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Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (J-ABDIMAS) Vol 6 No 1 (2019): JURNAL PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT 2019
Publisher : Publisher UPT P2M Politeknik Negeri Malang

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In Kampung Tambak Lorok there is a group of PKK women who are a group of housewives in the village area. Problems faced by PKK women in Kampung Tambak Lorok are: (1) Do not have a strong entrepreneurial spirit; (2) A joint business unit for PKK mothers has not yet been formed; (3) Knowledge about cooperatives is still lacking. The purpose of this community service is to improve the skills of the human resources of PKK women to become entrepreneurs and the procedures for establishing joint business groups (KUB) and to increase their entrepreneurial spirit. The community service is carried out using lecture, tutorial and discussion methods. Training and counseling on entrepreneurship, cooperatives, the formation of joint business groups can provide new understanding to PKK mothers that it turns out that entrepreneurship, cooperatives and joint ventures are indispensable in doing business. In this service also practiced making fish pempek. The results show that participants feel interested and interested in practicing making pempek and want to sell it.
Analisis Determinan Kinerja Bisnis Wirausaha Mahasiswa Di Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Nunik Kusnilawati; Aprih Santoso
Jurnal Nusantara Aplikasi Manajemen Bisnis Vol 6 No 2 (2021): Jurnal NUSAMBA

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29407/nusamba.v6i2.16214


This study aims to analyze and empirically examine the effect of personal characteristics, human capital, and social capital variables on entrepreneurial business performance variables, with the intervening variable being entrepreneurial characteristics. A sample of 182 respondents, using a questionnaire instrument, the assumption test shows the results of the evaluation of the normality of the data that do not deviate, then the multivariate outliers test has the same degree of freedom of 22, the value of mahalanobis distance ² (0.001;22) = 48.268 so it can be concluded that the model on the data has has no outliers. Residual testing, after the model respecification technique was carried out, it showed that the loading factor of all indicators was > 0.5 and the standardized residual value showed that the value was in the range of ± 2.58 so that it was concluded that the modified model was acceptable. Hypothesis testing, there is a significant influence between the variables of personal characteristics and human capital, on entrepreneurial characteristics. Human capital variables and business characteristics have a significant effect on business performance. But there is no significant effect between the variables (1) social capital on entrepreneurial characteristics, and (2) personal characteristics on business performance. Novelty is a business performance research model with entrepreneurial characteristics as the intervening variable, and the survey was conducted during the economic crisis due to the covid-19 pandemic. Key words : personal characteristics, human capital, social capital, entrepreneurial characteristics, entrepreneurial business performance
Employee Satisfaction: Determinants And Its Effect On Performance Nurhidayati; Nunik Kusnilawati; Aprih Santoso
Jurnal Manajemen Vol. 26 No. 1 (2022): February 2022
Publisher : Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis, Universitas Tarumanagara

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24912/jm.v26i1.838


This study aims to examine the effect of competence, motivation, education on satisfaction and the effect of competence, motivation, education on performance and satisfaction on performance. The research method uses quantitative methods and the sample consists of 96 people consisting of employees who graduated from the University of Semarang who graduated a maximum of 3 years. The analytical tool used is SEM - PLS. The result of the analysis is that competence has no effect on satisfaction, but does affect performance. Motivation and education affect satisfaction and performance, and satisfaction affects performance.
Solusi Vol 8, No 4 (2009)
Publisher : Universitas Semarang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/slsi.v8i4.1964


Pengambilan keputusan adalah merupakan bagian kunci kegiatan manajer. Kegiatan ini memainkan peranan penting, terutama dalam pelaksanaan fungsi perencanaan. Perencanaan menyangkut keputusan-keputusan yang sangat penting dan jangka panjang yang dapat dibuat seorang manajer. Dalam perencanaan, harus diputuskan tujuan-tujuan organisasi yang ingin dicapai, sumber-sumber daya yang tersedia dan dapat digunakan, serta pembagian tugas beserta pelaksana tugas yang dibutuhkan.  Keseluruhan proses perencanaan tersebut melibatkan serangkaian situasi pembuatan keputusan. Kualitas keputusan akan menentukan keefektifan rencana yang disusun.Tugas utama seorang manajer antara lain adalah pengambilan/pembuatan keputusan, dan kemudian bertindak atas dasar keputusan yang dihasilkannya. Bagi yang menganut manajemen proses, maka keputusan adalah sesuatu yang mutlak merupakan suatu keharusan dalam pelaksanaan fungsi fungsi manajemen (planning, organizing, actuating, controlling). Pengambilan keputusan menjangkau setiap aspek manajemen, karena terdapat dalam setiap bagian organisasi dan berhubungan dengan semua persoalan.
Keuangan-Perilaku Berhutang : Menakar Faktor-faktor Penentunya Aprih Santoso; Sri Yuni Widowati; Nunik Kusnilawati
Owner : Riset dan Jurnal Akuntansi Vol. 6 No. 4 (2022): Artikel Volume 6 Issue 4 Periode Oktober 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Ganesha Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.33395/owner.v6i4.1177


