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Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Minat Belajar Pendidikan Agama Kristen Di Sekolah Nurmiati Marbun; Lamtiur Pasaribu
Jurnal Christian Humaniora Vol 5, No 1 (2021): Mei
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.46965/jch.v5i1.618


AbstrakPendidikan merupakan suatu kebutuhan yang mutlak diperlukan bagi setiap insan manusia, sebab tanpa pendidikan sama sekali, maka mustahil bagi seorang pribadi atau sekelompok masyarakat mengalami perkembangan menuju cita-cita untuk maju, hidup sejahtera dan bahagia. Kegiatan proses belajar mengajar di sekolah merupakan kegiatan inti yang sangat penting. Sekolah merupakan lembaga yang mengelola dan mengatur segala potensi untuk mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Namun tidak cukup hanya sekolah yang berperan untuk untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan. Kerjasama antara sekolah dengan masyarakat dan juga orangtua dengan peserta didik merupakan hal yang sangat penting. Namun tidaklah suatu hal yang mudah untuk mewujudkan itu semua, ada beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi minat belajar PAK seorang peserta didik—faktor luar maupun faktor dalam diri siswa.Katakunci : minat belajar, pendidikan agama kristen, sekolahAbstractEducation is a necessity absolutely necessary for everyone, that without education, it is impossible for a person or society to experience a development towards advancing ideal, living a prosperous and happy life. Teaching and learning process activities in schools are important and core activities. School managed by an institution and regulates all potential to achieve educational goals. However, it’s not enough to schools achieve it’s educational goals. There is must be, a cooperation between schools and the community, also between parents and students is very important. However, it’s not an easy thing to realize it, there are several factors can affect student's interest in learning Christian Education—outside factors and from within students.  Keywords: christian education, learning interesting, school,
Pendampingan Orang Tua Dalam Pertumbuhan Rohani Remaja Nurmiati Marbun; Berta Tarigan
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Oktober 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i2.29


Abstract:Adolescence is a period of transition or transition from childhood to adulthood. At this time, adolescents are often faced with uncertainty regarding their status, on the one hand they are no longer recognized as children, but on the other hand they cannot be said to be adults because they have not been able to fulfill adult duties. This state is also referred to as a time of hurricanes and storms. This uncertainty makes teenagers feel awkward, they don't know what to do in the face of uncertainty. For this reason, assistance from parents is needed for adolescents because this assistance is the main thing for adolescents so that they do not take wrong steps and find what is certain in themselves.Keywords: Parental assistance; spiritual growth; teenager. Abstrak:Masa remaja adalah masa transisi atau masa peralihan dari masa kanak-kanak ke masa dewasa. Pada masa ini remaja seringkali dihadapkan pada ketidakpastian yang berkenaan dengan status mereka, disatu pihak mereka sudah tidak lagi diakui sebagai kanak-kanak, namun dipihak lain mereka belum dapat dikatakan dewasa karena belum mampu memenuhi tugas-tugas orang dewasa. Keadaan ini juga disebut sebagai masa yang penuh topan dan badai. Ketidakpastian ini membuat remaja menjadi salah tingkah, mereka tidak tahu harus berbuat apa dalam menghadapi ketidakpastian itu. Untuk itulah dibutuhkan pendampingan dari orang tua bagi remaja karena pendampingan tersebut adalah hal utama bagi remaja agar tidak salah melangkah dan menemukan yang pasti dalam dirinya.Kata kunci: Pendampingan orang tua;  pertumbuhan rohani; remaja.
Pembimbingan Guru Untuk Karakter Siswa Di Era Digital Nurmiati Marbun; Lamtiur Pasaribu; Elia Yenny
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 2, No 1 (2020): April 2020
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v2i1.28


