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Pengembangan Kurikulum Sosiologi Agama sebagai Model dalam Pelaksanaan Merdeka Belajar bagi Mahasiswa Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Tarutung Sudirman Lase; Elvri Teresia Simbolon; Jupalman Welly Simbolon; Harisan Boni Firmando; Roida Lumbantobing; Ade Putera Arif Panjaitan
Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS) Vol 4, No 4 (2022): Journal of Education, Humaniora and Social Sciences (JEHSS), May
Publisher : Mahesa Research Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (919.439 KB) | DOI: 10.34007/jehss.v4i4.1039


The rapid development of the times no longer allows the world of education to be comfortable with the applicable curriculum. Responding to this challenge, the Ministry of Education and Culture launched the Independent Learning Campus policy. The Sociology of Religion Study Program at IAKN Tarutung chose one of the eight Merdeka Learning programs, namely internships. The chosen internship is an internship with a structured form, with the hope that students can actualize their knowledge at the internship location. This study aims to determine the implementation of the sociology of religion curriculum development as a model for the implementation of independent learning internships at IAKN Tarutung. This study uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The methods of observation, interviews, document studies and focus group discussions were used to collect data. The results showed that the Independent Learning internship was going well, as evidenced by the learning outcomes of the apprenticeship courses and the soft skills of students in four villages in the Toba Caldera geosite area which is the location of the internship, where the majority of students received satisfactory grades from course lecturers and field supervisors. from partners. This study also evaluates the results of the internship implementation using a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) so that the implementation of internship activities will increase in the future.
Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Waiter/ Waitress Terhadap Peningkatan Kepuasan Konsumen Di Hotel Khas Parapat Sintong Haleluya Simanungkalit; Ade Putera Arif Panjaitan; Rusmauli Simbolon; Maringan Sinambela; Harisan Boni Firmando
Jurnal Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/jmpp-widyakarya.v1i4.1434


Service quality is a benchmark for service success determined by the level of satisfaction of service recipients. While the level of satisfaction of the recipient of this service will be obtained if a recipient of the service gets the type of service in accordance with what they expect and need. Thus, the needs of service recipients must be met as much as possible in order to obtain satisfaction. The data processing was obtained from questionnaire data collection data distributed to 50 respondents. Based on the results of the analysis and discussion described in the previous chapter, the author draws several conclusions on the results of the analysis that based on the hypothesis proposed by the researcher, a t test was carried out and obtained the SPSS output showed a calculated t value of 0.812 with a Sig of 0.421. To determine the level of significance of the research model, the calculated t value is compared with the table t value. Based on the results of the analysis, the hypothesis that states service quality (reliability, responsiveness, assurence, tangiable, emphaty) has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction in the use of Parapat Khas Hotel services is empirically proven and acceptable.
Strategi Pengembangan Objek Wisata Danau Anak Laut Guna Meningkatkan Minat Pengunjung di Desa Gosong Telaga Barat Kecamatan Singkil Utara Kabupaten Aceh Singkil Putra Bancin; Roida Lumbantobing; Hanna Dewi Aritonang; Mery Silalahi; Ade Putera Arif Panjaitan
Jurnal Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan Vol. 1 No. 4 (2023): November : Jurnal Manajemen Pariwisata dan Perhotelan
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/jmpp-widyakarya.v1i4.1499


Each region must have a strategy for developing tourist attractions, this is used to realize progress in increasing tourist interest, such as Gosong Telaga Barat Village in North Singkil District which has the Lake Anak Laut tourist attraction. This research aims to describe the tourist attraction development strategy carried out by the village government for Lake Anak Laut tourism to increase visitor interest in Gosong Telaga Barat Village, North Singkil District. The method used in this research is a qualitative method that describes the subjects and objects studied from the strategy for developing the Lake Anak Laut tourist attraction in Gosong Telaga Barat Village, North Singkil District. The results of this research show that the village government's strategy in developing the Lake Anak Laut tourist attraction is to procure funds and land, build facilities and infrastructure, promote the tourist attraction, and preserve the environmental sustainability of the Lake Anak Laut tourist attraction. Meanwhile, the obstacles are the difficulty of procuring funds from the village budget and the lack of support from the tourism office and district government in the form of budget funds.
Pengembangan Pariwisata Berbasis Masyarakat (Community Based Tourism) Di Desa Meat Kecamatan Tampahan Kabupaten Toba Agnessy Siahaan; Harisan Boni Firmando; Bambang T. J. Hutagalung; Yulia K. S. Sitepu; Ade Putera Arif Panjaitan
Jurnal Mahasiswa Kreatif Vol. 1 No. 6 (2023): November : Jurnal Mahasiswa Kreatif
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Widya Karya Malang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59581/jmk-widyakarya.v1i6.1503


Meat Village is one of the tourist villages in Tampahan District, Toba Regency. Tourism development is an effort to develop or promote tourist attractions to attract tourists and make tourist attractions more attractive in terms of location and object. The aim of this research is to determine Community Based Tourism Development. Based Tourism), and to find out community empowerment and its role in developing the Meat Tourism Village. The number of informants in this research was 7 (seven) people. This research is a qualitative type of research. Data collection techniques include observation, interviews and documentation. The approach taken is a descriptive approach, based on natural and cultural resources, community groups and village government. The research results show that there are; (a) natural and cultural resources, showing that the village's potential can support the arrival of visitors, (b) community groups to increase community creativity in developing and preserving cultural traditions in Meat Village, (c) the village government which play an important role in efforts to develop the village so that it can attract the attention of tourists if it fulfills the seven charms of tourism, (d) the role of the community who participates in carrying out village activities so that the village remains clean, safe and cool so that anyone who comes to visit can enjoy the tourist attractions is in Meat.