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Sistem Informasi Perhitungan Upah Lembur Karyawan (SIPULEN) Berbasis Web Rizka Nurul Wahidah; Wida Prima Mustika; Rian Drevianto; Panji Septiyo
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): EDISI MARET
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v6i1.465


Information Technology (IT) develops to support all activities within the company. One of these information technologies is an information system, an information system for calculating employee overtime wages at PT. Metal Castindo Industritama. In the process of applying for overtime, current employees take a long time and a long process. One of them is by filling out an overtime application form or commonly called an Overtime Work Order (SPKL) for each overtime employee, considering that the number of employees working overtime at the same time is not small. One of the problems is errors that often occur when calculating the total overtime pay for employees. To overcome this challenge, we need a system that simplifies the process of reporting employee overtime data and calculating employee overtime pay quickly and accurately. This research begins with an ongoing system analysis, obtained through direct interviews with stakeholders and field observations. The software development model uses the waterfall model, and the design method uses UML to describe the system design. The purpose of this system is to create a simple and accurate system for submitting employee overtime hours and calculating employee overtime wages so that there is no need for a long procedure. In addition, the performance of superiors is more effective and efficient because of the computer-managed website-based information system. The data is stored in the database system, so the whole process does not require a lot of paper
Sistem Informasi Perhitungan Upah Lembur Karyawan (SIPULEN) Berbasis Web Rizka Nurul Wahidah; Wida Prima Mustika; Rian Drevianto; Panji Septiyo
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): EDISI MARET
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v6i1.465


Information Technology (IT) develops to support all activities within the company. One of these information technologies is an information system, an information system for calculating employee overtime wages at PT. Metal Castindo Industritama. In the process of applying for overtime, current employees take a long time and a long process. One of them is by filling out an overtime application form or commonly called an Overtime Work Order (SPKL) for each overtime employee, considering that the number of employees working overtime at the same time is not small. One of the problems is errors that often occur when calculating the total overtime pay for employees. To overcome this challenge, we need a system that simplifies the process of reporting employee overtime data and calculating employee overtime pay quickly and accurately. This research begins with an ongoing system analysis, obtained through direct interviews with stakeholders and field observations. The software development model uses the waterfall model, and the design method uses UML to describe the system design. The purpose of this system is to create a simple and accurate system for submitting employee overtime hours and calculating employee overtime wages so that there is no need for a long procedure. In addition, the performance of superiors is more effective and efficient because of the computer-managed website-based information system. The data is stored in the database system, so the whole process does not require a lot of paper
Audit Sistem Informasi Absensi Mesin Fingerprint Pada PT. Metal Castindo Industritama Dengan Menggunakan Framework Cobit 5 Rizka Nurul Wahidah; Nur Lutfiyana; Vanny Fitria Ramadanti; Panji Septiyo; Rian Drefiyanto
Jurnal Sistem Informasi Vol 11 No 2 (2022): JSI Periode Agustus 2022

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51998/jsi.v11i2.482


Abstract—PT. Metal Castindo Industritama is a company engaged in investment casting, sand casting and permanent mold with cast products from steel alloys, FCD, stainless steel and aluminium. Meanwhile, PT. Metal Castindo Industritama has implemented an information system to optimize the company's operational activities. One of them is the presence of a device that is connected to a computer, namely a fingerprint machine to record employee attendance times. The process applied should have the ability to manage information, convey information, maintain information security, and protect information properly. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct an audit that aims to assess the on going IT governance. The purpose of this analysis is to estimate the level of maturity and examine the problems that exist in the way attendance information system and to provide recommendations to the company in order to optimize the available IT management. In this analysis, the capability model is used as a parameter related to the respondent's responses from the list of questions that have been made based on the COBIT framework version 5 MEA domain (Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess) as a reference. A total of 40 resource persons who participated in completing the list of questions were taken from the manager level to the operator of PT. Metal Castindo Industritama usually runs the utilization of the fingerprint machine. Based on the decisions of respondents' responses, the current capability number is 3.6 in the range of 1-4. In order to reach the necessary conclusions, a number of recommendations were made to optimize the capabilities and references for updating the fingerprint machine capabilities at PT. Metal Castindo Industritama in the future. Keywords — Attendance, Fingerprint, MEA (Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess), COBIT 5 Intisari—PT. Metal Castindo Industritama adalah perusahaan yang bergerak dibidang investment casting, sand casting dan permanent mould dengan produk cor dari paduan baja, FCD, stainless steel dan alumunium. Sementara itu, PT. Metal Castindo Industritama telah menerapkan suatu sistem informasi guna mengoptimalkan kegiatan operasional kerja perusahaan. Salah satunya dengan adanya alat yang terhubung dengan kompoter yakni mesin fingerprint untuk merekam waktu hadir karyawan. Proses yang diterapkan seharusnya memiliki kemampuan dalam hal mengelola informasi, menyampaikan informasi, menjaga keamanan informasi, dan melindungi informasi dengan baik. Maka dari itu, diperlukan melakukan audit yang bertujuan untuk menilai terkait tata kelola TI yang sedang berjalan. Tujuan dari analisa ini yaitu untuk memperkirakan tingkat kematangan dan memeriksa persoalan yang ada pada cara sistem informasi absensi serta untuk memberikan rekomendasi kepada perusahaan guna mengoptimalkan manajemen TI yang tersedia. Dalam analisa ini memakai model kapabilitas sebagai parameter berhubungan dengan tanggapan narasumber dari daftar pertanyaan yang telah dibuat bersumber pada framework COBIT versi 5 domain MEA (Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess) menjadi rujukan. Total narasumber yang berpartisipasi dalam melengkapi daftar pertanyaan diambil sejumlah 40 narasumber mulai dari level manajer hingga operator PT. Metal Castindo Industritama yang biasanya menjalankan pendayagunaan mesin fingerprint tersebut. Berdasarkan keputusan dari tanggapan responden, maka memperoleh angka kapabilitas kini sebanyak 3,6 pada rentang 1-4. Demi meraih kesimpulan yang diperlukan, maka direalisasilah sejumlah anjuran bakal mengoptimalkan kemampuan serta rujukan perbaruan kemampuan mesin fingerprint tersebut pada PT. Metal Castindo Industritama dalam masa nanti. Kata Kunci — Absensi, Fingerprint, MEA (Monitor, Evaluate, and Assess), COBIT 5.