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Resiprositas dan Reditribusi Kekeramatan Situs Islam di Pulau Lombok dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Syari'ah azzarqa azzarqa; Masnun Masnun
Az-Zarqa': Jurnal Hukum Bisnis Islam Vol 9, No 2 (2017): Az-Zarqa'
Publisher : Sharia and Law Faculty of Sunan Kalijaga Islamic State University Yogyakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.14421/azzarqa.v9i2.1478


Berziarah ke makam-makam waliyullah atau yang sering disebut dengan sunan karena tujuan-tujuan tertentu merupakan tradisi turun-temurun yang masih berakar kuat hingga saat ini di kalangan umat Islam. Meski banyak pertentangan atau perdebatan di kalangan umat Islam mengenai tradisi tersebut, tetapi tradisi ini masih sering di jumpai di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Salah satu bentuk pelestarian terhadap tradisi mengunjungi makam wali ini adalah dengan merawat situs-situs yang telah ada. Sering kali situs-situs tersebut dipercaya memiliki nilai kekeramatan yang dapat mendatangkan berkah bagi masyarakat yang mempercayainya. Penelitian lapangan yang mengambil lokasi di pulau Lombok yang berpengaruh terhadap nilai ekonomi masyarakat setempat, khususnya pada pola resiprositas dan redistribusi ekonomi antara peziarah dan masyarakat setempat. 
Analisis Belanja Daerah Pemerintah Provinsi Jambi Fathiyah Fathiyah; Abdi Sukmana; Hamid Majid; Masnun Masnun
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Vol 6, No 1 (2021): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jmas.v6i1.236


The purpose of this research is to analyze the efficiency of regional spending in Jambi provincial government. The research method used is descriptive and the analytical tools used in this study are the ratio of spending variance, the ratio of expenditure harmony and the ratio of spending efficiency. The data used in this study is secondary data in the form of budget realization report on the regional financial report of Jambi provincial government for the period 2015 - 2019. The results of this study concluded that the efficiency of spending in Jambi province based on the ratio of spending variance showed an average result of 91.41 meaning that the realization is smaller than the budgeted amount with the preferred difference category (favourable variance), while in the ratio of expenditure harmony based on the ratio of operating expenditure to total expenditure over the last five years shows an average yield of 74.27% and the ratio of capital expenditure to total expenditure on average of 25.72% , meaning the proportion of operating expenditure allocation is greater than the proportion of capital expenditures, and the next based on the results of the calculation of the ratio of efficiency of expenditure obtained results of 91.41% with the category of efficient performance. This means that the Jambi Provincial Government is able to save and efficiently in conducting regional expenditure.
Pengaruh Kompetensi, Motivasi dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan (Studi Kasus Karyawan Perusahaan Pembiayaan Kota Jambi) Fathiyah Fathiyah; Masnun Masnun; Saiyid Syekh
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Vol 7, No 1 (2022): April
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jmas.v7i1.413


The purpose of this study is to see the extent to which competence, motivation and discipline affect employee performance, the analysis unit in this study is employees who work in financing companies in Jambi City, the sample number of 67 respondents, data collection techniques using questionnaires and processed by using multiple linear regression analysis, the results of the study show that there is a positive and significant influence both partially and significantly. Simultaneously from the variables of competence, motivation and discipline to the performance of employees of financing companies in Jambi City.
Analisis Efektivitas dan Kontribusi Komponen Pajak PKB. BBNKB dan PBBKB Terhadap Pendapatan Asli Daerah Provinsi Jambi Periode Tahun 2016 - 2018 Fathiyah Fathiyah; Mufidah Mufidah; Masnun Masnun
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Vol 4, No 2 (2019): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (824.599 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/jmas.v4i2.105


