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PERADILAN AGAMA DAN SENGKETA EKONOMI SYARI’AH (Studi Atas Efektifitas UU No 3 Tahun 2006 di Kota Metro) Mufliha Wijayati
istinbath Vol 12 No 1 (2013): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Mataram

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1559.815 KB)


Since the born of Enactment of law No. 3 2006 and Act No. 50 2009 is a new era of religious couts. These acts was a change of Act No. 7 1989 of Religious Courts. The main changes of this law is the existence of absolute territorial expansion of the religious courts to handle economic Syariah dispute. This paper answered how the readiness of religious court Class IB Kota Metro dealing with islamic finance dispute and identified supporting factors and inhibiting factors related to the readiness of religious courts of Kota Metro to handle absolute competence in Islamic finance dispute. The findings of this research showed that the result of observation and interview to the judge, clerk of the court, jury and enterpreneur analyzed by Friedman theory. The result showed that the religious court Kota Metro has been ready to handle islamic finance dispute at the legal substance and legal structure level. The problem was on law culture of citizen that tend to avoid the curiousity toward law and court. As a result, some islamic finance disputes that happened in BMT, BPRS and Bank Syariah compromised out of the court. The solution of the problems were chosen because of some considerations such as case complexity, economic factor and maintaining good relationship factor.
Pembentukan Akhlak Mahmudah Perspektif Keluarga Maslahah sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Menghadapi Pandemi Covid-19 Digdo Aji Mukti; Mufliha Wijayati; Ibnu Akbar Maliki
Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak Vol 2 No 01 (2020)
Publisher : Center of Gender Studies and Child of State Islamic Institute of Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (902.027 KB) | DOI: 10.32332/jsga.v2i01.2220


Covid-19 merupakan suatu wabah virus mematikan yang telah menjadi bencana dalam skala global. Berbagai upaya negara-negara di dunia telah dilakukan dalam rangka memutus penyebaran virus ini. Indonesia merupakan salah satu negara yang terdampak dari virus ini. Salah satu langkah negara Indonesia dalam menghentikan penyebaran virus corona ialah dengan memberlakukan locldown dan social distancing. Kebijakan tersebut rupanya berdampak pada setiap aspek keidupan masyarakat, salah satunya ialah pendidikan. Pendidikan yang semula menggunakan sistem tatap muka beralih menjadi sistem online di rumah. Sistem pembelajaran tersebut membuat interaksi antara anak dengan orang tua menjadi lebih intens. Maka diperlukan suatu konsep pendidikan akhlak mahmudah yang bermuara pada timbulnya kepedulian sosial seorang anak dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19. Keluarga maslahah merupakan konsep keluarga yang bukan hanya mendatangkan manfaat pada keluarga saja, namun pada masyarakat secara umum. Artikel ini mengkaji bagaimana peran keluarga maslahah dalam membentuk akhlak mahmudah pada anak dalam menghadapi masa pandemi Covid-19. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akhlak mahmudah dalam perspektif keuarga maslahah dikonepsikan sebagai masalih usra (kemaslahatan bagi keluarga) dan kemaslahatan bagi masyarakat. Pembentukan akhlak mahmudah dalam keluarga maslahah dilakukan melalui dua instrumen, yakni melalui metode pendidikan dan pola relasinya.
Memahami Larangan Kawin Beda Agama di Indonesia (Kajian Filsafat Hukum Islam) Mufliha Wijayati
Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Vol 19 No 01 (2022): Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/istinbath.v19i01.6968


This article explains the ratio legis of prohibition of interfaith marriage in Indonesia. Indonesia has indirectly prohibited interfaith marriage through the marriage law, the Compilation of Islamic Law, and the fatwa of the Indonesian ulama Council (MUI). The research data was obtained from a literature review of theworks of scholars who discussed the wisdom prohibiting interfaith marriage. Althought there are differences of opinion and interpretation in figh discourse regarding the legal statur of interfaith marriage, depending on personal and political situations, this article argues that the state still priotitizes to choose a life partner, which is the argument of advocates of the legality of interfaith marriage. This prohibition is based on views related to personal (theological) and communal (political) beliefs, that the purpose of marriage is to achieves a happy, peaceful, and loving family which is difficult to achieve in interfaith marriage. This overarching narrative is still maintained, although efforts to amend it are made in vatious ways
Pelibatan Laki-Laki Sebagai Basis Penyadaran Relasi Setara Dalam Keluarga: Mufliha Wijayati
Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak Vol 5 No 02 (2023): SETARA: Jurnal Studi Gender dan Anak
Publisher : Center of Gender Studies and Child of State Islamic Institute of Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/jsga.v5i02.7826


Artikel ini membagikan beberapa pelajaran dari praktik baik yang dilakukan oleh tiga komunitas, Perhimpunan Rahima, Aliansi Laki-Laki Baru dan Rifka Anisa Yogyakarta. Kajian ini merupakan hasil observasi terhadap proses pendampingan pegawai KUA yang dilakukan Rahima dan olah dokumen terhadap dokumentasi kegiatan dan aktifitas Rifka Anisa dan Aliansi Laki-Laki Baru. Data-data penelitian ini didukung dengan wawancara, dan focus group discussion. Tulisan ini berargumen bahwa pelibatan laki-laki dalam membangun relasi setara dalam keluarga penting karena laki-laki adalah aktor dalam relasi keluarga. Laki-laki sama halnya dengan perempuan memiliki peran strategis untuk secara bersama-sama menjadi mitra yang lebih egaliter dan berkeadilan. Tulisan ini juga menjelaskan piliha-pilihan strategi dan pendekatan pendampingan yang berhasil mengubah cara pandang laki-laki terhadap diri dan maskulinitasnya dari maskulinitas hegemonic menjadi maskulinitas positif.
Memahami Larangan Kawin Beda Agama di Indonesia (Kajian Filsafat Hukum Islam) Mufliha Wijayati
Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum Vol 19 No 01 (2022): Istinbath : Jurnal Hukum
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Metro

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.32332/istinbath.v19i01.6968


This article explains the ratio legis of prohibition of interfaith marriage in Indonesia. Indonesia has indirectly prohibited interfaith marriage through the marriage law, the Compilation of Islamic Law, and the fatwa of the Indonesian ulama Council (MUI). The research data was obtained from a literature review of theworks of scholars who discussed the wisdom prohibiting interfaith marriage. Althought there are differences of opinion and interpretation in figh discourse regarding the legal statur of interfaith marriage, depending on personal and political situations, this article argues that the state still priotitizes to choose a life partner, which is the argument of advocates of the legality of interfaith marriage. This prohibition is based on views related to personal (theological) and communal (political) beliefs, that the purpose of marriage is to achieves a happy, peaceful, and loving family which is difficult to achieve in interfaith marriage. This overarching narrative is still maintained, although efforts to amend it are made in vatious ways