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Pengembangan Prototype Sistem Informasi Simpan Pinjam Koperasi Pribadi Manjung Ngawen Klaten Maria Atik Sunarti Ekowati; Endang Satyawati; Retno Palupi; SM Santi Winarsih
JITU : Journal Informatic Technology And Communication Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jitu.v5i1.490


The term cooperative comes from the foreign language co-operation. Cooperative means joint effort. A cooperative is a business unit that collects and distributes funds for members of the cooperative itself. One of the cooperative business units is a savings and loan cooperative. Each member of the Savings and Loans Cooperative must make savings in accordance with the cooperative's provisions. Members can make loans, managed transactions are member savings transactions and member loan transactions. Savings and loan cooperative funds come from cooperative members. Because this savings and loan really helps the needs of members, if this savings and loan facility is dissolved because there is no coordination in data processing on savings and loans, the people in ngawen, manjung, will be less viable for their livelihoods, so that many children drop out of school, the result will be to destroy the nation's development and the state, because of that, it is necessary to develop a Manjung Ngawen Cooperative UMKM Savings and Loan Information System. Development objectives help, facilitate and accelerate cooperative administration in managing transactions. The method used by WatterFall, the result of system development is that the system can help calculate loan interest, loan installments, remaining unpaid loans, share SHU for each member and display data on reports on deposits, loans, and member payments.
Analisa Perbandingan Rumus Haversine Dan Rumus Euclidean Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis Menggunakan Metode Independent Sample t-Test Retno Palupi; Diyan Ayuk Yulianna; SM Santi Winarsih
JITU : Journal Informatic Technology And Communication Vol 5 No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jitu.v5i1.494


Comparative Analysis of the Haversine Formula and the Euclidean Formula based on Geographical Information Systems which aims to analyze and compare the measurement results of the two formulas whether there are significant differences to the distance measured based on geographic information systems. Research objects used to collect distance data are several bank offices in the city of Solo. The method used in this research is to create a geographic information system application using web-based programming using the PHP (Pearl Hypertext Prepocessor) programming language, with the MySQL database. Measurements were carried out on two formulas, namely the Haversine formula and the Euclidean formula and obtained data in the form of distances in kilometers (km) which were obtained from the program system, then the data was processed using Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 23 software. is the Independent Sample t-test method. From the data analysis, the conclusion is that there is no significant difference in the calculation of the distance between the Haversine formula and the Euclidean formula. The Independent Sample T Test method is able to analyze the comparison of distance measurements using the Haversine formula and the Euclidean formula does not have a significant difference, meaning that the variants of the two formulas are the same. Kata Kunci : Haversine formula, Euclidean formula , geographic information system, Independent Sample t-Test Method
Pengaruh Disiplin Ilmu Terhadap Kecenderungan Mahasiswa Dalam Mengakses Informasi Melalui Media Sosial Menggunakan Metode Chi Square Retno Palupi; SM Santi Winarsih
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN) Vol 9, No 1 (2021): Jurnal TIKomSiN, Vol.9, No. 1, 2021
Publisher : STMIK Sinar Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30646/tikomsin.v9i1.536


Social media becomes necessity that is always consumed by many levels of society to looking for such of information. Social media services provide many features that make users can enjoying seaching in cyberspace. All the level of society, all the level of social background and all the level of professions are very familiar with various social media. Social media services on gadgets have facilities to obtain information quickly and easily, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and etc. This study examines the usage of smartphones to determine whether there is a significant effect of students from various disciplines on the tendency of students to access the information needed to support assignments or to find out the required data through social media. The Chi Square method is used as a testing method to determine the effect of disciplines on student tendencies in accessing information topics through social media. The data analysis gave the measurable results based on quantitative data and interesting information. The results showed that the influence of the field of study on students’ Tendencies depend on intensity time in accessing social media.
Jurnal Ilmiah SINUS Vol 15, No 1 (2017): Januari 2017
Publisher : STMIK Sinar Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (419.576 KB) | DOI: 10.30646/sinus.v15i1.258


