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Perencanaan sumur filtrasi bantaran sungai dengan uji pemompaan Wahyu Gendam Prakoso; Roh Santoso BW; Meiske Widyarti
Jurnal Lingkungan dan Bencana Geologi Vol 5, No 1 (2014)
Publisher : Badan Geologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1246.237 KB) | DOI: 10.34126/jlbg.v5i1.65


ABSTRAKFiltrasi bantaran sungai digunakan untuk memperbaiki kualitas air sungai sebagai sumber air bersih. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis karakteristik geologi dan hidrogeologi tapak filtrasi tebing sungai, mengukur penurunan muka air tanah sumur akibat pemompaan pada bantaran sungai, memperkirakan jari-jari pengaruh sumur sebagai parameter utama dalam perencanaan sumur produksi dengan filtrasi tebing sungai. Lokasi uji pemompaan yang terletak di bantaran sungai Cihideung sesuai untuk pembangunan sumur filtrasi tebing sungai dengan memiliki nilai konduktivitas hidraulik berkisar 2,5 – 4,32 m/hari. Jari-jari pengaruh sumur sekitar 45 m. Metode Thiem dan aplikasi Akuifer Test Versi 4.2 memberikan hasil yang baik dalam menduga nilai konduktivitas hidraulik pada lokasi penelitian. Nilai jari-jari pengaruh sumur paling tepat diperoleh dengan menggunakan metode ketakseimbangan dan MLU 2.5.Kata kunci: filtrasi bantaran sungai, uji pemompaan, konduktivitas hidraulik, jari-jari pengaruh sumurABSTRACTRiverbank filtration is used to improve river water quality as drinking water source. This study aims to analyze geological, and hydrogeological characteristic of riverbank filtration site, measuring drawdown characteristic of pumping well on the riverbank, determine well radius of influence as the key parameter on the design of production well with riverbank filtration. Pumping site located at the riverbank of Cihideung river is suitable as riverbank filtration site with hidraulic condutivity 2.5 – 4.32 m/day. Well radius of influence is around 45 m. Thiem method and Akuifer test 4.2 are giving satisfied result on estimating value of hidraulic conductivity. Best value of well radius of influence given by MLU 2.5 and non equilibrium method.Keywords: riverbank filtration, pumping test, hydraulic conductivity, radius of influence
Publisher : Pusat Litbang Sumber Daya Air, Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1336.167 KB) | DOI: 10.32679/jth.v5i2.309


REVIEW OF ROAD DRAINAGE SYSTEM (CASE STUDY: JALAN CIGOMBONG KM 16 - KM 23) Yahya Azura; Heny Purwanti; Wahyu Gendam Prakoso
Journal of Science Innovare Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Journal of Science Innovare, September 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (188.518 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v2i2.1531


A good road drainage system is needed to ensure that road user activities are not disrupted due to rain puddles. The cause of inundation that occurs is land use change, there is no drainage channel, the channel is not well connected, the channel is closed due to widening of the road without considering drainage channels. Given this, research needs to be carried out on the condition of the existing drainage system as a material consideration for evaluating its feasibility and planning a drainage system that is able to overcome the inundation that occurs. Writing this final project refers to primary data and secondary data that already exist. The rainfall data came from the Climatology and Geophysics Meteorological Agency, Balai Besar Region II, Bogor Regency, which is the Darmaga huajn rainfall measurement station and the PUPR Binamarga Office of Bogor Regency. Meanwhile, to find out the dimensions of the existing drainage channels obtained by conducting surveys and direct observation to the field. Data analysis which was carried out was hydrological and hydraulics analysis. Hydrological analysis includes the analysis of rainfall frequency, determining the repeat period, calculating the concentration time, analyzing the rainfall intensity, and calculating the flow flow plan. Based on the results of hydrological analyzes, the hydraulics analysis is then performed, such as calculating the plan channel profile and calculating the height of the planned channel guard. From all of these analyzes, the results of the drainage study on the Cigombong KM 16 - KM 23 highway were carried out, that is, the entire capacity of the existing canals was not able to accommodate the planned flow discharge for a return period of 2 years 5 years 50 years. In addition, the results of the analyzes that have been carried out show that the rain that occurs during a certain period of time and a certain return period greatly affects the planned drainage channel profile and is due to the large amount of garbage in the channel which affects the reservoirs in the drainage that often occur frequently
Akselerasi Vol 2, No 2 (2021): Februari
Publisher : Universitas Siliwangi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37058/aks.v2i2.2764


