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Analisis Kendala-kendala Peningkatan Kapabilitas Aparat Pengawasan Intern Pemerintah (APIP) pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Gorontalo Masdan, Susan Rabbany; Ilat, Ventje; Pontoh, Winston
JURNAL RISET AKUNTANSI DAN AUDITING "GOODWILL" Vol 8, No 2 (2017): Goodwill Vol. 8 No. 2 Juli-Desember 2017
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jjs.v8i2.17780


Abstract. APIP capability is the ability to perform supervisory duties consisting of three interrelated elements of capacity, authority and competence of Human Resources (HR) that APIP must have in order to execute their roles effectively. Capacity enhancement is an effort to strengthen, enhance, develop institutional, business/management/process and human resources APIP in order to implement the role and function of APIP effectively. This study aims to analyze the constraints to increase the capabilities of APIP at the Inspectorate of Gorontalo Regency and the efforts taken to overcome those constraints. This is a qualitative research  with case study approach. This study used primary and secondary data. Primary data were obtained from observation, documentation and interviews. On the other hand, secondary data were in the form of documents related to the research. The results show that: the capability of Inspectorate of Gorontalo Regency is still at level 2 with the note. The constraints faced in increasing APIP capability in Gorontalo District Inspectorate are a) insufficient human resource competence, b) insufficient number of human resource staff, c) lack of commitment, d) lack of communication, e) insufficient budget, f) inadequate planning of activities, g)insufficient of the follow-up monitoring system  and f) displacement of certified auditors.Keywords: APIP Capability, Inspectorate, Internal Control.Abstrak. Kapabilitas APIP adalah kemampuan untuk melaksanakan tugas-tugas pengawasan yang terdiri dari tiga unsur yang saling terkait yaitu kapasitas, kewenangan, dan kompetensi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) yang harus dimiliki APIP agar dapat mewujudkan perannya secara efektif. Peningkatan kapabilitas merupakan upaya memperkuat, meningkatkan, mengembangkan kelembagaan, tata laksana/proses bisnis/manajemen dan sumber daya manusia APIP agar dapat melaksanakan peran dan fungsi APIP yang efektif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kondisi kapabilitas APIP pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Gorontalo, menganalisis kendala-kendala peningkatan kapabilitas APIP pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Gorontalo serta mengidentifikasi upaya-upaya yang dilakukan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Data yang digunakan adalah data primer yang didapat dari hasil observasi, studi dokumentasi dan wawancara, serta data sekunder berupa dokumen-dokumen terkait dengan penelitian. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: kapabilitas Inspektorat Kabupaten Gorontalo saat ini masih berada pada level 2 dengan catatan. Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi dalam peningkatan kapabilitas APIP pada Inspektorat Kabupaten Gorontalo adalah (1) kompetensi SDM belum memadai, (2) kuantitas SDM belum memadai, (3) kurangnya komitmen, (4) kurangnya komunikasi, (5) anggaran belum memadai, (6) perencanaan kegiatan belum memadai, (7) sistem informasi tindak lanjut hasil pengawasan belum memadai, dan (8) terdapat mutasi auditor bersertifikasi.Kata kunci: Kapabilitas APIP, Inspektorat, Pengawasan Intern.
Efek Waktu Pasar dan Kebijakan Investasi terhadap Struktur Modal Pontoh, Winston
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jjs.v5i2.6316


The capital structure policy by an entity is still a question specially in the context of investment policy and if related to market timing. The question is still exist because the entity faced by two options of financing which are internal financing (capital) and external financing (debt). This study is using data from the samples of 241 entities listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange in period of 2009 till 2012 making the total of observed data are 964. Conducting multiple regression analysis, this study conclude that, the effect of pecking order, trade off and market timing are not absolute for all conditions of entities, because the entities will take decision for capital structure policy based on its conditions such as internally or externally. In this case, the external condition is referring to capital market.
Dampak Kebijakan Investasi dan Kebijakan Pendanaan terhadap Kebijakan Dividen Pontoh, Winston
Publisher : Universitas Sam Ratulangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35800/jjs.v5i1.4926


