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Ekspor Karet Indonesia ke-15 Negara Tujuan Utama Setelah Pemberlakuan Kebijakan ACFTA Lembang, Marlina Banne; Pratomo, Yulius
Jurnal Trikonomika Vol 12, No 1 (2013): Edisi Juni 2013
Publisher : Jurnal Trikonomika

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The objective of this study is to examine factors affecting Indonesia’s rubber export performance to Indonesia’s 15 main trading partners after the implementation of ACFTA. This research employs Bergstrand Gravity Model (1985) using 105 observation for 15 countries from 2004 to 2010. Then, the gravity model is estimated by applying random effects (RE) model. The results show that, first, GDP per capita of Indonesia’s main trading partners have significantly positive impact on export. Surprisingly, distance has significantly positive effect on Indonesia’s rubber export. Further, Indonesia’s rubber major export destinations are the member of ACFTA, i.e. China and Singapore. Last, some of the non member countries are still potential to be Indonesia’s rubber market. Therefore, the Government of Indonesia should increase trading with them.
VOLATILITAS INFLASI DAERAH DI INDONESIA: FENOMENA MONETER ATAU FISKAL? Trisdian, Paula Adiati; Pratomo, Yulius; Saraswati, Birgitta Dian
KRITIS Vol 24 No 1 (2015)
Publisher : Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (192.125 KB) | DOI: 10.24246/kritis.v24i1p76-89


This research aims to analyse the regional inflation volatility in Indonesia for the period of 1999-2009 from both monetary and fiscal sides. The data employed in this study are regional panel data consisting of 275 observations picked from several publications. The method of analysis used in this study is Fixed Effect Model. The proxy of monetary side is outstanding of loans in Rupiah and Foreign Currency of commercial and rural banks by project location of Provinces, and fiscal side is local government debt. This research finds both monetary and fiscal sides have positive relationship with the inflation volatility in Indonesia. However, only monetary side which has significant impact, but fiscal side does not. This finding further shows that the regional inflation in Indonesia is still a monetary phenomenon. Therefore, the solution to controll regional inflation in Indonesia is to manage credit rationing conducting by commercial and rural banks for every province.
Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan Vol 19, No 2 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Ekonomi dan Pembangunan
Publisher : Sebelas Maret University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (22.537 KB) | DOI: 10.20961/jiep.v19i2.29810


This study aims to describe the form of local wisdom in rural microfinance in overcoming the problem of access to financial services. This is in line with the government's financial inclusion program for rural residents in remote areas, especially in East Sumba Regency. Methodically, this study used qualitative methods to picturize the phenomenon of local wisdom-based microfinance development in rural communities. The results of the study show that the local wisdom experienced by the members of the Rinjung Pahamu Association of Farmers Groups was used to overcome the limited access to formal financial services. The forms of microfinance developed on the island of Sumba could not be separated from the appreciation of the noble values (Marapu) adopted by the community, such as the philosophy of Pawandang, the cage must not be empty and Rotu padang. Furthermore, savings and loan activities carried out in the management of the Association of Farmers Groups always consider aspects of justice and survival.
Jendela Inovasi Daerah Vol 4 No 2 (2021): Agustus
Publisher : Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Daerah Kota Magelang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56354/jendelainovasi.v4i2.109


This research aims to determine the causes of jobless growth in Magelang Municipality in 2016 and provide solutions if the same problem occurs in the future. This research was conducted in an exploratory manner using qualitative analysis techniques. The data needed in this study were obtained from the results of FGDs with related agencies in Magelang Municipality and from the results of literature searches on the internet. The results showed that jobless growth in Magelang Municipality tends to be caused by economic growth in Magelang Municipality which is biased towards certain sectors. Investment spending made in certain sectors has not been able to provide a multiplier effect to create new jobs, as well as increase output and income in other business fields in Magelang Municipality. The solution to the problem of jobless growth, for example, the Magelang Municipality Government and stakeholders need to develop a city business development plan that is complementary between business fields.
Modeling of Stochastic Volatility to Validate IDR Anchor Currency Didit Budi Nugroho; Tundjung Mahatma; Yulius Pratomo
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business Vol 20, No 2 (2018): May-August
Publisher : Master in Management, Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Gadjah Mada

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (629.492 KB) | DOI: 10.22146/gamaijb.26006


