Idi Warsah
(Scopus ID: 57216367299) Institut Agama Islam Negeri (IAIN) Curup

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Implementasi Metode Pembiasaan : Upaya Penanaman Nilai-Nilai Islami Siswa SDN 08 Rejang Lebong Vebri Angdreani; Idi Warsah; Asri Karolina
At-Ta'lim : Media Informasi Pendidikan Islam Vol 19, No 1 (2020): JUNI
Publisher : Institut Agama Islam Negeri Bengkulu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29300/attalim.v19i1.3207


Abstract: The Implementation of habituation method: The effort to instill Islamic values into the students of SDN 8 Rejang Lebong Every child’s positive behavior is not necessarily attributed to their inborn character, but it is passed down through a process of habituation. Habituation as a learning method is assumed to be a proper way to embed Islamic values into students so that it develops into a culture at school. Anchored in this assumption, this study sought to find out a depiction of the habituation method implementation in an effort to instill Islamic values of SDN 08 Rejang Lebong students. The method used to obtain this depiction was a qualitative method by conducting interviews and observations to the study objects until the accurate data were gained and then analyzed using Miles and Huberman’s stages of data analysis. This study revealed that the habituation learning method was seen to be effective in instilling Islamic values in SDN 08 Rejang Lebong, and to date those values can be well-maintained.Abstrak: Implementasi Metode Pembiasaan: Upaya penanaman nilai-nilai Islami siswa SDN 08 Rejang Lebong Perilaku positif setiap anak tidak serta merta melekat apa diri mereka, melainkan melalui proses pembiasaan. Pembiasaan sebagai metode pembelajaran diasumsikan sebagai cara yang tepat untuk menanamkan nilai-nilai keislaman siswa sehingga hal tersebut berkembang menjadi budaya di sekolah. Berangkat dari asumsi tersebut penelitian ini ingin menemukan gambaran pelaksanaan metode pembiasaan dalam rangka menanamkan nilai-nilai islami siswa SDN 08 Rejang Lebong. Metode yang digunakan untuk memperoleh gambaran tersebut adalah metode kualitatis, dengan cara melakukan wawancara dan observasi ke obyek penelitian sampai memperoleh data yang akurat selanjutnya dianalisis menggunakan tahapan versi (mels dan habermen) sehingga diperoleh simpulan bahwa metode pembelajaran pembiasaan dipandang efektif dalam penanamkan nilai-nilai islami di SDN 08 Rejang Lebong dan hingga saat ini nilai-nilai tersebut masih dapat terjaga dengan baik.
Edukasi Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 10, No 01 (2021): Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/ei.v10i01.1210


The Covid-19 phenomenon naturally has an impact on the transformation of learning system from offline to online modes. Thus, this study sought to reveal the efforts made by teachers in Bengkulu province to motivate students during online learning and their efforts to implement effective online learning. 18 teachers who were selected purposively took part as the participants, and they were interviewed to provide information regarding the two objectives of this study. Based on the descriptive qualitative method, the data were analyzed using an interactive analysis model. The findings indicated that in motivating students, the teachers maintained ideal communication, tried to drive students’ emtions to stay involved in learning, made students aware of the essence of the importance of knowledge, simplified learning processes but constructed learning in order to be interesting, provided verbal reinforcement and increased the opportunities of student-teacher interactions, and communicated with parents to help guide their children to study at home. Furthermore, in an effort to implement effective online learning, teachers built disciplined and systematic learning, orientated towards contextual learning contents, and established active interactions with parents and students.
Edukasi Islami : Jurnal Pendidikan Islam Vol 10, No 01 (2021): Edukasi Islami: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/ei.v10i01.1211


The transformation of learning from offline to online modes due to the Covid-19 pandemic has affected students’ self-endurance in learning and the complexities of learning problems. Accordingly, this study was oriented towards investigating IAIN Curup students’ self-endurance and the problems they faced during online learning. Grounded in a qualitative method, this study incorporated 20 IAIN Curup students selected purposively as the participants. They were interviewed on the basis of the study’s foci. The data of interviews were analyzed using an interactive model. The findings demonstrated weak students’ self-endurance in online learning. Psychologically, they felt under pressure. Physically, their eyes’ condition got worse, and a few of them suffered from headache. They were psychologically bored as well less-concentrated, and they could not enjoy learning due to the limitation of social engagement in learning. Subsequently, as regards the problems faced during online learning, they had problems related to Internet’s signals, budgeting for fulfilling Internet’s needs, and difficulty in the search of learning resources, wherein the foregoing was categorized as a case of weak technological competence.
MANAJEMEN PENINGKATAN MUTU PENDIDIKAN DI MADRASAH ALIYAH NEGERI O2 LEBONG, BENGKULU Erdiyanto Erdiyanto; Lukman Asha; Idi Warsah; Hamengkubuwono Hamengkubuwono
Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Vol 3, No 02 (2020): Islamic Management: Jurnal Manajemen Pendidikan Islam
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Al Hidayah Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30868/im.v3i2.840


This study aimed to find a depiction of the steps taken by State Madrasah Aliyah 02 of Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, in improving the quality of education. This study used a qualitative approach because it was in accordance with the objectives having been formulated. The informants of this study were the principal, teachers, and school supervisors. Data were collected through three approaches, namely observation, interview and documentation. After the data were collected, then an analysis was carried out to obtain the following conclusion: improving the quality of education in MAN 02 Lebong Regency, Bengkulu, departed from the formulation of the Madrasah vision as the initial foundation of clear and measurable vision and missions with efforts to improve the quality of education well and achieve the objectives of madrasah education in the form of implementation in accordance with the characteristics, potential, and needs of students with superior quality education services through networking and school sisters with good quality schools.Keywords: Quality Of Education, Manadrasah management