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Prosiding SNATIF 2017: Prosiding Seminar Nasional Teknologi dan informatika (BUKU 2)
Publisher : Prosiding SNATIF

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Abstrak Bencana di Indonesia pada tahun terbanyak terjadi di Provinsi Jawa Tengah sebanyak 639 kali, diikuti Jawa Timur dengan 409 kejadian bencana, Jawa Barat 329 kali, Kalimantan Timur 190 kali, dan Aceh 83 kali. Penyelesaian paling utama ada pada dana sosial, pemberian bantuan kepada yang tertimpa musibah atau bencana. Akan tetapi pencarian secara manual dengan berdiri di jalan tol atau tempat umum untuk mendapat dana sumbangan Amal Korban bencana dengan membangun kedermawanan dan kerelawanan masih kurang efektif dan efesien, karena terbatasan ruang dan waktu. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, sudah menerapkan donasi berbasis online, akan tetapi masih dirasa kurang karena masih ketergantungan dengan sistem donasi tersebut. Maka dari itu, penelitian ini akan mensinergitaskan e-Crowdfunding dengan e-Commerce, e-Crowfunding juga dapat dikenal dengan sistem iuran rakyat yang berinteraksi dengan masyarakat untuk menggalang dana. Jadi, di aplikasi ini kita bisa mencari atau menyumbangkan donasi kepada mereka yang lebih membutuhkan secara terkomputerisasi dan terorganisir. Antara e-Commerce, e-Crowfunding akan disinergitaskan untuk memaksimalkan pendanaan sosial.    Kata kunci: Bencana,dana sosial, e-Crowfunding dan e-commerce
Rancang Bangun Pengoperasian Lampu Menggunakan Sinyal Analog Smartphone Berbasis Mikrokontroller Zainal Abidin; Tijaniyah Tijaniyah
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer (JEECOM) Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/jeecom.v1i1.887


Umumnya piranti elektonik pada rumah tangga dikendalikan secara manual, contohnya lampu. Lampu adalah piranti elektronik yang berfungsi untuk penerangan sehingga sangat penting untuk kegiatan di dalam rumah setiap harinya. Namun akan terjadi kesulitan untuk menyalakan lampu setiap waktu, secara manual saat seseorang  memiliki  kesibukan yang lain. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya alat pengendali yang bisa digunakan secara efisien dari jarak jauh. Berdasarkan pemikiran tersebut, Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah membuat alat yang dapat digunakan untuk mengendalikan ON/OFF lampu dari jarak jauh menggunakan sinyal analog  smartphone android berbasis mikrokontroler. Sistem kendali ini memanfaatkan wifi yang ada dalam Smartphone Android yang terhubung dengan ESP8266. Kemudian sinyal yang masuk akan diproses oleh Arduino Wemos D1 sebagai pusat kendali. Hasil pengujian elektronika pada penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa alat dapat memberi kemudahan untuk  pengguna saat ingin menghidupkan atau mematikan lampu. Sistem kendali lampu ini dapat dikelola secara mandiri untuk masing-masing lampu pada setiap ruangan yang dikendalikan oleh pengguna dari Web Browser aplikasi smartphone android yang sudah tersedia.
Sistem Kontrol Pelanggaran Merokok Santri Di Ppnj Menggunakan Mikrokontroller Dan Internet Of Thing (Iot) Edy Prastiono; Tijaniyah Tijaniyah
Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer (JEECOM) Vol 1, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/jeecom.v1i1.882


Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid (PPNJ) merupakan sebuah lembaga pendidikan pondok pesantren yang berlokasi di Desa Karang Anyar Kecamatan Paiton Kabupaten Probolinggo. Pondok Pesantren Nurul Jadid dapat menghasilkan lulusan yang berkualitas baik secara intelektual. Seorang santri dapat mempelajari ilmu agama maupun ilmu pendidikan lainnya bertujuan untuk mengajarkan santri tersebut kedisiplinan. Santri diwajibkan mentaati peraturan yang ditetapkan didalam pesantren tersebut. Salah satunya peraturan dilarang merokok (bagi santri putra) karena asap rokok sangat berbahaya bagi kesehatan. Apabila ada santri yang melanggar akan dikenakan sanksi sesuai dengan pelangaran yang dilakukan. Selama ini pelanggaran merokok jarang diketahui oleh pengurus pesantren sehingga santri tidak dikenakan sanksi atas pelanggaran yang dibuat karena ketidak tahuan pengurus pesantren. Untuk mengatasi masalah di atas, maka dibuatlah alat yang mampu membantu para pengurus pesantren dengan memanfaatkan teknologi Internet of Things (IOT).Alat ini dirancang dapat membantu pengurus agar dapat menindak lanjuti santri yang melanggar, pengurus hanya mendapatkan pesan telegram. Alat ini menggunakan nodemcu esp8266 sebagai mikrokontroler yang dilengkapi dengan modul wifi. Dan sensor mq2 untuk mendeteksi asap rokok di kamar santri putra. Jika sensor mendeteksi asap rokok maka nodemcu esp 8266 akan mengirim pesan ke telegram. Jika sensor mq 2 tidak mendeteksi asap rokok maka nodemcu esp 8266 tidak mengirim pesan telegram.
Studi Analisis Optimalisasi Submerged Scraper Chain Conveyor (SSCC) Terhadap Kehandalan Kinerja Boiler PLTU Unit 50 Tijaniyah Tijaniyah; Moh. Bahrudin; Syandro Cahyo N
Jurnal JEETech Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal JEETech
Publisher : Universitas Darul Ulum