Abstract:Guiding the character of students in modern times is not an easy thing, because the character of students in the digital era is very different from the character of students in the past. Students in the past were easy to manage and direct, but in the digital era students are very difficult to manage, direct and advise, because they have different lifestyles. Children in the digital era have been shaped and influenced by technological developments. Just look at the lifestyle of school children today, they can already enjoy super-fast mobile Internet services. Not only enjoying the sophistication of the technology, but being able to do anything via a smartphone, ranging from entertainment, study, work, and so on. One of the negative impacts of technological developments on the renewal of student character in the digital era is that the moral decline among the community, especially teenagers and students, is one of the serious socio-cultural challenges. So a teacher must really realize that their status is not only seen by people as a profession but teachers are also seen as people who are trusted to teach, educate and guide students to build character in this digital era.Keywords: Guidance; character; digital era. Abstrak:Membimbing karakter Siswa di zaman modern ini bukan hal yang mudah, karena karakter siswa di era digital sangat berbeda dengan karakter siswa di zaman dulu. Siswa di zaman dulu mudah diatur dan diarahkan, tetapi di era digital siswa sangat susah diatur, diarahkan dan dinasihati, karena mereka memiliki pola hidup yang berbeda-berbeda. Anak-anak di era digital telah terbentuk dan dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi. Lihat saja gaya hidup anak-anak sekolah di zaman sekarang, mereka sudah bisa menikmati layanan mobile Internet yang super cepet. Bukan hanya menikmati kecanggihan teknologi tersebut, namun bisa melakukan apapun lewat smartphone, mulai dari entertainment, belajar, kerja, dan sebagainya. Salah satu dampak negatif tentang perkembangan teknologi terhadap pembaharuan karakter siswa di era digital adalah kemerosotan moral di kalangan masyarakat khususnya remaja dan pelajar/siswa menjadi salah satu tantangan sosial budaya yang serius. Jadi seorang guru haruslah benar-benar menyadari bahwa status mereka bukan hanya dipandang orang sebagai sebuah profesi namun guru juga dipandang sebagai  orang yang dipercaya untuk mengajar, mendidik dan membimbing untuk membangun karakter siswa di era digital ini.Kata Kunci: Pembimbingan; karakter; era digital.
Keteladanan Orang Tua Dalam Pembentukan Karakter Anak Usia 0-6 Tahun Nurmiati Marbun
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 3, No 1 (2021): April 2021
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v3i1.30


Abstract:Parents are people who are closest to children and become educators and examples for children. Good parents will be good examples for their childern. The example given by parents to their children influences the formation of children’s character, especially children aged 0-6 years. Parents are more important role in shaping the character of childrenKey Words: Exemplary parents; character building; children aged 0-6 years. Abstrak:Orangtua adalah orang yang paling dekat dengan anak dan menjadi pendidik serta menjadi contoh bagi anak.. Orang tua yang baik akan menjadi teladan yang baik bagi anaknya. Teladan yang diberikan orangtua kepada anaknya berpengaruh bagi pembentukkan karakter anak khususnya  anak usia 0-6 tahun. Orangtua berperan penting dalam membentuk karakter anak .Kata kunci: Keteladan orang tua; pembentukan karakter; Anak usia 0-6 tahun.
Takut Akan Tuhan Dalam Amsal 1:7 Dalam Upaya Orangtua Membina Perilaku Anak Nurmiati Marbun; Elia Yenny
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 4, No 1 (2022): April 2022
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v4i1.64


Abstract:Fostering one's behavior starts from the smallest institution, namely the family. Because the family is the main source of education and above all, because all knowledge and human intellectual intelligence is obtained first from parents and members of their own family. Fostering children is not done in a short time by parents, but repeatedly. Every opportunity or every opportunity, parents use every opportunity available to foster or instill good values for children.Keywords: Proverbs 1:7; parent; build; child behavior. Abstrak:Membina perilaku seseorang dimulai dari lembaga yang paling kecil, yaitu keluarga. Karena keluarga merupakan sumber pendidikan utama dan terutama, karena segala pengetahuan dan kecerdasan intelektual manusia diperoleh pertama-tama dari orangtua dan anggota keluarganya sendiri. Membina anak tidak dalam waktu yang singkat dilakukan orangtua, melainkan berulang-ulang. Setiap kesempatan ataupun setiap peluang, orangtua menggunakan setiap kesempatan yang ada untuk membina atau menanamkan nilai-nilai yang baik bagi anak.Kata Kunci: Amsal 1:7; orangtua; membina; perilaku anak.
Pembimbingan Guru Kristen Untuk Membangun Karakter Siswa Di Era Digital Nurmiati Marbun
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


