Yosafat Aji Pranata
Jurusan Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Kristen Maranatha Jalan Suria Sumantri 65 Bandung 40164, Jawa Barat.

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Kekuatan Tekan Sejajar Serat dan Tegak Lurus Serat Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) Pranata, Yosafat Aji; Suryoatmono, Bambang
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 21, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Kayu Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) termasuk salah satu kayu dengan kekuatan tinggi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan kekuatan tekan sejajar serat dan tegak lurus serat kayu Ulin dengan pengujian eksperimental. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah kekuatan tekan sejajar serat pada beban proporsional sebesar 50,53 MPa (deviasi standar 11,35 MPa dan koefisien variasi 22,47%), kekuatan tekan sejajar serat pada beban ultimit 55,64 MPa (deviasi standar 11,17 MPa dan koefisien variasi 20,07%), kekuatan tekan tegak lurus serat pada beban proporsional sebesar 20,26 MPa (deviasi standar 2,10 MPa dan koefisien variasi 10,31%), dan kekuatan tekan tegak lurus serat pada beban ultimit 29,74 MPa (deviasi standar 4,62 MPa dan koefisien variasi 15,52%). Modulus elastisitas tekan sejajar serat yang diperoleh sebesar 10155,05 MPa, dan modulus plastisitas tekan sejajar serat sebesar 1317,83 MPa. Modulus Elastisitas tekan sejajar serat yang diperoleh sebesar 1381,84 MPa, dan  modulus plastisitas tekan tegak lurus serat sebesar 195,77 MPa. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan dapat memberikan sumbangan ilmiah untuk basis data sifat mekanika kayu Indonesia dan khususnya untuk perencanaan komponen struktur tekan dan lentur.Abstract. Ulin (Eusideroxylon Zwageri) is one of wood species with high strength. This study aims to obtain the compressive strength parallel and perpendicular to the grain carry by experimental tests. The result obtained are the compressive strength parallel to the grain at proportional load 50.53 MPa (standard deviation 11.35 and coefficient of variation 22,47%), the compressive strength parallel to the grain at ultimate load 55.64 MPa (standard deviation 11.17 and cov 20,07%), the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain at proportional load 20.36 MPa (standard deviation 2.10 MPa and cov 10,31%), and the compressive strength perpendicular to the grain at ultimate load 29.74 MPa (standard deviation 4.62 MPa and cov 15,52%). Modulus of elasticity compression parallel  to the grain obtained from this research is 10155.05 MPa, and modulus of plasticity compression parallel to the grain 1317,83 MPa. Modulus of elasticity compression perpendicular to the grain is 1381,84 MPa, and modulus of plasticity compression perpendicular to the grain is 195,77 MPa. The result is expected to contribute to general scientific databases mechanical properties of wood in Indonesia and particularly in the design of the compressive and flexural structural components.
Rasio Modulus Penampang Elastik Balok Kayu Laminasi-Baut Pranata, Yosafat Aji; Suryoatmono, Bambang; Tjondro, Johannes Adhijoso
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 19, No 3 (2012)
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

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Abstrak. Balok laminasi dapat menjadi alternatif pengganti kayu utuh, karena memberikan keuntungan yaitu dapat difabrikasi dengan bentang sesuai kebutuhan dan membuat penampang kayu yang lebih besar. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menemukan persamaan empiris rasio modulus penampang elastik balok kayu laminasi-baut. Rasio modulus penampang elastik yaitu rasio antara modulus penampang elastik balok laminasi terhadap balok utuh. Ruang lingkup penelitian yaitu sistem laminasi secara horisontal, kayu Indonesia dengan berat jenis berkisar 0,4-0,8 yaitu meranti merah (shorea spp), keruing (dipterocarpus spp), dan akasia mangium, penampang balok prismatis, penelitian dilakukan secara eksperimental di laboratorium dan numerikal metode elemen hingga nonlinier. Parameter yang dibahas adalah jenis kayu, ukuran baut, jumlah baris baut, dan jarak baut. Balok mempunyai bentang 3 meter dan disusun oleh 4 lamina. Model tegangan-regangan kayu untuk simulasi numerikal berdasarkan kriteria plastisitas Hill, model tegangan-regangan baut menggunakan model elastoplastik. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh yaitu tren kurva hubungan beban-lendutan balok kayu laminasi-baut adalah berbentuk bilinier, persamaan empiris rasio modulus penampang elastik merupakan fungsi dari jenis kayu, diameter baut, dan rasio jumlah baris terhadap jarak baut. Rasio modulus penampang elastik dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi kuat lentur balok laminasi pada beban batas proporsional. Abstract. Laminated beam can be an alternative for solid timber, because it provides the advantage that it can be fabricated with a needed-span and a bigger cross section. The purpose of this research is to obtain an empirical equation of the bolt-laminated timber beam elastic section modulus ratio. Elastic section modulus ratio is elastic section modulus ratio between laminated and solid beams. Scope of this research are horizontally laminated system, Indonesian timber with specific grafity ranged 0.4-0.8 which are red meranti (shorea spp), keruing (dipterocarpus spp), and acacia mangium, prismatic beam section, experimental test in laboratorium and numerical simulation using nonlinear finite element method. The parameters discussed are timber type, bolt diameter, number of row, and spacing. Beam has a 3-meter span and arranged by 4 laminae. Timber stress-strain model for numerical simulation based on Hill plasticity, bolt stress-strain model is elasto-plastic. Results obtained are beam load-displacement curve trend is bilinear, the elastic section modulus ratio equation are the fuction of timber type, bolt diameter, and number of row against bolt spacing ratio. The elastic section modulus ratio can be used to predict the bending strength at the proportional limit.
Evaluasi Level Kinerja Bangunan Gedung Kayu Bertingkat Rendah Akibat Beban Gelombang Pranata, Yosafat Aji; Suroso, Fadlillah Ariani; Herbudiman, Bernardinus
BENTANG : Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil Vol 9 No 1 (2021): BENTANG Jurnal Teoritis dan Terapan Bidang Rekayasa Sipil
Publisher : Universitas Islam 45

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33558/bentang.v9i1.2197


Several coastal areas in Indonesia are at risk of moderate to high tsunami disasters, this is related to the condition that Indonesia is located in an earthquake high risk area. At this time there are many buildings located on the coast with a low-rise stilt house system with the main structural system, namely beams and columns using timber materials. The building structure design includes the performance evaluation process, namely strength, stiffness and structural stability. The purpose of this research is to study the evaluation behavior of performance levels, especially the strength and stiffness of low-rise timber buildings, namely the level of structural performance due to gravity and lateral loads, namely sea waves. The research scope is a three-story building with a beam and column frame structure system. Columns are circular and beams have a square cross section. The loads taken into account are gravity and lateral. The strengths discussed are the bending capacity of the beam and the compressive capacity of the column. In order to obtain building behavior that is closer to real conditions, especially in beam-column joints, secondary data is used, namely empirical data on the envelope load-deformation curve of the beam-column joint test results in the laboratory (modeled as link property). Evaluation of structural performance begins with structural analysis using SAP2000 software, to obtain internal forces and building drift. The results show that the use of link properties in beam-column joint joints in the timber building structures shows greater deformation results compared to rigid joint models, this indicates that modeling the structure with beam-column joint joints modeled as link property has an impact on building stiffness. Lower and represents the condition of a timber building with beam-column joint characteristics closer to the actual condition. The existence of a hole size in the column (to insert the beam) which is larger than the cross-sectional size of the beam results in the rotation of the joint not being zero and a slip occurs when the joint works to transmit internal forces.