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Analisis Tiga Dimensi Pondasi Tiang-Rakit pada Tanah Lempung, Menteng-Jakarta Jogiadinata, Evelyn; Rahardjo, Paulus Pramono; Lim, Aswin
Publisher : Department of Civil Engineering, Diponegoro University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1382.919 KB) | DOI: 10.14710/mkts.v27i1.27923


Pondasi tiang-rakit merupakan kombinasi antara pondasi tiang dan pondasi rakit. Daya dukung pondasi tiang-rakit diperoleh dari konstribusi pemikulan beban oleh pondasi tiang maupun pondasi rakit. Namun dalam  desain pondasi tiang pada umumnya selalu diasumsikan bahwa seluruh beban dipikul oleh pondasi tiang saja dan mengabaikan daya dukung pondasi rakit. Untuk menganalisis persentase beban yang dapat dipikul oleh pondasi rakit dilakukan pemodelan dengan menggunakan elemen hingga tiga dimensi pada studi kasus yang berlokasi di Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia. Pada proyek ini terdapat data instrumentasi berupa dua titik pressure cell yang dapat digunakan untuk memverifikasi model dan distribusi beban yang terjadi. Hasil analisis menunjukan hasil yang konsisten dengan hasil yang terukur, dimana persen beban yang dipikul pondasi rakit sekitar 33-42%.
TERAS JURNAL Vol 11, No 2 (2021): Volume 11 Nomor 2, September 2021

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29103/tj.v11i2.513


Abstrak Perbaikan tanah lunak dengan pra-beban (preloading) dimaksudkan untuk mereduksi penurunan pada masa operasional dan meningkatkan kekuatan tanah. Preloading dalam perbaikan tanah lunak biasanya dikombinasikan dengan Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) guna mempercepat proses disipasi air pori. Metode preloading dapat dilakukan dengan cara konvensional menggunakan timbunan ataupun dengan tekanan vakum. Untuk mengetahui perilaku preloading dengan tekanan vakum ini digunakan metode elemen hingga 2D menggunakan program bantu ABAQUS (berasal dari nama alat hitung Abacus). Hasil analisis menunjukan pada hari ke 217 perbaikan preloading vakum menghasilkan penurunan sebesar 1,23 m dan preloading timbunan menghasilkan penurunan sebesar 1,18 m, namun pola penurunan yang terjadi dengan preloading vakum terlihat lebih besar pada 35 hari pertama perbaikan. Pada perubahan tekanan air pori preloading vakum menunjukan reduksi tekanan air pori, sedangkan dengan preloading timbunan tekanan air pori meningkat pada masa konstruksi dan tereduksi pada masa perbaikan. Lebih lanjut pada perilaku deformasi lateral di kaki timbunan, metode preloading vakum menunjukan pergerakan lateral ke arah dalam area perbaikan sedangkan dengan preloading konvensional pergerakan lateral tanah terjadi ke arah luar area perbaikan. Kata kunci: ABAQUS, Elemen Hingga 2D, Perbaikan Tanah, Vakum Preloading Abstract Improvement of soft soil by preloading is intended to lower the settlement of operation time and increasing soil strength. Preloading in the improvement of soft soil usually combined with Prefabricated Vertical Drain (PVD) to accelerate the pore water dissipation process. The preloading method can be done in a conventional way using the embankment or vacuum pressure. To find out the behaviour of preloading with this vacuum pressure, we used the finite element method 2D by using the ABAQUS support program. The result of the analysis shows on the 217th day, vacuum preloading improvement produces a settlement by 1.23 m and the embankment preloading produce 1.18 m, but the settlement pattern that occurs with preloading vacuum was seen to be greater in the first 35 days of improvement. In terms of changes in pore water pressure on vacuum preloading shows that the pattern of pore water pressure is reduced, while with pore eater pressure on preloading heap increased during construction and reduced during improvement. Further on the lateral movement behaviour in the toe of the embankment, the vacuum preloading method shows the lateral movement towards the improvement area while embankment preloading shows the lateral movement occurs towards the outside of the improvement area. Keywords: ABAQUS, Finite Element 2D, Soil Improvement, Vacuum Preloading
Research Report - Engineering Science Vol. 2 (2014)
Publisher : Universitas Katolik Parahyangan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5636.622 KB)


