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Sistem Informasi Perhitungan Upah Lembur Karyawan (SIPULEN) Berbasis Web Rizka Nurul Wahidah; Wida Prima Mustika; Rian Drevianto; Panji Septiyo
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): EDISI MARET
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v6i1.465


Information Technology (IT) develops to support all activities within the company. One of these information technologies is an information system, an information system for calculating employee overtime wages at PT. Metal Castindo Industritama. In the process of applying for overtime, current employees take a long time and a long process. One of them is by filling out an overtime application form or commonly called an Overtime Work Order (SPKL) for each overtime employee, considering that the number of employees working overtime at the same time is not small. One of the problems is errors that often occur when calculating the total overtime pay for employees. To overcome this challenge, we need a system that simplifies the process of reporting employee overtime data and calculating employee overtime pay quickly and accurately. This research begins with an ongoing system analysis, obtained through direct interviews with stakeholders and field observations. The software development model uses the waterfall model, and the design method uses UML to describe the system design. The purpose of this system is to create a simple and accurate system for submitting employee overtime hours and calculating employee overtime wages so that there is no need for a long procedure. In addition, the performance of superiors is more effective and efficient because of the computer-managed website-based information system. The data is stored in the database system, so the whole process does not require a lot of paper
Sistem Informasi Perhitungan Upah Lembur Karyawan (SIPULEN) Berbasis Web Rizka Nurul Wahidah; Wida Prima Mustika; Rian Drevianto; Panji Septiyo
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 1 (2022): EDISI MARET
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v6i1.465


Information Technology (IT) develops to support all activities within the company. One of these information technologies is an information system, an information system for calculating employee overtime wages at PT. Metal Castindo Industritama. In the process of applying for overtime, current employees take a long time and a long process. One of them is by filling out an overtime application form or commonly called an Overtime Work Order (SPKL) for each overtime employee, considering that the number of employees working overtime at the same time is not small. One of the problems is errors that often occur when calculating the total overtime pay for employees. To overcome this challenge, we need a system that simplifies the process of reporting employee overtime data and calculating employee overtime pay quickly and accurately. This research begins with an ongoing system analysis, obtained through direct interviews with stakeholders and field observations. The software development model uses the waterfall model, and the design method uses UML to describe the system design. The purpose of this system is to create a simple and accurate system for submitting employee overtime hours and calculating employee overtime wages so that there is no need for a long procedure. In addition, the performance of superiors is more effective and efficient because of the computer-managed website-based information system. The data is stored in the database system, so the whole process does not require a lot of paper
Strategi Digital Marketing Untuk Penjualan Online Yang Menguntungkan Pada Yayasan Dharma Kasih Jakarta Timur Santoso Setiawan; Arief Rama Syarif; Wida Prima Mustika; Nicodias Palasara
TRIDHARMADIMAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Jayakarta Vol 2 No 1 (2022): PKM-TRIDHARMADIMAS (July 2022)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/tridharmadimas.v2i1.799


Yayasan Dharma Kasih merupakan Yayasan yang membantu pemerintah dan peduli dan prihatin dalam permasalahan di bidang Pendidikan, Sosial/Kemanusiaan Keagamaan dan Kesehatan terutama untuk anak-anak terlantar baik terlahir karena keluarga tidak mampu maupun anak yatim piatu. Merupakan salah satu misi dari Yayasan Dharma Kasih yaitu menjalin kerjasama dengan pemerintah dan organisasi masyarakat untuk meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan ekonomi anak-anak yatim, piatu dan dhuafa. Selama ini mereka mengembangkan pendidikan non formal seperti penggunaan teknologi komputer dan membuat karya sendiri seperti membuat masker kain, membuat handsanitizer dan beberapa produk daur ulang, namun kegiatan tersebut tidak dapat berkembang untuk meningkatkan ekonomi mereka karena hanya untuk dikonsumsi sendiri. Permasalahan yang dihadapi adalah keterbatasan pengetahuan mereka dalam pemanfaatan teknologi komputer terutama memanfaatkan internet sebagai sarana untuk penjualan secara online yang kini sangat berkembang dan memudahkan mereka untuk memasarkan produk hasil karya mereka sendiri. Sebagai solusi untuk menambah pengetahuan mereka akan strategi pemasaran produk dengan pemanfaatan teknologi komputer maka diselenggarakanlah pengabdian masyarakat yang akan memperkenalkan strategi digital marketing untuk penjualan online yang menguntungkan, yang bertujuan agar pihak yayasan dapat lebih memahami dan memanfaatkan digital marketing serta untuk mengenalkan website mereka ke dunia luar serta dapat meningkatkan perekonomian mereka.
Sistem Informasi Trouble Ticket (SIKET) Untuk Layanan Gangguan Jaringan Berbasis Web Sapta Musta Wijaya; Wida Prima Mustika; Andi Sanjaya
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): EDISI SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v6i2.525