This study aims to assess the performance of stochastic volatility models for their estimation of foreign exchange rate returns' volatility using daily data from Bank Indonesia (BI). The model is then applied to validate the anchor currency of Indonesian rupiah (IDR). Two stylized facts are incorporated into the models: A correlation between the previous returns and their conditional variance, and return errors following four different error distributions namely Normal, Student-t, non-central Student-t, and generalized hyperbolic skew Student-t. The analysis is based on the application of daily returns data from nine foreign currency selling rates to IDR from 2010 to 2015, including the AUD, CHF, CNY, EUR, GBP, JPY, MYR, SGD, and USD. The main results are: (1) Mixed evidence of positive and negative relationships between the return and its variance were found, especially significant correlations being found for the IDR/AUD, IDR/CHF, IDR/JPY, IDR/SGD, and IDR/USD returns series; (2) the model with the generalized hyperbolic skew Student's t-distribution specification for the returns error provides the best performance; and (3) anchoring the IDR to established hard currencies is more appropriate than anchoring it to other currencies.
Buletin Studi Ekonomi VOL.24.NO.2.AGUSTUS 2019
Publisher : Buletin Studi Ekonomi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (697.148 KB) | DOI: 10.24843/BSE.2019.v24.i02.p02


Abstract: Analysis of Wages of Ngaglik Salatiga Cassava Processed Industry Workers With theStolper-Samuelson Approach. This study aims to see the magnitude of the effect of increasingproduct prices on labor wages used to produce those outputs. The study was conducted on cassavaprocessing industry in Ngaglik Salatiga. The data used for the analysis are cross-section data of 53respondents (saturation sampling). Data were analyzed using multiple regression tools. The mainresult of the study shows that output prices have a positive effect on labor wages. Every one percentincrease in output prices will increase labor wages by 7.95 percent.Keywords: output price; wage; Stolper-Samuelson Theorm.
Indonesian Comparative Advantage Entering the ASEAN Economic Community Riandi Riandi; Yulius Pratomo
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Studi Pembangunan Vol 9, No 1 (2017)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (793.654 KB) | DOI: 10.17977/um002v9i12017p086


The purpose of this study is to examine the comparative advantage of Indonesian commodities in order to enter the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC). This study uses the export data during the period of 2003-2013 among five ASEAN countries participating in the AEC, including Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand. All data obtained from the UN Comtrade database following the Harmonized System (HS) at the two-digit classification level. This study applies dynamic revealed comparative advantage (DRCA) index developed by Edwards and Schoer (2001) which is the development of revealed comparative advantage (RCA) index by Balassa (1965). The results show that Indonesia is ready to enter the AEC. From this research, there are several Indonesian main commodities which have comparative advantage in ASEAN, including fish, crustaceans, molluscs, aquatic invertebrates ones (HS-03), edible fruit, nuts, peel of citrus fruit, melons (HS-08), oil seed, oleagic fruits, grain, seed, fruit, etc, nes (HS-12), lac, gums, resins, vegetable saps and extracts nes (HS-13), rubber and articles thereof (HS-40), paper & paperboard, articles of pulp, paper and board (HS-48), special woven or tufted fabric, lace, tapestry etc (HS-58), articles apparel, accessories, not knit or crochet (HS-62), and vehicles other than railway, tramway (HS-87). Those commodities are in line with Indonesian government export's strategy direction which mainly focuses on several sectors, including fishery, vegetable products, rubber, wood and wood products, textiles, and transportation. Therefore, Indonesian government should focus to improve those commodities in AEC.Keywords: Indonesian Comparative Advantage, Main Export Commodities,  Export Strategy Direction, ASEAN Economic CommunityJEL Classification: F11, F43
Cultural value as the basis for the microfinance development of the Farmer’s Group Association Bernard Edheney Huruta; Yulius Pratomo
Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik Vol. 32 No. 4 (2019): Masyarakat, Kebudayaan dan Politik
Publisher : Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (788.013 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/mkp.V32I42019.346-353