Liquifaksi merupakan suatu kondisi pada massa tanah yang mengalami deformasi secara menerus pada tegangan residual yang rendah, disebabkan oleh terjadinya tekanan air pori yang meningkat yang menyebabkan berkurangnya tegangan effektif dan pada kondisi tertentu mencapai nol.Daerah yang diprediksi rentan terhadap liquifaksi tidak berarti akan terjadi liquifaksi jika terjadi gempa, ada beberapa kriteria yang dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam memperkirakan kemungkinan terjadinyaliquifaksi diantaranya berdasarkan kriteria geologi , historis, gradasi tanah dan kondisi awal tanah pada saat gempa. Dari beberapa kriteria hasil penelitian saling melengkapi dan memberikan suatu hal baru dari hasil penelitian yang telah dibuat oleh beberapa peneliti lain.Berdasarkan laporan USGS ( United States Geological Survey ), kejadian Gempa Padang pada tanggal 30September 2009 jam 17:16:09 tersebut bersumber di 0.788oLS, 99.961o BT dengan kedalaman focus 80 km danhanya berjarak 45 km dari kota Padang dengan kekuatan 7.9 SR memberikan dampak kerusakan yang besar danberpotensi liquifaksi, sehingga penelitian yang akan dilakukan menggunakan sedimen pasiran tanah dari Padang.Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui potensi liquifaksi dengan konsep Critical State dan uji Piezocone sedimen pasiran Kota Padang . Penelitian di lakukan di laboratorium menggunakan Triaxial CU dan di lapangan dilakukan Uji Piezocone serta pemodelan beberapa kepadatan dengan uji Piezocone.Critical State merupakan Konsep Perubahan volume diperoleh dari kombinasi kepadatan dan tegangan effektif yang terjadi pada material tersebut. Hasil dari uji piezocone merupakan nilai tahanan konus dan besar tegangan air pori, dengan grafik State Parameter dan metode Shibata & Terrapaksa dievaluasi potensi liquifaksi.Hasil evaluasi pasir Padang berpotensi Liquifaksi, dalam hal ini dapat memberi informasi kepada Pemerintah Daerah setempat untuk mengetahui kondisi lapisan tanah dan sebagai kriteria untuk perencanaan disain pondasi .Kata kunci : liquifaksi , tegangan air pori,critical state  
Analisis Galian Dalam dengan Metode Konstruksi Top Down Menggunakan Analisis Elemen Hingga 2-Dimensi dan 3-Dimensi Vinna Fransiska Chou; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo; Aswin Lim
Jurnal Teknik Sipil Vol 29 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Teknik Sipil
Publisher : Institut Teknologi Bandung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.5614/jts.2022.29.1.4


Abstrak Kasus galian dalam perlu mendapat perhatian khusus terkait defleksi dinding dan deformasi tanah yang dipicu akibat galian dalam itu sendiri. Defleksi dinding maupun deformasi tanah yang berlebihan dapat menyebabkan kerusakan pada struktur sekitarnya. Untuk memverifikasi performa maupun keamanan pekerjaan galian dalam dapat dilakukan analisis balik. Penelitian ini berfokus pada analisis balik terhadap pekerjaan galian dalam pada salah satu bangunan perkantoran tersohor di Indonesia. Galian ini menggunakan metode konstruki top-down dengan dinding diafragma berdiameter 0,8m sebagai sistem penahan. Melalui penelitian ini, diketahui bagaimana jika parameter hasil analisis balik dengan metode elemen hingga 2-Dimensi digunakan dalam analisis 3-Dimensi. Analisis menggunakan model material Hardening Soil dan analisis balik mengacu kepada hasil pengukuran inklinometer. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diperoleh bahwa analisis 3-Dimensi memberikan hasil defleksi dinding dan deformasi tanah yang underestimated dibandingkan dengan analisis 2-Dimensi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh efek 3-Dimensi yang berperan signifikan. Jika dilakukan iterasi parameter agar diperoleh hasil defleksi dinding yang sesuai antara analisis 3-Dimensi dengan hasil pengukuran lapangan, nilai modulus tanah perlu direduksi hingga 80% pada kasus ini. Artinya, nilai modulus tanah menjadi parameter yang berperan penting dalam memprediksi besarnya defleksi dinding akibat galian. Selain itu, besarnya defleksi dinding dan deformasi tanah juga dipengaruhi oleh faktor kedalaman galian. Kata-kata Kunci: Analisis balik, defleksi dinding, deformasi tanah, galian dalam, metode elemen hingga, metode konstruksi top-down Abstract Deep excavation needs special attention regarding wall deflection and soil deformation induced by the excavation work itself because excessive one can cause damage to the vicinity structure. Back analysis can be carried out to verify the performance and the safety of excavation. This research focuses on the back analysis of deep excavation in a famous office building construction in Indonesia. The excavation was executed using top-down construction method with diameter 0.8m of diaphragm wall as a retaining system. Through this research, it can be known how the parameter of back analysis using 2-Dimensional finite element method is modeled in 3-Dimensional analysis. Soils were modeled as a Hardening Soil model and back analysis was referred to inclinometer measurements. Based on the analysis results, it was found that 3-Dimensional analysis gave underestimated wall deflection compared to 2-Dimensional analysis. It is due to the 3D effect that performed significantly. If the soil parameter was iterated to obtain relevant wall deflection between 3-Dimensional analysis and field measurement, soil modulus needs to be reduced by 80% in this case. It means that soil modulus becomes an essential parameter in predicting wall deflection induced by excavation. Besides, excavation depth also affected wall deflection and soil deformation. Keywords: Back analysis, deep excavation, finite element method, soil deformation, top-down construction method, wall deflection
Influence of Pre-Stressing on Tieback Retaining Wall for Sandy Soils Excavations Anthonius Steven Sutanto; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo; Aswin Lim
Journal of the Civil Engineering Forum Vol. 7 No. 3 (September 2021)
Publisher : Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, UGM

