Asmanidar Asmanidar
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-raniry Banda Aceh

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Journal : Gender Equality: Internasional Journal of Child and Gender Studies

KEDUDUKAN PEREMPUAN DALAM SEJARAH (The Women's Position in Ancient Greece, Athens) (Sekitar Tahun 1050-700 SM) Asmanidar Asmanidar
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v1i2.786


Greece, As a famous country which had the highest culture and civilization as well as produced many scientists and philosofers from diffrent kind of knowledges. Yet, The Ancient Greece never really focused on women’s position and their duties. Greece that has two big states,namely Sparta and Athena which also had produced diffrent cultures and civilizations. Sparta was very absolute state while Athena with a very democratic state. Even so, the women’s position in Athena was worse than in Sparta. The women in Athena, theywere no more than to fulfil sexual disires to men, as sex accomudation, exploitation, sexsual harrasment and slaves. The women’s position at that time, sure there was no choice in expressing their capacity in public spaces. They just focused themselves on kitchen, well, and bedroom. There was no space for them in creating Gender Balance in their family,society and state. Basically, there was three positions of women in that era, as whores,slaves, and wives. If they wanted to move from those limited spaces, they should be a hetairai (an intelectual whore). As a Hetairai, of course she had a very special place, integrity and appreciation from the society as well as philosofers such as Socrates. As a professional hetairai, no need pretty only but also inteligent to have the same skill as philosofers. If she just being a common whore, her position was almost the same as a local slave. While as a wife, her role was giving birth, keeping their house and loyal to her husband.
TRADISI MEUJEUNGKI (Keterlibatan Perempuan dalam Pelestarian Nilai-Nilai Sosial dan Budaya di Kabupaten Pidie) Asmanidar Asmanidar
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v4i1.4484


Objek penelitian ini berlokasi di Aceh Pidie yaitu di gampong Gajah Kecamatan Mutiara Barat. Jeungki adalah suatu alat prosesing utama yang digunakan masyakarat untuk menumbuk hasil pertanian dan perkebunan dan juga bumbu-bumbu masakan lainnya.Adapun landasan konseptual terhadap kajian ini menggunakan sistem Cultural Resource Management(CRM)antara lain Untuk mengetahui tradisi meujeungki di dalam masyarakat, keterlibatan perempuan dalam pelestarian nilai-nilai sosial budaya masyarakat dan untuk mengetahui nilai-nilai soaial budaya yang dapat dilestarikan serta relevansinya dengan kondisi saat ini melalui tradisi meujengki di Gampong Gajah, Kecamatan Mutiara Barat ini.Adapun Metode yang digunakan adalah metode observasi, wawancara, dokumentasi, serta analisi data, guna mendapatkan hasil penelitian serta nilai-nilai penting pada objek penelitian. Melalui teori dan metode penelitian tersebut dapat ditemukan hasil bahwa keberadaan jeungki sebagai alat prosessing tradisional masih sangat penting di daerah ini, bahkan bisa dikatakan sebagai “primadona” (masih sangat diperlukan). Meujeungki dominan dilakukan oleh kaum perempuan, sementara kaum lelaki jarang melakukannya bahkan bisa dikatakan tidak ada. Ini lebih disebabkan karena beban psikologis dan menganggap ini pekerjaan rumahan, serta tidak perlu mengeluarkan tenaga yang berat menurut persepsi mereka, sehingga pekerjaan ini dilimpahkan kepada perempuan. Kemudian melalui tradisi meujeungki ini juga dapat terbentuk tatanan nilai dalam masyarakat seperti nilai silaturrahmi, keakraban, gotong-royong antar sesama. Di samping itu yang tak kalah pentingnya adalah nilai ekonomi dan pendidikan yang sangat bermanfaat untuk generasi yang akan datang. Dan yang terakhir adalah tardisi meujeungki ini sangat kuat relevansinya dengan kondisi saat ini, di mana hasil olahan jeungki lebih baik kualitasnya (tanpa bahan pengawet) dan lebih orisinil dibandingkan dengan hasil olahan mesin dan bahan-bahan yang dijual di pasar. Khusus untuk penyedap rasa semuanya mengandung MSG. Dan ini tentu saja sangat berbahaya dari segi kesehatan.
Pergeseran Budaya Permainan Anak di Aceh ( Suatu Tinjauan Sosiologis Antropologis) Asmanidar Asmanidar
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22373/equality.v3i2.3445


The changable of the Acehness kids playing is a social and cultural change from time to time. It might be been seen from the anthusiastic of society in fulfilling the toys to the kids from traditional playing such as gaseng, geunteut, cato, me-eun karet, me-eun chee, me-eun jambo-jamboan, dan patok lele to modern playing such as play station, laptop/computer, tablet, smartphone, game online etc. Here, we can compere that the traditional tools or toys playing are generally very simple, easy to find and no need to waste of money to get it, unically, it could be created by the player himself/herself. Otherwise, the modern toys playing, the kids have to spend much money to find it.This situation has a littel bit trouble to the parents who don’t have much money, while the kids need it as their friends had. We realize that both traditional and modern playing have positif and negatif effects to the kids themselves. The changables sometime are very slow motion, even so, these are very influence toward the kids mentality in the future.