The purpose of this research is to examine how financial-debt behavior is influenced by perceived control behavior and debt intention, seta and debt intention are influenced by perceived control behavior. In this study, debt intention as a mediating variable on debt behavior is influenced by perceived control behavior for small entrepreneurs in the city of Semarang. The research population includes all small entrepreneurs who take credit from the Wibawa in the city of Semarang, amounting to 395 people. The number of samples is 103 people (based on the Slovin formula). The sample selection method is accident sampling. The relationship model of the variables will be analyzed using Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of research using Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis show that debt behavior is influenced by perceived control behavior and debt intentions. Intention to owe is influenced by perceived control behavior. Debt intention is able to mediate debt behavior which is influenced by perceived control behavior for small entrepreneurs in the city of Semarang.
Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI) Vol. 2 No. 2 (2022): Agustus: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Indonesia (JPKMI)
Publisher : Pusat Riset dan Inovasi Nasional

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.55606/jpkmi.v2i2.268


The purpose of this community service activity is to empower women in the Purwoyoso village. This empowerment is able to improve the economic condition of the family. through innovative activities, enabling them to learn various skills to help increase income for women in Purwoyoso sub-district, The method used in this community service activity is to provide direct training with tutorials in the field by teaching making dish soap and calculating HPP (Cost of Production). The results of the service are expected that mothers have skills in making dish soap and calculating HPP so that they can determine the price of goods when sold. With skills in making dish soap, mothers can produce which can later be used alone or sold so that additional income can be obtained.
Penyuluhan Marketing Public Relations Bagi Usaha Mikro-Kecil di Kelurahan Kramas Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang Nunik Kusnilawati; Nining Hidayah; Anandha Anandha; Dina Kharisma
BERNAS: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 4 No. 1 (2023)
Publisher : Universitas Majalengka

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (484.811 KB) | DOI: 10.31949/jb.v4i1.4159


Usaha mikro kecil di Indonesia telah memberikan kontribusi penting dalam penguatan struktur pereknmian negara. Posisi strategis tersebut mengharuskan adanya berbagai upaya pengembangan usaha mikro kecil oleh berbagai lembaga, termasuk lembaga perguruan tinggi. Di Kelurahan Kramas Kecamatan Tembalang Kota Semarang pelaku usaha mikro kecil memerlukan sentuhan pengembangan sumber daya manusianya, diantaranya kompetensi tentang cara membangun citra produk dan citra usaha. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan pengenalan dan peningkatan kompetensi pada bidang marketing public relations, melalui kegiatan penyuluhan, dengan peserta pelaku usaha mikro kecil dari kalangan ibu rumah tangga. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah mengenalkan marketing public relations dalam rangka meningkatkan kompetensi membangun citra produk dan citra usaha. Strategi yang dilakukan dengan cara sosialisasi dan edukasi. Melalui kegiatan peyuluhan tersebut, pelaku usaha mikro kecil rumah tangga akan dapat selalu berupaya memperbaiki citra produk dan citra usahanya sehingga semakin mendapatkan kepercayaan dari berbagai stake holders sehingga pada akhirnya akan berdampak pada kelangsungan usahanya. Target luaran kegiatan ini antara lain adalah publikasi pada media massa, sertifikasi HKI, dan bahan ajar. Kata kunci : marketing public relations, usaha mikro kecil, citra porduk-citra usaha Micro and small enterprises in Indonesia have made an important contribution in strengthening the country's economic structure. This strategic position requires various efforts to develop micro-small businesses by various institutions, including higher education institutions. In the Kramas Village, Tembalang District, Semarang City, micro and small business actors need a touch of human resource development, including competencies on how to build product and business images. Therefore it is necessary to introduce and improve competence in the field of marketing public relations, through counseling activities, with participants from small and micro enterprises from among housewives. The target of this activity is to introduce marketing public relations in order to improve competency in building product and business image. The strategy is carried out by means of socialization and education. Through these counseling activities, micro and small household entrepreneurs will always be able to improve their product image and business image so that they can gain more and more trust from various stake holders, which in turn will have an impact on the continuity of their business. The output targets of this activity include publication in the mass media, HKI certification, and teaching materials. Keywords: marketing public relations, micro small business, business product images
TEMATIK Vol 1, No 2: Desember 2019
Publisher : TEMATIK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/tmt.v1i2.1822


