Andi Yusuf
Pascasarjana Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Kesehatan Tamalatea Makassar

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Pengaruh Promosi Kesehatan Terhadap Perubahan Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat Tatanan Rumah Tangga Di Dusun IV Desa Lawolatu Kecamatan Ngapa Kabupaten Kolaka Utara Irna; Andi Yusuf; Muhammad Rifai
NERSMID : Jurnal Keperawatan dan Kebidanan Vol. 5 No. 1 (2022): Mei
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Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55173/nersmid.v5i1.104


Clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS) is a collection of behaviors that are carried out on the basis ofawareness as a result of learning that makes someone who makes a person able to help himself in the healthsector and plays an active role in realizing the health of his community. The purpose of the study was todetermine the effect of health promotion on changes in clean and healthy lifestyles in householdarrangements in Hamlet IV, Lawolatu Village, Ngapa District, North Kolaka Regency. The type of researchused is Quasy-Experiment with non-equivalent control group design, the sample in this study is divided into2, namely 20 people as the experimental group and 20 people as the control group using spiral samplingtechnique and questionnaires as research instruments. The results showed that changes in PHBS in terms ofwashing hands with clean water and soap with p value = 0.000, using clean water with p value = 0.007, usinglatrines with p value = 0.001, eradicating larvae with p value = 0.004, physical activity with p value = 0.001,not smoking in the house with p value = 0.004 Conclusion obtained There is an effect of changing PHBSwashing hands with clean water and soap using clean water, using healthy latrines to eradicate larvae athome, doing physical activity, not smoking inside house before and after receiving intervention, researchsuggestions are expected to raise public awareness, especially in the household environment in PHBS as aneffort to prevent disease
Analisis Perilaku Masyarakat Dalam Penggunaan Jamban Erna Erna; Andi Yusuf; Rahmawati Azis
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.629


Introduction: Government efforts have been made to improve environmental sanitation in support of national commitments and the achievement of the target of the SDG's agreement related to sanitation, namely increasing access to clean water and basic sanitation on an ongoing basis. Problems with proper sanitation include the high number of people not using latrines that meet health standards. Objective: to know the behavior of the community in using healthy latrines. Methods: The research used was observational (quantitative) with a cross-sectional study design. Results: showed that the level of knowledge did not have a significant relationship with the use of latrines (p=0,273>α0.05, the level of income had a significant relationship with the use of latrines =0.000<α=0.05, the condition of the latrines had a significant relationship with the use of latrines = 0.000<α=0.05 and the support of community leaders were significantly related to the use of latrines = 0.000<α=0.05. While the condition of the latrine is the variable that most influences the use of the latrine, with a significant value (sig. = 0.000) or p-value < 0.000 and the value of Exp (B) = 39,030. Conclusion: income and support from community leaders related to latrine use. The most influential factor on the use of latrines is the condition of the latrine. It is hoped that the support of community leaders will motivate and support the community to always maintain sanitation in their environment. The government in addition to providing education to the community also facilitates the construction of latrines equipped with the provision of clean water
Analisis Pelaksanaan Program Sanitasi Total Berbasis Masyarakat Sumiati Sumiati; Andi Yusuf; Asrijun Juhanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.632


Introduction; The challenges faced by Indonesia related to health development, especially in the field of hygiene and sanitation are still very large, so it is necessary to carry out integrated interventions through a community-based total sanitation approach. Aim; determine the influence of predisposing factors consisting of elements of knowledge, attitudes, perceptions in the 5 pillars of STBM. Method; The type of research used is quantitative observational design with a cross sectional study approach to see the effect of STBM triggering. Results; shows that knowledge, attitudes, family support and support from health workers are significantly related to the implementation of STBM. Meanwhile, the number of dependents, working status, income, and water availability in statistical tests are not related to the implementation of STBM. Knowledge, is the variable that most influences the implementation of STBM, with a significant value (sig.=0.000) or p<0.010 and Exp(B)=12,267. Conclusion; respondents' knowledge of the implementation of STBM is the most influential factor in the implementation of STBM. It is hoped that all parties, especially family support and the support of health workers, support and help each other, motivating the community to always maintain sanitation in their environment.
Analisis Pengaruh Pemicu Terhadap Stop Buang Air Besar Sembarangan Erni Ekawati Marselina; Andi Yusuf; Asrijun Juhanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.633


