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Journal : Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pathology and Medical Laboratory (IJCPML)

SPECIFIC IGE IMMUNOBLOT METHOD IN ALLERGIC RHINITIS (IgE Spesifik Menurut Metode Imunoblot di Rinitis Alergi) Izzuki Muhashonah; Aryati Aryati; Dwi Reno Pawarti; M. Robi’ul Fuadi; Janti Trihabsari
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v22i3.1240


Rinitis alergi merupakan penyakit bukan akibat non-infeksi yang ditemukan antara 10−30% penduduk dewasa dunia dan dapatmenyebabkan penurunan mutu kehidupan seseorang. Rinitis alergi merupakan manifestasi alergi tipe 1 atau tipe cepat yang dimediasioleh IgE. Pemeriksaan utama rinitis alergi adalah Skin Prick Test (SPT) dan IgE spesifik. Pemeriksaan IgE spesifik mempunyai kepekaandan kekhasan yang menyerupai SPT, tidak memerlukan tenaga terlatih dan menyebabkan anafilaktik. Penelitian ini untuk mengetahuiadakah kesesuaian nilai diagnostik IgE spesifik menurut metode imunoblot dengan SPT di pasien rinitis alergi dengan mengujinya.Rancangan penelitian adalah potong lintang yang dilakukan terhadap pasien yang datang di Unit Rawat Jalan THT-KL RSUDDr. Soetomo pada bulan Mei sampai dengan Oktober 2014. Pasien dikelompokkan berdasarkan diagnosis rinitis alergi dan yang nonalergidan non-infeksi serta ditetapkan secara klinis, ada riwayat alergi, pemeriksaan fisik, serta tingkat jumlah keseluruhan IgE serumdan atau eosinofil darah. Pemeriksaan SPT dilakukan dengan memakai ekstrak alergen dari Stallergens dan IgE spesifik menurut metodeimunoblot memakai Foresight®. Dalam kajian ini didapatkan empat puluh tiga pasien didiagnosis rinitis akibat alergi. Hasil IgE spesifikmenurut metode imunoblot positif terdapat di 36 (84%) pasien dengan pola alergen terbanyak D1/D2 29 (67%). Kepekaan dan kekhasandiagnostik IgE spesifik menurut metode imunoblot berturut-turut adalah 72,34% dan 46,15%. Kesesuaian nilai diagnostik IgE spesifikmenurut metode imunoblot dengan SPT mempunyai koefisien kappa 0,158. Didasari telitian ini tidak didapatkan kesesuaian antaraIgE spesifik menurut metode imunoblot dengan SPT. Di ketahui pula bahwa IgE spesifik menurut metode imunoblot dapat digunakanbersama-sama dengan SPT dalam mendiagnosis rinitis akibat alergi.
KAITAN IgE SPESIFIK METODE IMUNOBLOT TERHADAP ELISA PADA RINITIS ALERGI (Association Between Specific IgE Immunoblot Method with ELISA on Allergic Rhinitis) Aryati Aryati; Dwi Retno Pawarti; Izzuki Muhashonah; Janti Tri Habsari
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v21i3.1284


Allergic rhinitis is an allergic disease that is most often found beside bronchial asthma and eczema with the prevalence of is about33.3%, 9.8% and 11.2% respectively. The main examinations of allergic rhinitis are Skin Prick Test (SPT) and specific IgE, becausethe sensitivity and specificity of specific IgE examination depend on the examination method. To know the diagnostic value of specificIgE immunoblot examination by determination and were compared with ELISA in patients with allergic rhinitis. The cross-sectionaldesign of the study is con-ducted on patients at the Outpatient Clinic Department of ENT-Head and Neck from May until October 2014.Patients were grouped as diagnosis of allergic rhinitis and non-allergic non-infectious rhinitis based on clinical signs and symptoms,physical examina-tion, positive in SPT examination with or without an increase in total serum IgE and/or blood eosinophils. SpecificIgE immunoblot was conducted by using Foresight®, Acon Laboratories and the ELISA method using Allercoat™. The sensitivity andspecificity of inhalant allergen -specific IgE immunoblot Foresight® method was 73.9% and 42.9%, respectively. The sensitivity andspecificity of inhalant allergen -specific IgE ELISA method was 67.4% and 57.1%, respectively. The results of these two methods havea correlation coefficient 0.531 with p=0.000. The sensitivity and specificity of ingestan allergen specific IgE immunoblot Foresight®method was 41.3% and 85.7%, respectively. The sensitivity and specificity of ingestan allergen specific IgE ELISA method was 17.4 and78.6%, res-pectively. Results of these two methods have a correlation coefficient 0.375 with p=0.003. Based on this study of specificIgE immunoblot and ELISA methods, both have diagnostic sensitivity and specificity, which are almost the same. The sensitivity ofimmunoblot method inhalant allergens are superior to ELISA. The Immunoblot method ingestan allergen specificity is superior toELISA.
IMMATURE PLATELET FRACTION DI DEMAM DENGUE DAN DEMAM BERDARAH DENGUE (Immature Platelet Fraction in Dengue Fever and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever) Izzuki Muhashonah; Juli Soemarsono; Puspa Wardhani; Aryati Aryati
Publisher : Indonesian Association of Clinical Pathologist and Medical laboratory

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24293/ijcpml.v21i1.1257


Thrombocytopenia is a hematological abnormality found in the majority of Dengue Virus Infection cases with manifestations suchas Dengue Fever (DF) and Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Bone marrow response to the decrease in platelets is by increasingthrombopoiesis which can be identified by Immature Platelet Fraction (IPF) examination as an indirect indicator of bone marrow responseto thrombocytopenia. The examination of IPF in venous blood was performed on 29 subjects who met the 1997 WHO criteria, carriedout from January until August 2012. The EDTA blood samples were examined twice, on the day of their admittance and two days later,based on a flowcytometry principle using Sysmex XE-2100. The IPF was derived from the immature platelet ratio against the total numberof platelets (IPF %). The test results were statistically analyzed by using SPSS 20. It was found, that IPF in DHF compared between thefirst and the third day of their admittance was statistically significantly different with p = 0.033 compared to DF with p = 0.444. ThePearson’s correlation showed an inverse correlation between IPF and platelets with r = -0.675 and p = 0.01. The statistical analysisrevealed a significant difference in IPF between moderate- and mild-thrombocytopenia on the first and third day of their admittance withp = 0.014 and 0.001, respectively. Based on this study it can be concluded that IPF can be used to indicate the bone marrow response inboth DF and DHF related to thrombocytopenia.