AbstrakSalah satu infrastruktur penting dalam pengembangan daerah tujuan wisata ialah ketersediaan jalan dan jembatan. Situ Rawa Situ Rawa Gede terletak di Desa Sirnajaya Kecamatan Suka Makmur Kabupaten Bogor merupakan salah satu objek tujuan wisata potensial yang memiliki keterbatasan akses jalan dan jembatan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memilih trase peningkatan jalan akses menuju ke objek wisata Situ Rawa gede sebagai bagian pengembangan desa wisata Sirnajaya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penentuan alternatif trase tersebut adalah importance performance analysis dengan melibatkan aspek teknis, ekonomi, lingkungan dan sosial. Responden terdiri dari unsur pemerintah desa, tokoh masyarakat, Pengurus BUMDES Sinar makmur dan pengunjung Situ Rawa Gede. Importance performance analysis memberikan urutan kriteria terpenting dalam penentuan trase jalan yakni slope maksimum 46,90%, jarak tempuh 20,45%, waktu tempuh 17,05%, dan biaya peningkatan jalan dan jembatan 15,30%. Selanjutnya dengan menggunakan pembobotan kriteria disusun skor penilaian yang digunakan untuk menentukan prioritas alternatif yang dipilih. Alternatif II dipilih sebagai alternatif trase terbaik dari 3 alternatif yang tersedia dengan skor total sebesar 30,9. Kata Kunci : Analytic Heirarchy Process, Importance Performance Analysis, Situ Rawa Gede, trase jalan.
The Effect of Cerium Doping on LiTaO3 Thin Film on Band Gap Energy Agus Ismangil; Subiyanto Subiyanto; Sudradjat Sudradjat; Wahyu Gendam Prakoso; Asep Saepulrohman
International Journal of Electronics and Communications Systems Vol 1, No 2 (2021): International Journal of Electronics and Communications System
Publisher : Raden Intan State Islamic University of Lampung, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.025 KB) | DOI: 10.24042/ijecs.v1i2.7906


Lithium tantalite LiTaO3 was grown on a Si Type-P (100) substrate by chemical solution deposition and spin coating methods at a speed of 3000 rpm for 30 seconds with an annealing temperature of 800 ° C, 900 ° C. This study aims to determine the effect of temperature variations on the band gap energy. The results show that the energy band gap value of the thin film has a significant impact on the interpretation of annealing temperature. It can be seen that a high energy band gap peak occurs at an annealing temperature of 900 ° C and a time of 15 hours of the energy band gap of 1,49 eV. This shows the effect of temperature variations on the energy band gap to move from the valence band to the conduction band, which will produce current.
Jurnal Teknik | Majalah Ilmiah Fakultas Teknik UNPAK Vol 20, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Teknik
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.43 KB) | DOI: 10.33751/teknik.v20i2.1953


Penelitan ini di dasarkan pada sebuah kondisi kekosongan hukum di Pemerintah Daerah, yang mendasarkan perhitungan retribusi menara telekomunikasi menggunakan dasar 2% (dua persen) dari nilai jual obyek pajak. Dalam rangka mengatasi kekosongan hukum dasar penetapan tarif retribusi menara telekomunikasi di daerah akibat Putusan MK Nomor : 46/PUU-XII/2014, Kementerian Keuangan telah mengeluarkan 3 (tiga) Surat Edaran yang menjelaskan formulasi perhitungan  tarif retribusi menara telekomunikasi berdasarkan Pasal 151 dan Pasal 152 UU-PDRD. Adapun penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meramu formula penentuan tarif retribusi dan mengetahui gambaran umum serta sebaran menara telekomunikasi di Kota Bogor. Sedangkan sistem penentuan tarif retribusi menara telekomunikasi ini berdasarkan zonasi, ketinggian menara, jenis menara dan jarak tempuh. Pengumpulan data,  penganalisanya menggunakan data spasial sebagai penunjang keputusan  dalam rangka peningkatan efisiensi waktu dan ketelitian menggunakan metode Sistem Informasi Geografi (SIG). Penggabungan kombinasi zonasi, tinggi menara, jenis menara dan jarak tempuh dengan SIG mampu memudahkan dalam proses pengambilan keputusan. Sehingga memudahkan peneliti untuk meramu formula perhitungan tarif retribusi menara telekomunikasi dan dapat menentukan besaran tarif retribusi menara telekomunikasi. Kata kunci : tarif retribusi, menara telekomunikasi, sig
REVIEW OF ROAD DRAINAGE SYSTEM (CASE STUDY: JALAN CIGOMBONG KM 16 - KM 23) Yahya Azura; Heny Purwanti; Wahyu Gendam Prakoso
Journal of Science Innovare Vol 2, No 2 (2019): Journal of Science Innovare, Volume 02 Number 02 2019
Publisher : Universitas Pakuan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33751/jsi.v2i2.1531