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22146/jcef.61564


Pre-stressed ground anchor systems or tieback systems are commonly used at wide and irregular-shaped excavations, with the advantage of lower cost and ease of construction compared to the braced excavations, but they come with the drawback on permits for excavations near buildings and tunnels. Research on tieback systems in sands was generally conducted. However, the studies on the correlation between the retaining wall deflection and pre-stress force are few. The objectives of this paper are to study the influence of pre-stress force, depth of excavation, wall embedment length, and soil shear strength that is represented by soil friction angle on the deflection and soil pressure acting on the retaining wall. The parametric study was conducted on an excavation in sand using the finite element method with the Hardening soil model. The results showed that a 50 kN/m increase in pre-stress force reduced the wall deflection on top of the wall by 0.005–0.083% of excavation depth. However, the pre-stressing influence in reducing wall deflection at excavations became less significant along with the sand density increase due to higher friction angle contribution to excavation stability. Moreover, the pre-stress force needed for stabilization of the wall with long embedment length is smaller than those on the wall with shorter embedment length, since the embedment length increase of 0.25 times of excavation depth reduces wall top deflection by 0.002–0.095% of excavation depth. Also, the increase of soil density reduces the need for wall embedment length, so at dense sand, the embedment length of 0.5 times of excavation depth is sufficient to support the excavation.
Development Study of T-Z Curve Generated from Kentledge System and Bidirectional Test Nisa Utami Rachmayanti; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo
U Karst Vol 5, No 1 (2021): APRIL
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3869.756 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v5i1.1090


Pile loading tests to check the bearing capacity to support large loads. We can also use it to measure its deflection under lateral load.  There  are  two  tests:  the  axial  static  pile  load  test (Kentledge)  and  the  two-directional  static  pile  load  test (Bidirectional).  T-Z  curve  as  the  result  analysis  based  on  the instrumented  pile  test  data  describes  the  load  distribution  and mobilized skin friction along with the pile. Numbers of Vibrating Wire  Strain  Gauge  (VWSG)  mounted  in  several  depths  of  the bored  pile  and  two  tell-tale  on  top  and  toe  of  the  pile  used  as primary  data  in  this  research.  This  research  to  determine  the different  distribution  of  mobilized  skin  friction.  The  pile  from two different pile load test methods from the calculated t-z curve as  the  study  developed  from  both  methods  of  pile  test.  The research results that the kentledge system has bigger mobilized skin friction than in bidirectional test.
Performance Analysis Of “Toga” Foundation With Cap On Thick Soft Soil Based On Laboratory Models And Finite Element Analysis Melissa Kurnia; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo
U Karst Vol 4, No 2 (2020): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i2.1072