Network service radio trunking PT.Handal Exa Teknologi often also gets various reports and complaints from users, currently users are still making reports and complaints using email and through group chat applications such as whats app , in the process of reporting this disturbance the helpdesk team is still doing manual recording. The purpose of this study is to create a web-based information system facility to process data on service interruption reports and be able to solve problems, can provide convenience for users to report service disruptions by using the website and maintain company service to users to be able to respond quickly in processing the handling of service disturbances, from the purpose of this research to produce a trouble ticket web-based ticket that can assist companies in data processing various reports and complaints of disturbances so that service to users becomes maximal and effective. The research method used in this study is based on qualitative methods. While the development of the system uses the waterfall model. The software used are:  Windows Pro Home 10, Visual studio code, and Xampp.Information System Trouble Ticket -based Web  at PT. Reliable Exa Technology that improves service to customers in terms of responding quickly to complaints that want to be reported and can be a medium for information on data disturbances that have occurred
Implementasi Metode Scrum Pada Sistem Informasi Penitipan Hewan Untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Layanan Kepada Pelanggan Dian Ambar Wasesha; Bakhtiar Rifai; Yunidyawati Azlina; Wida Prima Mustika
JISAMAR (Journal of Information System, Applied, Management, Accounting and Research) Vol 6 No 4 (2022): JISAMAR : November 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jisamar.v6i4.924


Tempat penitipan hewan keberadaannya saat ini mulai banyak terlihat di kota-kota besar. Namun tidak banyak yang memberikan layanan yang baik terhadap pelanggan karena belum menggunakan teknologi informasi dalam pengelolaan dan penyajian datanya. Sehingga membuat banyaknya kesalahan operasional. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengubah sistem manual menjadi elektronik sebagai sebuah sistem informasi yang berbasis website. Perancangan sistem ini menggunakan metode scrum agar setiap fiturnya bisa lebih cepat terbentuk. Dengan adanya sistem informasi penitipan hewan ini, layanan terhadap pelanggan menjadi lebih baik dan optimal. Selain itu juga memberikan manfaat bagi penyedia jasa penitipan hewan agar dapat menjalankan proses bisnisnya lebih cepat dan tepat. Kesalahan – kesalahan operasional bisa di minimalkan dan juga human error dapat terkendali.
Sistem Informasi Trouble Ticket (SIKET) Untuk Layanan Gangguan Jaringan Berbasis Web Sapta Musta Wijaya; Wida Prima Mustika; Andi Sanjaya
J-SAKTI (Jurnal Sains Komputer dan Informatika) Vol 6, No 2 (2022): EDISI SEPTEMBER
Publisher : STIKOM Tunas Bangsa Pematangsiantar

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30645/j-sakti.v6i2.525


Network service radio trunking PT.Handal Exa Teknologi often also gets various reports and complaints from users, currently users are still making reports and complaints using email and through group chat applications such as whats app , in the process of reporting this disturbance the helpdesk team is still doing manual recording. The purpose of this study is to create a web-based information system facility to process data on service interruption reports and be able to solve problems, can provide convenience for users to report service disruptions by using the website and maintain company service to users to be able to respond quickly in processing the handling of service disturbances, from the purpose of this research to produce a trouble ticket web-based ticket that can assist companies in data processing various reports and complaints of disturbances so that service to users becomes maximal and effective. The research method used in this study is based on qualitative methods. While the development of the system uses the waterfall model. The software used are:  Windows Pro Home 10, Visual studio code, and Xampp.Information System Trouble Ticket -based Web  at PT. Reliable Exa Technology that improves service to customers in terms of responding quickly to complaints that want to be reported and can be a medium for information on data disturbances that have occurred
Peningkatan Kreativitas Video Editing dengan Camtasia bagi Karang Taruna RW. 07 Perwira, Bekasi Utara, Jawa Barat Akmaludin Akmaludin; Erene Gernaria Sihombing; Linda Sari Dewi; Ester Arisawati; Rinawati Rinawati; Wida Prima Mustika
Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat Vol 7 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Pengabdian Pada Masyarakat
Publisher : Universitas Mathla'ul Anwar Banten

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (602.22 KB) | DOI: 10.30653/002.202272.129