A good road drainage system is needed to ensure that road user activities are not disrupted due to rain puddles. The cause of inundation that occurs is land use change, there is no drainage channel, the channel is not well connected, the channel is closed due to widening of the road without considering drainage channels. Given this, research needs to be carried out on the condition of the existing drainage system as a material consideration for evaluating its feasibility and planning a drainage system that is able to overcome the inundation that occurs. Writing this final project refers to primary data and secondary data that already exist. The rainfall data came from the Climatology and Geophysics Meteorological Agency, Balai Besar Region II, Bogor Regency, which is the Darmaga huajn rainfall measurement station and the PUPR Binamarga Office of Bogor Regency. Meanwhile, to find out the dimensions of the existing drainage channels obtained by conducting surveys and direct observation to the field. Data analysis which was carried out was hydrological and hydraulics analysis. Hydrological analysis includes the analysis of rainfall frequency, determining the repeat period, calculating the concentration time, analyzing the rainfall intensity, and calculating the flow flow plan. Based on the results of hydrological analyzes, the hydraulics analysis is then performed, such as calculating the plan channel profile and calculating the height of the planned channel guard. From all of these analyzes, the results of the drainage study on the Cigombong KM 16 - KM 23 highway were carried out, that is, the entire capacity of the existing canals was not able to accommodate the planned flow discharge for a return period of 2 years 5 years 50 years. In addition, the results of the analyzes that have been carried out show that the rain that occurs during a certain period of time and a certain return period greatly affects the planned drainage channel profile and is due to the large amount of garbage in the channel which affects the reservoirs in the drainage that often occur frequently
PENDAMPINGAN TEKNIS MASYARAKAT DESA SIRNAJAYA DALAM MENGHADAPI RISIKO BENCANA TANAH LONGSOR Iit Adhitia; Wahyu Gendam Prakoso; Irfan Marwanza; Muhammad Agus Kamardi; Singgih Irianto Trisilo Hadi; Solihin
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Indonesia (JAMIN) Vol 5 No 1 (2023): JURNAL ABDI MASYARAKAT INDONESIA (JAMIN)
Publisher : Universitas Trisakti

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.25105/jamin.v5i1.16047


The hilly area around Situ Rawa Gede is located in Sirnajaya Village, Sukamakmur District, Bogor Regency, with the existence of Situ Rawa Gede surrounded by hills extending from the south to the northwest. Landform changes are increasingly visible in the hilly areas around Situ Rawa Gede due to community gardening activities and coffee agro-tourism, and the opening of settlements causes topsoil to peel off, which is detrimental to the physical condition of the soil, can cause erosion and trigger mass movement of soil/rock. It is necessary to arrange land in the hilly area around Situ Rawa Gede to be appropriately organized. A zoning map of the vulnerability of ground motion is needed; from this map, it can be seen which areas have low to high soil vulnerability. Land management is one of them by making terracing which helps increase water infiltration into the soil and limiting surface runoff to minimize the risk of surface water erosion. This PkM activity provides a technical description of the concept of making a soil movement vulnerability zoning map to the community so that they understand the importance of maps of low to high soil vulnerability zones in their area in disaster mitigation efforts and through technical assistance related to the application of bench terraces and garden terraces so that they can be planted with plantation crops as ground cover is also for the safety of the community and visitors to coffee agro-tourism.
Hydrological and Hydraulic Modelling of Sekolo River Diversion for Coal Mining Activities Wahyu Gendam Prakoso; Dinta Anindy Ismiralda
Civilla : Jurnal Teknik Sipil Universitas Islam Lamongan Vol 9 No 1 (2024): MARCH
Publisher : Program Studi Teknik Sipil, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/cvl.v9i1.1186


A Hydrological and hydraulic modeling of the proposed diversion of the Sekolo River for coal mining purposes will provide an overview and technical information on the proposed river realignment and identify potential impacts on the use of the Sekolo River. It is being carried out for River extension to maintain river sustainability and functionality. Sekolo River watershed modeling utilizes a combination of hydrological analysis and open-channel hydraulic modeling using HEC-HMS and HEC-RAS software. To meet the area criterion (volume), the dimensions of the diversion channel are planned with B = 15 m.  H = 1.5 m; m = 1.5; L = 1253 m. These dimensions make the volume of the diversion approximately the same as the existing river. Hydraulic simulation results showed that the flood level would not rise downstream of the diversion channel. The upstream (Q25) peak flow rate is 41.90 m3/s, while the downstream peak flow rate after diversion is increased by 0.02% compared to the existing flow rate. After introducing the diversion channel, the difference in flood peak arrival time (Tp) will be 3 minutes earlier than before the diversion.