Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Flores

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Journal : SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian

SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 6, No. 3 November 2006
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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ABSTRACT Strategy is an action that has characteristic incremental (always increasing) a continuous, and is done based on point of view about something that is hoped by customers in the future. Happening of new market innovation speed and changing of customer pattern needs core competencies. This research was done in NV. Nusatenggara Trading Co. Ltd. Ruteng Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur, with the aims: (1) to identify internal factors (Strength and weakness), and external factors (opportunity and treat) in NV. NTC Ruteng Flores, (2) to know the position of NV NTC Ruteng with CV. Agape as main competitor, and (3) to conclude marketing strategy in NV. NTC, as one of action that has characteristic of incremental and is continuous to fulfill the hope from the customers of ground coffee which is resulted. The research shows that: (1) internal strength of NV. NTC Ruteng is experienced manager, good public perception, about the product, special favour an aroma, good product quality, the location of the factory is strategic, and distribution channel is smooth. The Weakness are employees professionalism is low, product price is not competitive, product promotion is low, packing has double logogram, marketing net is limited, and domestic market segment has not been optimal. Where as external opportunity is preference an income of customer, government policy, technology changing, economic growth is good, the amount of inhabitant is increasing, and local social cultural. The treats are competition, trade obstacle, fuel and electric rising, production cost is increasing, coffee negative impact for health. (2) Position of NV. NTC Ruteng is stronger than CV. Agape Ruteng as main competitor; (3) Strategy alternative that has the highest relative power of attraction which is recommended is intensive strategy as first sequence, integration is second one and that last one is diversification. This research result is hoped by NV. NTC Company can apply intensive strategy as main choice, and for continuation researchers can make this thesis as standing on based for making research which is related whit Flores Coffee perception, coffee impacts for health. Key word: Strategy, Incremental, Continuation, and Customer Orientation. ABSTRAK Strategi merupakan tindakan yang bersifat incremental (senantiasa meningkat) dan terus menerus, serta dilakukan berdasarkan sudut pandang tentang apa yang diharapkan oleh para pelanggan di masa depan. Terjadinya kecepatan inovasi pasar yang baru dan perubahaan pola konsumen memerlukan kompetensi inti (core competencies). Penelitian ini dilakukan pada NV. Nusatenggara Trading Co.Ltd. Ruteng Flores Nusa Tenggara Timur, dengan tujuan : (1) mengidentifikasi faktor internal (kekuatan dan kelemahan), dan faktor eksternal (peluang dan ancaman) pada NV. NTC Ruteng Flores, (2) mengetahui posisi NV. NTC Ruteng dengan CV. Agape sebagai pesaing utamanya, serta (3) merumuskan strategi pemasaran pada NV. NTC, sebagai salah satu tindakan yang bersifat incremental dan kontinu untuk memenuhi harapan dari para pelanggan terhadap kopi bubuk yang dihasilkan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa (1) kekuatan internal NV. NTC adalah manajer berpengalaman, persepsi publik terhadap produk baik, citarasa dan aroma kas, kualitas produk baik, tata letak pabrik strategis, dan saluran distribusi lancar. Kelemahannya adalah profesionalisme karyawan masih rendah, harga produk tidak kompetitif, promosi produk kurang, kemasan berlogo ganda, jaringan pemasaran terbatas, dan pangsa pasar domestik belum optimal. Sedangkan peluang eksternalnya adalah preferensi dan pendapatan konsumen, kebijakan pemerintah, perubahan teknologi, pertumbuhan ekonomi baik, jumlah penduduk bertambah, dan budaya masyarakat setempat. Ancamannya adalah persaingan, hambatan perdagangan, kenaikan BBM dan tarif listrik, nilai tukar berubah-ubah, biaya produksi meningkat, da dampak negatif kopi terhadap kesehatan. (2) posisi NV. NTC Ruteng lebih kuat dibandingkan dengan CV. Agape Ruteng sebagai pesaing utamanya; (3) Alternatif strategi yang memiliki ketertarikan relatif tertinggi yang direkomendasikan adalah strategi intensif urutan pertama, integrasi kedua dan terakhir adalah diversifikasi.. Hasil penelitian ini diharapkan perusahaan NV. NTC Ruteng dapat menerapkan strategi intensif sebagai pilihan utamanya, dan bagi para peneliti lanjutan dapat menjadikan tesis ini sebagai landasan berpijak untuk melakukan penelitian yang berkaitan dengan persepsi Kopi Flores, dampak kopi terhadap kesehatan. Kata kunci: Strategi, Incremental, Kontinu, dan Orientasi Pelanggan
SOCA: Jurnal Sosial Ekonomi Pertanian Vol. 8, No. 2 Juli 2008
Publisher : Program Studi Agribisnis, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Udayana Jalan PB.Sudirman Denpasar, Bali, Indonesia. Telp: (0361) 223544 Email:

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Agricultural development in Nagekeo is an expectation of all the people. For this reason thegovernment must work together with the people to design an appropriate plan on agriculturaldevelopment based on principle: indignity, modernity, and sustainablelity for achievingwealthy people. Some ideas that may be considered like: (1) biophysics aspect (maintenancethe soil quality, to improve the land productivity and plant productivity); (2) Irrigationsystem; (3) Exploitation all the soil-water resource; (4) Management dry land with threestrata, agroforestry, and wetland (rice, Azolla, Tiktok, and Fish); (5) To increase networkingsystem; (6) To apply appropriate technology; (7) To develop infrastructure wisely; (8) Tomanage all the information’s based on the need; (9) To empower the economic of the farmersthrough cooperation unit.