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (878.815 KB) | DOI: 10.48056/jeetech.v2i2.180


SSCC (Submerged Scraper Chain Conveyor) is one of the parts that affect the combustion process in the Unit 50 PLTU Paiton boiler which can generate electricity up to around 650 MW. SSCC is used to accommodate combustion materials in the form of deposits from inside the boiler. SSCC is also used as a seal for the furnace and prevents air from entering during draft system in service, by keeping the water level in the SSCC at a certain set point value. Even the SSCC stops operating at full load, the unit will potentially debating. This aims to reduce fuel consumption so that the material from the combustion is not too much. The increase in the volume of bottom ash material can cause several problems such as SSCC trips due to overload and loose chain from the pulley. The local operator checks the condition of the bottom ash material on the SSCC scraper at a certain time manually and reports it to the CCR operator. This will affect the reliability of the SSCC's performance on the boiler. This research approach is qualitative, because this research is descriptive and tends to use data analysis. The theoretical basis is used as a guide so that the author can focus on analyzing the data according to the facts in the field. From the results of data analysis applied in the field, it shows that the use of a protection system is the first step in dealing with an incident in the field and to secure other equipment. Based on the work system implemented in the field, namely the SSCC system which was previously operated manually, then changed to auto / easier to operate, it proves that it will create an effective and efficient work system during the unit's operation, thus facilitating the work of operators in the field, as well as improving the quality of equipment which is local. In addition, the development of proposals / ideas that can build a better work system is very much needed in the PLTU generating unit
Pendampingan Guru TK PAUD dalam Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Interaktif Berbasis Powtoon dan Microsoft Office Powerpoint Tijaniyah Tijaniyah; Feri Febriyanto; Fahmi Dinillah
GUYUB: Journal of Community Engagement Vol 2, No 1 (2021): Pendampingan Pendidikan, Agama, dan Teknologi
Publisher : Universitas Nurul Jadid

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33650/guyub.v2i1.2068


The Covid 19 pandemic period with community service in the form of training for PAUD kindergarten teachers in Paiton Probolinggo sub-district in making interactive learning media using powtoons and powerpoints is very useful to help teachers provide learning material online so that students don't get bored learning at home. The material is also varied and interactive which is useful to attract the enthusiasm of the students to study harder.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Penetas Telur Ayam Kampung Menggunakan Metode MADM dan SMS Gateway Tijaniyah; Honainah
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 10 No. 2 (2019): Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v10i2.53


The process of good egg incubation is a major factor in the quality of native chicken eggs which during this time the native chicken mother has many problems such as the lack of eggs that hatch, the number of chickens that are not weather resistant so many eggs that do not hatch and chicken seeds in dead eggs, at least chicken breeders which incubates the eggs, there is no proper method in calculating the temperature and humidity parameters of the chicken coop and there is no information on the process of hatching eggs to farmers in real time. Overcoming this problem, the latest technology is needed that can replace the conventional system of farmers with a controlled system of chicken egg incubators. In this case, the author will make a machine equipped with a chicken hatching control system using the MADM calculation method and SMS Gateway technology as a medium of information to farmers.
Rhinovirus and Influenza Disease Swamedication Information System using the Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method Husnul Khotimah; Tijaniyah
Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan Vol. 11 No. 2 (2020): Jurnal Intake : Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Teknik dan Terapan
Publisher : FT- UNDAR