This study aims to describe the form of local wisdom (cultural value) in rural microfinance — this study conducted from October until December 2018 in Wangga Village, East Sumba. A qualitative method was used to picture the phenomenon of local wisdom-based microfinance development in communities. The authors used in-depth interviews with eight informants from the Rinjung Pahamu Farmer’s Group Association. The eight informants were determined purposively. Also, the data collection was carried out through a focus group discussion with the Rinjung Pahamu Farmer’s Group Association. The results of the study show that the local wisdom experienced by the members of the Rinjung Pahamu Farmer’s Group Association was used to overcome the limited access to formal financial services. The forms of microfinance developed on the Island of Sumba could not be separated from the appreciation of the noble values (Marapu) adopted by the community, such as the philosophy of Pawandang, Hillu Kandutuku, and Rotu Padang. Furthermore, savings and loan activities carried out in the management of the Farmer’s Group Association always consider the aspects of justice and survival. Based on the successful experience of the Rinjung Pahamu Farmer’s Group Association, in the future, the cultural value as the basis for the microfinance development can be applied to other groups as a means to improve financial access among the poor, especially for those living in rural areas. Marapu’s belief that was adopted by the people in Wangga Village still used as the basis for carrying out various activities in people’s lives. Marapu’s view is the belief that the government acknowledges pride, and it strengthens the community to maintain survival and balance. It practised through the Pawandang, Hillu Kandutuku, and Rotu Padang activities.
Motif Pemerintah Indonesia dalam Mengelola Cadangan Devisa Yuliana Yuliana; Yulius Pratomo
Bina Ekonomi Vol. 20 No. 1 (2016)
Publisher : Center for Economic Studies Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (2170.08 KB) | DOI: 10.26593/be.v20i1.1904.67-76


Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi motif Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mengelola cadangan devisa. Variabel net foreign assets digunakan untuk menjelaskan motif berjaga-jaga, sedangkan variabel deviasi nilai tukar riil dari keseimbangannya digunakan untuk menggambarkan motif merkantilis. Dalam melakukan analisis terhadap data, riset ini menerapkan metode Ordinary Least Squares dilengkapi dengan uji kointegrasi. Periode pengamatan adalah dari tahun 1976 hingga tahun 2013. Dari hasil estimasi didapati temuan bahwa pengaruh variabel net foreign assets terhadap variabel jumlah cadangan devisa adalah positif dan signifikan. Pengaruh tersebut menguat terutama pada periode setelah terjadinya krisis keuangan di Asia. Sementara itu, pengaruh variabel deviasi nilai tukar riil dari keseimbangannya terhadap variabel jumlah cadangan devisa adalah tidak signifikan. Dengan demikian dapat disimpulkan bahwa motif Pemerintah Indonesia dalam mengelola cadangan devisa adalah motif berjaga-jaga. Kata kunci: cadangan devisa, motif berjaga-jaga, motif merkantilis, net foreign assets, deviasi nilai tukar riil dari keseimbangannya
PERAN USAHA MAJU SUKSES BERSAMA (MSB) DALAM MENDUKUNG PERTUMBUHAN EKONOMI INKLUSIF Berliana Anggun Septiani; Dwike Chandraderia; Triska Andri Arini; Yulius Pratomo
Jurnal Ilmiah Ekonomi Bisnis Vol 25, No 2 (2020)
Publisher : Universitas Gunadarma

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (121.45 KB) | DOI: 10.35760/eb.2020.v25i2.2500


UMKM memiliki peranan penting dalam perkembangan perekonomian nasional  dan penyerapan tenaga kerja.  Proporsinya sebesar 99.99% dari keseluruhan pelaku  usaha yang ada di Indonesia, hal tersebut menjadikan UMKM sebagai tulang punggung  perekonomian, sehingga berperan penting dalam pembangunan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif di Indonesia (Bank Indonesia, 2015). Di era digital saat ini UMKM dituntut untuk bisa memanfaatkan peluang ekonomi dan meningkatkan daya saing.  Penelitian  ini menganalisis bagaimana peran sebuah UMKM berbasis digital yang bernama Maju Sukses Bersama (MSB)  dalam mencapai pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif.  Pendekatan yang digunakan yaitu konsep Sustainable Development Goals  (SDGs), dari tujuh belas tujuan SDGs, hanya empat yang menjadi konsep penelitian ini. Metode yang  digunakan yaitu  analisis deskriptif-kualitatif. Pengumpulan data diperoleh  melalui wawancara di Toko MSB, Salatiga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan MSB berpotensi  untuk dikembangkan dan dapat berperan dalam pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif di Kota Salatiga. Meskipun belum sepenuhnya tercapai, namun MSB sudah mampu mengarah pada pertumbuhan ekonomi inklusif. MSB mampu berinovasi, meningkatkan peran industri dan pemanfaatan teknologi digital, menciptakan lapangan kerja yang layak. Namun banyak stakeholder  yang terlibat hanya dari dalam Kota Salatiga dan  peran perempuan  masih terlalu rendah. Sehingga MSB belum mampu mengentaskan kesenjangan antar wilayah, dibutuhkan pengembangan ke luar Salatiga, agar dampak positif MSB juga dapat dirasakan wilayah lain.