IMPROVING VIDEO EDITING CREATIVITY WITH CAMTASIA FOR YOUTH ORGANIZATIONS RW 07 OFFICERS, NORTH BEKASI, WEST JAVA. Utilization of technology has become a mandatory requirement for users who want to develop their knowledge. The application of technology is not only on hardware but software is also growing rapidly which is balanced with the varied needs of users. Video editing is a form of development of software technology that plays a role in managing and producing works in the form of videos. Many video works are used in providing material delivery in the form of education, distance learning, and the development of new knowledge that is manifested in practical applications. Processing Video editing can use the Camtasia application or other applications. The editing application with Camtasia can be applied to the training of young people groups in the RW 07 Perwira officer village with the aim that training participants are able to make video editing with good editing standards, as well as create professionals who are able to create editing works that are full of creativity and understanding. in using animations, transitions, and effects to bring scine video to life. This training activity is supported by all authorized parties, both from the RW 07 Perwira office and from the activity committee in the form of community service. The results obtained from the Camtasia application training activities are in the form of mastery of material from all menu elements in the Camtasia application and creating professional young people groups in RW 07 Perwira with a short time in the form of community service.
Jurnal Manajamen Informatika Jayakarta Vol 3 No 4 (2023): JMI Jayakarta (September 2023)
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika dan Komputer Jayakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52362/jmijayakarta.v3i4.1229


Implementasi sistem penunjang keputusan (SPK) tumbuh kembang anak dengan metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) berbasis web menjadi solusi penting dalam meningkatkan pengelolaan tumbuh kembang anak di Posyandu Cendana. Dalam proses pengelolaan data pada kegiatan posyandu cendana masih menggunakan cara manual yaitu dimulai dari pencatatan pendaftaran, penimbangan dan pengukuran sampai pada pembuatan laporan yang sangat tidak efektif. Dengan memanfaatkan metode SAW berbasis web, berbagai variabel yang relevan seperti pertumbuhan fisik dan nilai gizi dapat dihitung secara sistematis dan otomatis. Penerapan SPK berbasis web ini memungkinkan petugas untuk mengakses data dan mengelompokkan anak-anak berdasarkan tingkat perkembangan mereka dengan lebih mudah, serta akurasi dalam analisis data untuk penanganan lebih cepat dan tepat. Dengan bantuan teknologi berbasis web ini, diharapkan Posyandu Cendana dapat memberikan pelayanan kesehatan anak yang lebih optimal, serta akses data yang mudah, cepat dan terintegrasi secara real-time.
Jurnal Pengabdian Kolaborasi dan Inovasi IPTEKS Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): Desember
Publisher : CV. Alina

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59407/jpki2.v1i6.222


Kelurahan Tegal Parang terletak di daerah kecamatan Mampang Prapatan Jakarta Selatan. Terdapat Unit Kerja Karang Taruna (UKKT) pada Kelurahan Tegal Parang yang mempunyai berbagai macam kegiatan-kegiatan positif, diantaranya yaitu pelatihan serta mengedukasi masyarakat, menyalurkan bantuan sosial, membantu dalam memantau dan penyuluhan kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan kesehatan masyarakat, kerja bakti, usaha ekonomi kreatif dan lain lain. Permasalahan yang dihadapi UKKT Kelurahan Tegal Parang yaitu ingin memperluas jaringan agar khalayak atau Masyarakat tahu tentang informasi kegiatan-kegiatan UKKT Kelurahan Tegal Parang dan memberikan motivasi bagi Masyarakat khususnya remaja yang ada dilingkungan Kelurahan Tegal Parang agar lebih kreatif dalam mengembangkan diri dengan adanya kegiatan-kegiatan yang ada pada UKKT Kelurahan Tegal Parang. Namun UKKT Kelurahan Tegal Parang masih belum memahami cara membuat sebuah website dengan mudah agar kegiatan-kegiatan UKKT dapat di informasikan ke Masyarakat luas. Kami dari pihak Dosen Universitas Nusa Mandiri yang dibantu oleh sejumlah mahasiswa melalui kegiatan Pengabdian Masyarakat memberikan solusi untuk mengatasi permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh UKKT Kelurahan Tegal Parang, untuk memberikan Pelatihan Pembuatan Landing Page dengan menggunakan WIX.COM. Agar UKKT Kelurahan Tegal Parang dapat membuat sebuah website yang berisi kegiatan-kegiatan UKKT Keluarahan Tegal Parang dan bisa mempublikasikannya sehingga bermanfaat bagi seluruh Masyarakat.