Various alternative foundations are offered depending on soil conditions from the results of soil investigations. In difficult soil types such as thick, soft soil layers, pile foundation is generally used to avoid the excess settlements, but deep foundations for small buildings are not the right solution when viewed from a cost perspective. One of the more economical foundations is to use the” toga” foundation, with a plate on top and a caisson underneath where the caisson can be inserted into the soil with an open end. Through this study, the carrying capacity of the” toga” foundation will be analyzed. Then the foundation will be made on a laboratory scale and tested with axial load. The load and deformation relationship were analyzed using PLAXIS 3D analysis. It can be concluded the performance of the ”toga” foundation on thick, soft soil can be used for two-floored buildings
Load Transfer On Bored Pile Foundation Instrumented With Fiber Optic And Concrete Quality Analysis Kevin Martandi Setianto; Cecilia Lauw Giok Swan; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo
U Karst Vol 5, No 2 (2021): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (3933.927 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v5i2.1584


The problem in the construction method of the bored pile is the contamination of mud or the other contaminant that can cause the modulus of elasticity of concrete to decrease. This research determines the modulus of concrete on a bored pile foundation instrumented with fiber-optic (FO) with a manual calculation based on strain data during loading test, validated with the results of research in the laboratory and numerical analysis. Fiber optic was used to measure the strain along with the pile during the loading test. The bored pile foundation is divided into 12 segments with the same strain characteristics, and then the modulus value is calculated. The result is the modulus value of each segment is different, and the value of the modulus changes along with the increase in strain; the modulus will decrease as the strain increases. This differs from the theory that the modulus has a fixed value approximated by empirical equations. Made a cylindrical concrete sample on both sides, which installed a FO to record the strain during the loading test. The result is true that the modulus is not constant but decreases as the strain increases. It is shown in the result of analysis to fiber-optic measurement data. Created a model in Plaxis2D for validation, and the results are not much different from the manual calculation.
Investigation of Twin Tunnel Deformation with Umbrella Grouting Protection & NATM Tunneling using 3D Finite Element: Case Study Cisumdawu Tunnel Wellyanto Wijaya; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo; Aswin Lim
U Karst Vol 5, No 2 (2021): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (5437.709 KB) | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v5i2.1977


Cisumdawu Tunnel is a twin tunnel 472 m long located in Sumedang. Twin tunnel construction can cause additional ground settlement and tunnel deformation. The tunnel construction method used is the New Austrian Tunneling Method (NATM) and umbrella grouting protection system. The principle of NATM is to maximize surrounding soil capacity to support its weight and balance the stresses around the tunnel. Investigation of tunnel deformation is important to know tunnel structure behavior and avoid possible failure. This research aims to know tunnel deformation and the effect of twin tunnel construction on the deformation and ground settlement. The data used such as tunnel geometry, monitoring data, pressuremeter test, and the drilling test. The 3D analysis will be performed for a single tunnel and twin tunnel using Midas GTS-NX, and monitoring data will be used for verification analysis. The 3D FEM help to model the soil condition and construction stage according to the actual condition. The analysis results show the maximum tunnel deformation that occurs from the beginning of the tunnel construction is 12.64cm. If the deformation starts to be calculated following the monitoring reading time, after the excavation at the monitoring point, the maximum deformation of the analysis results is 3.3&4.4cm, where the monitoring shows maximum deformation of 3.3&4.3cm. Through the results, it can be said that the analysis using 3D FEM with pressuremeter test parameter represents actual conditions. Twin tunnel construction side-by-side increases ground settlement and lateral tunnel deformation significantly. Hence, it shows that tunnel analysis using 3D FEM recommends for future investigation of tunnel deformation.
Performance Analysis Of “Toga” Foundation With Cap On Thick Soft Soil Based On Laboratory Models And Finite Element Analysis Melissa Kurnia; Paulus Pramono Rahardjo
U Karst Vol. 4 No. 2 (2020): NOVEMBER
Publisher : Kadiri University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30737/ukarst.v4i2.1072


Various alternative foundations are offered depending on soil conditions from the results of soil investigations. In difficult soil types such as thick, soft soil layers, pile foundation is generally used to avoid the excess settlements, but deep foundations for small buildings are not the right solution when viewed from a cost perspective. One of the more economical foundations is to use the” toga” foundation, with a plate on top and a caisson underneath where the caisson can be inserted into the soil with an open end. Through this study, the carrying capacity of the” toga” foundation will be analyzed. Then the foundation will be made on a laboratory scale and tested with axial load. The load and deformation relationship were analyzed using PLAXIS 3D analysis. It can be concluded the performance of the ”toga” foundation on thick, soft soil can be used for two-floored buildings