Wiwik Priyatin
Akademi Kperawatan Yakpermas Banyumas

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Journal of Nursing and Health Vol. 1 No. 2 (2016): Journal of Nursing and Health
Publisher : Yakpermas Press

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52488/jnh.v1i2.125


Latar Belakang : Berdasarkan data RSUD Banyumas klien dengan gangguan jiwa pada bulan januari 2009 di temukan sebanyak 62 kasus (68%) alasan masuk klien yaitu dengan perilaku kekerasan. Tindakan kekerasan itu akan menimbulkan penderita cenderung mempunyai sikap perusak, marah dan mengakibatkan penderita muncul perilaku kekerasan jika tidak bisa dikontrol. Tujuan : Asuhan Keperawatan Pada Tn. N Dengan Masalah Utama Resiko Perilaku Kekerasan di Ruang Sadewa RSUD Banyumas. Metode : Metode yang digunakan oleh penulis dalam mengumpulkan data adalah dengan wawancara dengan pasien dan keluarga pasien, mengobsevasi keadaan pasien dan melakukan pemeriksaan fisik secara lengkap Head to toe, membaca buku status pasien serta mencari informasi tentang pasien dari perawat yang ada diruang Sadewa RSUD Banyumas. Hasil : Diagnosa yang muncul pada pasien adalah resiko perilaku kekerasan sebagai Core Problem, gangguan persepsi sensori: halusinasi sebagai Caussa, dan isolasi sosial sebagai Effect. Pada diagnosa ke dua dan ke tiga yaitu perilaku kekerasan dan gangguan persepsi sensori: halusinasi penulis tidak memunculkan di implementasi karena waktunya terbatas, maka dari itu penulis hanya fokus pada diagnosa yang pertama yaitu resiko perilaku kekerasan. Kesimpulan : Evaluasi yang telah dilakukan oleh penulis dengan evaluasi formatif, evaluasi pada tahapan akhir dapat disimpulkan bahwa evaluasi yang dilakukan tercapai dan berhasil, pasien mampu melakukan serta menerapkan implementasi yang telah dilatih pasien. Kata Kunci: Asuhan Keperawatan, Resiko Perilaku Kekerasan
Faktor-Faktor yang Berhubungan fengan Kecemasan Anggota Keluarga terhadap Penularan TB Paru di Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas Sokaraja II Kabupaten Banyumas Priyatin, Wiwik
Jurnal Keperawatan Soedirman Vol. 02 No. 3 (2007)
Publisher : Jurusan Keperawatan FIKES UNSOED

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20884/1.jks.2007.2.3.131


Lungs Tuberculoses is a contagious diseases, so if one of the member in the family got this disease, it will very influence other members of the family. Moreover, it causes the worries feeling to be contagious of this illness. The problem of this research is what’s the factors that related to the worries of the family’s member in public health of Sokaraja II, in Banyumas Regency through the contagion of lungs tuberculosis. The general aim of this writing is to get the worries, description of the family’s member through the lungs TB’s Contagious diseases in public health of Sokaraja II, in Banyumas regency and the specific aim is to know the relation of gender, age, education, economy condition, occupation, the family’s member perception of lungs TB diseases, The Family’s member perception on the contagion of the lungs TB. This research is an analytical descriptive, that’s explain the relationship of the variabels through the hypothesis evaluation. The Method of the research that used in this writing is survey method by cross sectional approach. It is an approach that done by the time the decided or chosen by the writer with some variabels in one time. The Samples of this research is questionnaire. Data analysis that used in this research is descriptive analysis, it’s the percentages to know the characteristics of the respondents. “chi squere and product moment” to know the factors that related with the lungs TB contagious’ worries of the family’s member. The result of the research shows that the gender, ages, education, economy condition, occupation, the family’s perception of the lungs TB illness and the perception through the treatment of lungs TB has a significant relationship with the family’s member worries through the lungs TB Contagion.