This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of  revenue per type of local tax and its contribution to the region own source revenue (PAD) Jambi Province Year 2016 – 2018. The data used in this research is the secondary data taken from the budget Realization report on the financial statement of the provincial government of Jambi province year 2016 – 2018, then the data is processed using the effectiveness percentage formula Per type of tax and contribution percentage per tax type against PAD Jambi province. The results of this study concluded that the effectiveness of the admission per type of regional tax (PKB, BBNKB and PBBKB) of the provincial government of Jambi overall entered in the criteria is very effective, although in the last two years for tax BBNKB and PBBKB less Effective but every year continues to increase improvement and in the third year reaches the magnitude of the target that is a trailer set or > 100% until the third year of 2018 entered in the criteria is very effective. As for the percentage of contributions per tax type (PKB, BBNKB, and PBBKB) to PAD Jambi Province in the last three years the achievement is below 60% with ineffective criteria. This indicates that the contribution per tax type is very small to the PAD and automatically the number of PAD that are absorbed or received by the provincial government of Jambi in 2016 – 2018 very small, So that dependence of Jambi provincial government to transfer funds from the central government to finance the development is still very large.
Budaya Arab Dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab Masnun Masnun
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 6 No 1 (2016)
Publisher : Research Department (Lemlit) Islamic Institute of Darullughah Wadda’wah Bangil, Pasuruan

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Bahasa sangat terikat dengan masyarakat penggunanya. Bahasa merupakan cerminan maju atau mundurnya peradaban masyarakatnya. Pepatah melayu mengatakan “Bahasa menunjukkan Bangsa.Hal ini terlihat jelas pada bahasa Arab. Peradaban bangsa Arab pada abad pertengahan memegang peranan yang begitu dominan pada peradaban dunia. Hal ini diikuti dengan superioritasnya bahasa Arab sebagai bahasa internasional. Fenomena ini terbalik sekarang, peradaban bangsa Arab dalam posisi inferior. Kondisiini juga diikuti dengan inferioritasnya bahasa Arab. Bahasa Arab oleh sebagian orang dianggap sebagai bahasa kuno yang hanya dipakai untuk kepentingan religius. Hal ini menjadi salah satupenyebab rendahnya motivasi peserta didik dalam belajar bahasa Arab.Maka untuk meningkatkan motivasi mereka salah satu caranya menurut penulis adalah dengan memajukan kembali peradabannya
Teori Linguistik dan Psikologi dalam Pengajaran Bahasa Arab di Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Masnun Masnun
Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 8 No 1 (2018)
Publisher : Research Department (Lemlit) Islamic Institute of Darullughah Wadda’wah Bangil, Pasuruan

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Kemahiran seseorang dalam suatu bahasa tidak menjamin kemahirannya mengajarkan bahasa tersebut kepada orang lain. Mahir berbahasa adalah satu hal dan mahir mengajarkan bahasa adalah hal yang lain. Seorang guru bahasa Arab harus menguasai setidak-tidaknya tiga hal yaitu, (1) kemahiran berbahasa Arab, (2) pengetahuan tentang bahasa dan budaya Arab, (3) keterampilan mengajarkan bahasa Arab. Selain itu guru Bahasa Arab juga harus mengetahui bahwa pembelajaran bahasa asing melibatkan sekurang-kurangnya tiga disiplin ilmu, yakni (a) linguistik, (b) psikologi, dan (c) ilmu pendidikan. Linguistik memberi informasi kepada kita mengenai bahasa secara umum dan mengenai bahasa-bahasa tertentu. Psikologi menguraikan bagaimana orang belajar sesuatu, dan ilmu Pendidikan atau pedagogi memungkinkan kita untuk meramu semua keterangan dari (a) dan (b) menjadi satu cara atau metode yang sesuai untuk dipakai di kelas untuk memudahkan proses pembelajaran bahasa oleh pelajar.
Ekonomis: Journal of Economics and Business Vol 1, No 1 (2017): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (289.134 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/ekonomis.v1i1.8


The purpose of this study is to analyze the financial performance of Jambi Provincial Government in the regional financial statements before and after the implementation of accrual basis in 2014 and 2015. The result of the research shows that the financial performance of Jambi Provincial Government as measured by liquidity ratio, solvency ratio and leverage ratio are still in good category and within safe limits because value of all the ratio is above industry standard, although in 2015 there is a decrease in all value ratio because in that year the Jambi Provincial Government has applied the accrual basis in presenting the financial statements so that there is a decrease in the asset post that is in the post of current assets due to allowance for receivables and on the post of fixed assets due to depreciation of fixed assets. Decrease in asset value automatically leads to a decrease in its financial performance.Keywords : financial performance, financial ratio, accrual basis
Pengaruh Pengendalian Internal dan Kompetensi Terhadap Pencegahan Kecurangan Pengelolaan Dana Desa di Kecamatan Kumpeh Ulu Kabupaten Muaro Jambi Mufidah Mufidah; Masnun Masnun
Ekonomis: Journal of Economics and Business Vol 5, No 2 (2021): September
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/ekonomis.v5i2.408


