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Pengaruh Laju Alir Umpan dan Arus Recycle Terhadap Proses Fermentasi Bioetanol Menggunakan Integrated Aerobic-Anaerobic Baffled Reactor (IAABR) Margono Margono; Muhammad Azis Rigit Manfaat; Afianto Suryo Hutomo; Aida Nur Ramadhani
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 3, No 1 (2019): Volume 3 No 1 July 2019
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v3i1.43209


Abstrak. Bahan bakar berbasis minyak bumi merupakan sumber energi utama yang digunakan di dunia. Namun, ada masalah di masa depan dengan cadangan minyak bumi yang menurun. Oleh karena itu beralih ke sumber energi alternatif adalah suatu keharusan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh laju alir umpan dan laju alir daur ulang terhadap proses fermentasi bioetanol menggunakan baffled reactor aerob-anaerobik terintegrasi, khususnya terhadap produksi bioetanol dan konsumsi gula. Proses start up dijalankan dengan volume kerja medium 25 L selama 54 jam inkubasi. Aliran daur ulang bervariasi menjadi 5 L/jam dan 10 L/jam ketika feed rate 12,6 L/jam. Dalam percobaan lain, laju aliran umpan dijalankan pada 5 dan 12,6 L/jam ketika laju aliran daur ulang adalah 10 L/jam. Sampel kaldu diambil secara berkala untuk pengukuran konsentrasi bioetanol, populasi ragi dan sisa gula konsumsi. Percobaan menghasilkan konsentrasi bioetanol tertinggi sebesar 14% v/v pada limbah reaktor. Ini lebih tinggi dari proses tanpa daur ulang media proses. Namun demikian, tidak ada perbedaan pengaruh laju alir daur ulang 5 L/jam dan 10 L/jam terhadap produksi bioetanol. Abstract. Petroleum based fuel is the main energy source used in the world. However, there is a future problem with the declined petroleum reserves. Therefore changing to alternative energy resource is a must. This reserach was to investigate the effects of feed flowrate and recycle flow rate on bioethanol fermentation process using integrated aerobic-anaerobic baffled reactor, especially on bioethanol production and sugar consumption. Start up process was run with working volume of 25 L medium for 54 hours incubation. The recycle flow varried into 5 L/h and 10 L/h when the feed rate was 12.6 L/h. In other experiments, the feed flow rate  was run at 5 and 12.6 L/h when the recycle flow rate was 10 L/h. The broth samples were taken out periodically for measurements of bioethanol concentration, yeast population and residual sugar of consumptions. The experiments results in the highest bioethanol concentration of 14% v/v at the effluent of reactor. It is higher from the process without recyle of process medium. Nevertherless, no difference effect of the recycle flow rate of 5 L/h and 10 L/h on the bioethanol production. Keywords: Bioethanol, Baffled Reactor, Feed, Recycle
Evaluasi Kinerja IPAL Individual SANFAB ST 600 dengan Penambahan Anaerobic Granule Bacteria terhadap Outlet IPAL Domestik di Dusun Karangmojo, Boyolali Joko Waluyo; Paryanto Paryanto; Margono Margono; Sofiana Mukti Wigati; Shafira Rachmadhani; Ibnu Singgih Pranoto; Yulinar Pramesti Cahyani
Equilibrium Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Volume 6, No 1 July 2022
Publisher : Program studi Teknik Kimia UNS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/equilibrium.v6i1.61498


ABSTRAK. Kabupaten Boyolali memiliki jumlah penduduk tertinggi kedua di eks-Karesidenan Surakarta sehingga limbah cair domestik yang dihasilkan juga tinggi. Hal ini mendorong upaya pengelolaan limbah domestik menggunakan SANFAB ST 600. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas kinerja IPAL Individual SANFAB ST 600 setelah diberi perlakuan dengan Anaerobic Granule Bacteria. SANFAB ST 600 memiliki volume 600 L dan berkapasitas 1-4 orang. Air limbah rumah tangga yang dialirkan ke inlet ST akan menuju ke settler, selanjutnya mengalir secara upstream dalam unit Anaerobic Filter dan terjadi penguraian zat pencemar oleh bakteri anaerobik. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan pada dua rumah di Dusun Karangmojo, Kabupaten Boyolali. Sampel diuji di BLKK Yogyakarta untuk parameter TSS, COD, BOD, konsentrasi Amonia, pH, dan ORP. Pada minggu ketiga di Rumah Bapak Wahyudi, karakteristik outlet ST memiliki nilai TSS 25,5 mg/L, Amonia 0,255 mg/L, BOD 25,01 mg/L, dan COD 47,92 mg/L sehingga sudah sesuai baku mutu. Dari hasil uji dilakukan perhitungan efektivitas pengolahan TSS, BOD, dan COD dengan cara menghitung selisih konstanta inlet dan outlet dibagi dengan konstanta inlet serta perhitungan rasio BOD/COD dengan membagi kadar COD dan BOD setiap sampel. Dari sumber limbah WC dan kamar mandi (Rumah Bapak Wahyudi) bakteri bekerja lebih efektif dibanding sumber limbah WC (Rumah Bapak Somowirejo) dengan efisiensi lebih dari 80% pada minggu ketiga penambahan bakteri.  Kata kunci: Anaerobic Granule Bacteria, Efisiensi, Limbah Domestik, IPAL ST 600 ABSTRACT. Boyolali Regency has the second highest population in the residence of Surakarta so the domestic wastewater generation is also high. This led to the management of domestic wastewater using Individual WWTP SANFAB ST 600. This study aims to determine the effectiveness of Individual WWTP SANFAB ST 600 after being treated with Anaerobic Granule Bacteria. The SANFAB ST 600 has a volume of 600 L and a capacity of 1-4 people. Domestic wastewater that flows into the ST inlet will go to the settler, then flows upstream into the Anaerobic Filter unit and decomposed by anaerobic bacteria. Sampling was carried out at two houses in Karangmojo, Boyolali Regency. Samples were tested at BLKK Yogyakarta for parameters of TSS, COD, BOD, Ammonia concentration, pH, and ORP. In the third week at Wahyudi's house, the characteristics of the ST outlet had a value of TSS 25.5 mg/L, Ammonia 0.255 mg/L, BOD 25.01 mg/L, and COD 47.92 mg/L so it already suitable with the standard. From the test results, the effectiveness of TSS, BOD, and COD reduction is calculated by the difference between the inlet and outlet constants divided by the inlet constant and also calculating the BOD/COD ratio by dividing the COD and BOD levels of each sample. From the source of WC and bathroom waste (Mr. Wahyudi's House) the bacteria worked more effectively than the WC source (Mr. Somowirejo's House) with an efficiency of more than 80% in the third week after bacteria addition.Keywords: Anaerobic Granule Bacteria, Efficiency, Domestic Wastewater, IPAL ST 600