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Fraksinasi dan Identifikasi Ektrak Daun Mitragyna Speciosa Menggunakan Metode Kromatografi M.A. Hanny Ferry Fernanda; Mercyska Suryandari; Tri Puji Lestari Sudarwati
FARMASIS: Jurnal Sains Farmasi Vol 2 No 2 (2021): Farmasis : Jurnal Sains Farmasi
Publisher : Program Studi Farmasi Fakultas Sains Kesehatan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36456/farmasis.v2i2.4072


Background: Mitragyna Speciosa or better known as Kratom is a typical plant from the Putusibau area, West Kalimantan. The most widely used part of this plant is the leaves. The kratom plant contains alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids-steroids, triterpenoids, saponins, and tannins. Alkaloid content is the most dominant and has benefits in this plant so it is necessary to do fractionation and identification of secondary metabolites. Objective: To fractionate and identify secondary metabolites from Mitragyna Speciosa leaf extract. Methods: The fractionation method was carried out using Column Chromatography while for identification using Thin Layer Chromatography. Results: 80 fractions were obtained from the column chromatography results, while the results of identification using thin layer chromatography showed that only the 2nd and 3rd fractions were obtained. The second fraction has two spots with Rf values of 0.51 and 0.73 and in the third fraction there are three spots with Rf values of 0.21; 0.52, and 0.74. Conclusion: Fractionation and identification by chromatographic method can be used as initial screening for secondary metabolite content in Mitragyna Speciosa leaf extract.
Concentration and Time Exposure Determination of Methanol Extract from Carica papaya Leaves in The Larvicidal Activity Against Aedes aegypti Larvae Tri Puji Lestari Sudarwati; M. A Hanny Ferry Fernanda
Journal of Research and Technology Vol. 7 No. 1 (2021): JRT Volume 7 No 1 Jun 2021
Publisher : 2477 - 6165

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Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever (DHF) is a disease caused by dengue virus which is transmitted through Aedes aegypti mosquito bite. Efforts to control the widespread of the vectors have been made using biological agents and also chemical compound. Chemicals known as a standard protocol have raised concerns about resistance and harmfulness to the environment. Hence, the present study was aimed to explore the larvicidal activity of papaya (Carica papaya) leaf extract against Aedes aegypti larvae in regards to the optimum concentration and time exposure.  Preparation the obtained extract was diluted to make a serial concentration. These solutions were made by pipetting 0.65 mL, 1.25 mL, 2.5 mL, 5.0 mL, and 10.0 mL of extract into 10.0 mL volumetric flasks and dilute with distilled water. The test solution was poured into a glass jar contained 90 mL of distilled water and filled with 20 third instar larvae. Each experiment was replicated four times. The larval mortality was recorded in 24h and calculated as a percentage of total larvae used in the experiment. The table above shows the value of LC50 And LT50 from toxicity assay of papaya leaf extract. According to the LT50 value, it can be seen that the lowest LT50 of 1,006h occurred at the concentration of 11000 ppm. Moreover, calculated LC50 is 4929,344 ppm. Based on these results, papaya leaves have the ability to Aedes aegypti larvaside so that it can help in breaking the chain of development of Aedes aegypti.  
Journal of Research and Technology Vol. 1 No. 1 (2015): JRT Volume 1 No 1 Des 2015
Publisher : 2477 - 6165

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This research was conducted to determine the pace of development of larvae of Aedes aegypti in some media of water, with the aim of knowing the development of Aedes aegypti mosquitoes from egg to be by looking at the development and physiology. The research was conducted between February and April 2008. The material used is the Aedes aegypti mosquito eggs laid on 3 media: water bath water, sewage, and water ponds. The data obtained were statistically analyzed using SPSS. The development of mosquito larvae in the sewer water is 8.3 days, 21.5 days of pool water, water bath of 24.3 days. Results of statistical analysis of all the observed variables showed that, there is a real difference between the sewage and the pool water and bath water, but the pool water and bath water are not significantly different. It can be concluded that the difference in water media affect the development of larvae of Aedes aegypti.
Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Kita Vol 1 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Abdi Masyarakat Kita
Publisher : APDFI (Asosiasi Pendidikan Diploma Farmasi Indonesia)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1176.178 KB) | DOI: 10.33759/asta.v1i1.92


This community service event was aimed to elevate the knowledge of local society regarding the current update of Aedes aegypti mosquito as a vector of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF). Hence, it raised awareness of their role in breaking the disease transmission. Involving students as supporting team, this activity was carried out at Jemur Gayungan RW 01 by giving public counselling and mentoring for the larvae surveyor cadre (Jumantik). Abdimas, which has been done, adds to the knowledge of jumantik cadres about the proliferation and spread of dengue, so that jumantik cadres not only observe their environment but can also take action to break the chain of dengue spread.
Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak

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Carica papaya L is one of herbal plant that has been known as a traditional medicine of bacterial infections with various bioactivities such as an antiseptic, antiinflammatory, antifungal and antibacterial. This research aims to determine the antibacterial activity of the extracts ethanol leaf of papaya (Carica papaya L) against Streptococcus sp. Extract ethanol were obtained by maceration method and were tested using bioautography method. The extracts ethanol leaf of papaya can inhibit growth of Streptococcus sp at consentrations 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% with average inhibitory zone diameter that are 5,52 mm; 6,34 mm; 7,06 mm; 7,72 mm and 8,9 mm. TLC bioautography assay with eluen n-butanol : acetate acid : aquadest (4 : 1 : 5) is obtained inhibitory zone at stain with Rf value 0,93. Result of identification shown that the stain are tannin. Statistical result of Anova Oneway showed significant difference from each concentration.
UJI ANTIMIKROBA FRAKSI III DAUN KRATOM (Mitragyna speciosa) TERHADAP BAKTERI Staphylococcus aureus Tri Puji Lestari Sudarwati
Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal Komunitas Farmasi Nasional
Publisher : Akademi Farmasi Yarsi Pontianak

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Kratom (Mitragyna speciosa Korth) is a type of plant found in forest areas in Indonesia which contains chemical compounds such as alkaloids, flavonoids, phenols, terpenoids, steroids, triterpenoids, tannins, and saponins. In this study, the antimicrobial potency of fraction III of kratom leaves was tested by column chromatography separation. Kratom leaves have several benefits, one of which is as an antimicrobial. The extraction process chosen is the maceration method. The results obtained from column chromatography were then grouped based on RF values ​​using the thin layer chromatography method, from 80 vials the RF value calculated in the TLC test of kratom leaf methanol extract obtained a value of 0.84. Then the results obtained were made with concentrations of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10% for the antibacterial activity test. The antibacterial activity test was repeated 5 times and the results of the inhibition zone with an average concentration of 2% obtained data of 2,436 mm, a concentration of 4% obtained an average of 1,616 mm, a concentration of 6% obtained an average of 0.685 mm, a concentration of 8% obtained an average of 0.685 mm. an average of 0.596 mm, while for a concentration of 10% the average was 0.96. From the results of this study, it can be concluded that kratom leaf extract (Mitragyna speciosa) using methanol with column chromatography separation method has antibacterial activity against Staphylococcus aureus with a weak category.