Abstract: Guiding the character of students in modern times is not an easy thing, because the character of students in the digital era is very different from the character of students in the past. Students in the past were easy to manage and direct, but in the digital era students are very difficult to manage, direct and advise, because they have different lifestyles. Children in the digital age have been shaped and influenced by technological developments. Just look at the lifestyle of today's school children, they can already enjoy super-fast mobile Internet services. Not only enjoying the sophistication of this technology, but can do anything via smartphone, ranging from entertainment, study, work, and so on. One of the negative impacts of technological developments on the renewal of students' character in the digital era is that the moral decline in society, especially teenagers and students, is a serious socio-cultural challenge. So a teacher must really realize that their status is not only seen by people as a profession but teachers are also seen as people who are trusted to teach, educate and guide to build the character of students in this digital era.     Key Word: Mentoring; Character; Students.Abstrak: Membimbing karakter Siswa di zaman modern ini bukan hal yang mudah, karena karakter siswa di era digital sangat berbeda dengan karakter siswa di zaman dulu. Siswa di zaman dulu mudah diatur dan diarahkan, tetapi di era digital siswa sangat susah diatur, diarahkan dan dinasihati, karena mereka memiliki pola hidup yang berbeda-berbeda. Anak-anak di era digital telah terbentuk dan dipengaruhi oleh perkembangan teknologi. Lihat saja gaya hidup anak-anak sekolah di zaman sekarang, mereka sudah bisa menikmati layanan mobile Internet yang super cepet. Bukan hanya menikmati kecanggihan teknologi tersebut, namun bisa melakukan apapun lewat smartphone, mulai dari entertainment, belajar, kerja, dan sebagainya. Salah satu dampak negatif tentang perkembangan teknologi terhadap pembaharuan karakter siswa di era digital adalah kemerosotan moral di kalangan masyarakat khususnya remaja dan pelajar/siswa menjadi salah satu tantangan sosial budaya yang serius. Jadi seorang guru haruslah benar-benar menyadari bahwa status mereka bukan hanya dipandang orang sebagai sebuah profesi namun guru juga dipandang sebagai  orang yang dipercaya untuk mengajar, mendidik dan membimbing untuk membangun karakter siswa di era digital ini.    Kata kunci: Pembimbingan,  Karakter,  Siswa
Strategi Pembelajaran PAK Anak di Era Digital dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Pertumbuhan Rohani Anak Dalam Jemaat RPCC Cambridge Medan Tiur Imeldawati; Nurmiati Marbun; Eka Nurlela Nainggolan
KERUGMA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Agama Kristen Vol 5, No 1 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : STT Injili Indonesia Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.2500/kerugma.v5i1.102


The Christian education learning strategy can be interpreted as an effort made by a person or organization to arrive at a goal, in this case to achieve the goals of Christian Religious Education. Some of the things behind this research include the author observing that the implementation of Christian education in the RPCC congregation is still running sober and has not been able to keep up with the times, besides that it was found that the serving teachers also seemed unprepared in abilities or skills related to mastery of strategies that answered needs in the midst of child services. The next thing found from observations is children who have not experienced spiritual growth, this can be seen from their lack of enthusiasm in worship and in everyday life because children do not yet reflect spirituality which shows progress according to their age development. The purpose of this study is first, to explain the importance of learning strategies for Children's Christian Religious Education in the digital era carried out at RPCC Cambridge Medan. Second, describes the teacher's lack of optimality in carrying out learning strategies in the digital era. Third, explaining the spiritual growth of children at RPCC Cambridge Medan. Fourth, prove how big the influence of children's PAK learning strategies in the digital era is on the spiritual growth of children at RPCC Cambridge Medan. With the quantitative method chosen by the researcher, direct data were obtained from respondents in the research field and it is hoped that it will become a driving force for improving child services at RPCC Medan. Keywords: digital era, child services, strategy
The Role of Christian Family Education in Anticipating Sexual Deviations in Society Nurmiati Marbun; Tiur Imeldawati; Enja Sihombing; Elisabeth Savitri Lukita Dewi; Melda Depita Br Torus
the International Journal of Education, Theology, and Humanities Vol. 3 No. 1 (2023): December 2023
Publisher : LPPM IAKN Tarutung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


The purpose of this research was to provide an explanation of the first things to discover and explain the issue of sexual deviation as part of a Bible study. Second, to find and explain the factors that cause sexual deviation in society even though Allah only created men and women. This research is motivated by the author's concern with a phenomenon that exists in society, namely LGBT issues as something that is trending. Using qualitative methods in the form of interviews and literature studies, it was found that the family is the main person responsible for anticipating deviant sexual behavior in children. Parents are role models in spirituality who must instill the fear of God in their children, so that children find the correct self-image as God's creation, namely boys and girls. Families also need to provide proper education and encourage children to become future generations who make achievements and are proud of being children. The Bible must be the basic reference for spiritual education in the family. Keywords: family education, sexual deviation.