Introduction: The government is trying to improve sanitation so that it can run well to support national commitments and achieve the targets of the development agreements of countries in the world. Objectives: To determine the relationship between education, income, latrine facilities, knowledge, attitudes, roles of health workers, roles of community leaders, and the most influential factors in changing open defecation behavior. Methods: The research used a quantitative observational design with a cross-sectional study approach to see the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent variable. Results; show that there is no significant relationship between education, income, the role of community leaders, the role of health workers with changes in open defecation behavior and there is a relationship between latrine facilities, knowledge, and attitudes with open defecation behavior. Conclusion: that knowledge is very influential on changes in defecation behavior. The health officials and community leaders support each other in motivating the community to always maintain sanitation in their environment
Analisis Pengaruh Metode Penyuluhan (Ceramah) Damapemberian Edukasi Minum Obat Pada Penderita Tb Paru Mimi Dehmi; Andi Yusuf; Asrijun Juhanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.636


Introduction: tuberculosis is the second leading cause of death from infectious diseases in the world. Aim: determine the effect of health promotion methods in providing education on taking medication in patients with pulmonary TB. Methods: experimental research with posttest only control design Method Using a quasiexperimental Quasi Experiment Method The sample in this study was 27 people in each group so that the number of respondents was 54 people. Results: showed no significant difference between the attitudes of the experimental group and the control group The behavior of patients with pulmonary TB in the experimental group Mean Rank 43 11 and the control group Mean Rank 38 85 the difference in the value of delta 7 26 p-value 0 382 0 05 means that there is no significant difference between the behavior of the experimental group and the control group. Conclusion: that there is a significant effect between the implementation of health promotion counseling on the knowledge of pulmonary TB patients and there is no significant effect between the implementation of health promotion counseling on the attitudes and behavior of pulmonary TB patients.
Analisis Kepuasan Pasien Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Piru Yerry Soumokil; Muhammad Syafar; Andi Yusuf
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.645


Introduction: patient satisfaction is an "outcome" of health services. About improving the quality of health services. Objective: to find out how satisfied patients are in the midst of the Covid19 outbreak being treated. Methods: This research uses quantitative research, with a cross-sectional study approach that aims to determine the relationship between the two variables, namely the independent variable of service quality and the dependent variable of patient satisfaction which is carried out simultaneously. Results: showed that reliability, assurance, physical evidence, empathy, and responsiveness resulted in a p-value = 0.000 this means that there is a relationship between all variables with patient satisfaction. Conclusion: that there is a relationship between reliability, assurance, physical evidence, empathy, and responsiveness with patient satisfaction. Improving the quality of service is very necessary for expertise according to their respective scientific fields for all health service providers
Determinan Sosial Kesehatan Terhadap Kepatuhan Pengobatan Dots Penderita Tb Paru Kartikasari Masting; Muhammad Syafar; Andi Yusuf
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.646


Introduction; pulmonary TB is an infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Transmission occurs when a smear-positive pulmonary TB patient coughs or sneezes and the patient accidentally spreads germs into the air in the form of phlegm splashes. The purpose of this study was to determine the existence of social determinants of health on the compliance of dots treatment with pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Method; This research uses a descriptive-analytic method by using the "Cross-Sectional" study approach method by taking a sample from a population and using a questionnaire as a data collection tool. The population in this study was a sample of 33 people. The data obtained were processed in the form of univariate bivariate and multivariate analysis with =0.05 using SPSS. Results; shows that the relationship between knowledge p = 0.02, family support p = 0.01, drug swallowing supervision p = 0.00. Conclusion; that there is a relationship between knowledge, family support, and supervision of drug ingestion on adherence to DOTs treatment of pulmonary TB patients
Analisis Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Kinerja Pegawai Puskesmas Zulkifli Mansyur; Andi Yusuf; Muhammad Rifai
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada Vol 10 No 2 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Sandi Husada
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat Akademi Keperawatan Sandi Karsa (Merger) Politeknik Sandi Karsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35816/jiskh.v10i2.657


Introduction; quality health services provided to patients are a benchmark for the success of services, and various business or service activities. Objective; analyze the factors that affect the performance of puskesmas employees. Method; The research design used in this study was observational with a Cross-Sectional Study approach with a sample of 35 Puskesmas employees. Results; show that the variables of education (ρ=0.546), work discipline (ρ=0.243), and facilities (ρ=403) have no effect on employee performance. Variables of motivation (ρ=0.000), compensation (ρ=0.000), and work environment (ρ=0.031) have an influence on the performance of employees at the Public Health Center. Conclusion; that motivation has the strongest influence on performance. The need for increased motivation, compensation and a good work environment for employees in an effort to improve employee performance