In Kampung Tambak Lorok there is a group of PKK women who are a group of housewives in the village area. Problems faced by PKK women in Kampung Tambak Lorok are: (1) Do not have a strong entrepreneurial spirit; (2) A joint business unit for PKK mothers has not yet been formed; (3) Knowledge about cooperatives is still lacking. The purpose of this community service is to improve the skills of the human resources of PKK women to become entrepreneurs and the procedures for establishing joint business groups (KUB) and to increase their entrepreneurial spirit. The community service is carried out using lecture, tutorial and discussion methods. Training and counseling on entrepreneurship, cooperatives, the formation of joint business groups can provide new understanding to PKK mothers that it turns out that entrepreneurship, cooperatives and joint ventures are indispensable in doing business.  In  this  service   also  practiced  making  fish  pempek.  The  results  show  that participants feel interested and interested in practicing making pempek and want to sell it.
TEMATIK Vol 4, No 1 (2022): Juni (2022)
Publisher : TEMATIK

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.26623/tmt.v4i1.5405


Kewirausahaan telah menjadi alternatif pemecahan masalah ketenagakerjaan dan peningkatan pertumbuhan ekonomi, sehingga berbagai upaya telah dilakukan untuk menciptakan wirausahawan baru, termasuk melalui pengembangan jiwa wirausaha di seluruh lapisan masyarakat. Saat ini sosialisasi kewirausahaan masih diperlukan, terutama yang menyasar kelompok masyarakat potensial berbasis rumah tangga yang tingkat kesadaran berwirausahanya masih relatif rendah. Kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat berupa sosialisasi kewirausahaan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Purwoyoso Kecamatan Ngaliyan Kota Semarang dengan peserta dari PKK/ibu rumah tangga. Sasaran kegiatan ini adalah untuk menanamkan jiwa wirausaha dan menambah pengetahuan tentang teknik memulai usaha rumahan, guna memanfaatkan waktu luang. Disarankan agar kegiatan pengabdian masyarakat dengan topik kewirausahaan dapat berkelanjutan agar usaha rumah tangga dapat terwujud sehingga dapat meningkatkan pendapatan/pendapatan keluarga.
Pengaruh Kompensasi Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Dengan Kepuasan Kerja Sebagai Variabel Intervening (Studi Pada Karyawan PT. Delapan Raja Abadi Semarang) Ari Widiarto; Nunik Kusnilawati; Indarto
Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ) Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Management Studies and Entrepreneurship Journal (MSEJ)
Publisher : Yayasan Pendidikan Riset dan Pengembangan Intelektual (YRPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37385/msej.v5i1.4527


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan dengan memfokuskan pada PT. Delapan Raja Abadi Semarang, sebuah perusahaan yang bergerak dalam bidang jasa pijat. Pemilihan obyek penelitian ini didasari oleh observasi bahwa kinerja karyawan di perusahaan tersebut tidak mencapai tingkat optimal dan gagal mencapai target yang telah ditetapkan. Rumusan masalah yang diajukan adalah bagaimana meningkatkan kinerja karyawan dengan memperhatikan kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel intervening di PT. Delapan Raja Abadi Semarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis pengaruh kompensasi dan lingkungan kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan, dengan mempertimbangkan kepuasan kerja sebagai variabel intervening di PT. Delapan Raja Abadi Semarang. Sampel penelitian terdiri dari 70 responden yang dipilih menggunakan metode sensus atau sampel jenuh, mencakup seluruh karyawan di PT. Delapan Raja Abadi Semarang. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompensasi dan lingkungan kerja memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kepuasan kerja. Selain itu, temuan lainnya adalah bahwa kompensasi, lingkungan kerja, dan kepuasan kerja secara bersama-sama memiliki pengaruh positif terhadap kinerja karyawan. Selain itu, uji efek mediasi menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan kerja berperan sebagai mediator antara kompensasi dan kinerja karyawan, serta antara lingkungan kerja dan kinerja karyawan.