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Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance Vol. 1 No. 3 (2021): Bureaucracy Journal : Indonesia Journal of Law and Social-Political Governance
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (398.815 KB) | DOI: 10.53363/bureau.v1i3.31


This research aims to find out the existence of public relations structurally in the company in socializing corporate culture at PT Indonesia Power UJP Banten II Labuan. The research was conducted using qualitative methods through structured interviews at Public Relations at PT Indonesia Power UJP Banten II Labuan. The results showed that the existence of public relations structurally at PT Indonesia Power UJP Banten II Labuan has not been independent because it is still incorporated into a unit in the Administrative Division. Public Relations in socializing corporate culture at PT Indonesia Power UJP Banten II Labuan in collaboration with the Human Resources Division (HR) through three forms of socialization, namely face-to-face, online media and print media
THE POWER OF NETIZEN +62: KONTRUKSI KONFLIK FENOMENAL DI MEDIA SOSIAL Eka Susilawati; Rizqi Fitrianti; Noerma Kurnia Fajarwati
National Conference on Applied Business, Education, & Technology (NCABET) Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): The 2nd National Conference on Applied Business, Education & Technology (NCABET
Publisher : Universitas Bina Bangsa

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (175.888 KB) | DOI: 10.46306/ncabet.v2i1.76


Unlimited information exchange in the modern era presents a new name for the media user audience, one of which is netizen +62. In Indonesia, the power of netizens +62 cannot be doubted, especially in constructing a growing social reality issue that is shared on social media. This study aims to describe the pros and cons of the existence of netizens +62 studied from the point of view of communication. The study used a qualitative approach with virtual ethnographic methods. This study concludes that netizen +62 has a significant role in influencing the flow of information and interactivity on social media. Netizens +62 in this case are no longer just objects of information exposure, but play an active role in controlling the flow of information that occurs, so that they have the power to build their 'own' construction related to phenomenal conflicts that are shared on social media
Reflection Of 'Care' Culture As An Identity At Rsud Dr. Drajat Prawiranegara Serang Noerma Kurnia Fajarwati; Eka Susilawati; Opiq Piqhi
LEGAL BRIEF Vol. 11 No. 5 (2022): Desember: Law Science and Field
Publisher : IHSA Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (616.086 KB) | DOI: 10.35335/legal.v11i5.614


RSUD dr Drajat Prawiranegara or RSDP Serang has a noble goal to become the best hospital with professional and quality services as stated in the vision of the organization. As one of the referral hospitals, RSDP Serang has an organizational culture value, namely Cakap – Accountable – Responsive – Efficient which is abbreviated as 'CARE'. This study aims to explain the application of CARE culture as an organizational identity at RSDP Serang. The research was conducted by the quantitative, descriptive univariate method. A sample of 146 people was taken, consisting of general employees and health workers. This research shows that the application of CARE culture is still not optimal, so it has not fully reflected the identity of Serang Hospital as a superior quality hospital in Banten Province. It takes responsibility for all elements in the hospital, especially employees, both those who serve as health and non-health workers, to create public trust and organizational identity.
Kain Tenun Baduy: Simbol Komunikasi Pariwisata Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Noerma Kurnia Fajarwati; Eka Susilawati; Rizqi Fitrianti
Batara Wisnu : Indonesian Journal of Community Services Vol. 2 No. 1 (2022): Batara Wisnu | Januari - April 2022
Publisher : Gapenas Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.53363/bw.v2i1.131


Baduy is one of the tribes located in the administrative area of ??Lebak Regency, Banten Province. The Baduy community is unique in terms of culture and ancestral values ??which upholds simplicity in every life. This community service activity is carried out by Bina Bangsa University in the context of the Tridharma of Higher Education and is a proof of the academic community's concern for the development of tourism communication. Baduy woven cloth is one of the local wisdom heritages of Baduy culture and the main product that makes Baduy known to outsiders
Pola Komunikasi Kepala Desa dalam Meningkatkan Kinerja Aparatur di Kantor Desa Gunung Jaya Cisaat Kabupaten Sukabumi Eka Susilawati; Alwy Elnandar Zikri
Jurnalika : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi Vol. 6 No. 2 (2022): Jurnalika : Jurnal Ilmu Komunikasi
Publisher : STISIP Widyapuri Mandiri Sukabumi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (170.938 KB) | DOI: 10.37949/jurnalika6233


Every individual in the organization is required to always interact with each other, be it communication from top to bottom or vice versa, as well as communication between others. That way, the flow of communication can be effective. In addition, the leadership role is very vital to direct, control, instruct and mobilize every member in the organization, so that the sustainability and goals of the organization can be fully achieved. This kind of communication climate can actually be created in all forms of organization, including government institutions, in this case the village office. Village government as a form of organization certainly cannot be separated from the communication activities carried out by the individuals in it. This study aims to determine organizational communication patterns in improving employee performance at the Gunung Jaya Village Office, organizational communication barriers, and communication strategies in improving employee performance. The research method is descriptive qualitative with data collection techniques of participation observation, observation, and interviews. The results of the research on organizational communication patterns carried out in the Gunung Jaya Village office were carried out formally and informally. Formal communication patterns include downward and upward communication patterns, as well as horizontal. The formal downward communication pattern is carried out once a month, unless there are incidental rules or instructions from the sub-district or district government. There are communication barriers due to overuse of communication tools at the wrong time, delays in conveying information about the implementation of a job or report. Meanwhile, the strategy carried out by the leadership is to improve employee performance by providing direction, input, motivation and encouragement, as well as going directly to the field to provide direct support to employees.
Digital literacy and communication privacy in cybermedia era Noerma Kurnia Fajarwati; Eka Susilawati; Rizqi Fitrianti; Putri Handayani; Meiby Zulfikar
The International Journal of Politics and Sociology Research Vol. 11 No. 2 (2023): September: Law, Politic and Sosiology
Publisher : Trigin Publisher

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35335/ijopsor.v11i2.153


The frenetic pace of technological advancements has altered how people interact with one another, including how frequently they access media. The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of digital literacy on communication privacy in the age of cybermedia. The research used SPSS analysis tools to conduct a quantitative approach and was based on communication privacy management theory. The study's subject was communication science students from Serang City universities, with a total of 200 respondents. The environment and socioeconomic status were found to play a significant role in the investigation of student communication privacy on social media. According to the findings of the research, the private space that exists in the age of cybermedia has encouraged individuals to interact with one another and become public consumption objects used by the media to generate reciprocity with the idea of profit and loss.