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Store Atmosphere Analysis and Shopping Emotion on Impulse Buying Suhroji Adha; Irawan Irawan; Mira Nurhikmat; Yulaikah Yulaikah; Sapari Kahpi
Kontigensi : Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen Vol 7 No 2 (2019): Kontigensi: Jurnal Ilmiah Manajemen
Publisher : Program Doktor Ilmu Manajemen, Universitas Pasundan, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (310.727 KB) | DOI: 10.56457/jimk.v7i2.130


This study aims to determine the effect of (1) Store Atmosphere on Impulse Buying, (2) Sales Promotion on Impulse Buying, (3) the influence of Store Atmosphere and Sales Promotion on Shopping Emotion at Indomart Kampung Malangnengah Kel. Cijoropasir-Banten. This research is included in the type of causal research. The population in this study were all consumers from Indomart Kampung Malangnengah Kel. Cijoropasir Rangkasbitung-Banten, 99 samples were taken using non-probability sampling. Data was collected using a questionnaire, then analyzed using SEM analysis with the help of SmartPLS. The results of this study indicate that (1) Store Atmosphere has a significant effect on Impulse Buying as indicated by the value of tcount > ttable (9.253> 1.980) or P-value < (0.000 < 0.05), (2) Store Atmosphere has a significant effect on Shopping Emotion as indicated by the value of tcount > ttable (4.187> 1.980) or p-value < α (0.025 < 0.05), (3) Shopping Emotion has a significant effect on Impulse Buying is tcount > ttable (9.562> 1,980) or p-value < (0.000 < 0.05). and the mediation calculation that the value is 0.207 as shown by the path coefficient. The calculated t value of 4.369 is greater than the t table of 1.960, and the probability value of and Sig 0.00 < 0.05 is categorized, the effect is positive and significant, so that it means that the Store Atmosphere will affect impulse Buying through Shopping Emotion. (3) Shopping Emotion that has a significant effect on Impulse Buying is tcount > ttable (9.562> 1.980) or p-value < (0.000 < 0.05). and the mediation calculation that the value is 0.207 as shown by the path coefficient. The calculated t value of 4.369 is greater than the t table of 1.960, and the probability value of and Sig 0.00 < 0.05 is categorized, the effect is positive and significant, so that it means that the Store Atmosphere will affect impulse Buying through Shopping Emotion. (3) Shopping Emotion that has a significant effect on Impulse Buying is tcount > ttable (9.562> 1.980) or p-value < (0.000 < 0.05). and the mediation calculation that the value is 0.207 as shown by the path coefficient. The calculated t value of 4.369 is greater than the t table of 1.960, and the probability value of and Sig 0.00 < 0.05 is categorized, the effect is positive and significant, so that it means that the Store Atmosphere will affect impulse Buying through Shopping Emotion.
The Influence of Work Discipline on the Performance of State Civil Apparatus (ASN) at the Secretariat of the DPRD Banten Province Djaka Adiwinata; Sucihati Sucihati; Irawan Irawan; Yulaikah Yulaikah; Suhroji Adha
International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others Vol 3 No 1 (2020): International Journal of Education, Information Technology, and Others
Publisher :

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (244.794 KB) | DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.4930332


This study aims to analyze the relationship between work discipline and the performance of the State Civil Apparatus. The method used in this research is a survey method, the form of this research is descriptive quantitative. The sampling method is saturated sample in this research is 98 respondents. The data collection method used a questionnaire and documentation study. The analysis technique uses simple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that work discipline has a positive and significant effect on the performance of the State Civil Service Apparatus.
Modal Sosial dan Pendampingan BUMDes Sebagai Solusi Recovery Economy Masyarakat Terdampak Tsunami Selat Sunda di Kabupaten Pandeglang Suhroji Adha; Irawan Irawan; Djaka Adiwinata; Enji Azizi; Mira Nurhikmat; Yulaikah Yulaikah
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (463.665 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202273.167


SOCIAL CAPITAL AND ASSISTANCE FOR BUMDES AS ECONOMIC RECOVERY SOLUTIONS FOR COMMUNITIES AFFECTED BY THE SUNDA STRAIT TSUNAMI IN PANDEGLANG REGENCY. The presence of the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration is the implementing agent of Law no. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, it is substantively expected to be able to build villages through structural and cultural approaches. Villages are expected to become independent economically, socially, culturally and politically. The method used in this community service activity is using the lecture method, discussion method, dialogue, and mentoring and practice methods, the material presented about good BUMDes management information is still lacking, this is indicated by a score of 47%., After the community is given education and assistance in the management of BUMDes as the goal of economic recovery after good results were obtained, which was 93%. These results need to be strengthened by improving the management of BUMDes, where academics and the government can collaborate on the best model (deliberative model) for the development of BUMDes to be efficient and competitive.
Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan (SIZE) Dan Profitabilitas (ROE) Terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Industri Sektor Makanan Dan Minuman Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia Periode 2018 – 2022 Amanda Nurfitriyani; Enji Azizi; Irawan Irawan
Jurnal Manajemen dan Bisnis (JMB) Vol 4, No 2 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Mitra Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.57084/jmb.v4i2.1309


ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji Pengaruh Ukuran Perusahaan (SIZE) dan Profitabilitas (ROE) terhadap Harga Saham Pada Perusahaan Industry Sektor Manakanan dan Minuman yang terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Periode 2018-2022. Metode purposive sampling digunakan pada perusahaan yang dijadikan sampel dalam penelitian ini. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan metode analisis data menggunakan analisis regresi linear berganda dengan lebih dahulu dilakukan uji asumsi klasik. Dengan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan Uji secara parsial (Uji t) dan Uji secara simultan (Uji F) serta koefisien determinasi (Adjusted R2) yang diolah dengan SPSS 25. Hasil penelitian ini menjelaskan bahwa Ukuran Perusahaan dan Profitabilitas secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham dengan tingkat signifikansi 0.000 dan nilai F hitung sebesar 11.365. Hasil dari nilai Adjusted R Square secara signifikansi 0.417. Ukuran Perusahaan secara parsial memiliki pengaruh tidak signifikan terhadap Harga Saham dengan tingkat signifikansi -4.872. Profitabilitas secara parsial berpengaruh terhadap Harga Saham dengan tingkat signifikansi 1.229.Kata kunci : Ukuran Perusahaan, Profitabilitas dan Harga Saham.