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.48056/jintake.v11i2.127


Self-medication, known as self-medication, has now been widely used by people to treat their own diseases without a doctor's prescription. This is because the cost of examining and just consulting a doctor is very expensive for the community. According to the World Health Organization (WHO) self-medication is defined as the selection and use of drugs, including herbal and traditional medicine, by individuals to treat themselves from disease or symptoms of disease. As well as the world of digital information is currently mushrooming in various information systems to provide information to the public in real time. Therefore, the author will make a research on how web-based information systems can provide information to the public about self-medication for coughs and colds, which people often suffer from. The Multi Attribute Decision Making (MADM) method is one of the superior methods for calculating the parameters for drug decisions that can be consumed by the public, making it easier for people to choose the type of medicine according to the disease they are suffering
The Effect Of Turbine Level Of Model L And Turbine Model S In Gravitation Of Water Vortex Plant Power (GWVPP) Based On Cylinder Basin Muhammad Hasan Basri; Fredi Kusuma Putra; Tijaniyah Tijaniyah; Bachtera Indarto
JEEE-U (Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering-UMSIDA) Vol 4 No 1 (2020): April
Publisher : Muhammadiyah University, Sidoarjo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21070/jeeeu.v4i1.322


The effect of the height of the L model turbine and the S model turbine on the Vortex Power Pland Gravitation Water Using a Cylinder Basin Based Gearbox using a DC generator. This study aims to determine how much torque is generated, rotations per minute, voltage, current, and power generated by the power plant of gravity vortex airs and compare the influence of the height of the turbine position on the results of the data obtained. The study was conducted using a cylindrical basin that has an input diameter of 50 cm while the output diameter is 5 cm, using a 4 blade turbine shaped L and S models and using variations in the height of the turbine placement at depths of 10 cm, 12 cm, 14 cm, 16 cm, and 18 cm is calculated from the surface of the water, the fluid flow varies. The largest electric power using a L model turbine at a torque load of 0,0005886 Nm with a water discharge of 0.66 l / s obtained electrical power of 1.368 watts, and low electrical power is present at a torque load of 0,0002943 Nm with a water discharge of 0.73 electrical power obtained 0.872 watts. Whereas in the S model turbine, the largest electric power with a torque load of 0.0011772Nm with a water discharge of 0.85 l / s obtained an electric power of 2.097 watts, and low electrical power was found when the torque load was 0.0005886 Nm with a water discharge of 0.75 obtained electric power 1,856 watts. The highest elevation of the turbine position produces maximum data at 28 cm height.
Implementasi Sistem Kontrol Pakan Burung Puyuh Berbasis Mikrokontroler Dan Internet Of Things (Iot) Tijaniyah tijaniyah; Muhammad Firdaus; Muhammad Fikri Maula
Jurnal JE-UNISLA : Electronic Control, Telecomunication, Computer Information and Power System Vol 6, No 1 (2021)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Lamongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30736/je.v6i1.574


The quail egg business is a type of business that is now popular with the community. Good quail care is also an important thing for the community to pay attention to, including feeding that should not be late, because if it is too late to feed, the quail can no longer produce eggs. Quail is capable of producing 10 to 20 eggs in one egg. The majority of people raise about 300 to 500 quails. Automatic feeding is one of the important things in this study. The time of feeding is morning, afternoon, evening and night. Researchers also use a microcontroller, nodemcu and the Internet of Things (IOT). The function of the IOT is as a remote control media on off feeding time and control the opening and closing of the door to the quail feed. 
Scientific Journal of Mechanical Engineering Kinematika Vol 5 No 2 (2020): SJME Kinematika Desember 2020
Publisher : Mechanical Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Lambung Mangkurat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20527/sjmekinematika.v5i2.170


Persoalan transportasi merupakan masalah yang umum dialamai oleh setiap orang di jalur lalu lintas, karena persoalan transportasi tidak akan pernah terselesaikan atau akan selalu berkembang dari setiap wilayah. Proses energi matahari dengan solar cell yang tersimpan pada baterai dan di gunakan untuk menyalakan lampu. Pada dasarnya charge control menggunakan ciri regulator tegangan dengan tahapan charge berhenti saat matahari tertutup awan penuh atau sebagian saat proses pengisian baterai. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut telah dirancang dan menciptakan sebuah perangkat sistem Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) pada Prototype Traffic light System menggunakan PID Control yang mengatur daya maksimal pada kondisi cahaya matahari yang dihasilkan nilai tegangan 17,70 Volt dan arus 1,18 Ampere. Untuk pengisian battery charging dibutuhkan sekitar 4 jam yang digunakan 13,6 Volt, dengan pengisian 12 Volt dengan rata-rata keluaran yang dihasilkan 1 Ampere. Untuk mempermudah mengatur frekuensi dan lebar pulsa (PWM) yang didinginkan pada MPPT level tegangan luaran yang dihasilkan pada panel surya 15 Volt sampai 19 Volt, sedangkan tegangan ouput mencapai 14,98 Volt sampai 18,97 Volt.