There are challenges in implementing village funds during this pandemic because the amount of absorption of village funds is used to address the conditions for handling Covid 19. The implemention of the distribution and absorption of this budget is influenced by inhibiting factors that become challenges in the implementation of village development. Internal factors in the village government are important to prevent fraud in the absorption of village funds. Therefore, one of the objectives of this study is to analyze the effect of internal control and competence on fraud prevention in Kumpeh Ulu sub-district, Muaro Jambi district. This research is causality research design. Causality research design is a type of research that is used for the purpose of testing the influence, relationship or impact of variables, the type of cross section data used and the primary data souces. This research took place from june to august 2021. The data analysis technique used SEM-PLS. The results of this study indicate that internal control and competence have an effect on fraud prevention.
Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Bidang Pendidikan Luar Biasa Pada Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jambi Ubaidillah Ubaidillah; Masnun Masnun
J-MAS (Jurnal Manajemen dan Sains) Vol 7, No 2 (2022): Oktober
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33087/jmas.v7i2.781


This study aims to obtain an overview of work motivation and employee performance at the Jambi provincial education office in the field of special education. Data collection was carried out through distributing questionnaires and carried out on 53 employees. The aspects studied are 5 dimensions of work motivation, namely physiological needs, security needs, love needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. As well as the performance aspects studied include quantity, quality, punctuality, attendance, and ability to work together. Testing the data using statistical analysis such as validation and reliability tests, simple linear regression analysis, statistical hypothesis testing t test and coefficient of determination test from the results of the analysis with SPSS version 20 program, it can be seen that the regression equation formed The linear regression equation formed is Y 20.966+0.388X. The equation shows that the employee's performance is  0 then work motivation will increase by 0.388. From the results of the analysis obtained, it is known that the results of R square indicate that there is an influence of work motivation of 21.3% on employee performance, thus in the study of work motivation which has an influence on performance, the average number of effects of work motivation on employee performance as a whole is 21. ,3 and the remaining 78,7 are influenced by variables not examined in this study. Overall, from the 5 dimensions of work motivation variable, it has an average score of 221.8 which is categorized as good. Where the description of work motivation used by employees in the field of extraordinary education at the Jambi provincial education office is obtained, which is good for motivating work on the basis of consideration and good for work motivation. Motivation has a positive and significant influence on the performance of the Jambi provincial education office employees.
Pengaruh Debt Toequity Ratio (Der), Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPM), Dan Return on Equity Ratio (ROE) terhadap Harga Saham Industri Pertambangan yang Terdaftar pada LQ45 di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI) Periode 2013 – 2017 Eka Desi Pratiwi; Atikah Atikah; Masnun Masnun
Science of Management and Students Research Journal (SMS) Vol 2, No 2 (2020): Juni
Publisher : Universitas Batanghari Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (501.096 KB) | DOI: 10.33087/sms.v2i2.71


The purpose of this study is as follows : 1. To analyze the effect of Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPM) and Return On Equity Ratio (ROE) simultaneously on the mining industry stock price listed on LQ45 in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2013-2017, 2. To analyze the effect of Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPM) and Return On Equity Ratio (ROE) partially against the stock price of mining industry listed on LQ45 in Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2013-2017. The type of data required and collected in this study is quantitative data. Quantitative Data in the form of company's financial statements in mining industry companies. The data source used in this study is to use secondary data. In this study the authors took an object in the form of companies of the mining industry. The mining industry company is one of the companies assumed to be able to produce optimal profit. This makes the authors interested in making the mining industry an example of this study Based on the results of multiple regression analyses that the regression equation Y= 1,305- 2.307 X1t- 0,890 X2t+ 0,084X3t + e. The influence of Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPM) and Return On Equity Ratio (ROE) to stock price is 12% while The remaining 88% is influenced by other factors outside of this study. Simultaneously the Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPM) and Return On Equity Ratio (ROE) affect the share price of mining industry company on LQ45 listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2013-2017. There are partially the influence of Debt To Equity Ratio (DER), Net Profit Margin Ratio (NPM) and Return On Equity Ratio (ROE) to the stock price of mining industry company on LQ45 listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) during the period 2013-2017