the internalization of tarekat values among students in Dayah Darul Aman Aceh Besar and Dayah Budi Mesja Lamno Aceh Jaya. The data sources for this study include the leaders and elements of both institutions, as well as the students who reside in them. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and literature review. The study reveals that students in Dayah Darul Aman Aceh Besar and Dayah Budi Mesja Lamno Aceh Jaya apply the teachings of Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah in their religious practices. They engage in activities such as baiat (initiation), khataman/khususiyah (recitation of the entire Quran), manaqiban (poetic eulogies), general religious gatherings, haul akbar (commemoration of spiritual leaders), uzlah (spiritual retreat), and rabithoh (spiritual connection) with both the mursyid (spiritual guide) of the tarekat and fellow followers. They also perform zikir jahr (loud remembrance of God) and zikir sirri (silent remembrance of God). These teachings play a significant role in their daily lives, helping to enhance their religious understanding and transform individual behavior, particularly in terms of religious social conduct. The changes in religious social behavior among the students of both institutions encompass several aspects. Firstly, they are inclined to help others. Secondly, there is an increase in fostering social ties. Thirdly, there is heightened awareness of promoting good deeds and preventing wrongdoing.AbstrakArtikel ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan tentang internalisasi nilai tarekat pada santri  di Dayah Darul Aman Aceh Besar dan Dayah Budi Mesja Lamno Aceh Jaya. Sumber data kajian ini meliputi Pimpinan dan unsur-unsur kedua dayah tersebut, serta para santri yang mondok di kedua dayah. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan kepustakaan.  Kajian ini menunjukkan bahwa Santri Dayah Darul Aman Aceh Besar dan Dayah Budi Mesja Lamno Aceh Jaya menerapkan konsep ajaran Tarekat Naqsyabandiyah dalam praktik keagamaan mereka. Mereka melakukan baiat (ijazah), khataman/khususiyah, manaqiban, pengajian umum, haul akbar, uzlah, rabithoh (hubungan), baik dengan mursyid tarekat maupun sesama pengikut tarekat. Mereka juga melaksanakan zikir jahr maupun zikir sirri. Ajaran-ajaran ini menjadi bagian penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, membantu meningkatkan pemahaman keagamaan dan mengubah perilaku individu, terutama perilaku sosial keagamaan. Perubahan perilaku sosial keagamaan yang terjadi pada santri kedua dayah tersebut meliputi beberapa hal. Pertama, mereka cenderung suka menolong; kedua, terjadi peningkatan dalam menjalin silaturahmi; ketiga, kesadaran terhadap amar makruf nahi mungkar.