According to Muhammad Arhami (2005), Expert systems are computer programs that are designated as providers of advice and aids in problem solving in various areas of particular specialization. The main purpose of the expert system is not to replace the position of an expert or experts, but only to popularize the knowledge and experience of experts are very rare. With the help of an expert system even laymen can eventually use this expert system to solve problems and take decisions usually by an expert While the definition of contraception by Prof.Dr. Sarwono Prawiroharjo are attempts to prevent pregnancy. Efforts could be temporary, can also be permanent. Permanent sterilization or contraception can be called stable.The purpose of this research is to develop a software model SEHATI to assist with selection of suitable contraceptives for married couples-based expert system. With this program are expected to society could be helped choose a contraceptive that is safe and appropriate without having met with the officer kesehatab. For health workers themselves increasingly assisted in this socialization of the use of contraceptives. The stages are done in this study systematically is starting with the stage of literature to find references supporters then gather data, identify and konseptualisiasi to determine the limits of the problem and experts involved, then formalize include manufacturing knowledge base that relate to the topic, determining inference method, followed by making the database design, new hereinafter do modeling software SEHATI to assist with selection of appropriate contraception for married couples-based expert system.In addition to producing the software modeling SEHATI to assist with selection of suitable contraceptives for married couples-based expert system that enriches the scientific work, outcomes obtained from this study is the enrichment materials teaching materials on expert systems and local scientific journals.Keywords: expert system, contraception, sterilization.
Pengembangan Aplikasi Pembelajaran Interaktif Olahraga Bodyweight Trainning di Rumah Berbasis Android dengan Metode Multimedia Development Life Cycle Adi Purnomo; SM. Santi Winarsih; Omega Rimba Gemilang
JITU : Journal Informatic Technology And Communication Vol 6 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Boyolali

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36596/jitu.v6i1.775


In this study, an Android-Based Home Workout Interactive Learning Application was made with the Multimedia Development Life Cycle Method. This Home Workout application is used to help beginners who want to exercise during this pandemic in learning daily exercise movements at home with minimal equipment. Making this Android-Based Home Workout Interactive Learning application using android studio and XML. XML is used to create user interfaces. Application design uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) modeling, which includes diagrams such as Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, Class Diagrams, Use Case Diagrams. The use of Android is because Android is currently used by some Indonesian people and even the world and the technology is classified as the latest technology. This Home Workout Interactive Learning application will display menus such as muscle groups, full body menus, training schedules, and quizzes. With this android-based application, users will be more interested and easy to learn. Keywords— Workout, Interactive, muscle
Implementasi Dan Pengujian Struktur Data Berbasis Acuan Untuk Program Aplikasi Mengungkap Kepribadian Berdasarkan Tanggal Lahir Dan Nama SM Santi Winarsih; Agus Winarno Wahono
Jurnal Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi (TIKomSiN) Vol 10, No 2 (2022): Jurnal TIKomSiN, Vol. 10, N0. 2, Oktober 2022
Publisher : STMIK Sinar Nusantara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30646/tikomsin.v10i2.631


ABSTRACTThe depth of IF (IF_Then_Else) structure of an algorithm influence the execution speed of program. One of the way to speed up the execution of program is reducing the depth of the existing IF structure or reduce the number of selections (IF) in an algorithm process. The idea based on this research is to reduce the IF structure (IF Then Else) smaller then IF structure, through a concept of transforming the IF structure (IF_Then_Else) into a reference structure. This method is doing by mapping the criteria in the selection into a reference index. The process of transforming the IF structure into a reference structure becomes the concept of designing a data structure into the topic of this research. This research is continuinng from the previous research which is the purpose of this research is implementing and testing the reference based on the data structure for the application program to express personality based on date of birth and name . The concept hopefully be able to carry out the program fastly. The steps of this research are starting with the literature study step to find out the references then collecting the data, identifying and classifying the data and arranging into correct pattern, then decide the steps to access the data and finally continuing the implementation and testing of the system. The reference data structure, the selection process (IF THEN ELSE) can be eliminated, because the process of fulfilling the selection criteria can be replaced with a reference. Beside of the implementation process and system testing, the output of this research will plan to articles in scientific journals and registered with HKI.