Investors as shareholder has motivation for increasing their wealth through dividend that they would received or for increasing their investment value through increasing of their share in the market. Financing decision and investment decision is the very important information for investors, because these decisions are the basic decisions to reach the net earnings target and then become a base to determine the dividend payment. This study had samples for 270 companies in period of 2009 till 2011, where the method of analysis for hypothesis testing is using logistic regression method. This study found that, partially, the financing decision had significant relationships to dividend policy. And as general, this study found that, the samples by this study, tend to use less external financing but had more tangible assets.
Co-Authors Agus Toni Poputra, Agus Toni Akandji, Vidya Aleng, Chintia S Alting, Umilhair Andre Stevan Masihor, Andre Stevan Ardi Manuel Lomboan, Ardi Manuel Assa, Jeremiah Reinhart Benawan, Erick Try Putra Cristofer Sumiok Dady, Fransher Damanik, Crysty Hanna Darmawan, Mizaco Ofayda David P. E. Saerang David Paul Elia Saerang David Saerang, David Fahri Eka Oktora Fona Budiarso Gerung, Ireyne Regina Gerungai, Natalia T. Grace Nangoi Harijanto Sabijono Heince R.N Wokas Hendrik Gamaliel Hendro Tilaar Herman Karamoy Hullah, Abdurahman Rigel Humiang, Faisal I Gede Suwetja Imbang, Veronika Merlin Irvana Marina Kondoy, Irvana Marina Jantje J. Tinangon Jenny Morasa Jesella Lourina Makaluas, Jesella Lourina Jhon Fiesgrald Wungow, Jhon Fiesgrald Jullie J Sondakh Jullie J. Sondakh Jullie Sondakh Kadir, Mei I. S. Kakauhe, Anastasya Claudio Inri Kakunsi, Erica Kaparang, Griya Clara Kiay, Dewi Sartika Korengkeng, Raymond R. Kotambunan, Miranda Ellora Kussoy, Emerald Brilliant Lalenoh, Marsellino Alexander Lengkong, Angelina Elsy Lewa, Megawani Linda Lambey, Linda Lintje Kalangi Liwe, Alther Gabriel Mararu, Gandi Masdan, Susan Rabbany Meily Y. B. Kalalo, Meily Y. B. Mokoginta, Given Mokoginta, Novtania Nainggolan, Styven Farera Nangoi, Grace B Ningrum, Tiara Nofry, Sampoel Johanes Novi Budiarso Novi S. Budiarso, Novi S. Novi Swandari Budiarso Nunu, Indrawati Ogi, Gratia Patricia Palar, Royke Polii, Imanuel Ronaldo Angelo Popang, Andika Saputra Pratama, Enriko Haris Rachel Anly Marilyn Lingkanwene Wullur, Rachel Anly Marilyn Lingkanwene Rambing, Thalia Amelia Constantie Rantetadung, Romario Rantung, Allbrian J. W. Ratnasari, Cicillia Recky Vincent Oktaviano Wuysang, Recky Vincent Oktaviano Rerung, Elypaz Donald Rimbing, Sheron H.R. Robert Lambey Ronald I. Ottay Rudy J. Pusung Runturambi, Irene V. Sanger, Christin Lisa Sendow, Gloria Julianita Sherly Pinatik Sifrid Pangemanan Sifrid s Pangemanan Sintje Rondonuwu, Sintje Soleman, Muhammad T. Speny Ria Manengkey, Speny Ria Steven Tangkuman Suak, Lidya A. Sudarwati, Nina Suleman, Andini Tirta Cricela Sumanti, Alva O. Sumendap, Steinly Sylvia Febriany Gerungan, Sylvia Febriany Tangeren, Rachel Tanod, Sendi Tingginehe, Nurgita Tinuwo, Mararusli Treesje Runtu Ventje Ilat Waney, Mekson