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Journal : Journal of Livestock Science and Production

Reproduction Performance of Magelang Duck Evaluated by Histological Preparation Yosephine Laura Raynardia Esti Nugrahini; Monica Sonia Indri Pradipta
Journal of Livestock Science and Production Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Journal of Livestock Science and Production
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/jalspro.v2i2.955


Abstract               This study aims to increase duck population in their origin distribution area Sempu, Ngadirojo Village, Secang, Magelang district. The increasing is evaluated by Magelang duck reproduction performance in this area. Ngadirojo was the origin area of duck Magelang distribution but unfortunately the population has begun to decline due to the presence of commercial farmers who sell this type of duck out of the region. Most of the people in Ngadirojo also maintain semi-intensive methods so that reproduction and maintenance performance is poorly controlled due to low performance including reproduction. The data evaluated includes mature age, mature sex weight, egg laying, egg production per week, egg fertility, egg hatchability, incubation time, mating method, and reproductive technology that had been applied. Data collection was grouped on intensive and semi-intensive farms in Sempu sub-village, Ngadirojo village, Secang sub-district, Magelang regency. Evaluation has been carried out through the manufacture of histological preparations for female reproductive ducks of production age (6-12 months) on intensive and semi-intensive farms. Reproductive performance data were analyzed descriptively and data on histology preparations were displayed as support. The results obtained by farms in the Sempu sub-village are semi-intensive duck breeders, ducks are carried out in to the rice fields at certain hours. No intensive breeders were found in the Sempu hamlet, therefore comparative data as intensive breeders were obtained in the Tempuran area, Magelang district. Based on the survey, Magelang duck farmers in Sempu hamlet had normal reproductive performance but when evaluated through histology preparations it was found that the reproductive organ tissue of Magelang ducks which were intensively maintained were more productive. Key words : Magelang duck, histological preparation, Secang sub-district, Reproduction.
Journal of Livestock Science and Production Vol 2, No 1 (2018): Journal of Livestock Science and Production
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/jalspro.v2i1.778


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pengaruh bahan penyalut maltodekstrin yang digunakan pada  mikroenkapsulasi  probiotik  bakteri  asam  laktat  (BAL)  dengan  metode  spray  drying  terhadap viabilitas  sel  BAL  selama  pengeringan.  Probiotik  BAL  yang  digunakan  adalah Streptococcus thermophilus  (Kp-2),  Lactobacillus  murinus  (Ar-3),  Pediococcus  acidilactici (Kd-6).  Mikrokapsul probiotik  Lactobacillus  murinus  menunjukkan  ketahanan  terhadap temperatur  80-85°C  selama  15 detik, akan tetapi Lactobacillus murinus tidak mampu mempertahankan viabilitasnya pada detik ke-30 dan  45.  Di  sisi  lain,  Streptococcus thermophilus  dan  Pediococcus  acidilactici  menunjukkan kemampuan  menghadapi  paparan panas  selama  15,  30  dan  45  detik.  Kadar  air  semua  sampel mikrokapsul probiotik berada pada standar normal kadar air dari produk hasil spray drying (di bawah 6%),  sementara aktivitas  air  berada  pada  kisaran  0,08  hingga  0,19.  Kesimpulan  yang  diperoleh adalah viabilitas  seluruh  probiotik  menurun  seiring  bertambahnya  lama  waktu  pemanasan  yang digunakan.  Sementara  persentase  viabilitas  Streptococcus  thermophilus  (Kp-2), Pediococcus acidilactici (Kd-6), dan probiotik campuran (MIX) pada detik ke-30 dan ke-45 tidak berbeda nyata  Kata kunci: Mikroenkapsulasi, probiotik unggas, viabilitas, pemanasan, spray drying 
Reproduction Performance of Magelang Duck Evaluated by Histological Preparation Yosephine Laura Raynardia Esti Nugrahini; Monica Sonia Indri Pradipta
Journal of Livestock Science and Production Vol 2, No 2 (2018): Journal of Livestock Science and Production
Publisher : Universitas Tidar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31002/jalspro.v2i2.955


Abstract               This study aims to increase duck population in their origin distribution area Sempu, Ngadirojo Village, Secang, Magelang district. The increasing is evaluated by Magelang duck reproduction performance in this area. Ngadirojo was the origin area of duck Magelang distribution but unfortunately the population has begun to decline due to the presence of commercial farmers who sell this type of duck out of the region. Most of the people in Ngadirojo also maintain semi-intensive methods so that reproduction and maintenance performance is poorly controlled due to low performance including reproduction. The data evaluated includes mature age, mature sex weight, egg laying, egg production per week, egg fertility, egg hatchability, incubation time, mating method, and reproductive technology that had been applied. Data collection was grouped on intensive and semi-intensive farms in Sempu sub-village, Ngadirojo village, Secang sub-district, Magelang regency. Evaluation has been carried out through the manufacture of histological preparations for female reproductive ducks of production age (6-12 months) on intensive and semi-intensive farms. Reproductive performance data were analyzed descriptively and data on histology preparations were displayed as support. The results obtained by farms in the Sempu sub-village are semi-intensive duck breeders, ducks are carried out in to the rice fields at certain hours. No intensive breeders were found in the Sempu hamlet, therefore comparative data as intensive breeders were obtained in the Tempuran area, Magelang district. Based on the survey, Magelang duck farmers in Sempu hamlet had normal reproductive performance but when evaluated through histology preparations it was found that the reproductive organ tissue of Magelang ducks which were intensively maintained were more productive. Key words : Magelang duck, histological preparation, Secang sub-district, Reproduction.