Hasan Mahfud
Sebelas Maret University

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Implementasi nilai toleransi tingkat elementary school di jungle school kota salatiga Mega Herawati; Hasan Mahfud; Roy Ardiansyah
Didaktika Dwija Indria Vol 9, No 6 (2021): Didaktika Dwija Indria
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ddi.v9i6.51470


Tolerance is a way of thinking that can be translated into an act of mutual openness, mutual respect, character or attitude of respect for different positions and / or contrary to their position as a necessity for a pluralistic nation. The implementation of theTolerance Value Elementary Level in the Jungle School of Salatiga City can be seen when the learning is carried out. Teaching and learning activities are carried out as a form of habituation to create the implementation of the value of tolerance, so that the Jungle School creates a peaceful and tolerant atmosphere. This research is a qualitative research with a case study method. Jungle School was chosen as the subject in this study. Data analysis in the study used an interactive model analysis technique by Miles and Huberman. The results of this study indicate that the implementation of the value of tolerance has been carried out well in the Jungle School with an indication that all aspects of tolerance have been carried out. 
Kompetensi kepribadian dan sosial guru dalam menerapkan sikap disiplin peserta didik kelas I pada pembelajaran PPKn di Sekolah Dasar Detria Nur Aini Sutrisno; Dwi Yuniasih Saputri; Hasan Mahfud
Didaktika Dwija Indria Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Didaktika Dwija Indria
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ddi.v9i1.48776


Abstract. This research was conducted to describe teacher’s personal and social competences applying disciplinary attitudes in civic education learning for grade I SD Negeri Tegalrejo No. 98 Academic Year 2020/2021. These research belongs to qualitative research with descriptive qualitative methodes and a case study approach. Teachers and students of class I SD Negeri Tegalrejo No. 98, totaling 14 students, became the research subjects. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique of this research is based on the interactive analysis technique of Miles and Huberman through data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Data validity by triangulating techniques and sources. The result showed that the disciplinary attitude of the students was quite good, but there were still some obstacles in its implementation. Indicators of collecting assignments directly in schools have not been fulfilled and there are still network constraints during the implementation of learning. Based on the research results, it can be said that the appplication of a disciplined attitude needs to be instilled from an early age.Keywords: personality and social teacher competency, discipline, elementary school, civic education learning.
Analisis kedisiplinan belajar peserta didik selama pandemi pada muatan pelajaran ppkn kelas V sekolah dasar Sindhusakti Rahman Rasyid; Hasan Mahfud; Matsuri Matsuri
Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar Vol 10, No 1 (2022): Jurnal Pendidikan Dasar
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/jpd.v10i1.63073


This study aims to determine the student's learning discipline attitude during the pandemic on the content of the Civics Class V lesson at the Packaging 1 Sawit State Elementary School for the 2021/2022 Academic Year with the implementation of learning having been carried out in schools.This research uses qualitative research, using a case study approach or method. Sources of data in this study were students and homeroom teachers of class V SD Negeri 1 Packaging. Data collection techniques in this study used observation, questionnaires, and interviews. The data were analyzed using the Miles and Huberman data analysis model, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the learning discipline of fifth grade elementary school students during the COVID-19 pandemic showed high category results with indicators of discipline in entering school, discipline in following lessons at school, discipline in doing assignments, discipline in studying at home, discipline in studying at home. obey school rules. The results of the study can add to the treasures and as a reference regarding the learning discipline of students during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Analisis keefektifan pembelajaran daring dalam muatan pelajaran PPKn kelas 5 sekolah dasar Sigit Santoso; Hasan Mahfud; Matsuri Matsuri
Didaktika Dwija Indria Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Didaktika Dwija Indria
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ddi.v10i2.64823


The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of online learning on civic education subjects for Class V Elementary School 1 Semali. The subjects of this study were class teachers and students of class V Elementary School 1 Semali, totaling 25 children. There are 3 discussions to determine the effectiveness of online learning, namely the implementation of online learning, the activeness of students when participating in online learning, and student learning outcomes. Data collection techniques in this study included interviews, observation, and document analysis. The data of this study indicate that the implementation of online learning in class V of the State Elementary School 1 Semali is going well, but the students are not active during learning. This results in the teacher's assessment being less than optimal so that student scores tend to decrease during online learning. Based on the data, it can be concluded that the effectiveness of online learning in the subject of Citizenship Education Class V Elementary School 1 Semali for the academic year 2021/2022 is less effective because of the 3 indicators only 1 aspect is in the good category while the other 2 aspects in the poor category and tends to decrease.
Analisis sikap nasionalisme peserta didik kelas IV sekolah dasar dalam pembelajaran pendidikan pancasila pasca daring Yusuf Aly Pratama; Hasan Mahfud; Matsuri Matsuri
Didaktika Dwija Indria Vol 10, No 6 (2022): Didaktika Dwija Indria
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/ddi.v10i6.72902


Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan yang ingin dicapai yaitu guna mengetahui sikap nasionalisme peserta didik dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila di masa pembelajaran pasca daring. Berdasarkan Peraturan Presiden No. 87 Tahun 2017 tentang PPK (Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter) terdapat lima nilai karakter utama yaitu, nilai religius, nilai nasionalis, nilai integritas, nilai kemandirian, dan nilai gotong royong. Pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila merupakan salah satu sarana utama dalam pendidikan untuk menanamkan sikap nasionalisme pada peserta didik. Hal tersebut didukung dengan Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan No. 23 Tahun 2006 yang menyebutkan bahwa pendidikan kewarganegaraan merupakan mata pelajaran yang berfokus guna membentuk warga negara agar lebih memahami dan dapat melaksanakan segala hak dan kewajiban sebagai seorang warga negara. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah guru kelas IV dan 28 peserta didik kelas IV SD Negeri Serengan 2 Surakarta. Dalam pengumpulan data digunakan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Pengujian validitas penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi teknik dan triangulasi sumber. Sementara teknik analisis data yang didapatkan menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Berdasarkan hasil dari penelitian yang didapatkan, sikap nasionalisme peserta didik kelas IV ditinjau dari indikator rela berkorban, disiplin, jujur dan berani, cinta tanah air, serta persatuan dan kesatuan dapat dibilang tinggi karena peserta didik kelas IV di SD Negeri Serengan 2 menunjukkan perilaku dominan yang mencerminkan kelima indikator yang telah dirumuskan.